VideoStudio :: X4 - Make Movie Templates Manager And MOV?

Oct 4, 2011

I have uploaded a trail version of X4 and so far so good. I am importing canon 7d footage and so far no problem. The problem is that the "Make Movie Templates Manager" seems to be playing up when rendering to MOV MPEG4 as I cannot change the "Quality" bar of the options, meaning it does change on the template options but the rendered file is either to small and visually bad or its the other extreme where the file size is the same size as the imported file. So in otherwards the "Quality" slider has no effect only extreme left or right. I have the smart render switched off as per other posts I have been reading to try and troubleshoot. Deleteing the template and recreating it also seems to do nothing. It's like it saves the setting and does not allow further changes at all!

The footage from the camera is 1920x1080 23.976fps. Setting also attached as temp3.

Attached is the settings for the templates. If I can't have control over the render settings, then what is the point of buying this product. I have also tried the presets and there is a noticable decline in quality especially when it comes to motion i.e pans or zoom out, they become jittery. The mov container seems not to be affected when rendered with this degradation..

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VideoStudio :: How To Export Make Movie Templates Manager Creations

May 19, 2012

I have made 4 templates from the make movie templates manager:

1280x720 8000kbps WMV
1920x1080 8000kbps WMV
1280x720 8000kbps MPEG-4
1920x1080 8000kbps MPEG-4

And have everything in those templates configured just the way I need them to produce a consistent result that meets my needs.

My question is, how do I export or backup those 4 custom created templates so I can re-load them if I either reinstall the X4 that I have or use them in the new license of X5 that I have ordered for my other machine?

I modified some properties of the underlying templates that were used as the basis for some of those above, but don't know all the details as it was rather a confusing process. But I believe it was one of the ULEAD entries that I tweaked in order to get the proper options available to me in the template.

Bottom line is, I have it all setup and just want to be able to load those setups into X4 or X5 when I complete and install.

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VideoStudio :: Movie Template Manager

Jun 14, 2011

I made a new template for creating a 30Mb/s "one keyframe/frame" MOV output content which worked well when set via custom settings. When I wanted to use my template in the "create video file" prompt, my VSX3 "needed to stop" ...and I was asked to send the .DMP file to Corel tech support. VS restarted OK, but once I selected "create video file", same story: stop.

Trying to delete form the movie template manager, same story: stop. Changing the settings to lower performance MOV in the temlate manager worked, but still same result when trying"create video file". Couldn't wait for the Corel support. Full reinstall solved the problem.

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VideoStudio :: How To Make Templates

Oct 15, 2011

I have a potential client who asked me to put his logo at the bottom of every scene, like a footer area. The movie will include imported video and stills - adding branding for stills would be easy enough using a third party graphics tool and importing, but how to do this for video?This got me thinking about templates, i.e. to create client templates with branding etc, to be used for future projects for the same client.

Is it possible to create templates URL....That led me to the 'Make Movie Templates Manager', but this seems to be a dead-end, I mean, how and where do I create the template ?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Sheet Set Manager And Templates

Apr 9, 2013

I have set up a title block template I plan to use for ALL of my drawings.

I fallowed this website and PDF file at bottom: [URL]......

Great resource and very good explanation step by step which was what I was looking for; the problem I'm having is all his files are set up specifically for one project and I'm having difficulty setting it up for me.

I have everything finished but when I open my project .dwg file and SSM then new SSM file from template and customize the options everything looks fine however when I go to open a new sheet; yes it does open the template .dwt file however it completely open the whole .dwg file of the template so my viewport is the template viewport not my project .dwg file......

How do I get SSM to open new layout/paper spaces with the title block template but the viewport of my current project .dwg file.

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VideoStudio :: Pro X4 Saving Movie As WMV?

Aug 29, 2012

New Vs pro x4 user here.

I would like to save my movies as WMV files at a size of 640x480 . I found a template in the movie templates manager that has the size , however try as I might I cannot get to save the file at around 500mb's . it keeps saving the file at around 120 mbs how to adjust the save file size

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GIMP :: Possible To Make A Short Movie?

Dec 10, 2013

I'm aware that you can create animated gifs using gimp.Is it possible to make a short movie using gimp? such as for youtube?

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VideoStudio :: Add Intro Movie Before Menu

Nov 28, 2013

How I can add intro movie before menu. I'm using VS Pro X6.

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VideoStudio :: Modifying Movie Proportion

Apr 16, 2012

In VideoStudio Pro 4, I was able to modify the proportions of my movie : stretched it or squeeze it, in or out of proportion. I can't seem to do this in Video Studio Pro 5. A strategic admittance to promote the next "Hyper Super Ultimate" 6th version 6 ?

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VideoStudio :: Voice Level In HD Movie?

Dec 12, 2011

At the EDIT step, the voice level of each HD clip is in reasonable level, but during playback of the entire project the voice level droped down. Also after rendering the voice level is still low. On the other side, the voice level of imported music from audio CD doesn't changed. Is it suppose to be so? I am using the Pro X4 program.

