VideoStudio :: No Snap-To In X4?

Jul 19, 2011

In every previous version of VS that I can remember, clips on different tracks had the ability to "snap-to" other clips. For example, I could maneuver the end of an audio clip close to the end of my video clip and it would snap to the end of it, aligning perfectly. Not so in X4. And I can't find any setting to enable it.

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VideoStudio :: Turn Off Timeline Snap To Closest Clip Function?

Apr 4, 2013

Is there any way to turn off the Timeline 'snap to closest clip' function. I want a small gap between some clips.

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AutoCad :: Turn Snap Mode Off Globally (Snap Not Osnap)

Nov 8, 2011

We recently had a draftsman that drew with snap on (he no longer works here), and now all the drawings he worked on have this setting turned on. I thought it would be as simple as opening up the drawings and either hitting F9 or clicking on the toggle to turn off snap. That doesn't seem to be the case. Snap mode seems to be tied to individual sheets, and every viewport. I have multiple sheets in a drawing and each sheet has multiple viewports. The last thing I want to do is open every drawing, click in every viewport on every sheet to turn off snap.

I have snapmode set to 0, but it will only turn it of in whatever sheet or viewport is active. I have to write a lisp routine that will go through every viewport on every sheet to set snapmode to 0?

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AutoCad 3D :: Object Snap Doesn't Snap At Intersection?

May 6, 2012

Object Snap.jpg I want to pick the point where the circle hits the edge of the box but there seems to be no Intersection there. But they are on the same plane!

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CorelDRAW X6 :: 6.2 SNAP - Cannot Get Snap To Grid To Turn Off

Nov 30, 2012

Snap commands in X6?  I can not get the snap to grid to turn off.  The button is off and the setting is set to off in options.  Objects seem to snap all over not just to the grid.  And the grid snap seems to be out of alignment-I cant seem to get objects to snap exactly to the grid.

The same files reopened in X5 are fine.  This started with yesterdays install of 6.2. leaving X2 completely unusable.

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3ds Max :: How To Snap One Object To Other With Vertex Snap

Apr 18, 2011

I'm trying to snap one object to the other with vert snap.

It's trying to snap from the center of my object rather then the vert I am hovering over. In the Snap settings I have only "vertex" checked so it should snap to whatever vertex I hover over but no...This keeps up I'm going back to 2008 when all this worked fine.

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Photoshop :: Why Do Paths Snap To Pixel Grid Although (snap Vector Tools To Pixel Grid) Is Off

Aug 8, 2012

When I drag around vector points of paths they are not constrained to the pixel grid, when the option "Snap Vector Tools and Transform to Pixel Grid" is off. This is the behavior I expect.BUT: When I drag whole paths, they snap to the pixel grid, no matter what. I even have snapping completely disabled.
This is particularly annoying when eg. creating a path for a zipper. I first make a path for the inside of the jacket or whatever, then I make one notch for the zipper and copy it over and over again for all the notches. It's very troubling when these elements snap to the pixel grid, because it's very unprecise then.

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Photoshop :: Snap

May 18, 2004

behavior with the SNAP-TO behavior and pasted text. I went to an image that had a text layer, CTRL + A to select all, CTRL + C to copy to clipboard, when to a NEW image and pressed CTRL + V to paste (as a new layer). This works fine.

I then take the Mo(V)e tool and drag the text to the bottom right of the image (it's a copyright notice) and as SOON as I let go, the text snaps back to the center of the image (where it was originally placed when I pasted)

Under VIEW, SNAP is off. I even unticked everything in that menu to be sure, and it keeps snapping back. I have to end up presing SHIFT + ARROWKEYS in order to get it where I want, and for it NOT to snap back.

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Photoshop :: Using Pen Tool Without Snap?

Aug 8, 2012

using a pen tool in Photoshop. When I use a pen tool it snap my path to whole pixels. Is there any settings where I could set that my paths which I make with pen tool won t be snapped to whole pixels. Just want to anywhere where I click to make new path/ anchor point will be exactly at this place without snaping?

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AutoCAD LT :: Snap Not Accurate Enough

Feb 2, 2012

I've been drawing with Autocad for many years now, I've just upgraded to LT2012.

