I am Creating a DVD + menu using X4..I have 5 Mpeg videos added to the burner module..I am using one of the Text Menus...Customised to use 6 per page.My five links show on the first menu page.From Advanced I have selected to show Thumbnail Numbers
I expected to see 1 through to 5...I see 1, 2. 3, 4, then 1..I added a further video just to make sure and I see 1, 2, 3, 4, then 1, 2 …the numbering starting again.
I am not able to save the changes that I make to the starting position of my scenes thumbnails when I use a Thumbnail Menu to create my DVD. I am using Video Studio X4 with Service Packs 1 and 2 installed running on Windows XP Home, SP 2 with all updates installed and DirectX 9.0. The scene changes work fine when I Preview them but they are not saved when I close the Create Disk sub-menu. When I return to the “Menu and Preview” section of the Create Disk sub-menu, the Main Menu scene change is present as is the Chapter 1 scene change but the other chapter scene changes are gone. What can I do to correct this?
On the menu file list it comes up as list....is there a way that it can come as thumbnails instead of list..I find it annoying to change that setting all the time..or is there nothing that can be done
Using VS X5 - Just making up a menu for my dvd im burning. Haven made a menu since using ..VS11+ I think it was.
All seems very very familar...similar etc and not asking it to do anything out of the ordinary which 11+ couldnt cope with ( just nowadays using all this AVCHD malaky etc )
Question -Main menu of my dvd - Why am I getting on my main menu page the begininings of my movie!!! I have my main menu setup ( bringing in a pre-made 30second clip on which I will put 'Press Play to watch movie' and/or 'chapter select'. ) When i preview my main menu page...I see the 30second clip i wanted but as it runs so too does my actual movie - at the same time.
I cant seem to find a button to ..basically..tell it not to play the movie as soon as you load the dvd but instead to wait until the 30 second main menu runs and automatically reruns etc until YOU decide to press the 'Play movie' button.
Haven't been here in a while and have an old version of Video Studio, good chance i forgot how to use some of the editing techniques. I have a short film to do and am going to try Pro X5 trial software.
Is my computer good enough to handle Pro X5? Here's some numbers.
I'm working with (an older) Videostudio version : Pro X2. This works perfectly, but when I have al lot of clips in the timeline, the library (with the thumbnails) doesn't indicate what clips I already inserted.
Is there a possibility to add a little checkmark on the thumbnail, so I don't insert the same clip twice?
Or from what version on (Pro X3 - X4 - X5) is this option included?
Wondering if it is possible to change the default Frame that is used for displaying thumbnail chapters when I create my Menu for Blu-ray authoring The existing Frame that has the Polaroid /postcard look with a paperclip, etc
I'm at the stage in Trevor's guide entitled 'My guide from Mpeg Capture to Burn'
Burn a DVD stage 11/ add menus and chapters as required.
I have navigated to the exact points and done add chapter for each point, but the Thumbnails are not the best possible for the indicating the section's contents.
Post says double click on the thumbnail. I do that, navigate in the preview window to a more representative scene. Then it appears all I can do is 'add chapter', then it appears on the timeline as an extra chapter. My question is has it really increased the chapters, or is it just that UVS only has this way to show the new Thumbnail ?
How does one change the thumbnail for a video clip? By default, VS Pro X3 seems to use the first frame of the clip. I would like to choose the frame. Is that possible in VS?
Is there a way to show more than just one thumbnail from a given clip when inserted into the video track? Currently in VS X4 I get just a thumbnail at the start of the clip and a blue bar after that. In Microsoft Movie Maker by comparison you get thumbnail after thumbnail from the various frames within the clip, I also see in one of Trevor's tutorials (bottom of the page) URL.... there's thumbnails galore but he may be using images rather than a video clip.
When I produce a MP4 video file in X4 it shows a thumbnail in the video file. I cannot figure out where this image comes from. It seems sometime to be the first video image from all tracks, but sometimes it is just the upper video track and sometimes it is a picture from a later point of the video. How does it work? And how can I control which image is used?
I have used earlier versions of VS in the past with virtually no issues , last version wbeing VS11 Plus. I recently "Upgraded" to VS Pro X2 and am trying to burn my first project with it. During the share stage, trying to make a DVD I get the message "Some chapter entry frame numbers exceed the total frames" and NO I did not edit the project after adding the chapters in the share stage. Seems from google searches that this is an old issue for which Ulead issued a patch in earlier versions, but it is back! One post suggested creating a video file of the whole project then importing that without creating a new project then sharing it and adding chapters.
I tried that and found that the audio for the second half of the project got dropped. If you press Info on the DVD player it displays Dolby 3/2 on the TV screen, but the AVamp shows no Blue Dolby multichannel light and detects no audio streams available. This dropping of audio occurs at a transition between two clips in the original project. The "missing" audio is present in the mpeg file created, and you can hear it if you play the file in the "Edit" tab. It simply does not get carried over to the disc burn. I tried twice. ANyway, that is a secondary issue and I'm not too bothered about that. I would much rather get a fix for the Chapter frame numbers issue and thus avoid the video file creation process.
I have tried taking a few frames out of each clip and re-rendering the whole project again to no avail. I have also tried deselecting two pass conversion.