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VideoStudio :: Turn 90 JPGs Into A Movie

Dec 16, 2013

I have a sequence of still jpgs I rendered out of Maya. There are 90 total. I want to throw them into the editor at 30fps and have them be in order. I have tried simply copying them all and dragging them all at once onto the timeline but that leave each image at 3-4 seconds per image and they are not in order.

I know there is other software I could use to do this but since I'll be editing the video in Video Studio I thought it would be nice to be able to do this inside of it. Is this possible with Video Studio?

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VideoStudio :: How To Remove Watermark In Old Movie

Oct 6, 2010

I'm trying to remove a watermark in an old movie made of my son in high school (about 8 yrs old), by a friend of his. It's right in the middle of the screen in bright red. They didn't care about it back then as it allowed them to format their movie online. Before I put this very short clip in my memorial video I want to clear that out. Don't know what original software was used. My son's friend can't remember either. Does Videostudio have a way to fix this?

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VideoStudio :: Where Is Get More Link For Movie Factory 7 SE

Oct 11, 2010

Where is Get more link for Movie Factory 7 SE?

I think that I have to re-install this, as I don't think it is properly installed

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VideoStudio :: Burn Movie To Disc?

Sep 8, 2011

How do you burn a movie to a dvd disc? I created my movie, then clicked share tab. DVD factory 2010 opened up and I created my menu. After 3 hours of converting file the burn said failed with no explaination. So I then made a file of the movie. Opened vs3 again and tried to burn the saved file which was an mpg format to disc. The program doesn't recognize mpg files only vsp files. The program made the mpg file. So how do I burn the mpg file to disc?

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Photoshop Elements :: Cannot Make GIF In 10 From Movie Clip

Dec 5, 2012

I am trying to make an animated gif for tumblr in PSE 10. I'm very new to this and I don't understand what I am doing wrong. The gif only includes like 15 frams but when I go to Save for web or whatever the animation button is disabled.

Here are some screenshots.

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VideoStudio :: Movie On DVD Disc Plays Non-stop?

Oct 18, 2013

Using Video Studio Pro X5, I edited a home video and saved my project into vsp file. When I previewed the video, it looked fine. I clicked Share, Create Disc, chose DVD, click Next, Next, Output, chose Create to Disc, and clicked Burn icon at the bottom right. It rendered for a while and completed.

When I played the DVD, the movie loops (meaning it played to the end of 15-minute video clip and did not stop, it went back to the beginning and played again and again)

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VideoStudio :: Unable To Play Movie On DVD Player

Sep 20, 2011

I have been happily using this program for a few weeks and have nice movies and view well on PC. Only problem I find is being able to save a Movie to dvd to play on a dvd player. The only way I can do it is to save the movie as a video file and then burn to disc using Windows DVD Maker. As far as I can see I have tried all options on Video Studio, and have had no success at all.

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VideoStudio :: Using 12 To Generate Movie For Apple PC On Win7 PC

Dec 20, 2011

I am using Video Studio V12.0.98.0 (Pro X2)

I can successfully output an .mpg file for a Windows 7 laptop attached to a LG BX324 Projector [URL]

I use Share | Create Video File | HDV | HDV 1080i 50i for HDV option to achieve this.

I would like to output a movie suitable for an Apple Computer, in frame height 1080 x 1440, as this presentation is for a lecture theatre.

Currently, I do not have access to this Apple computer. I am trying to play a movie generated by Video Studio on my Win 7 PC using my Windows QuickTime Player 7.7.1.

May I ask, is this the way I can test if I can successfully generate a movie suitable for an Apple computer using my Win7 PC?

I've been stumbling around with the share options, but all I seem to be generating is movies of a small size e.g 576 x 720.

Which Share settings should I be using for movie of 1080 x 1440?

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VideoStudio :: Burned Movie Displays Text Over Everything

Jan 24, 2012

I edited some video for my daughter's drama class and burned a disk for her. When my daughter presented for the class on her teacher's computer there was text covering the video that seemingly had nothing to do with the video. I can't reproduce it and I don't even know what kind of system the teacher uses, but is there some trick to burning a disk so that it displays the same on anything and everything?

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VideoStudio :: Incorporate Panoramic Images In A Movie

Mar 28, 2012

I have a number of panoramic images that I'd like to add to a movie with videostudio but I can't seem to figure out how to pan them properly... the images are long and narrow (as would be expected). is there any way that I can use them with out have a big black boarder top and bottom?

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VideoStudio :: Convert Image Sequence To Movie?

Nov 9, 2010

How do you convert a sequence of images, say PNG files to a movie in VideoStudio Pro X3?

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VideoStudio :: Burning Blu-ray Disk In Movie Factory?

Jun 7, 2012

I have tried burning a Blu-ray disk using Movie Fatory 7 without any success. First of all I tried to burn an mpeg file to the disk (File Format not supported message in DVD Movie Factory), then in VS4 I tried "create video file" as a blu-ray format PAL Mpeg2 1920x1080 in VS4 - then went to "Create Disc" opened DVD Movie Factory 7 and selected BluRay, (File Format not supported message in DVD Movie Factory), so then I searched these forums and found that it looked like I should create a AVCHD file format in VS4 PAL HD 1920, so I did that and then went to "Create Disc" and got the same error message that file is not supported.

