VideoStudio :: Rotating Video (arbitrary Number)
Jul 31, 2013
Is it possible with X5 to rotate a video arbitrary number like 8%? I know the video can be rotated 90% but unsure about just a minor rotation. If not possible in x5 maybe in x6?
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Dec 14, 2013
Is there a quick way of achieving the following:
You have an object rotated at an arbitrary angle
You want to rotate it back to a 90 degree line by snapping it.
I can do this by measuring the arbitrary angle and then rotating it manually based on my measurement.
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Mar 2, 2008
We get about 50000 photos in a short period of time, about a month, that we need to correct, label, convert to CMYK and rename very quickly. We've gotten good and fast at all of these, but rotation still gives us a lot of trouble.
We have to use Explorer to do a manual sort on the photos before we do anything else (using the expedient of an LCD monitor rotated through 90 degrees). We seem to run into trouble later, when using Bridge to manage the rest of the work, because the thumbnails in Bridge don't always update to reflect the file's actual state (rotated or not); the old File Browser did have the 'rotation pending' flag, and supposedly did understand the orientation setting saved by the camera, but not always. One way to deal with this is to rotate the files before Bridge encounters them, but this has involved a huge time hit.
So this part of the potential solution involves asking you all for advice regarding dedicating a machine to doing this and nothing else - I need for it to be lightning fast, like 2-3 sec. max per rotation,
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May 4, 2013
how to rotate an extrusion a specific number of degrees. I can easily do it with Isometric views and the preprogrammed Off-Axis views. However, I just chose a random rotation.
In the example below, I made some stairs. Getting them to go in the opposite direction is easy - I just mirror the profile. However, I can't figure out how to properly rotate the stairs 90 degrees.
How to calculate these? I'm sure there's a way, but my brain can't get over it. I'm used to working in 3D modelling software where you can rotate based off a relative plane, not the fixed plane that Illustrator uses.
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Aug 5, 2011
I have a video that I need to set in the background of my animation but it needs to be turned 90 degrees. Right now its is side ways. Is there a way to do that within max 20111? I currently have in my environment map and Effect menu common parameter tab my movie. I then have an instance of it in my materials area. Within materials area I can change my W: Angle to rotate that diffuse map where my video is listed and it rotates with materials menue but just not in my animation background. Can I rotate the video that is in the background of my animation?
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Aug 8, 2012
I have been a user of Media Studio pro 8 for some years now and I have just downloaded and installed Coral Videostudio demo version. I am working with overlays and in particular to rotate an overlay together with motion.
The motion side I can see how to do it but I cannot find a rotate options which will rotate the clip a degree at a time. The only rotate option I can find is in 90deg at a time.
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Feb 13, 2011
I recently purchased Video Studio Pro X3 - and after going through the knowledge base and product read me, I have been unable to find an answer to the following problem I have:
I have a number of videos (HD 1080p) that I have recorded. Each video is on average 50 minutes in length - what I want to do it to be able to do is to slice this video into 10 x 5 minute videos (based on topics discussed in the video), (so essentially clip the video into these segments and edit each one) and then when producing the video file - actually create 10 separate video files (all with editing in place) instead of one single large file.
As far as I have been able to work out, I need to go through the whole file, clip relevant sections, edit them, and then save project. I then need to go trim the saved file 10 times, to extract each time the single 5 minute video I want to create. This is a fairly manual and time consuming process, hence my hope that I can create 10 files based on the clips I have made in the larger 50 minute file in one go.
as I have 30 videos to edit, so looking for ways to save time!
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Jul 29, 2013
I have downloaded a trial version of Photoshop 6 to see how it works with video editing. So far it only seems to be able to do a max of 3-3 cuts and then refuses to do any more. I need to edit a 30 min movie. I need to do hundreds. Is this a limitation of Photoshop 6 trial, Photoshop 6? Am I trying to do more than Photoshop can do? I have no problem using Avid or Corel video editing software.
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Feb 24, 2011
I have a LIVE show recorded and I want to add Video Filters in various places within a single 4 minute video. Do I need to cut up my video to segments to add filters too or can I apply them to different spots in a single video?
