On top of my first video, I just did another Elkhound video.
But, I couldn't figure out how to get a certain effect I was wanting to use. Basically, at the 2:34 mark there is a picture of a lady kneeling down petting a puppy. The very next picture is the same lady with the same dog as an adult. I was trying to get the second picture to fade into the screen and the first picture fades out. So they kind of "morph" if you will. I assume that's possible - but I am just to new to the program to figure it out.
basically i can create a simple grid pattern ... but i then want to fade the edges out ..... kinda like a gradient effect ..
i`ve used a feathering technique and kinda acheived the look i want .. but it's not quite good enough ( also tried using the eraser too with large airbrush ).
whats the best approach for this ? masks ? gradients ?
also lets say i have a straight line and i want to fade the line out into the background ...
I've used Paint.net for quite some time, using it mainly for two-tone graphic art or pixel art. Quite a while ago, I created this cool effect that I'll demonstrate with images, however, I have literally completely forgotten how exactly I did it.
Anyway, here's the walk through process of the effect, it's a fade in, making it seem like there are clouds at the bottom of the silhouette that cover the black of the lower layer while doing so in a way that is like a gradient, but of course, not so linear and straight -
Here's the first image, ignore the shaft of light:
The 2nd image shows the silhouette, the shadow of a colossus, if you will. What I want to do is add something that blends the black to the background, so you can't see his feet:
The 3rd image here shows the first layer of fade (and the first layer only), this layer doesn't directly cover up the lower part of the silhouette but it does add some sort of cover for the lower parts of the main silhouette to create a more subtle blend as opposed to straight black over dark green:
This is the 4th image detailing the 2nd fade-layer, still separate from the 1st fade layer just to show them separately:
And finally, the fifth image showing both fade-layers, the silhouette and the background color:
Ok, so that's that. Basically, how did I do that? What did I actually do? I've been playing around with the image for quite a long time, and the whole reason I'm doing this is because I'm recreating the image in a much higher resolution but I want it to be perfect, of course, and want to recreate and remember this effect.
I think, but am not sure, that it may have had something to do with the "Clouds" option, found under "Render". Maybe the Gradient option and blurs.
I want to try to fade a couple of photos together. Fading a color from one block to another is fairly straightforward, but doing this with photos appears to be giving me troubles.
Currently, each photo lives in its own layer.
Photo A takes up the Lower Left while Photo B consumes the Upper Right ...and is in a Higher Layer than Photo A.
I add a layer that has a gradient using transparent white as one color and solid white as the other. With this layer, I thought I could select a Blend or reduce the Opacity so that the Lower Left edges of Photo B fade away, allowing the image to look like it is fading into Photo A.
I have a photo of wood flooring that I need help with. I tried to do it on my own but I haven't been successful so now I come to you guys asking for help. What I need the photo to do is fade from left to right so that the left side is natural and it gradually fades to white as it goes to the right? Code:
I have a photo of wood flooring that I need help with. I tried to do it on my own but I haven't been successful so now I come to you guys asking for help. What I need the photo to do is fade from left to right so that the left side is natural and it gradually fades to white as it goes to the right? Photo is a grayscale tiff.
I want to use Vellum section dividers in my portfolio for the same reason everyone else likes them: they're translucence.
Saba's Blog: arts, culture, visual material, and good readin' -
The first 2 photos are Illustrator files. They have a solid white background and the black text. Then, I pasted the fading images. I made these images fade on Photoshop, by using the gradient tool, and setting the fade on top of a mask.
But this doesn't work. It does not fade to nothing....but rather fades to white. I need it to fade to nothing so its somewhat translucent on my vellum.
if print like this on vellum, the image won't fade into the transparent sheet vellum sheet, but would rather fade into a white square (which will print on the vellum and therefore not be translucent).
When I make the image fade on Photoshop, I want to see the checkered pattern underneath, not another layer of white.
Simply put, my image fades to white (the white layer beneath it). I want it to fade to nothing.....so i can paste it on something else, and can see through the faded, part to whatever is underneath.
How do you make a photo fade to transparent in Photoshop? I am attempting to let the orange edges of the image slowly fade into the black background of the webpage.
I've imported a photo of a striped shirt into PSE 6. I want to put some text on top of the shirt. Unfortunately, the stripes on the shirt make it difficult to read the text.
So I though if faded the stripes a little--where the text will be--that will fix this problem.
So I need to know how to fade just that one section of the photo where the text will be. I don't want to fade it entirely--just enough so that the text is readable. That is, I want the stripes to still be somewhat visible. How much I fade them will be up to me.
When using the audio fade in and out to activate the fade should the bars be highlighted or dimmed? I don't seem to hear any difference between them. (Vid pro x4)
I have a nicely edited series of videos fading into each other in the video track, and would like to have a series of photographs fade in and out in the overlay track. Fade to Black or dissolve dont achieve the affect I want where we can see the underlying video between photos.
When using fade to black in the options panel there is an option to select color. So I could use fade to white etc i spose. This option is grayed out though. how I can activate this?
I see all kinds of effects / transitions for fade to/through black, but not white. (I'm sure there's some quick way to select a color or something, but I can't find it.)
I have some audio tracks and I'm trying to use the fade in/fade out but I can't get either to work. I have the duration in preferences set to 7 seconds but it still does not fade in/out.
I have VSX3 and will upgrade to VSX4 if this will be better for my for this request. I want to be able to do a fade in and Fade out of two videos. Is this possible. Videos were shot on a 5DMk2 as Mov. files 25fps 1920x1080 and are of a Morning shot and a Day shot. Shot on a tripod, same position and lens. Motor driven pan both at same speed, direction and overlapped for a transition of the two to make an approx. 20 sec video.Want to make a HD DVD, Pal.
i am using video studio since its 8 version. now testing the trial version of x4. but a very useful editing tool, i think, missing still now. that is video editing fade in fade out manually in the timeline. its possible to do this in audio. but is it possible in case of video. many other video editing soft. do this. but why corel still not updating in their package?
how I can slow down the audio fade in and out in VS X5? It seems to be a fixed function, am I wrong? I'd really like to slow down one particular audio clip so it fades in and out more slow but I don't know how!
I'm just about ready to buy Corel Studio Pro X5, but one "issue" is bothering me, I cannot fade in and out the overlay track. I can drag the cross-fade onto the image or video, but it doesn't cross-fade with the actual video. Instead, the screen suddenly goes black and the overlay track fades in. Same on the way out, it just fades to black (queue the music ) and then the underlying video pops back in.
I have inserted a .wav file I split from another video, to use as a background sound at the first and end of my project while the credits come up. I want the sound file to fade in and fade out at start and finish. The 2 fade in/out buttons work, but, fading seems to go from 0 -60mph in a .5 seconds.
So, is there away of stretching the fading at each end of the file?
I haven´t used VS X3 for a while... everything as fine. Recently I used it again, and it happened that the fade-in/fade-out buttons (in the video edit group of controls) for the overlay clips do not work. Even though I select them to enable the fading, the overlay video starts without any fading.Is there any special setting somewhere that can change the behavior of these buttons. Also the rotating fade in/out does not work ay more.