My problem is with the object snaps. They don't seem accurate enough. For e.g. I'll use end point to snap to a line or a corner and it will seem to work, but when I zoom in the object or the lines are not one on top of each other as they should be.

I'm doing drawings right now and the problem is just compounding as I continue. Nothing is perpendicular or parallel as they should be.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Snap On PDF Underlay

Dec 10, 2013

I have a pdf underlay in my dwg file and I found I can snap the object in it, end point, mid point, etc. Is this mean there are some ARX functions to retrieve the object in pdf underlay?

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Photoshop :: Snap To Disable?

Mar 6, 2006

If I select Free Transform on a selection, and then try to move that selection around on the screen, while I'm moving it, it snaps, and I don't want this 'snap'. How do I disable it? I KNOW that you don't always need to select Free Transform to move a selection, but I NEED to in this case.

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AutoCad 2D :: Weird Snap To Zero

May 15, 2011

From time to time, when either moving text with a grip, or placing a dimension, or drawing a line or whatever, AutoCAD just randomly decides to snap to zero, zero. I might be miles away from zero, zero, but it still snap me there. The only way I can get around it is to turn my OSNAP off, do what I have to do and then turn it back on again. REALLY annoying. I'm using ACAD 2008, but I remember having this problem on earlier releases too.

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AutoCad 3D :: Snap To The End Of A Mesh

Apr 26, 2012

I have moved a mesh off to the side while I work on the 3d solid substructure the mesh covers. Now I need to move the mesh back, but it will not select the end "corner" of the mesh so I can place it back into position. This was not a problem in the past (200, but it doesn't work in our current version of AutoCad 2009. Is there a system variable or setting I need to set?

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3ds Max :: Snap On Imported DWG Drawing

May 9, 2011

why it is such a problem to snap on imported DWG drawing ? it is SOOOO slow compared to what you have in autocad/rhino/solidworks ?

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Illustrator :: Does Not Snap To Point

Nov 7, 2013

I have two lines and I am wanting the end of one line's point to snap to the other line's end point. I've dragged the end point to exactly where the other one is but instead of correctly snapping to the end it sort snaps about 0.5px away from it - there's no way I can get it to snap correctly without it deciding to move away.

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Illustrator :: CS5 - Snap To Guides?

Feb 4, 2013

How do you get Illustrator (CS5) to snap to guides? I don't want to use smart guides -- just regular old-fashioned guides. I drew a rectangle. I divided the path into a grid. I turned the grid into guides (make guides). But I cannot get anything to snap to the guides. Also, can I control the snap distance (like you can with smart guides)?

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Photoshop :: Snap To Grid Not Working

Sep 14, 2013

I can't get snap to grid to work or I don't know how it is supposed to work.  Here is where I am at:
In Preferences, I have the grid set to 1" and subdivision set to 4 (every 1/4")in View-Snap To, I have Grid, Layers and Document Bounds checkedView-Snap is checkedRulers are visible 

When I draw a rectangle shap it does not snap.
When I use the selection tool it does not snap.

I can't get anything to the gridlines. I am using CS3

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Photoshop :: Object Layer Add Snap Is Not Currently Available

May 6, 2013

I am running a batch file with a specific action.  It has been working fine up until today.  I receive the error "The object "layer "add snap"" is not currently available." 

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Snap To Guidelines - Set As Default

Sep 2, 2011

I'm a heavy user of snap to guidelines but I can't see where to turn this on as a default so I do it manually each time I start a new drawing...

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Snap To 45° Instead Of Perpendicular

Nov 8, 2013

So you know how we have the snaps endpoint, perpendicular, midpoint etc. I want to find something like the snap "perpendicular."

Any way to start a line/pline then have it snap to another line at a 45° angle instead of perpendicular?

The only thing I could find was here


but I am not sure what all they are trying to do.

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AutoCAD LT :: Toggle Snap To Xref

Jan 26, 2013

Is there a way to toggle snapping to a layer or xref?

