VideoStudio :: Audio Choppy After Rendering?

Feb 20, 2012

The audio sounds choppy and I cannot figure out why Im getting it. I'm experimenting with Corel VS to learn how to use it. IF I use audio files ripped from a CD I get choppy audio after the project is rendered to a wmv hd 1080p file. It sounds fine during the preview playback in the project though.

Music that I have downloaded from the web does not do this. I assume I am doing something wrong when extracting audio from disks? I am just using Windows Media Player to RIP the CD's with. Should I use something else?

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VideoStudio :: Choppy Audio And Video On Pro X4?

Mar 8, 2012

I just purchased Pro X4 online and the audio and video is choppy when I try to edit the video. I thought it was just my computer, but when I burned a DVD yesterday, it also came out incredibly choppy.

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VideoStudio :: Choppy Audio And Low Frame Rate?

Oct 24, 2012

I am using VS ProX5. While capturing the video captures normally for a few seconds and then stucks and moves slowly with one or two frames per second and the audio is very choppy.

Other video clips in my PC plays OK in VS.

I am capturing from my Panasonic digital camera through firewire cable/port to my Windows XP PC.

It used to work properly and for the past few months it is giving problem and I left it from there.

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VideoStudio :: Choppy Audio After Latest Update?

Dec 19, 2010

Against my better judgment I let the latest update install on Video Studio Pro X3 (now at and now all my videos are skipping. This is happening in the time-line with camcorder and other source videos, and worse, when produced as output videos from VS is then in those permanently. The source videos are fine because I checked in Media Player. VS produced videos played in Media Player show the skipping - ugh. Prior to the upgrade everything was perfect. how do i downgrade?

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VideoStudio :: Audio Choppy And Distorted On Playback?

Dec 19, 2010

when i have on my timeline more than 1 audio track playing at the same time, the result is the audio sounds choppy and distorted. but when i playback just one audio clip it is fine.

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VideoStudio :: Lost Audio After Rendering?

Jun 25, 2013

I use VS ver 10.0 and during working on a project there were no problems. I use different files (audio and video) and after rendering lost some mpg audio files. Video is still there but audio is muted. wma and one mpg files works fine.

Project properties:
PAL (25 fps)
MPEG files
24 bits, 720 x 576, 25 fps
Lower Field First
(DVD-PAL), 16:9
Video data rate: Variable (Max. 8000 kbps)
Audio data rate: 224 kbps
MPEG audio layer 2, 48 KHz, Stereo

wma file properties (works fine after rendering):

mpg files, different ones (works fine after rendering):

mpg files (do not work, muted):

Is it possible to save them (muted audio)?

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VideoStudio :: Audio Stutter After Rendering 3 MPEGs?

Jul 7, 2011

I have created three projects and produced from them 3 perfect MPEGS (PAL DVD 16:9 Stereo) - I am now trying to put them together into one single MPEG, but the finished MPEG audio stutters occasionally. I am going to try and remove the additional link vids in between them and see if that makes a difference. Let me know if you need any more info.

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VideoStudio :: Video / Audio Synchronization After Rendering

Aug 21, 2011

my video and audio to synchronize after rendering. About end of last year when I first brought this issue, I was made to believe that I do not have a “good” or “powerful” enough system to handle what I was doing.

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VideoStudio :: No Audio When Playing Project In Share Or After Rendering?

Jan 22, 2012

I am having a very difficult time trying to figure out what is wrong with my audio in VSPx4.

When I put a video in the timeline and click on it so it is on the "clip" the video plays fine but the minute I switch it to "project" the audio dissappears. If I render it in any format, the audio doesn't return. Also, if I multi-trimm a video I am no longer able to get audio either.

Lastly, if I split the audio from the video I cannot play the project at all. It just gives me a frozen screen...

I have re-installed VSPx4 and have all the patches updated.

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VideoStudio :: Choppy Preview Playback?

Aug 24, 2011

I just started using the new x4 version of VS and I noticed the playback on the preview window is very choppy. I have Pinnacle Studio HD, Sony Vegas Pro & of course Premiere CS5 installed to compare between them all, and don't have that problem, even with effects or anything added. Is there an option somewhere I'm missing? I've tried different video types and it doesn't seem to matter. The main one I'm trying is a 1280x720 AVI file I recorded.

Checked and unchecked the "Hardware Acceleration" ticks, no difference either way.
Checked DirectX....up to date.
Checked graphics drivers...up to date.

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VideoStudio :: Choppy Video When Panning After Render?

Jun 3, 2013

I'm using VS x5.