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Nov 3, 2013
I have a music project with H.264 Video files. The files are all from the same camera and are the same.After burning a BluRay folder on a NTFS external hard disc the first song (is the first from the original video files) is going out of sync. The rest of the Blu Ray is in sync.Watching the first file separtely (KMPlayer and panasonic blyray player) everything is ok.Watching the project in Video Studio before burning everything is ok.
To prevent the out of sync I have made a "smart-proxy file" of the first file, before burning. But sadly no differences. (any need to make a smart-proxy file of all files??)
But not exactly, and after taken some actions I still got out of sync. It has something to do with the BluRay burning but I can not find the cause of it.
Background info:
Editing Program
VIdeo Studio Pro X5
characteristics original video files
Video type: H.264 Video
characteristics: 24 bits, 1280x720 16:9
framespeed: 25000 frame/sec
variable bitspeed (max16568 kbps)
Audio type: Dolby DIgital Audio
Low: no
Bitspeed: 192 kbps
Project characteristics
PAL (25 fps)
MPEG bestanden
24 bits, 720 x 576, 25 fps
Bovenste veld eerst
(DVD-PAL), 16:9
Gegevenssnelheid video: Variabel (Max. 8000 kbps)
LPCM Audio, 48000 Hz, Stereo
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Aug 1, 2004
I've got a question about canvas rotation. Everytime I I try to totate the canvas arbitrarily the qualtiy goes way down, but if I rotate it 90 or 180 degrees it doesn't change. Most of my images need to be rotated 45 degrees. Is there any way to keep the image quality from going down or a way to fix it?
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Feb 16, 2011
Is there any way to push the video in the video track after the title track is completed ....
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Jun 17, 2013
I'm working on a picture of a coffee table in CS2 Photoshop. The table is facing to the left and I want to change it's perspective to face straight forward. How do I make this change?
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Aug 22, 2005
I need to crop arbitrary shapes (e.g. triangle, star, hexagon, etc.) out of a series of pictures. The number of pictures is relatively small (less than twenty), and I will have to manually select the area to be cropped. But, I don't see how I can crop to, say, a hexagon repeatedly. What I would like is a cookie cutter so I can simply size the shape and then stamp it out.
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Nov 1, 2008
Running Vista-64, OpenGL features enabled (and working).
Nvidia 260gtx card with newest drivers (178.24)
Image is rendered sharp at the predefined zoom levels (like 25%/33%/50%/66%).
Then if I zoom to eg 55% the image gets blurry.
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Sep 16, 2011
I have a line (not a polyline) that i need to extend by dragging one end to an arbitrary location but must conserve the orientation of the line. I then have to drag the other end point in the opposite location to a location that I pick (ie, not a cad feature, but by human eye)
POLAR works good in that i know the angle, but the line is allowed to be drawn wherever, and i need to focus on precisely where i extend the line too and not that the angle is changing.
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Nov 17, 2011
VideoStudio X4 on a Windows 7 PC
I am having a very frustrating time trying to create a DVD from my project.
I am not using chapters or menus at all so they can be ignored. I am simply trying to create a DVD-R from a project that contains 137 video clips (downloaded from my AVCHD camcorder) and a couple of titles. As VideoStudio goes through its compilation of the clips it stops when it reaches the 99th clip and throws up a message stating that ‘a maximum of 99 video media files is allowed’. Which is a crazy imposition to place in an otherwise excellent product! Once that message appears, I can only hit OK to exit and nothing more happens. I cannot add the remaining 38 clips and on closing the program, it does an automatic save and drops out of the DVD creation process.
In an attempt to get round the problem I created a video file (2.5GB) and used Windows Explorer to burn the MPG file to a Phillips DVD-R. No problem there, it even ran automatically on the PC with no trouble, but when trying to play it on my 3-year old Sony DVD Player/Recorder (HXD870) a message displayed on the TV (a Sony Bravia) to the effect that it could not read this type on disc.
