I have linked a food service RVT model that has 1000+ pieces of specialty equipment. I've copy/pasted the tags from their file to mine. Now I want to be able to type in a tag number and have revit 'zoom to it'. Or I'd like to be able to make a schedule and use 'Highlight' option - but nothing seems to work because the elements are in a linked file.
I have a problem. The linked model from our electrical engineer its lights are at the correct height but the ACT ceiling is still running its lines throiugh the lights. how do we take care of this to where the linked model which has the lights in it cut through our ACT ceiling from our central model?
I have a Revit model (A) being linked into another Revit Model (B). In model B I set the VG of the linked model A to By Linked View. Now, when I do this I see all my Element Keynotes, but non of my User Keynotes show.
Things tested: Created models C and D to try in fresh environment - All Keynotes show up Created model E and linked A into it - User Keynotes do not show up Overwrote the Keynote Family in A and retested - User Keynotes do not show up
So this means there is some problem in Model A that it is not pushing the User Keynotes through when linked.
I have created a big and complex Revit model, in Revit 2013. It's now time for me to print the sheets - I want them in PDF and DWF. But I really have some problems doing that. When I print to PDF it takes about 20 minutes for it to print 1 drawing - and it will not be complete - elements are missing compared to the original view. Often Revit stops working - and it's the same story when I try to save a DWF.
I think the reason why I have the problem is because of the complexity of the building's geometry. Have modeled it by importing SAT. files from Rhino - to create the form. The result is great but the file is now 370 Mb. I'm trying to link the model in to a new Revit project to minimize the file, and hopefully get the drawings printed in PDF and DWF. In the the new project I can't see the sheets from the linked file though.
Is there a way to link the sheets to another procjet?
Creating a particular object for use in a revit project. I have attached a group of images.
In short, it is an arched wall that is made up of a series of masonary objects (6types), each with the same dimensions, the only difference being they have different openings. The objects just need to be represented as a solid masonary for now. The individual objects need to be shuffled around the arch to test different configurations.
Would the best approach be to develop the objects as generic model families?
I have been using adobe for 4 years and I have never had this issue. Anytime I create a new design and save and then try to re-open it ( after I have moved logo or background pic I used to a new folder) it gives me this error. It also does it if I try to open up something on my computer at home.
find duplicate Text & highlight with any color (numbers or text string) ? I have a drawing and have to find duplicate text string, file is bigger and need make this automatic find, & highlight the duplicate text.
I wonder why image that imported to illustrator be linked, not included to Ai files like coreldraw does.In my office, other computers, their illustrator could read the linked image even the image file has moved to other folder..Why my illustrator CS5 couldn't recognized it? is there any setting I should change?
We have purchased new iMac's to replace our current 5 year old Mac pros. So we decided that instead of reinstalling CS5.5, which was what was installed on the Mac Pros , we would got straight to Creative Cloud
Now, If an ai file that was previously created on the Mac Pro in CS5.5 with linked images(stored on a shared folder on a Windows 2008 server) , when that ai file is opened on the iMac in Illustrator CC, we get the error "Could not find the linked file. Choose Replace to select another file or ignore to leave the link unchanged". If you click ignore, when you check the link path for the missing images , the path is blank.
linked Excel file to Inventor 12 file parameters. Windows 7, Excel MS office professional '10. Linked excel file, here dimensions are driven by parameters which are driven by excel. toggled 'immediate update' Still - i have to open the sketch - it shows the updated number from Excel, but only on opening the sketch will it change the model to use the new dimension value.
I am having trouble with the linework reading properly. I link a CAD dwg. to my revit model and once its in my model the linework doesnt read as it does in autocad. I have dashed or hidden lines in my CAD plan and once I link it in revit they show up as solid. I am thinking it has something to do with the LTscale in autocad?
