Revit :: Can Ceiling Type Be Linked To Room Finish Schedule
Feb 8, 2013
In a recent meeting wtih cilent, we asked her to review the Finish Schedule. She pointed out that one of the ceilings was supposed to be gypsum board rather than ACT. Looking on our RCP, it was showing gyp board, but the schedule, which is populated from the Room Properties, was calling out (the non-updated) ACT 2x2.
Is there some way to link the ceiling type directly to the finish schedule directly, rather than make double changes (updating the room properties and the actual ceiling type) in order for the proper information to be showing? Seems odd and not very useful to have this kind of redundancy and something that should have been worked out long ago in Revit.
With no luck, I have been trying to figure out how to insert a blank value for ceiling heights in a finish schedule. There are other rooms with blank values, however it appears that rooms that once had a ceiling can no longer have a blank value. From the research I've done it seems the only way to correct this may be to delete and recreate the room.
I have a project that has existing rooms that need to stay existing and new rooms. Is there a way to get both types of rooms into a Room Finish Schedule?
I can't seem to get both to coexist in one schedule. I would hate to place New room in the new construction phase to make this happen.
How to change the appearance of lines in a room finish schedule? I want to be able to have some appear bold, others to be a double line, and some to be thin? Currently when i load the standard room finish schedule the lines are not what i want them to look like.
I have a problem. The linked model from our electrical engineer its lights are at the correct height but the ACT ceiling is still running its lines throiugh the lights. how do we take care of this to where the linked model which has the lights in it cut through our ACT ceiling from our central model?
I want to be able to add rooms through the schedule prior to placing them in the model. I thought I would be able to do that by going to the Modify Schedule/ Quanties Tab and clicking New in the Rows columns but the new option is blanked out and not selectable.
I am trying to create a Schedule that figures out Light Power density for each room. The first issue is getting Lights to register what room they are located in. The next issue is getting the room area parameter to show up in the available fields. It is funny b/c Volume shows up but not the room area. How hard could that have to been to add that to the available list since volume is there.
I linked a revit file of some renovations that had been done into an older revit file. This worked fine accept it did not transfer the room data over. When i try to put new rooms in they take the volume of the older rooms not the renovation imports. Why? Why? and why?
Even if I draw out the rooms when i place the room they are still separated and defined by the older room dimensions. Thats not cool that is sad?
Revit has a propensity to locate a lay-in ceiling grid with a grid intersection in the center of the room. You can use the alignment tool to align the grid with a wall. But I see no way to center a tile in a room. This is often a necessity in a narrow room, to keep the lights centered. Also, installers, when not given specific instructions to the contrary, will often locate the ceiling grid to minimize narrow tiles at the wall. We need more control over the position of the grid.
I recently built a model-in-place generic model ceiling canopy using Revit 2013. I want to place lights (recessed cans) in the model. Can I change the model type to ceiling or is there a way to place light fixtures in it?
What is the difference between rooms and areas? Why create an area schedule off 'areas' as opposed to using 'room' areas? Can you create a schedule off room areas?
I am trying to make a schedule and I need to schedule walls, and filter by type. But this option is not available in the view properites/filter options in the schedule.
Is it possible to make this happen without creating an additional parameter for filtering? Which would also open up the potential for omissions in the schedule.
I would like each type of light to only be listed on the schedule once. The schedules seem really unstable, everytime I look at it the whole thing has changed. There are so many extra items listed and I don't know where they came from. The mark numbers are weird like AAAA, AAAAAA, BBBB, BBBBB. I don't know how these got added or why they have such strange marks.
I'm using autocad 2008, and up till now I have never had to draw a 600x600 ceiling grid into a room (I always adjust what others have done before me), now i can do it in a lot of different ways but are all time consuming, but i bet there is a easy auto fill/fit way of doing this.
I have a project in wich rooms functionality is compromised. I don't know why the room tool doesn't recognise a simple room delimited by walls whose property divides rooms is set to yes. If I place a rectangle of rooms delimiters the room tool works properly instead. If I start a new project the tool works properly.
I've created a number of spaces, and I want the space name to show up in a Room schedule. Here is a picture of the Properties window with one of my spaces selected. The space name is 'Spanish 2'. see first attachment
I understand I need to add a column to my room schedule that has this value in it. Here is an image from the 'Edit Schedule Table Style' dialog and the 'add column' sub dialog.
see second attachment
which one of this rather lengthy list is the correct one? I've tried all the values that have 'name' in them but all I get is '?' in my schedule. I've attached the file I'm working on. I created the spaces by dragging and dropping from the tool palettes out of the box, and the room schedule the same way.