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Jul 10, 2013
i am looking for a command that will let me take a scan of something and say "make vertical" and have PS prompt me for two pickpoints with the second pickpoint being directly above (i.e. vertical) the other. alternatively i would like to have a way to "make horizontal" and pick two points that i want oriented in a horizontal line to each other.
right now the way i do this is to rotate clockwise or counterclockwise by 90 degrees, then rotate by some arbitrary amount like 3 degrees, and then to do a series of 0.25 degree rotations - as i check by running a rectangular border top to bottom (or right to left) against something in the image until it is almost correctly oriented.
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Mar 6, 2009
When I scan my photos they are not always straight. I use Image-RotateCanvas-arbitrary command to change the percentage of rotation to straighten image.
I automated the process in "actions" menu to rotate canvas 0.5%CW and 0.5%CCW.
I decided to play a little bit with newly made "action" hotkeys to get used to them.
Now the problem
When I rotated the image 5 times CCW and 5 time CW I noticed that it became significantly distorted, blurred. I tried manually do the same (without automation) same result. With every additional step of rotating, image becomes more distorted, so it is not faulty automation...
Is it normal?
P.S. I scan images at 24 bit color, 150 resolution.
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Feb 21, 2009
Basically, I want to be able to create a glass effect on a square icon tile. I want the glass to be translucent so that the image behind the square icon tile is blurry (hence the translucency). I know how to create effect if I want it over some user-defined background layer, but what I am trying to do is a bit different. I need to import a PNG file into a theme program, and it uses this glass tile. I want the glass tile to have the translucent effect, but the problem is, I can only get the effect to work if I create a layer over a user-defined background layer. What I want is to have the translucent effect over whichever background is used in my theme program. I am not sure if this is possible to do with a PNG file, or even possible at all. If anyone could shed some knowledge on this I would greatly appreciate it.
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Nov 2, 2010
Is there anyway of entering a starting file number for a clip import? Eg uvs101102_123459~0.mpg is just too long for the thumbnails.
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Apr 17, 2012
I have some 300 images, all handheld shots done in an on-location studio set. They all need varying amounts of image rotation since they're handheld. There's a beaded curtain in the background, so manually I use the ruler tool, draw a line along a strand of beads, and then image/rotate/arbitrary.
I need to create an action that will (1) do the arbitrary rotation and then (2) save and close the file.
However, when I record this, the value of the rotation of the sample file I'm working is what gets recorded (not surprising). In other words, if image A needs 0.28 degrees of rotation, that's not what I want for image B which might need -0.15 degrees instead. The action recorded 0.28.
Is there a way to create an action that will simply rotate according to the ruler once I've drawn it?
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Dec 28, 2012
What i'm looking for is the equivalent of using "Path along text" (in this case for a circular path) but using already rendered bitmap data instead of text and a font. Why i need to do this is: 1. i don't have a font for the logo text i created (i don't think one exists) and 2. i would like to add some effects before "wrapping" the text around the circle.
I'm having so-so success with "distort -> polar coordinates" .
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Mar 3, 2013
In the Print module (LR4.3) under Layout, the unit intervals for margins and cell size seem to be arbitrary. For example, I can get margins of 0.93 or 1.03 inches left and right and 0.94 or 1.06 inches top and bottom, but not 1.00 inch all around. Similarly I can get a cell size of 4.02 x 6.04 inches or 3.93 x 5.95 inches, but not 4.00 x 6.00 inches. why Lightroom offers such seemingly arbtrary measurement intervals or what controls the intervals?
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Jul 20, 2012
(Ulead Videostudio version 9). I am trying to compile a number of clips of tv into 1 programme, the problem is that some of the clips are not full frame, but half size widescreen etc. Is there a way in video studio to convert all of these clips to full frame etc, so the whole programme looks the same or do I use a different piece of software. Another question, what is the max lengh of dvd output you can use the software before it loses picture quality, some of my recent productions have been poor quality picture wise, even though the input picture quality has been high.