Having issue with linked DWG which disappears arbitrarily? It is still linked and the visibility of Imported categories is set to ON, but DWG is not visible in a view. When we were linking it we set Current view only (so we can not see this DWG in other view than in the particular one).The solution is to remove DWG and link it again..What may cause it is that we copied the DWG into all levels because it contains floorplans of all levels. In every level we moved the DWG into correct position and it is working for a while. We did not find a moment when it disappears .
I'm having a real issue with Revit that I can't get my head around or find documentation on.
I have a model setup and linked a DWG file. The DWG is a topo survey drawn in real co-ordinates. The DWG is linked center to center then then I moved and rotated it to suit the orientation of my new building in Project North. See image 01.
I've then aquaired the co-ordinates from the DWG.
I've change to True North and rotated the view. See image 02
All seems to be OK. If I detach and re-attach this DWG using the shared co-ordinated it ends up in the correct place so I've started work on my model.
However, I've noticed that when I close and re-open my model or force ther DWG to reload it shifts position and rotates so I have to detach and reattach. See image 03
I linked in a dwg floor plan and it shows on the first floor but not in the 2nd floor or any others views. I thought as long as you left "current view only" in the Link CAD Dialog box unchecked it should show in all views.
Using Revit 2014, I link in a dwg file. I open a view and using V/G overides for Imported Categories, I turn off the Acad layers I don't want to see. Then the next time my dwg file is updated, the V/G will remain the same and I won't have to reset the layer views. Now I duplicate this view for additional views I need in my project. But I need to apply a different View Template to each view. This destroys the original V/G settings that I had set up for the dwg file.Is there a way to set up my linked file so that it retains the layer on/off settings through each update and lock it. Then I can apply different View Templates to introduce other characteristics without altering the desired layer settings.
As shown here, I have a Photoshop project that has many layers in it. All of the layers have pretty much the same pictures in it, but with minor differences. I'm trying to find a way to change the color of ALL of the layers without having to go into each individual one.
I want all the layers to have the exact same color different than what is shown.
I have a dwg object library used in representing a connection with FDO, the downside is that I can not find where it keeps the relationship of the linked objects within the MAP.
We have multiple linked Revit files from consultants in the same hospital Revit model. How can we turn off all grids and levels in all of the linked files globally. We want to avoid having to do it individually for each view & each linked file.
This project is currently in Revit 2011. If not 2011 is it possible in 2012?
I thought that Cut Profile would be working with linked models (with By Linked View) by now. I know it didn't work a few years ago, but we've just tried it in 2014 and it still isn't correctly displaying views that have had the Cut Profile tool used on them when linked into another file (using By Linked View).
I have several architectural models linked into my central file on a project. For this project, there is an addition to the building that is a design option. When I look at the linked files, though, I can only see the existing construction. I also know how to copy/monitor levels, but I want to view the architect's room elevations in my model. How can I copy the architect's design options and specific views into my model?
Quick question, do shaft openings work across linked files? I have an elevator file I have linked into the main file. It has a shaft opening but doen't appear to be cutting holes in the floors inside the main file.
Revit 2012 .I have a topo file linked to the main building file.I am trying to render a 3d exterior view of the building (new construction ).I see the linked topography in black lines in my elevations.but not in the 3d view.
The question/ problem unsolved is how to get the site/ ground to be visible as per the linked topography in the 3d view of the main file . All I see is the building in the air , with a very light greyed site in a block form. I would like to see the site in earth: soil material for me to render the exterior view.
We have a structural model linked into our building model for a project with about 10 people working on it. Periodically, some users cannot see all of the elements in the linked structural model. We have tried/checked the following:
Checking Visibility/Graphics (Worksets, Links, Categories) Checking Reveal Hidden Opening/Closing Worksets Unloading and reloading the Links Opening different Views to find the Elements
We are unable to resolve the problems through the methods above. Oddly, when a different user opens the view the elements are displayed. Or, if we override via Visibility/Graphics to the linked model settings the elements are displayed. In this second sceanario the only way to control the graphics is by changing them in the linked model.