Maya Animation :: Animating Joint Rigged Eyelids?

Oct 2, 2012

it seems that i've got myself stuck on the eyelids. I've made a Stickman for animation training because animating interests me. After rigging the whole body and creating the face controls i bumped into a problem i just can't solve. That problem is the eyelids. I've been trying to animate the eyelids to close and to open.

Big problem = Eyes,

they are to big and stick out a lot which prevents the eyelids to close correctly. I've been wondering how they do this in movies and games where they have big eyes but the eyelids close perfectly

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Maya Animation :: End Joint Not Matching To Parent Joint (orientation)

Jun 19, 2013

In maya 2012 n 13...the end joint not matching to parent joint...

after creating leg joints are spine joints...we set the orientation of joints..but last joint wil put NONE in option box right....after applying this the end joint orientation still in world axis instead of parent joint..

is this bug are is there any other option(other then jointOrientaion in the joint attributes)..

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Maya Animation :: How To Edit Someone Else Pre-rigged Model

Jul 21, 2011

I'm supposed to model from scratch or find a pre-rigged model for some animation. I found a free rigged dog model for Maya [URL] .... that will fit my story perfectly, but I want to be able to change some of the geometry of the model, like modifying the ears and tail. But I can't seem to figure out how to do that! I'm able to select parts of the dog and move it around, but I don't know how to actually change the model itself. And if I do so, will it mess up the rigging? How do I go about editing this model?

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Maya Animation :: NCloth On Rigged Model?

Dec 5, 2010

I am currently making a dragon and want to drive the animation of the wing membrane with nCloth dynamics.I have seen examples of this being done, I just can't figure it out.

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Maya Animation :: Transfer Rigged Joints To Another Model?

Oct 19, 2010

is it possible to transfer rigged joints to another model without causing problems

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Maya Animation :: Replacing Eyes On Rigged Model?

Jan 21, 2013

So I hired a character rigger to rig a model for me, but now I need to update the model. Since it's a more stylized character, I thought that I could get away with a single polysphere for each eye. Now however, I've decided that in order to improve the look of the eyes I'll need to compose it of separate pieces (cornea, iris, pupil).

Here's what I had planned on doing:

1. Change the material attributes on the polysphere to be shiny/more transparent and use it as the cornea

2. Then constrain/parent the iris and pupil to the polyspheres so that they follow properly as the eye moves

I thought that this would be a good way of updating the eye without really messing with the rig, but I haven't been able to get it to work.

My questions are:

1. What's the best way to add the new pieces to the rig so that the eyes continue to function properly and how do I do it?

2. There's another method that I found online for procedurally texturing eyes that works quite well, but it requires the use of nurbsspheres. If I follow this method instead, what's the best way (if different from question #1) to either constrain the nurbsspheres to the polyspheres, or to completely replace them in the rig?

I've sent an e-mail to my rigger requesting these changes, but I was just curious for everybody's input for personal learning purposes.

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Maya Animation :: Fast Way To Duplicate Rigged Characters In One Scene

Jun 30, 2011

In my scene i have a fully rigged character, with a walk cycle animation on him. what i would like to have is a row of characters walking around. (kind of like how you see military soldiers walk around while in group). The part that is giving me the most trouble with this is getting multiple copies of the same character into my scene.

What i have tried and failed with:
Grouping my full rig and then duplicating.
making instances of my character and messing around with particles.
i have made multiple attempts at trying to use duplicate special.

the only thing that seems to kind of work is making a scene with just one character and importing it into my main scene and changing a bunch of stuff around. with the amount of copies i need this workflow just feels really degrading and tiresome.

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Maya Animation :: Bind A Facial Control Panel To Rigged Character?

Apr 3, 2013

I am working on (yet another) minecraft character rig xD

So i have set up a facial control panel, using blend shapes and driven keys, but i need it to follow my character. If i parent it to the head, i doesn't follow when i grab the skeleton and move the character around, and if i bind it to the neck joint, i am not able to use the control panel, because the movement of the controls are locked, since they're binded to a joint.


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Maya Animation :: How To Proxy A Joint

Sep 12, 2011

How to proxy a joint?

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Maya Animation :: Converging Two Joint Chains

Sep 12, 2013

What I have is a Rig that has two Handles that control a joint chain each and I was wondering if there was any way to Converge both changes into the Joint in the center, because what i am trying to create is a dynamic bead loop. With it as it is the bones facing down are fine, but the ones facing upward falls to the "Floor". 

Is there anyway that I can accomplish this or an easier to do this?

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Maya Animation :: How To Select Joint Hierarchy With The Script

Nov 23, 2010

how to select joint hierarchy with the script

Ex : if we have 10 joints in the scene i want to select the whole hierarchy with script Or if i select 1st joint, then i want select remaining child joints with the script(listRelatives Or listConnecttion).