Basically, I have a Sanyo HD camera which I've used to capture quite a bit of holiday footage. I've edited some together but when I output the project to either mp4 or mts the picture is choppy when panning.

The camera was set to 1080p @ 30fps (there's no option of 25fps even though the camera was bought here in the UK) which I have matched by choosing the "Custom" option when creating the movie. I've matched the bitrate (16789bps on the source) but this ends up being 15540bps on the output file. (??) According to the properties on the source file it's 29.97fps which I have also matched in the Custom settings option.

I understand I should expect dropped frames if I was trying to output the file as PAL compliant, but I've got VS set to NTSC so I don't think this is an issue.

The source file is mp4 and looks fine when viewing the panning scenes.

PC Spec:

Intel quad core 2.4Ghz
ATI Radeon 5430 Graphics card
Windows Ultimate x64

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VideoStudio :: Sound Choppy When Capturing Footage In X5

Mar 31, 2013

Video studio prox5 ultimate. I am capturing footage using a canon dv video camera, 1394a firewire adapter and firewire cord. I purchased video studio in October 2012. Now, while capturing the footage, I am experiencing a problem with the audio being captured very choppy, like there is static in the audio. This just started happening. The audio is playing fine on the camera but not capturing smoothly.

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VideoStudio :: Choppy / Jerky And Jumpy Video In Edit X5

Jun 24, 2012

I’ve been using very happily been using x2 for a number of years to make a lot of movies from my standard definition camera, I’ve loved the programme, and it has generally been able to do everything I wanted, and made for an enjoyable editing process. However, the camera has finally given up and I’m now going down the HD route, and the old x2 version just keeps crashing with any new clips. So I have recently downloaded the trial version of x5 (5 days of trial left), with the intention of trying it out and then purchasing it.

Unfortunately however I have found it to be jerky and jumpy when editing clips together, particularly when using the overlay tracks, the more overlays the worse it gets. This happens when I want to watch the edit, and while the sound runs ok the video just freezes on a frame then jumps ahead a few seconds and freezes etc etc. Impossible to watch and edit to really.

I am using the smart proxy to get the files to a manageable size, and I can see the separate proxy files in explorer. Smart proxy enabled. I have all the acceleration on that can go on (the ”Enable Hardware Encoder Acceleration” is greyed out so I can’t tick it). When I share/render the movie it comes out just fine, so it’s only with the editing process that is jumpy. I have really enjoyed x2, and could get good results really quickly, and I enjoyed the editing interface and process with Corel VS, but am now thinking I might need to change to a different video editing programme.

Computer- HP Elitebook 8560w
Everything is just running off the laptop’s hard drive. I’ve installed The CVS x5 Service Pack 1

The project has only two clips – the first from a canon d550 as below

640x480 MOV
24 bits, 1848 frames
25.000 fps
73.92 secs

And the other from the net as below

MPEG-4 file
2890 KB
H 264 High Profile Video
989 frames
24 bits 640x480 4:3
30 fps
605 Kbps data rate

Project Properties
PAL (25 fps)
MPEG files
24 bits, 720 x 576, 25 fps
Upper Field First
(DVD-PAL), 4:3
Video data rate: Variable (Max. 8000 kbps)
LPCM Audio, 48000 Hz, Stereo

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VideoStudio :: Import Sequence Of Animation Images - Choppy Playback

Nov 29, 2013

Though I am a long time CorelDraw user I've recently download VideoStudio Pro trial. The problem I am having is importing a sequence of animation images (360 total at 30frames/sec) The images where render and exported from Lightwave3D (jpg)

The only way I found to import the images was through the capture button and that worked fine. Once that was done imported VS editor and exported to several formats...

the problem is the sequence is choppy and not smooth it is a wee bit choppy the 30 frames/sec imports fine but the final play back is not smooth as it should be. If I export directly to video from Lightwave the playback is smooth. I'd render direct from LW but LW is is a wee bit wonky at time when writing direct to video format. LW prefers direct to image then you would composite in a 3rd party program

I tried VS video at 60 frames, 15 frames that made no difference at all the same unsmooth playback

How do I import a sequence of images at 30/sec so then export so that the playback is smooth.

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VideoStudio :: Capture MPEG4 Files In Timeline - Sound And Video Choppy

Jun 5, 2011

I downloaded the trial version of VideoStudio 4 Pro to try it out and I like the interface and the ease of use. My problem is that when I capture MPEG 4 files in the timeline and go to replay them, the sound and video are very choppy and the replay skips the whole way through.

