i want to create a basic house template. how do i do this so it will keep all walls i create and all familys i load. i have made a template before but when i open a project using this template none of the walls , floor, of families are present.
I have this house Im trying to make on Revive and I can't get the roof to join together at all. I've had this problem for awhile now and I can't seem to get past it.
I have plan and elevation views in autocad 2012. I am adding a new entry to my house and I just want to see what it will look like in a perspective view or something.
I went to the library and took out a tutorial on autocad 3D drawing. After 8 hours all I can draw is a stupid birdhouse with no hole for the bird to go in. I am not stupid and I am good with computers, so I figure that I am completely missing something here.
Is there not some way for me to take my plan and elevations and just put them together like one would a paper model?
Is there not some quick and easy way to mock up parts of houses?
I am just a homeowner, and I don't want to pay an architect to do this for me. Maybe I am using the wrong tool? Maybe I need Autocad Architecture? Maybe some other product? I am very frustrated.
So here is my challenge to all of you: assume that your dad or your friend wants to build a deck for his house, and he wants to model it in 3D to see what it will look like. He has never done anything in 3D in AutoCAD, but he can draw 2D drawings. He has exactly 8 hours to learn whatever tool he needs, AND, to produce the 3D drawing.
Note: a simple wireframe drawing is fine, I can color the thing with pencil crayons or whatever after if I need to.
I have a problem where I am unsure if my upgraded template is incompatible with Revit 2013 or is there something else at play.
If I create a precast stair in default template I get "end with riser" turned on automaticaly. If I copy that stair to my template and create new stair, "end with riser" is turned off and I manually have to adjust stair afterwards.
Problem is "end with riser" is now an instance parameter of stairs and I can't find where to change the default value.
Why is the stair type that works in default template stuffed when copied to my template?
I am learning to use Revit 2012 and having a hard time figuring out why basic drafting features don't seem to work with reference planes. Aligning more than a few of these one-at-a-time is time consuming - any way to extend multiple reference plane lines to a boundary line or object? I read your instructions for offsetting reference planes - when I select the reference planes button in the home tab, the options bar allows me to set an offset distance but I am at a loss as to how one goes about getting the line to offset - I keep getting the layout dimension when i try to click on the line!
how to create a basic door and a window. I know it's easy, but I'm new to AutoCad. I'm taking a class, and I know that we use the W (Write Block) command and the I (Insert) command. I think that I have to know how to take the dimensions for a door and window and create them.
setting up presets for making adjustments to more than one image, I keep hearing about doing that by way of the "quick develop" panel, but I don't like that panel... its a bit too basic or something... I don't like making settings where I can't see a bit more about what I'm doing.
Is there a way to create presets when in the Develope mode? I don't see any clues on the the basic panel, but hopefully I'm missing something. Is there not a way to record the settings I've made inside the basic panel into a preset?
I'm using CS6 13.0.4 x64. I want to create a very basic slideshow that includes both still images and video clips. I have read this is possible but can find no specifics.
I am new Inventor user (2014 version) trying to get up to speed on best practices and the most efficient work flows. I find myself designing individual parts that start off as base AISC shapes (angles, square tubes, rectangular tubes, etc.). These are parts that start off as base extrusions that then have multiple machining operations performed on them. In most cases, the parts are stand along parts that aren't involved in any type of frame.
In these cases, I generally sketch the profile from scratch using my AISC book and then extrude. I'm sure this is silly. Frame generator already has the profile data built in- so why am I sketching these profiles from scratch? But using frame generator in an assembly environment to make a single member part seems silly to me also. Why should there be an assembly file at all? I just want a single part that starts off as some length of some standard profile. Using frame generator in an assembly environment seems like overkill.
What is the best practice for starting off a part with some length of a standard ANSI, ISO, or other profile?
I installed, removed and reinstalled Revit 2014 3 times but still no success. When I start Revit 2014 and try to start a new project by clicking on new and selecting any of the available templates like Architectural, Construction, Structural, or Mechanical, Revit gives me a message saying - Failed to open Document'. If I start selecting 'none' then the default project that starts has no elevation marks and no elevation views. Also the system families are not loaded properly as I get just one wall by the name of 'Basic Wall 1' and no other wall types are present. If I put an elevation marker to create an elevation view, there are no levels present and so how to I add further levels?
I have tried various stuffs to get default templates so that Revit works normally but it all failed. Nothing seems to work and I can't start a new project because the 'none' template has nothing in it and I don't want to create a new wall type every time.
