In fact, some of the things I've found online refer that you cannot automatically replace entire Titleblock Templates for existing Sheets in the Sheet Set Manager. So, here's my question:
Can you replace all existing Sheets in a Sheet Set with an entirely new Template file automatically, without opening each Sheet and re-inserting the Title block?
Example: Let's say I have a Sheet Set. Inside the Sheet Set, I already have 20 sheets created. I then realize that my Template file is missing our company logo. I then have to open the Template file and insert my company logo. Well, this works for all newly created sheets from that point forward, but how can I get this change to automatically populate in the existing 20 Sheets that are already in the Sheet Set?
I have a Revit project with two different types of title blocks - one for Planning Board Submissions and one for Construction Documents. Is there a way of changing the title block family for a sheet from one family to another? I cannot seem to be able to do this without deleting the sheet and re-creating it with the new title block family.
I cannot just edit the family and reload it because, like I said, I need to maintain certain information on some sheets and different information on others.
I want to pin all our sheets in the lower left corner. We are using a parametric sheet with all the sheet sizes we need built in. The title block is placed in the lower right corner. Is there a way to keep the lower left corner in place (pin) and the tiltle block moving when changing sheet size?
I need to create a new parameter in label text, (example: adress number 2), so I did it, but when I load it into the project, i cant write anything, its just a question mark.
i have created some dynamic title blocks with text attributes in title column. I have gone back an added some more attributes at a later date and these new ones will not move with my dynamic stretch! I have tried everything, modifying the action, re-doing the action, nothing works!
The title blocks that we use have prompted entries in them and I would like to find a way using iLogic to copy the entries from one title block to another within the same drawing; i.e.. if the user decides to change from an A2 to A1 drawing.
I already have an iLogic rule which allows the user to change the active border, title block and sheet size based on a form selection but would like it to capture the prompted entries already entered and re-use them after the change.
I must have done this when I was trying to do some other keyboard shortcut and got the wrong one - and now I can't figure out how to get rid of it. But a few weeks ago, I did something and now the file name, date/time and image size appear in white text over the top-left of any photo I have in the Develop or Library screens:
So you can see "_MG_0955.CR2" and the other details in the clouds there. How to get rid of that? I can't find anything in any of the menus. I'm on Lightroom 4.3 for Mac OSX Mountain Lion.
When my animations loads (by clicking the packaging icon), a white block appears in the middle and I would like to know if there is a way that I could change it so it is either transparent or not have the white appear?
I made use of a EdgeDocks extention [URL] called Composition Loader to animate the centre.
When placing a puch table in a flat pattern drawing, can the origin point be placed anywhere or does it have to correspond to the origin point of the Inventor drawing (0,0,0)?I placed the origin point at some point which I randomly chose but no table popped up for me to chose the puch table option.
How to add a new sheet with my title block. I am a little confused on this so far. I have read the autodesk 5 parts to sheet set manger and there is allot of things I'm not sure of. The title block is the first
I need to name about 200 PDFs with the sheet title of that dwg, without having to manually naming each one. Niether the file name nor the layout tab have the current sheet title. So how can i either rename the layout tab with the sheet title or name the PDF with the sheet title??
This is in AutoCAD P&ID but a solution in regular CAD is useful.
I have a title sheet which I want to prevent being erased if certain conditions are met.
My code is:-
Friend Sub ObjectErased(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.ObjectErasedEventArgs) Select Case e.DBObject.Id.ObjectClass.Name Case "AcDbBlockReference" Using tr As Transaction = AcadDoc.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() Dim blk As [Code].......
Background: infrequent user who is in AutoCAD withdrawal but forcing himself to move to Revit.
I've just started a new project. I've imported a survey done in AutoCAD and converted it to a Topo surface.
The surface appears in two of the Elevations (East and North), but not the other two. I have two empty views. I've turned off Crop View. When I did this and a Z A, I was able to find the East and North elevations and move the views over to them. However, I can't find the elevations in the other views.
In a drawing file customer wants to create 2 title block. both the title blocks should be added to the same drawing. At any point of time only one should be visible to the user. Basically users in one country will see first title block and users in another country will see second title block.
I already build sheet system ,and I found when I revise title block template,my sheet not update automatic,I must create new sheet,and double-click it to open it, then you can see update,who know why?
I need to load 4 various bitmaps into a standard title sheet for a client (they are logos for a controls company). When I have them loaded and "save as" a dwg drawing for AutoCad LT 2010, the bitmaps do not show up when my client opens the file at his end. We have tried to create the same path on our computers where the bitmaps came from but it still did not work.
i'm quite new to revit and am having issues with renderings in cloud, my computer is too slow to do this directly in revit. the colours and materials that i have assigned to cladding panels just comes out as grey. Unistalling, reinstalling materials library....changing the settings in 'material editor'....
incidentally when i do a draft render on my computer to 'screen' or 'printer' it shows the correct colours.
Right now I'm copying it from one file to the other... but I'm sure there is some other way. Are title blocks saved anywhere other than embebed in the file? Autodesk Product Design Suite 2012 Ultimate Autodesk Developer Network [URL]
I’ve been given a drawing with 3 drawings w/title blocks in Paper Space, REV A, B & C. A is on the left, B is in the middle and C is on the right. It appears somebody has been printing REV B as when I select print it jumps straight to that drawing.
How would I print REV A or C? I can do it now but I have to delete the other 2 drawings so it focuses on the only remaining drawing.
When I start the layoutwizard and proceed to the insert title block the only choice I have is none. I have several title blocks created and cannot remember where to tell Cad to look. I just setup a new PC and installed AutoCad 2011.
I've created a custom title block. I'd like to use VB to fill in this title block using info obtained from an Excel Spreadsheet; Company Name, Location, Drawing Title, etc.