How do I create a BluRay disc that will play in a bluray machine? I have bought blank BluRay discs, but Movie Factory won't burn my file formats?

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VideoStudio :: Upload PowerPoint Presentation To Movie

Jan 22, 2012

It is always a pleasure as well as informative experience. My question is simple I would like to incorporate a Powerpoint presentation to my video project. Is this possible? If so how would I go about uploading the PP files to Video Studio Pro x4? Or even better Is there any way for me to create Power point like video screens with Video Studio Pro x4 editing or templates?

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VideoStudio :: Unable To Fadeout Sound At End Of Movie

Jul 27, 2012

I cannot fade out the sound at the end of my movie.

I have just bought VideoStudio X5 and added the SP1. On my first try, I have added a MP3 file on my silent movie, on the music track.

On this track, I have shortened the music to the end of the movie and with the sound properties panel displayed, I have click the fadeout button which is now on. But when I test my movie or when I generate a video file, the music doesn't fade out and stops suddenly at the end of the movie.

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VideoStudio :: Movie Clip Sound Not Playing In X4?

Jul 1, 2012

The movie clips in my "project" are not playing the audio. Yes, volume is on and I have ensured that the volume is all the way up and that the "mute" option has not been selected. Screen cap is attached of the video tab.

When I click on the individual "clip" the sound works no problem. The other audio files are also working no problem.

I should mention that the original file was an IFO file from a Sony Handicam that I converted to AVI which I dragged into the program.

why the clips are not playing the audio?

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VideoStudio :: Rendered Movie Stutters / Is Not Smooth

Jul 19, 2012

I bought the new Olympus TG-1 camera, and want to edit movies that I shoot so I downloaded trial of latest Video Studio Pro X5 to try it out. But I'm not satisfied with the quality of the rendered file. The result is not smooth. For example, I shot a short movie clip out of the window of a slow moving train. When I play the original file everything is nice and smooth, but when I import the file to Video Studio and render it (without doing anything to it, no effects or anything) the result is a stuttering movie - kind of like some frames are missing, or maybe duplicated... (Sound is just as it should, no problem there.)

Source file is .MOV (quick time) 24bits 1920x1080, 29.970 frames/sec according to file properties in Video Studio. Using GSpot i get the following: codec avc1, name H.264, 19641 kbps, 29.971 frames/sec

I've tried every format under "create video file" in Video Studio but the result is the same every time no matter what I do, although the option "Same as first video clip" is not available (it's dimmed when using clip shot with this camera). My system is PAL and I know that 29.97 fps is not PAL standard, but I also tried rendering custom format where the result was a 720x576 clip with 29.971fps (but kpbs is only 1024) but still the same stuttering movie.

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VideoStudio :: Write Movie To File Instead Of Disk

Feb 10, 2011

With prior versions of VideoStudeo I could create a movie and write it to a folder instead of a desk. I used this to preview movies before burning them. How to do this in X3. Neither DVD Factory nor Burn have this option.

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VideoStudio :: Creating Custom Movie Template

Nov 9, 2010

I am struggling to make a custom movie template for sharing to a video file. I use the menu Setting, Make Movie Template Manager.What I want to make is:

- Compression: H.264
- Resolution: 800 x 480
- Audio: AAC Stereo
- Video bitrate: 1500
- Container: MPEG-4

But it seems I cannot use this X3 software for that. Especially the resolution, why the "custom" resolution is greyed out (disabled)?The reason for the above movie template is for playing on Android mobile phone.

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VideoStudio :: X4 Burned Movie Doesnt Fit TV Screen

Jan 12, 2012

I tried to burn a movie to my tv screen in VS Pro X4. i used 4:3 aspect ratio but when i took the DVD to view on my tv, i saw 4 black borders around the movie on my tv screen, the borders were on top, bottom and both the right and left side. I tried both 16:9 and 4:3 in VS x4 and both had the same results 4 black borders.

when i burned the same movie in VS 10 plus with 4:3 the movie fits the size of my tv screen.

why is it that VS pro X4 ultimate cant burn the movie to fit the size of my tv screen as it did in VS 10 Plus? what setting am I missing in setting in VS X4

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Photoshop Elements :: Can't Even Make A Quick Movie - Nothing Downloads

Sep 17, 2013

I have bought yet another Elements and this one doesn't work any better than the last one did on Windows 7.  I am sick of wasting money and time!  Last time I was out the money and just had to continue using Windows Movie Maker.

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VideoStudio :: No Title Menu - Movie Just Start To Play

Jun 14, 2012

On the two movies that I have created DVD's for, I have the same problem on both.

When I play them on my DVD player, they do not go to the Menu (Title Page), instead both just start to play the movie. I can only get to the Menu page by pressing 'Menu' on my remote.

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