I converted the MPEG 4 files to wmv, and the video was smooth but I lost some of the image clarity in the converting process. I don't think it's my computer because the MPEG 4 files play nicely on MediaPlayer - just not on VideoStudio.

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VideoStudio :: Extract Audio From Video Clip And Export Audio To Audacity

Jul 10, 2011

I have recently upgraded my old VideoStudio 12.00 to VideoStudio Pro X4 and have only just started using the program again after a couple of years of absence so I am still on a learning curve.

Can I extract the audio from a video clip and if so how and how can I convert it, if necessary into an Audio Interchange File Format, so that I can export it to a program such as Audacity for removing background wind noise before importing the Audio back into the videoStudio project.

I have tried using all the audio filter functions in VS to remove the background noise, to no avail.

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After Effects :: Audio Cuts Off On Rendering

Jun 28, 2013

I have a .wav file in my composition that I see the waveform going across the entire composition.  If I grab the first 10 seconds of my composition and hit 0 on the number pad, it correctly plays the audio the entire time.  When I render that composition, making sure audio is enabled, it doesn't work.  The resulting .mov file plays the audio for the first 5 seconds and then just abruptly stops. 
I'm using the Creative Cloud version.

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After Effects :: No Audio From Video Clips Even After Rendering?

Jul 9, 2013

It seams that when editing in After Effects (CS6) despite doing everything i've been told to do i get no audio when editing video clips imported from my digital camcorder. The only audio it seams i can hear in it is an actual song or audio file (MP3) and the worst part is when i render out the video after adding my effect even when i check the audio output box in the Output Module, i keep most render settings the way they are? but i have tried everything that i have seen suggested but nothing seams to work and no matter what i do i cannon manage to get any audio from my finished products unless there is an actual song in it.I must also add that in the Output Module i have tried many formats such as MPEG4, H.26, AVI, WAV, Windows Media and many others, none of them make a difference to the audio, only the quality of the video.

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After Effects :: Lossless Rendering Files - Audio Doesn't Match?

May 7, 2013

I've been rendering lossless files in after effects for a year now without any problems. Now all of a sudden when I render .mov files, the playback is frayed and jumpy... audio doesn't match, etc. I've tried rendering lower then upper fields and vise versa, and both at once. nothing works.

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VideoStudio :: AVCHD 3D Rendering

Jun 12, 2012

VS X5 Pro wont render clips totalling more than 6 plus minutes......Gives me one of these 2 errors >frame 724 unreadable, frame 1024

unreadable. I click on OK and poof! everything is gone!!

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VideoStudio :: X3 Crashes Rendering To AVI?

Oct 5, 2010

Sometimes (only every now and then), when I try to render a project to AVI VS instantly crashes. Lets say I have three projects, project1, project2 and project3. Project1 & 3 will render to AVI just fine, every time. Project2 will crash every time I try to render to AVI. I can render any of the projects to MPG, MP4, WMV, whatever else I want. If I recreate project2 from scratch as Project4, it will then render to AVI just fine. If I remove >>EVERYTHING<< from all timelines in project2, then add a new clip that did not exist before, it crashes when rendering to AVI. Project2 contains both AVI and MPG clips created/captured with VS X3 just a couple of days prior. VS X3 has all the latest updates.

When I say render to AVI I mean I select Share->Create Video File->Custom->AVI and leave it at the default of 24bits, 720x480, 29.97fps, Lower Field First, Uncompressed, PCM, 48.000kHz, 16bit, Stereo. Video on the timeline includes MPEG-2, Lower Field First, 24bits, 720x480, 16:9, 29.97fps, VBR, LPCM, 48000Hz, 16bit stereo and Microsoft AVI OpenDML, 29.97fps, 30532.12kbps, uncompressed, 24bit, 720x480, PCM, 48000Hz, 16bit, Stereo.Although this is a rare occurance, it is a real pain to have to recreate the video from scratch every time this happens.

The computer is a new Windows 7 Pro 64bit, Core2Duo E7500, 4GB Kingston HyperX RAM, 750GB WD Black SATA, Radeon X1550, Asus P5QL/EPU, Pioneer SATA DVD+/-RW, Antec 380 power Supply. Windows has all updates, AV is Microsoft Security Essentials, software installed includes VS X3, Adobe PS Elements 8, Super Video Converter, Office 2010, Nero 8 Essentials, Microsoft Expression Web 3, QTIndexSwapper2, Filezilla, Audacity, Adobe Reader 10 and supporting software that those applications install.

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VideoStudio :: Rendering 24p Or 30p Footage?

