VideoStudio :: MOV Files From Canon S95 And Pro X3 Won't Accept Them?
Dec 9, 2010
I have some Quick Time "MOV" files from a Canon S95, and Pro X3 won't accept them. I want to convert them to something that will be accepted and edit. What is best? WMV or something else.
I have VSX3 and will upgrade to VSX4 if this will be better for my for this request. I want to be able to do a fade in and Fade out of two videos. Is this possible. Videos were shot on a 5DMk2 as Mov. files 25fps 1920x1080 and are of a Morning shot and a Day shot. Shot on a tripod, same position and lens. Motor driven pan both at same speed, direction and overlapped for a transition of the two to make an approx. 20 sec video.Want to make a HD DVD, Pal.
I started with V6. Currently using trial of X4. Got a Canon T2i for Christmas....mostly for HD video. Never have worked with HD video before so not real familiar with file extensions etc. However I do know that HD video is a different animal altogether…..Very large files and some program issues.
Took some test video in 1080p… about 30 seconds. Files are in MOV format. Drop the file in program and hit play on the preview pane. Very choppy and stuttering. Make sure smart proxy is enabled and it is. I then save the file as a 1080p AVCHD. Now…. that file plays just fine in the preview pane. Another thing I tried was converting the MOV file into an AVI with a free program called Pazera Free MOV to AVI. That conversion with an AVI extension also had the choppy issue. Should I convert the files first from MOV to AVCHD or is there another HD format that is better?
I went from DV, to AVCHD earlier in the year. I had no luck at all getting one smooth render using AVCHD from my Panasonic camcorder. So when I bought my Canon 5D MKII I thought the HD files would be easier/better to work with. I have edited together some files just for tests with and without crossfades, but both have either resulted in shakey/jerky footage, or the program crashing saying 'send the dump file to Ulead for analysis.
Basically I perform smart proxy to shrink the files to make them smoother to edit, then when I try to render to .mov again, the footage is jerky, but then I can rerender to mpeg2. The problem is that the mpeg2 footage is only about 95% smooth. It will be flowing along then every 5-10 seconds there will be a jump. If I try to render straight to anything else - mpeg2, H.264, MPEG4, it just crashes after 3 seconds giving the same dump file message.
Sony Vaio laptop Intel Duo Core 2.2ghz Windows 7 home premium 64 bit 4GB Ram
Ulead version Pro X3
I have downloaded all the latest patches, and I downloaded the latest Directx (I'm not sure what this is, I just followed the link on the forum for the June 2010 one; is it an automatic thing?)
So I have a decent computer, and fantastic camera, and Ulead's top program - why can't I get a smooth end file??
Lightroom 4, 4.1 and 4.2 will not accept .mpg video files. I have to Convert these files from .mpg to mp4 in order for any of the lightrooms 4--4.2 to accept the videos. Yet in the [URL].... it states : Extensions supported---MPG, so why do I have to convert all my video files to mp4??????
My new CS5 HDRPRO & Photomerge from Tools & Atuomate would not accet files and was giving me dialog boxes that did relate to the action or would not load the files.
After level one of trouble shooting then more work with a Sr.?Tech last night we isolated that the folders and method of transferring my images from my Nikon D7000 may be causing the HRO & Photomerge function from not accepting image files in some Folders.
A. Could be the port in my MacBook Pro has failed & is corruting the files.
B. Could be that when I take the origional image files out of the folder created by the Nikon Photoshop does not like that.
C. Photoshop does not like image files after they have been moved from one folder to another.
How can I have PS Elements 10 accepting the -.raf image files from my Fujifilm X10 camera? I guess there is an update for it somewhere but I cannot find it.
After about 3 years or more of using my Canon HV30 I decided to lash out & buy an AVCHD camera, I opted for a JVC HM330 with a 30x optical zoom & 8gb memory. Got it for a good price.
I was eager to try AVCH editing with my new core i5 laptop.Its doable but no as quick as HDV.But my question is about video quality.
