3ds Max Animation :: Telescoping Rig Using HD Solver With Sliding Joint
Apr 2, 2008
I'm trying to set up a rig of telescoping masts where the smallest mast extends completely before pulling the next mast which extends completely before pulling the next, etc. I'm having a really hard time figuring out how to set it up properly. I want an easy way to do this as I have many different mast sets to animate.
I have an issue with a sliding joint in a simulation.Here we have a very simple box with a cylinder that slides around a closed loop curve. The curve as you will see is described by two circles and one elipse that all overlap to give a smooth closed loop. In the assemble this all works fine - you can freely drag the cylinder around the curve. However in dynamic simulation when I try to insert a 'sliding cyclinder on curve' joint I get the message that only lines, arcs and splines can be used for a curve. If I change the elipse to another circle then I don't have this problem. So is Inventor restricted to arcs of circles rather than arcs of elipses? Is there a way around this?, Do have I have to draw the whole curve as a spline?
In maya 2012 n 13...the end joint not matching to parent joint...
after creating leg joints are spine joints...we set the orientation of joints..but last joint wil put NONE in option box right....after applying this the end joint orientation still in world axis instead of parent joint..
is this bug are is there any other option(other then jointOrientaion in the joint attributes)..
What I have is a Rig that has two Handles that control a joint chain each and I was wondering if there was any way to Converge both changes into the Joint in the center, because what i am trying to create is a dynamic bead loop. With it as it is the bones facing down are fine, but the ones facing upward falls to the "Floor".
Is there anyway that I can accomplish this or an easier to do this?
Ex : if we have 10 joints in the scene i want to select the whole hierarchy with script Or if i select 1st joint, then i want select remaining child joints with the script(listRelatives Or listConnecttion).
it seems that i've got myself stuck on the eyelids. I've made a Stickman for animation training because animating interests me. After rigging the whole body and creating the face controls i bumped into a problem i just can't solve. That problem is the eyelids. I've been trying to animate the eyelids to close and to open.
Big problem = Eyes,
they are to big and stick out a lot which prevents the eyelids to close correctly. I've been wondering how they do this in movies and games where they have big eyes but the eyelids close perfectly
I'm rigging a vehicle that doesn't quite behave like a typical train or truck trailer. And I have a question for the coupling. The rotations I want are best illustrated in the attached photo. I want to have a single axis (Y-axis) rotate where the coupling joins the cab and the trailer, and in the center of the coupling, I want to be able to rotate along the X and Z axes, but not the Y. Does that make sense?
A flexible sheathe will cover the actual coupling, so I've been using bones to try to do this which the sheathe will be skinned with. I just haven't created a rig that actually bends the way I want it to yet.
I've painstakingly oriented all the joints in my human ik skeleton and then saved the file out as a backup. When I reload the file and go to component mode to view the joint orientations they are all messed up again. I've gone through this process twice with the same results.
So I am trying to set up a mouth rig using joints. How would i go about smoothing my mesh, and still be able to go back and edit the joint weights without having to deal with a ridiculous amount of polygons?
This video kind of shows what i am looking for, the guy is editing a minecraft character rig he has. At around 4:30, you can see him editing the skin weights on a low-poly mesh, even though he tested adjusting the shape of the mouth when the geometry was in a smooth state, the video is timelapse so its very hard to tell what he did to achieve this. Note that he is also not redering in mental ray, so he is not just using smooth mesh preview.
I am trying to rig a character, and when I place the bones with the joint toot they are very small. So I went into the tool settings and upsized the radius for all of the types of bones. But then when I go to make the bone again it is still the same small size.
I have a problem with making joints in Maya 2013. When I use joint tools and try to make a chain, it won't connect and goes in random direction. I've attached the screenshot. I've just started using Maya.
I want to know after rigging why should i orient joint in the attribute editor using the channel "joint orientation". Because i can easily fix the rotational axis after rotating the bone and freezing transformation.
Any way to do the skin conversion to muscle system WITHOUT converting every single joint to a polygon bone object. I'd prefer to manually create the muscle bone objects from only the joints I plan to use for the muscle system, and then do the skin conversion using only those joints already converted. Basically, I only need a few muscles in this system and therefore only need a few polygon bone objects, but as far I can tell, there is only one way to do the skin conversion and it automatically converts every joint that the skin is attached to.
When setting up a simple FK control curve on say the wrist for example, many times the control curve isn't exactly perpendicular to the local rotation axis of the joint movement, so when we position the control curve to be perpendicular to the joint - it has a rotational value added, but the rotational handles are lines up with the rotational handles of the joint that we want to move.