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Jun 5, 2013
This is regarding a error message by Video Studio Pro X5 understanding a fault message which I got after creating a DVD map. This is the original message in Dutch: "Sommige startframenummers van hoofdstukken zijn groter dan het aantal frames". 533:-2147216477:0 Translation: "Some start frame numbers of chapters are greater than the number of frames"
This was also discussed here - but I can not understand the solution: viewtopic.php?t=24055&p=120629
The situation: I have all the same video files (H.264, 24 bits, 25.000 f/s) [worked with this kind of files a couple times and worked alway very well] I have added some tekst and pictures. Total length of video is 01:50 hour. Starting the procedure DVD creating, with burning the DVD folders on my harddisc. Afther the burning proces I got the fault message.
After creating the DVD map I got the fault message (as describbed above) and found on my harddisc the VIDEO_TS folder with 5 files VTS_01_1 till VTS_01_5. The total time of these loose files is ca. 76 minutes. So I missed a hughe chunk. I got the same fault message when I have created chapters within the videofile but also when I created chapters later at the video menu.
When I do not burning a DVD folder but select creating a video file (DVD-video) than I get separated end files instead of just one big file. Maybe this has the same cause?
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May 17, 2012
I've been trying to model cut produced by a ball end mill taking an arbitrary 3D path. I know how to do this for 2D paths (and this has been discussed a couple of times on this forum), but I have had little to no success extending this to paths in 3D. I've attached an Inventor file that demonstrates what I want to do, it has an sketch that describes the tip of the end mill and the path that I want the center of the tip to trace out.
This seems like something that should be possible using sweep feature, but if it is then I have not found a way to get this to work. The issue is that I have not been able to effectively control the angle of the sweep plane with respect to the path. In reality, the normal of the plane should be equal to the tangent of the path with the z-component zeroed out.
However, if I sweep using the path and the "Path orientation" then it does not zero out the z-component, if I sweep using the path and the "Parallel orientation" it does not take the x&y tangent components, if I sweep using a guide rail or guide surfaces it also does not zero out the z-component.
In fact, the only way I could come up with to accomplish this would be to sweep the path in 2D and then to use a series of bend part features in order to put things into 3D. So far as I can tell this works, but back calculating the 2D curve is so backwards and laborious that I can't imagine using this for anything. In Solidworks this is relatively easy using the sweep solid feature .
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May 30, 2011
Is there a way to set 20 fps for my video in corel video studio x3 ?
i made a 3d animation and rendered about 3000 single frames as .bmp . Now i want to put them together to a video. the speed of the animation is preset, so i need every frame to show up for 0.05 second..... 20 fps not 15, not 24, not 25 and not 29.97, but exactly 20 fps. i don't know if i am just very stupid, but i can not find the settings for this.
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Jul 25, 2011
With the installation of SP1 (VSX4), the options to create a blu-ray video file (assuming 1920x1080 only, though the same options exist for 1440x1080) are now:
Blu-ray (1920 x 1080)
Blu-ray H.264 (1920 x 1080P)
Blu-ray H.264 (1920 x 1080)
Now, I want to create a 'standard' Blu-ray disc of family videos. My camera is a Canon Vixia HF20, recording in 1920x1080 in the '60i' mode. The camera creates AVCHD formatted files. I know I don't want the progressive option, however, what is the difference between the other two options (is it MEG4 vs. AVCHD? If so, what should I choose when creating a new disc?). I want my disc to support as many blu-ray players and HDTV's as possible since I will be giving copies to various family members (meaning I don't want a format that supports only the latest releases of blu-ray players).
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Mar 28, 2013
Can it actually be done? If I so much as drop 3D file onto the timeline and tag it as 3D (SBS L-R in my case), I get the "... lost 3D attributes..." message when I try to create a 3D file. I tried tagging a 2D file as 3D for S&Gs and got the same result. In case it matters, the files are in .avi format (and even rendering a 2D version of these makes a jumpy video, but I digress...).
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Mar 3, 2013
Is there anyway to convert the video to 4:3. When I save it 4:3 file it doesn't cut it down. It makes the video look back. Can I cut the outside edges to make the video 4:3?
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