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Maya Animation :: How To Adjust Rotation Axis Of A Joint

Oct 18, 2010

how do you adjust the rotation axis of a joint. Attached is what am talking about.

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Maya Animation :: Joint Orientations Changed After Saving And Reopen

Jan 25, 2012

I am using maya 2012 32bit on windows.

I've painstakingly oriented all the joints in my human ik skeleton and then saved the file out as a backup. When I reload the file and go to component mode to view the joint orientations they are all messed up again. I've gone through this process twice with the same results.

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Maya Animation :: Animating Cut Into A Surface

Nov 13, 2011

I need to animate removing material from the outside of a wooden bowl. Here is a video of what I'm trying to do: [URL]......

I've been using a Boolean difference, but I keep getting weird errors, such as random polygons being deleted and the entire bowl disappearing.

The original bowl was modeled in SolidWorks and I've tried importing it directly into Maya using a plug-in and also saving it as an .fbx in modo then importing that. Neither way of getting the file into Maya has worked.

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Maya Animation :: Edit Joint Weights Without Having To Deal With Amount Of Polygons?

Jul 26, 2013

So I am trying to set up a mouth rig using joints. How would i go about smoothing my mesh, and still be able to go back and edit the joint weights without having to deal with a ridiculous amount of polygons?

This video kind of shows what i am looking for, the guy is editing a minecraft character rig he has. At around 4:30, you can see him editing the skin weights on a low-poly mesh, even though he tested adjusting the shape of the mouth when the geometry was in a smooth state, the video is timelapse so its very hard to tell what he did to achieve this. Note that he is also not redering in mental ray, so he is not just using smooth mesh preview.

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Maya Animation :: 2013 - Joint Tool Bone Radius Won't Change?

Aug 13, 2012

I am trying to rig a character, and when I place the bones with the joint toot they are very small. So I went into the tool settings and upsized the radius for all of the types of bones. But then when I go to make the bone again it is still the same small size.

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Maya Animation :: Animating Props / Constraints

Nov 7, 2013

I am animating a character for a game. The biped has a sword in his left hand. I constrained a locator to the wrist control, then constrained the sword to the locator, and on the sword's control added an attribute called "Connect". Obviously, 0 kills the weight of the connection, 1 keeps it as is. So, when the character needs to let go of the sword I set the Connect attribute to 0. Works perfect.

except, that when I set the Connect attribute to 0 (subsequently killing the constraint weight) the sword controller snaps back to bind pose. I'd love to maintain the offset, so if I kill the locator weight the sword will no longer follow the wrist control but at least stay where it is instead of snapping back to T-Pose/Bind.

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Maya Animation :: Joint Tool / Making Chain - Not Connecting And Goes In Random Direction

Aug 24, 2012

I have a problem with making joints in Maya 2013. When I use joint tools and try to make a chain, it won't connect and goes in random direction. I've attached the screenshot. I've just started using Maya.

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Maya Animation :: Animating Extrusion With Fillet Caps

Sep 22, 2010

I need to animate an extrusion with fillet caps. I have added key frames to one of two sub curves for animating the grown factor, but i don't know how adding the fillet caps. I have tried with a planar and a fillet, but during the animation the fillet disappear.

here an example done with cinema 4d



how can i make it in maya?

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Maya Animation :: Why Joint Orientation / Rotational Axis After Rotating Bone / Freezing Transformation

Nov 21, 2013

I want to know after rigging why should i orient joint in the attribute editor using the channel "joint orientation". Because i can easily fix the rotational axis after rotating the bone and freezing transformation.

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Maya Animation :: Animating Rotation Of IBL Dome Doesn't Render

Apr 22, 2011

When I set up the Image based lighting in Mental Ray, and key the dome that is created to rotate in a animation, it is clearly rotating in the viewport, and when I render individual frames, it works, but when I batch render (confirming that the render range is set correctly) it renders each frame with the dome in the same position.

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Maya Animation :: Skin Conversion To Muscle System Without Converting Every Single Joint To Polygon Bone Object

Nov 10, 2011

Any way to do the skin conversion to muscle system WITHOUT converting every single joint to a polygon bone object. I'd prefer to manually create the muscle bone objects from only the joints I plan to use for the muscle system, and then do the skin conversion using only those joints already converted. Basically, I only need a few muscles in this system and therefore only need a few polygon bone objects, but as far I can tell, there is only one way to do the skin conversion and it automatically converts every joint that the skin is attached to.

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Maya Animation :: Control Curves Rotation Axis Coinciding With Joint Rotation?

Jul 15, 2011

When setting up a simple FK control curve on say the wrist for example, many times the control curve isn't exactly perpendicular to the local rotation axis of the joint movement, so when we position the control curve to be perpendicular to the joint - it has a rotational value added, but the rotational handles are lines up with the rotational handles of the joint that we want to move.