The JVC is supposed to record at 24mbps which should put it up there with the Canon I would have thought.
However I fell that the Canon has the better picture, it seems a bit crisper but only just there is not much in it. Why would this be? Is it becuase the Canon is just a better camera even though its getting long in the tooth now?? or is AVCHD still to catch up with HDV?
I have been a user of the old MSP8 editing program for some time, just updated the PC and would like to use the New video studio x5, is this compatible with the Canon XLH 1 A HD camera.
I've a nwe camera Canon 5D Mark III and I've some problems with these file.
When I edit in Corel Video Studio X6 all videos play in the preview screen bad because It have some short pauses. The videos do not work in a continuous way.
I bought more RAM and now I've 12gb. Also I work with other HD files, like GoPro Videos, and I dont have problems in the preview. Maybe the container of 5D Mark III videos?
Have just installed Video Studio ProX3 on a new computer running Windows 7. Software much the same as VS 10 which I ran on a computer with XP.
The new system does not want to connect with my Canon MV930 Video camera. - if it does the picture is frozen and the message - 'Inconsistent vidoe from capture source' appears. Or I get the message - 'No video input source' detacted' appearing.
Could the problem be with the Firewire card/drivers taken from the old computer? - am having this checked out to-day.The software downloads vidoes from a DVD produced by me on the old system quite happily.
My Photoshop CS3 will not open Raw Files from Canon EOS 5D Mark 11. I have downloaded Camera Raw 4.6 but the message is... Photoshop does not recognize this type of file.
I am trying to open and edit RAW images shot on my new Canon T41 Rebel. Will not open.Tried to convert using Adobe DNG Convertor. Did not work. Is there a way without upgrading to CS6?
CS 6 currently won't read CR2 RAW Files from the new Canon 6D. Camera Raw 7.3 won't see it. The reader that came with the camera leaves something to be desired even though you can shift the results over to PS (as a .tiff file). I run a Mac running under Mac OS 10.7
I am running a mac on os x and Photoshop 5.1 . I just purchased a canon rebel 550d (T5i I think) It will not see any of the images. This must be an Adobe issue as the MAc finder and preview sees the images.
SO I have downloaded and tried to install various camera raw updates. 5.1 5.7 6.1 6.4 7.1 7,3 nothing seems to work indeed one of them failed to open. ver 6.1 will not open as an error code comes up. this error code relates to not being elligable for the version, yet it says cs 5. cs 5.5 and 6 are worthy.
Just got a new vista home computer 64 bit. With my old 32 bit vista I could view raw and tiff files in windows file explorer. With my new box, I cannot view them.
I have a Canon camera that I use to shoot CR2 raw files but find I cannot open them in CS3 Photoshop or Bridge. I get the message that it does not recognise this type of file.
I just bought a Canon 6D. I have elements 6 and it does not support the raw files from this camera. Does Elements 12 support the raw files from the Canon 6D?
i have been able to import and move a file of jpegs but as I shoot jpeg/raw combo, the raw files were left behind in the original file. I can now bring them up, but they are dim and cannot appear to do anything w/them. I would like to move them to the file where I put the accompanying jpegs, but am having no success in finding an answer on how to do this. Nothing seems to activite to let me do this. Along w/this, I generally tend to work straight from camera raw files, the jpegs are generally not used, thus when LR encourages me to work on the jpegs, I'm not interested. I wish to process my raw files and only move to PS6 if I need to do some more intensive work.
So I found the ad on Adobe that said that the 6D was supported in Lightroom 4.3, and the Lightroom page said that it would work on OSX 10.6.8. So I bought it.
Upon installing it, I find that it cannot see (does not show) 6D RAW files when IMPORT is pressed. It shows JPEGS if I have them in the camera, and it knows the camera is there in the import dialog -- shows its name -- but no RAW files.
I checked for updates to Lightroom 4.3, it says there are none, I'm "up to date."
DPP sees the RAW files fine and imports them. So the USB connection, etc., is working.
I'm sure I'm missing something, and I really need RAW files, not JPEGs.