I am wondering if there is a way to insert a template that I have created into a project that already exists. I have created a template for the company I work for and we already have all of our plans for our homes drawn up. So I either have to redraw these homes starting with the new template or if it is possible load in a template.
when I start Revit it show me this message, I cant find any component in my library components, any solutions?It says: "The default template file you have specified does not exist:"
why it seems that Revit ignores the Project Units setting in the template file when opening an IFC file? Even when the template is targeted in the IFC open dialogue?
The IFC was exported from ACA 2008 with the Imperial units set.After opening the IFC file in Revit 2012, the project is set for Metric, even though the referenced template (.rte) is set up with Imperial.
Just Starting with new Revit LT 2013(The Comparison chart from Autodesk lists the differences between LT and Full Revit as no Massing, Rendering and no multi user collaboration) Everything else should be the same!
I'm using 'LT_USI_Residential-Default' Template for my project.In the Stair Family, I have a few options, but not the '7"max riser 11" tread' stair that is available in other Templates.Is there a way to bring that Stair Family into the Template?
Maybe I don't know the 'workarounds', but none of the Stairs available in the above Template have changeable 'width' parameter under 'Dimensions' in the properties window.No matter what I do, all Stairs are first drawn 4' wide, and then I have to edit the width, but it's a pain since I get bunch of error messages and Landings often can't complete and needed to be manually added later.Even though the Type Properties list all stairs widths as 3' min., they still all draw as 4'.What's wrong with these Stairs?
I need to tag my roof soffits, exactly the same way I tag my ceilings to show the height. At present, I have tried to use a ceiling, roof, and multicategory tag to tag a roof soffit and it does not work!!!
Autodesk, how do you tag a roof soffit? send me a roof soffit tag.rfa to start from? The category does not exist in the OOTB family templates.
I have adjusted my North Elevation (using View Graphics) exactly the way I’d like it to look in elevation, and would now like to apply those same visibility adjustments to my other elevations. Is there a way I can save that view as a template and apply to other elevations, or do I instead need to create a view template, make all the adjustments to that template, then apply the template to the elevations?
In customizing a sheet template, I entered into a "Schedule: Revision Schedule". I made the minor adjustments, but can not get back to the sheet template.
The 'Project Browser' only has "Schedules" under 'Views'. (refer to attached image) I know the rest of the content from the sheet (eg. titleblock) are still in the file, as it still is present when I "Load into Project".
How do you exit the schedule editor from a sheet template file?
I have to create a PostCard template that is the following dimensions: URL....It confuses me what does "Spread" section means and Outer Margin.If somebody is willing to create .xar.
I designed these pipes that intersect each other in AutoCAD but that program doesn't seem to do much else other than drafting.
I want to open a pipe design so i can print it out, paste it on a real pipe and cut the end out. It's pretty much sheet metal development.
Attached is one of the many pipes. I have Autodesk Inventor FUSION 2013. Does that have any such features or do I have to get the Professional version?
I'm doing a program in Visual Basic 2010. In one of the forms I put a button that when clicked must open AutoCAD 2012 and make a drawing in it. The user will decide where to save it.The steps are these:
1. I added the references Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop and Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.Common to the Visual Basic Project. That's OK.
Dim acadApp As New AcadApplication 'Create an instance of an AutoCAD Application AcadApp.Application.Visible = True 'Show the instance of the AutoCAD Application Dim acadDoc As AcadDocument 'Create an intance of an AutoCAD Document acadDoc = acadApp.Documents.Open("C:Respaldo TesisDibujo2.dwg") 'Open a Document called Dibujo 2 'Draw a line Dim PT1(2) As Double [code].....
I am new to PS scripting and trying to create a basic script to gather folder paths and then remove the path of that folder. I have created a basic array and while trying to
Is there a way to override a dimension and have it shown as a GD&T Basic dimension. I can override a dimension with the text option but not with a box around the letter. It sounds strange to do this but the letter represents a dimension in a chart format that are Basic dimensions.
I would like to utilise the Layout Element: Reference System to draw the grid lines and grid values on paper space viewports.
But.I am working in South Africa. The WGS Lo systems are opposite to the northern hemisphere, positive is heading south not north. To solve this, most drawing offices (including ours) just reverse the signs of X and Y values.
Now you can see why I cannot use the Layout Element Reference System templates provided with Map. I need to change sign the X and Y text values.
How do I create a Reference System Template?
These are provided with Map:
Military Grid Reference System
United States National Grid
Custom map coordinate system
I tried to use 'Custom map coordinate system' but it is a fixed template, it does not provide change sign as needed.