When using object snap and you are drawing with a busy survey xref in the background, the mouse cursor really hunts around a lot on the contour lines and stuff instead of on what I am drawing. But, I would like to see the contour lines as I go, rather than hide the layer.

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AutoCAD LT :: Automatically Snap ALL Objects

Jun 3, 2013

I've inherited a dozen heavily detailed drawings only they have been drawn freehand and do not conform to any snap mode or grid. Unfortunately the objects are not all out by a certain amount, so to adjust the entire drawing to conform to the nearest snap point I need to pretty much go through every single object and snap it to the nearest point, which will take weeks.

I've googled around a bit and have found a lisp that may potentially work however I'm running 2004 LT so therefore can't test this lisp until I find someone with a full version.

I'm sure I can find someone with a full copy of Autocad even if it means borrowing their computer just to re-align the objects. I've yet to test out the lisp I found [URL] .... although this lisp seems to suggest it will work with text objects, unfortunately my drawings include a range of objects including text, rectangles, plines etc.

I've taken a look at DotSoft's 'ToolPac' and will buy it if needed as it will apparently align all objects to the nearest snap, but I thought I'd check to see if there was any other easier/cheaper ways of doing it first.

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AutoCAD LT :: Snap To Leader Lines?

May 17, 2013

Sometimes I can snap to leader lines, sometimes ACAD will not let me. Right now I can only snap to endpoints of leaders, nothing else.

Even if I type mid or int it will only snap to the endpoint.

Win7 64

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AutoCAD LT :: Object Snap Enforcement

May 29, 2012

AutoCAD exchange or any books that are available on the web.  Everyone simply says "here, it exists" but I can't find a description of what object snap enforcement is, nor have I managed to figure it out from its behavior in AutoCAD. 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Snap To Anywhere On Line?

Aug 19, 2013

I need to snap to guide lines but the only snap I can get is to the endpoint, which results in some very diagonal lines. I actually have ortho turned on because I need only 90 degree angles. Sometimes I need to move an entire line and I would like it perfectly lined up to the guideline. The line being moved is part of a polyline.

I sometimes do need to start or end at an endpoint but how do I do that then also snap to just anywhere on the guideline while maintinaing a 90 degree angle?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Can't Snap Locked Layers

May 12, 2012

I need an overrule that can not snaps object in all locked layers. How to do that.

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Photoshop :: Warp Handles Don't Snap

Mar 6, 2008

PS CS2 on Win XP

Is that your experience as well? Can I change it?

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Photoshop :: Snap To Guides Doesn't!

Jan 10, 2008

The one with the glasses and lank hair, sitting at the back with no mates!

Now have CS3, and cant get the selection to snap!

When using the MARQUEE it positions the selection 2 pixels up and 1 pixel to the left of the guide (on the outside).

The guides will snap to the selection, however.

Sometimes when GUIDES are LOCKED the selection will snap to a guide, but not always.

Also, in the old days the curser would turn red when on a guide when lined up corrctly. This doesn't seem to happen now.

And in the mists of time do I remember correctly that there was a setting in which you could choose the snap distance?

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Photoshop :: Crop Tool Snap

Jan 13, 2009

Okay, there has to be an easy answer to this. When using the crop tool, I might want to just crop one or two pixels from a side, but when I get to within about 10 pixels, it snaps to the original border. I don't want to crop to the original border ... that is why I have the crop tool out.

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AutoCad :: Grips Won't Stretch / Snap

Sep 12, 2012

Simple problem: When I select a line, normally three grips appear; the ends and the middle. Normally, when I want to stretch (resize) a line I click one end and simply drag it to the desired location. Often it *snaps* to another nearby grip point, the middle selected grip, a line that it crosses, etc. If I zoom in I normally can put the grip any where I want to. It has worked fine up until this morning. Last night when I closed the program it worked perfectly...first thing this morning it doesn't work at all. Restarting the program and the computer had no effect.

The grip will only snap to the other origin (making it zero length) and other random points nearby. I cannot make it a random must snap to those other points, and it *will not* snap to the middle point of the line, which I do all of the time.

Did I accidentally hit a CTRL+ or ALT+ key-stroke which has changed the abilities to snap?

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