Jul 29, 2011

It seems VS always output a video file with 29.970 fps even if the footage was taken at 24P, 30P. Can video studio output a video that is the same as its capture fps rate?

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VideoStudio :: X4 - Rendering AVI Files

Sep 29, 2011

I am using VS X4 on windows 7. I have an .AVI file which I captured from a VHS tape so it includes sound. The video is 105 minutes long and the file size is 21.9 GB which is huge. I brought it into a project, edited as necessary including making adjustments to the sound in the AVI file, added titles, transitions, and an additional sound track. When I render this project to make a video file it takes a very long time and the resulting .wmv file is huge (11.2GB). I hate to think what it would be to make a DVD. Is there some thing I should do differently to avoid the rendering time and the size of the files?

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VideoStudio :: X3 - Preview By Rendering

Dec 14, 2010

I test at the moment Videostudio X3 and made a small test project. If i produce a AVCHD project i don't have a preview by rendering this project and i can't find a option to enable this ?

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VideoStudio :: Widescreen Rendering

May 10, 2012

We are now using Canon X10 HD cameras and recording in h.264 1440 X 1080. The finished product has to be MPEG2 for Public Access TV broadcast.

I can't seem to be able to adjust settings to accomplish this. Both Custom and Movie Template have the user defined button greyed out.

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VideoStudio :: X3 Crashes While Rendering?

Feb 10, 2012

VideoStudio PRO X3 crashes very often when rendering a VSP-file (with m2ts videofragments) that contains also transions and text.

It happens when I want to create a HD-file (PAL, Blu-ray /MPEG or H.264/ 1920*1080). Disabling SmartRender did not work. Also setting off hyperthreading did not solve the problem.

The problems do not occur when the VSP-file only contains m2ts fragments.

The recommendations given by Corel Helpdesk (download & install VS updates, C++ and DirectX updates) were not very useful because I had already implemented the most recent updates

My current version of VS PRO X3 is

- Does these kind of problems also occur with VS PRO X4 Ultimate?

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VideoStudio :: Error Rendering Pro X2

Nov 30, 2010

i have made a project which crashes in different places every time i try to render. its about 40 minutes long. i have tried removing and reloading pro x2 and cleaning the registery.

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VideoStudio :: X4 Gets To 21% Rendering Then Fails?

Sep 25, 2011

I spent several hours putting together a compilation music video for my first time use in Corel VS Pro X4. When I was finally satisfied with what I'd created, I went to the tab to Share.I selected the setting for YouTube, named the file and saved.It started rendering, reached 21% and then nothing. The rendering box simply disappeared and ceased to do anymore.

I've tried 5 times since to render in different and varying formats, but each time it reaches 21% and then cops out, with the render box disappearing, despite the fact nothing has been touched.

My friend installed the program for me so I could try out hers before deciding to buy my own copy... but if this is what its going to be like, then I definitely won't be spending the money on it.

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VideoStudio :: Rendering A File

Dec 14, 2013

My current project (19 minutes long) does not render (Create a video file). It stops after 27% complete and a message window pops up: "Cannot read audio 0x80004005, 18300:8000:192". My project includes voice-overs, sample sound (water flowing and airplane taking off) and some music. By taking out all voice-overs and music, the project renders. I am using VS X4 Pro.

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VideoStudio :: No Audio In X3?

Nov 5, 2011

I have on .avi video file from friend, that I can play OK with sound in VLan player, I just installed X3 and tried to make DVD from it and got it without sound, same thing if I play this loaded .avi in X3, don't have any sound ? Is there any secret encoding I have to look for ? Somebody told me that X3 will eat any format.

I"m running W7 with trial X3?

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VideoStudio :: Audio Lag In 11.5 Plus

Dec 10, 2010

I am having a problem with way slow audio in Ulead Videostudio 11.5 plus. I know it's an older version, but the format is similar or the same for some of the programs and maybe someone else has had that issue on even a new software version.

I managed to make some music videos with the software, after going to Youtube, as the manual for the software really isn't that great in all honesty. it simply doesn't tell you much detail on doing things. Putting in a music track to the video clips and then turning the sound on each clip all the way down wasn't a problem, but now that I want to do a normal video-I'm finding the sound in the virtual clip or whatever(which I recorded into my digital camera-mov. files), plays like Jabba the Hut off Starwars!

What do I do here to make it sound normal and be able to edit properly and share it in normal sound?I tried splitting the audio and then it sounded normal, BUT it still had that nasty slow sound on the audio. No matter if you mute it or pull the sound down in the video/audio clips in editing. How do I get rid of that slow sound or change it to make it right? Do I even need to split audio there?

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