I have renamed my vfilter.rsf with no results, as well as the other fixes suggested in this furum for VS10. There does not seem to be a topic for this issue for X2.
Probably a well worn topic but I've lost all my video filters in VS Pro X2? Just trying to crop some green screen shots that still show the garage wall.
When I open VS and insert video, the "Edit" tab (in the topmost horizontal tab bar) is highlighted and I see the Overlays in the righthand panel: if I click on other tabs they highlight and show the appropriate options in the righthand panel.
However, when clicking on the "Attributes" tab (halfway down the righthand panel) the panel goes blank: if I click on the adjacent "Video" tab the panel remains blank.It seems that I have lost Video Filters.
The Video Filters option shows in the dropdown box, with an "All" to the left of it, but nothing shows.
I have recently bought the upgraded version of vsx2 (upgraded from vs10) and AGAIN i have experienced lost video filters.
The symptoms are slightly different, "video filters" are still listed in the drop down menu but when I click on them a tab pops up that read "all" when I click on that the library clears and only empty space is there, no filters. Is the fix the same as it was for VS10?
What are the steps to apply filters to all my video clips in Corel Videostudio? I am able to drop each each filter to each of the clip. But when I try - Select all clips - Drop a filter to the selections, it does not work as expected. Instead the filter gets applied only to one clip.
Is there any other way to achieve what I am doing - Automatically fix exposure and colour levels to all clips?
How to restore my video filters which suddenly disappear. There is no way I would have accidently deleted the features as the program does not allow me to do so. I downloaded the software but the problem still persists.
I would like to take my many photos and videos and be able to batch edit a folder's worth at a time after they have been added to my timeline. I have several that have the same lighting problems and that would save me allot of time.
When capturing video, other formats besides DVD are missing. I am trying to import video for outputting Blu-Ray but I am unable to select Blu-Ray as the imput format. It's not greyed out, it's missing along with other formats. The only format that you can select is DVD.
I have recently upgraded from VideoStudio 12 to Pro X4, and have noticed that I don't have all of the Video Save Options (specifically Media type and Audio format) that I have with 12.
I produce video for playback by a regional local access provider, and their requirements are mpeg-2 video with mpeg layer 2 audio. Both of these are options that are available in 12 but not X4. I understand that NTSC DVD video is mpeg-2, but I'm still at a loss with the audio format.
Here is a screenshot of the video/audio format I need to be able to produce:
Using VS X2, There is only black screen when editing sample file or any other video. All load correctly and can be viewed as individual clips but only black screen when playing "project" . Have re-installed program (repair) - no change.
I am a user of Video Studio X2. I am having problems seeing video. When I open a project, it appears to open normally but when I play it, no video shows, just the sound. If I insert a video file onto the timeline, I get a message which says "Unable to open file" Below that is says "Catastrophic Failure" and in the lower left of the message it has the number [17101:70:2]. The exact same file will open and play normally in other players such as Windows Media Player.
I've noticed that the Filters menu lacks many of the bundled CS5 filters e.g. the Filters | Artistic menu. By adding the CS5 Plugins directory as an Addition plugins folder in Preferences, they return, though some plugin is causing a VC++ Runtime error, but loading proceeds and the CS5 filters are present.
Is this by design? Are the remaining filters being delivered in an update, or have they been dropped?
To get it to finally load, I had to clear the prefreneces. Somehow in doing so, I now only have a few filters available to me: Blur, Noise, Sharpen, Stylize and Other. No matter what I try, these are the only ones available. Please do not respond with "RGB" or "8-bit".
The filters still will not work with those settings. anyone know of a place to download the original filters that I'm missing? I don't care so much about the other fancy-smancy plugins, I just want my original filters back!
I formatted my computer and when I reinstalled photoshop there were many filters missing (they were showing up but were gray and couldn't be selected. That was many months ago. All of a sudden they are all availabe again except for the Lighting Effects and Lens Flare. Anybody know where I could get the progs for those two filters, or a freeware that offers something comparable?
For some reason recently the Artistic/Brush strokes/sketch etc Filters menu is missing from the filters menu (not greyed out, but completely missing) in CS2, but not in Image ready. I've searched around alot but I can only find fixes for the "greyed out filters in Lab/16bit/CMYK" etc, but as I'm using RGB and 8bit this doesn't solve my problem. I have also attempted a reinstall but to no avail.
I am using Xara Designer Pro X.Is there some reason why would be missing the filter importing a EMF/WMF graphic into my file? It's not even in the list of supported formats.