Freeze Transformations: then the control curves rotational handle go back to being skewed (out of alignment with the joints)

We want to Freeze transformations before constraining the curve, but we'd really to keep those rotations control handles to remain aligned with the joints rotational handles. This will make it an exact control when animating - grab the rotational handle of the curve, rotate it, and the joint will move exactly in the proper direction.

how to get the rotational handle of any control curve to run perpendicular to the shape after freezing transformations?

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3ds Max Animation :: Making Eyelids Conform To Rotating Eyeball?

Apr 3, 2011

There's a great bog eyeball, which, as most eyeballs, is not perfectly spherical, and has a bug bump where the cornea juts out over the iris area. The eye is open, with eyelids above and below the iris, the upper covering the top of the iris somewhat. As the eyeball rotates, it should deform the eyelid, esp. the upper eyelid. What's the next way to make eyelids conform to the eyeball as it rotates, we can use cloth if necessary, but if there's an easier way, with constraints, lattices, etc. Like if there's a lattice on the eyelid whose control points get pushed away by the front of the eye, then fall back as it rotates away, or something..

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Maya Animation :: Animating Low Poly Instead Of High Poly Model?

Mar 18, 2012

My model is ready for the rigging. But my model is a little heavy in poly-count. I can rig it now but at the time of animation i know it will be a problem while animating it. It will lag while moving its controls. I have seen people animating with low mesh and while rendering they use high mesh. Do, i have to create a low poly version of my model?. If yes, Then i have to paint weight twice. low poly one and the high poly one.

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3ds Max Animation :: How To Scale Rigged / Skinned / Animated Asset

Feb 3, 2012

I have several art assets that I have already rigged, skinned, and animated. Unfortunately, the objects have to be re-sized.

There isn't a simple way to simply scale the rigg to match the new size, because then the transforms are incorrect, and the scale on the bones are no longer at 100%. Normally it wouldn't matter, but these objects need to go into a game engine, so it has to be at 100%

No, simply re-sizing the rigg and hoping to just 'reset scale' will not work either.

Save/Load animation will inherit the pivot points of the original animation and paste them onto the re-sized objects, so that does not work either.

Is there a way to transfer a rigg and save it's animation when an object gets re-sized? I'd figure that Autodesk would have made some kind of feature for this scenario, since in game production things will inevitably be scaled at some point.

It's easy to scale everything to it's new size... the problem is... how do I reset it's transforms without the rigg going bonkers?

How do I take the original animations and re-apply them to the newly scaled down version?

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3ds Max Animation :: Telescoping Rig Using HD Solver With Sliding Joint

Apr 2, 2008

I'm trying to set up a rig of telescoping masts where the smallest mast extends completely before pulling the next mast which extends completely before pulling the next, etc. I'm having a really hard time figuring out how to set it up properly. I want an easy way to do this as I have many different mast sets to animate.

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3ds Max Animation :: Rigging A Joint With Specific Rotational Axis?

Jan 27, 2011

I'm rigging a vehicle that doesn't quite behave like a typical train or truck trailer. And I have a question for the coupling. The rotations I want are best illustrated in the attached photo. I want to have a single axis (Y-axis) rotate where the coupling joins the cab and the trailer, and in the center of the coupling, I want to be able to rotate along the X and Z axes, but not the Y. Does that make sense?

A flexible sheathe will cover the actual coupling, so I've been using bones to try to do this which the sheathe will be skinned with. I just haven't created a rig that actually bends the way I want it to yet.

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3ds Max Animation :: Animating Stone Being Chiseled?

May 24, 2011

Just trying to figure out the best way in animation a block of stone being chiseled away. So the stone would be chipping away piece by piece, one after another. Is there a way to treat a polymesh so that peices can break off of it in a controlled manner? I have tried pro-boolean but it is not to effective for multiple pieces.

Win7 Pro 64bit
I7 3680 6 core 12MB cache w Corsair H80 liquid cooling
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NVidia Quadro 5000

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3ds Max Animation :: Animating A Clock Backwards

Apr 21, 2012

I want to animate my clock hands backwards but i have tried to use the select and rotate button from the use selection center(centre)then turning on the autokey but it's not working the handles don't stay aligned.

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3ds Max Animation :: Breaking Of Geometry And Animating It?

Oct 16, 2012

Imagine a flat box or cube (20 x 20 x 2) with many subD's so that it look like more a 3D plane rather than a cube. Is it possible to "pinch" off a peice off a piece of geometry off of the cube corner by using a mod so that the pinched piece literally breaks away from the parent piece? It can stay as the same object or a new object piece can be doesn't matter, as long as I can animate the pinched off peice separately.

Win7 Pro 64bit
I7 3680 6 core 12MB cache w Corsair H80 liquid cooling
32 GB DDR3
NVidia Quadro 5000

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