Freeze Transformations: then the control curves rotational handle go back to being skewed (out of alignment with the joints)
We want to Freeze transformations before constraining the curve, but we'd really to keep those rotations control handles to remain aligned with the joints rotational handles. This will make it an exact control when animating - grab the rotational handle of the curve, rotate it, and the joint will move exactly in the proper direction.
how to get the rotational handle of any control curve to run perpendicular to the shape after freezing transformations?
I have a telescoping cylinder that someone else modeled. It has an extended and retracted positional rep. I want to make it free moving so that is will move in and out inside another assembly. I can get it to move freely and stop at it's extents using contact sets. My problem is that when you jump from a retracted position to an extended position the center rod "escapes" from the housing.
Can an adaptive part (non involved in the drive constraint animation) bother the contact solver?
I have an assembly, with only one adaptive part, i have activate contact set for other 3 parts (not the adaptive part), activated contact solver and drive the constraints, but in the animation contact solver doesn't work at all.
So, i have tried to move manually the assembly (suppressing angular drive constraint) and the contact solver works fine.If i suppress the adaptive part the driving constraint and contact solver work perfect.
So i wonder... adaptive part can annoying the contact solver functionality?
Now that I have Windows 7 and CS 6 is fully functional, I have a few quirks. One involves the cursor. If I am, say, using the hand tool to move across an image, when I release the hand tool, the image continues to slide across the screen. Is there something I need to disable to get this to stop?
Working on gas transmission classification using the "sliding mile" for the building count? If so what procedure are you using. At this point I have run the 660' buffer around the lines added the address/structure point queried to within the buffer polygon then select all the points along a mile of point to get a count.
I am working on detail drawing for a wardrobe with 2 TOP mounted sliding doors. But how do they attached on the wardrobe and how the track and rolls work.
I am working on a Sliding Folding Door simulation and I am having much difficulty applying limitation to angular dimension and applying constraint to blocks (sometimes it works, sometimes not).
I want to know whether there are ways to set variable angles i.e angle x instead of a definite angle i.e angle 75.
how one would go about creating a garage door that slides around a cruved 90 degree track? I.E. has 5 VERTICAL divisions and slides around a curved track to rest flat against an adjacent wall?
How to make a rotating gif, sliding through multiple images but couldn't seem to find anything. I know that this is a pretty simple task and used to be able to do it but have forgot in the long while I haven't got to use Paint.Net.
I'm trying to apply the right constraint in stress analysis environment.
How would I apply the right constraint? And to which face of the wheel or axle should I apply the constraint to get right results.
If I'm applying the sliding connection to the face of the wheel in z direction, the model will stop stress analysis with an error of "not enough constraints"
if I apply the sliding constraint to the inside of the wheel on the surface of the circle, I get the result as attached. I get 0 reaction in the Z direction which is wrong and should be zero reaction in x direction. How do I get it right?
The correct way to me would be a constraint that would only take forces in the -Y direction, same direction as gravity.
The wheel should not have any other reaction than in the Y direction. Hoe do I define that constraint? In my model the wheel are free to rotate on the axle.
I'm attaching both the general arrangement and the reaction report.
I've got a chain that runs between two sprockets. In between the sprockets is a slider that needs to be attached to the chain so that the rolling of the chain moves the slider back and forth.Right now the chain just runs straight through the slider, it isn't connected at all. I can't find any way to tell Inventor that this slider is connected to the chain.
The panit effects viewport flickers several times per second while sliding the stoke or brush parameters in the attribute editor. It blink once when holding down the Alt button or press the "redraw panit effects view" button in the view port. It seems like it's keeping redrawing for every change related to the parameters, and this problem is just in the panit effects mode.
I'm trying to set up a sliding/no separation contact within and assembly for FEA purposes. I want to eliminate all moments (torque) between two pieces while still allowing one to impart force on another. When evaluating constraints, I'm seeing moments are infect being passed through. The guide mentions this contact for planer and cylindrical objects but makes no reference to spherical surfaces.
Is it possible to accomplish this type of a contact on spherical surfaces?
I want to crop an image visually, by sliding the cropping bars by eye. Not by typing in a specific size. How do I do that? My cropping tool seems to be set on some dimension. I've "reset" it, tried recropping from the "original" but still when I move the top horizontal bar in the cropping tool, it automatically is moving the vertical sides. As if a preset size/dimension/ratio is applied to it. Although I didn't apply any such dimension.