Using LR4 (not 4.1) and Win7 Home Premium. Catalog had been upgraded from LR3 and LR4 catalog was working fine until now. I've been using LR since the beginning.Two problems, probably related. 106K photos over two drives, almost 3Tb.
At the catalog level, there are no previews. Normally previews of all 106K photos would be displayed. Message is "Click the "import" button to begin." Filter function does not work Message: "No photos match the filter".At the drive level, there are no previews. Message is "No photos in selected folder" Filter function does not work Message: "No photos match the filter". At the folder level, everything is fine, except two folders give the same message "No photos in selected folder" Filter function does not work in these two folders: Message: "No photos match the filter" 14K photos between the two bad folders. Dozens, hundreds, of other folders and subfolders are fine. Filter function works fine at folder and subfolder level. Collections are fine, including photos in the two folders giving the mesage "No photos in selected folder"
Tried to import the missing folders. Won't import because they're already in the catalog. Won't import even if I uncheck "Don't import suspected duplicates". Exported as a catalog one of the "No photos in selected folder" folders. It appeared to create a viable catalog with previews, search filters, etc. I edited a few photos with no problems. Although it did give a message saying several hundred previews were missing. But they seem to be there anyway.Deleted the folder from the catalog and imported from catalog the working folder catalog that I just created. Exported as a catalog the other "No photos in selected folder" folder. Same result as the first bad folder. I.e. It appeared to create a viable catalog with previews, search filters, etc. Although it did give a message saying several hundred previews were missing. But they seem to be there anyway. Haven't done anything with this second folder catalog. Intriguing, the same message about missing previews. The actual files and *.xmp files are in the bad folders.
I recently purchased Video Studio Pro X3 - and after going through the knowledge base and product read me, I have been unable to find an answer to the following problem I have:
I have a number of videos (HD 1080p) that I have recorded. Each video is on average 50 minutes in length - what I want to do it to be able to do is to slice this video into 10 x 5 minute videos (based on topics discussed in the video), (so essentially clip the video into these segments and edit each one) and then when producing the video file - actually create 10 separate video files (all with editing in place) instead of one single large file.
As far as I have been able to work out, I need to go through the whole file, clip relevant sections, edit them, and then save project. I then need to go trim the saved file 10 times, to extract each time the single 5 minute video I want to create. This is a fairly manual and time consuming process, hence my hope that I can create 10 files based on the clips I have made in the larger 50 minute file in one go.
as I have 30 videos to edit, so looking for ways to save time!
I have a LIVE show recorded and I want to add Video Filters in various places within a single 4 minute video. Do I need to cut up my video to segments to add filters too or can I apply them to different spots in a single video?
if there are any tutorials using PIP for VS X3. Also have found that some of the FX filters do not work and I was of the understanding that they were included with purchase = such as Ripple and Twist? I sometimes get a message when trying to use one of these FX filters asking me to register - what is that for is it for the newsletter from Blue FX?? I do not want the feature if it is only a trial and then you discover you can't remove it like previously.
I have a problem with the audio of one of my video projects. During the actual video shooting, the microphone had acoustic problems and it is heard on the recorded clips.
I had split the audio from the video and want to use some audio filters on it to see if it works, but the audio filters choice on the clip menu is greyed out. How I can enable the audio filters
Corel VideoStudio Pro has the ability to apply multiple filters to a video. There are buttons to change the order of a filter. However, it's not clear to me which order they are applied to the video clip.
Are the filters applied from the top of the list down or layered on top of each other from the bottom of the list up?
Why I am getting a "insufficient memory" error 15036:0:0 when trying to select certain filters such as "Auto-Exposure" and "Brightness & Contrast"? Other filters can be selected without getting this error.
I have Pro X4 ultimate. Sommes filters transition 3 D like cube floating don't work. I have reinstall many time but the result is the same. The others filters are OK.
I tried the trial version of VideoStudio Pro X4 without any issue. So I decided to buy it and install the official version from CD. And now, with this version I get the following error message while trying to create a fideo file No combination of intermediate filters could be found to make the connection [17128:1:4]
I checked internet and saw how to troubleshoot the issue. I removed everything and added functionality to the project. It does not matter at all. I always get the error message. Even if I add one video from a cam without changing or adding anything to it. So no filters are used, no nothing.
Settings: I use "same as project settings" NTSC non-drop frame [30 fps] Microsoft AVI files 24 bits, 320x240, 30 fps Upper Field First Uncompressed PCM, 48.000kHz 16 Bit, Stereo