This is regarding a error message by Video Studio Pro X5 understanding a fault message which I got after creating a DVD map. This is the original message in Dutch: "Sommige startframenummers van hoofdstukken zijn groter dan het aantal frames". 533:-2147216477:0 Translation: "Some start frame numbers of chapters are greater than the number of frames"
This was also discussed here - but I can not understand the solution: viewtopic.php?t=24055&p=120629
The situation: I have all the same video files (H.264, 24 bits, 25.000 f/s) [worked with this kind of files a couple times and worked alway very well] I have added some tekst and pictures. Total length of video is 01:50 hour. Starting the procedure DVD creating, with burning the DVD folders on my harddisc. Afther the burning proces I got the fault message.
After creating the DVD map I got the fault message (as describbed above) and found on my harddisc the VIDEO_TS folder with 5 files VTS_01_1 till VTS_01_5. The total time of these loose files is ca. 76 minutes. So I missed a hughe chunk. I got the same fault message when I have created chapters within the videofile but also when I created chapters later at the video menu.
When I do not burning a DVD folder but select creating a video file (DVD-video) than I get separated end files instead of just one big file. Maybe this has the same cause?
Is there a way to transfer project folders and their respective thumbnail content (video, image, sound links) from Corel VideoStudio Pro x4 to the newly installed Ultimate x6?
I have subroutine that retrieves a list of detail numbers in a drawing. Sometimes there are missing numbers. I am looking to find a list of any missing numbers.
Example -
(setq List_DN (list 1 2 3 5 6 7 10 11 12 17))
Missing numbers are - 4,8,9,13,14,15,16
I would like a subroutine to take the List_DN are return the following missing numbers as text
I am trying to link my parts list to a drawing however all balloons have different numbers.
I open the assembly and check everything out from vault I open my bom and change item numbers. When I get back to my drawing and apply for auto balloon I get completely different item numbers in my balloons. We just updated our software to a new 2012 version so it's maybe something with set up.
Is there a way to sync callout numbers to correspond with note numbers. When I add or delete notes in my drawings it takes to much time to update the callout number in the drawings. I need to figure out a way for the note and corresponding callout to change at the same time.
I hereby have a school note report from my little brother. He told me he had some bad notes in his last period and I would like to make a fake copy of it.
Basically, I scanned his 3th period notes and I would like to change some and add some
How you can remove numbers and add new ones over it and add numbers with the same digital code used on the old ones to put those in empty notes
All I want to do is transfer some video files to DVD. I do not want any of Corel's menus to appear: I just want to put the DVD in a player and have the video start playing.
What programs are available to create dvd menu templates to be used in VS X4? Right now I'm using the TBYB version but if I were to purchase I would like to be able to create and adding my own templates since there don't appear to be very many that come with the program, only a couple that I can see anyways.
I like the fact that I can burn video files and menus to disc within VS but the current selection of menus makes this feature mostly useless so I'm wondering how I could add more.
Is it possible to import menu templates from Videostudio 11 to the latest Pro X4. I am trying to to keep all my holiday movies with the same template and can find the files in VS 11 but not sure if I can import and which file I would import it into.
I have installed the evaluation version of VideoStudio Pro X4 in order to test it.When I whant to create a Blu-Ray menu, I have only one menu template. Is it normal ?
After modifying it, I can't find the way to save it, in "Favorite" for example.How to create a new menu from zero ?Or this menu creation tool is very limited, or I missed something.
I am on a 30 day trial of Videostudio pro X5, I am trying to create a simple menu via "nuts & bolts" like I could about 5 yrs ago on DVD-LAB. I do not care for the "wizard" approach....why, because you don't get exposed as to what is going on under the hood. Presently i don't care for transitions, motions, background music and alot of the other fluff work. This can all come later!
I know there are lots of tutorials for trans coding source video from one format to another. In a nutshell, I want to render to DVD, 3 Television episodes. One menu with 3 selections, play selected episode til end, return to menu and wait. I want to be able to pick my font type & Font size and and episode title, if I had more episodes a "More" selection link to a 2nd page menu from there a "previous" button to go back to 1st page.
Any way to add more Chapter pointers on the actual DVD menu itself. It seems like the provided DVD menu templates, and I've installed the extras in VSP X4, only have 4~5 chapter pointers per DVD menu page. There's plenty of screen space to add more chapter pointers but how to do it. I tried clicking on one and doing a copy, but can't seem to go any further than that. I must be missing something somewhere. I want to have 6~12 links to chapters on each DVD menu page. I don't need a preview image for each chapter pointer, just a simple text pointer is fine.
I am using Video Suite X5 and have made a video with chapters. After playing one of several chapters I want the DVD to return to the menu but it continues to play the remainder of the disc. I found a setting for Clip Playback that has settings of "Continue to Play the Next Clip" and "Back to Menu". I set this to 'Back to Menu" re-burn, but after playing a chapter, it still continues to play the disc and does not return to the menu.
This actually applies to all the versions I have used since VS10. I have never been able to create a top menu for the dvd which looks like the ones on commerical dvd's, namely, to have buttons not only to "play movie" but also to "view chapters" etc. The user's manuals appear to be mum on this point.
After editing my clips and am ready to burn,I select SHARE, CREATE DISK, DVD, create a menu and get stuck in a closed loop.Instead of NEXT after I preview the final product, the window has BACK, so I end up in the window where you select if you want a menu. Click NEXT and am back at the menu window with BACK in the box.
This same VS pro X2 was on my old computer (XP) and made many burns with no problems.
I just upgraded from X3 to X4 (probably means X5 is on the way...). When I upgraded to X3, I had some "My Favorites" DVD menu templates in VS10+ which I managed to transfer to Movie Factory SE by moving some files (*.ufo?) from some VS10 directory to somewhere in Movie Factory. It's too long ago -- can't remember the details.