I am creating a schedule to pick up the room areas and additional information to do with artificial lighting. That bit is the easy bit.
What I am trying to do is put a column in the schedule that shows how many light points are within that particular space. I have looked into ticking the quantity box, but that picks up just the spaces. If there was a way that this could be used to pick up the blocks in a particular space, and not the spaces that would be the simplest way to solve this (I think anyway).
Just to let you know, I am using Dynamic Blocks for the light fittings. As I can have all the different types within the one block. I have heard that I can do this using the MultiView blocks (I haven't explored this yet), but the amount of blocks that I need is going to be increased (from what I know about MultiView blocks). The simpler this is, the better I believe.
I have tried using Count under the Automaitc Property, but when used, adds the blocks as an extra row, not into the desired column. I may have to add something to the block to get it to do what I want it to do, but don't know how to do this. At the moment, I am putting this information manually into the space properties.
The next part to my question, and again, I maybe asking a bit too much here, but I want to take two totals from two different columns to create an average. If I could do this in the one table, fantastic! If I have to create a second schedule to pick this up, that is ok I suppose, but I would then do the math for it manually and just write it in if that was the case.
I just installed the student version of Revit 2013. I opened it and everything seems to be working expect when I draw anything (ie topo surface, wall, etc.), the modify tab is missing all the draw options (line, circle, etc) as well as the Finish and Cancel buttons. This makes it impossible for me to use the software without those. Is there a way they could be hidden or is the software just corrupt?
Is there a setting to export the grid lines of ACT ceiling in a 3D view to DWG?
I don't know if there is because I can't even get the grid lines to show in a 3d view. Right now the view shows the ACT ceiling as a simple geometric shape.
With no luck, I have been trying to figure out how to insert a blank value for ceiling heights in a finish schedule. There are other rooms with blank values, however it appears that rooms that once had a ceiling can no longer have a blank value. From the research I've done it seems the only way to correct this may be to delete and recreate the room.
I read a 2009/10 thread, "Rotating lighting", describing how to work around the problem of family lighting fixture members not rotating. I would hope there is a better solution today.
I simply want to place a lighting fixture - std 2x4 flourescent, on a 7 deg sloped ceiling. The axis of rotation is the long run of the light fixture. Is this not possible in Revit 2013?
Or, do I have to dredge up the work around from 3 releases ago and attempt to discern how to make it work?
It seems like I should just be able to set the family to use a work plane-based assignment and then place it with the correct work plane active. That is not happening. The light fixture doesn't want to rotate the 7 degrees to align with the work plane.
I have an exterior wall with plaster and lathe on the exterior, and gyp board on the inside. When I edit the wall structure, and modify the layers so that I can take the interior wall finish only up to the sheathing line, the wall does not join at the corners properly. It leaves a gap for the interior fininsh at a corner above the sheathing line when looking in 3d. What are you all doing with parpet walls and the interior finishes above the roof line?
I am encountering issues with the "edit boundary" tab on the ribbon, as well as "finish sketch" when the edit boundary tab DOES show up. i don't know how to finish the sketch without this, so i have to undo everything.
I am laying out a simple structure. Bearing wall to bearing wall is 35’, with a few non bearing walls between the bearing walls. I will be using a truss to span from bearing wall to bearing wall. What would be the best work flow for the drywall ceiling material. The ceiling seems to require a core element. I cannot seem to manage drywall alone. If I create a ceiling with 2x4 core and drywall finish and create a ceiling over the whole area the ceiling seems to auto dim to the ceiling finish and not the core 2x4. Then there is the issue of the clean up at the top plate were the wall and ceiling finishes meet
I have one of the floors in our building doing something wacky. The 5th floor reflected ceiling plan looks fine so I create detail plans for the suites at a different scale. this new suite blowup has what looks to be the same suite but everything is greyed out and when i switch from coarse detail to fine detail it doesn't do a thing.
The orignal full reflected ceiling plan looks fine. The line are black. The detail swithces back and forth... I can;t figure out what the problem could be. I used the same process on other floor and everyting is OK. The View Ranges are the same and everthing else in the properties seem the same too.
I'm using Revit 2014 & have not been able to fade the ceiling grid lines so they don't plot out so heavy on my dwgs. I've tried overriding graphics of these grids with half tone which didn't work then I tried transparency & that did not work. They either stay on or turn right off!