I updated my creative cloud two days ago and since then any premiere pro projects I open have had "media pending" and I've let it sit a few times to see if it will load, but it just stays the same for hours on end. I've tried uninstalling, restarting, leaving my computer open, and it just seems stuck. Related: I updated because the exporter wasn't working either.
I've run into a problem with Premiere Pro CS6. Last week, I experienced a crash while working on a project, and ever since then I have been completely unable to open ANY of my saved projects.
Whenever I now try to open any saved project - regardless of whether it contains any footage or not - Premiere immediately freezes unrecoverably. The same thing happens with newly created projects. If the project contains video footage, the 'Media Pending' preview shows on the frozen page - if there is NO video footage in the project (which would be rare, obviously), then it just freezes without the Media Pending message.
I can, however, open a previously saved project by opening Premiere, creating a NEW project and importing an old project or sequence into it. Using this method I am able to encode one video at a time. I can not use Adobe Media Encoder to queue up video sequences for encoding - Adobe Media Encoder also crashes (freezes) whenever I attempt to start the encoding queue.
Steps attempted to resolve this issue (all unsuccessful);
Uninstalled the Adobe Master Collection CS6 completely, followed by a reinstallation. No change.Uninstalled every Adobe application on the computer, then deleted every remaining Adobe directory I could find - including those contained in Program Files, Program Files (x86) and in my user profile directory. Also emptied my Media Cache folders. I also then ran the Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool and removed everything it would allow me to from CS6 and below. Followed by a reinstallation. No change.Both of the above installing back without any patches (Premiere CS6.0.0) and with patches (Premiere CS6.0.5). No change.Emptied the 'Temp' folder for my user profile. No change.
The one slightly useful thing that I have found is that if I create a new user account in Windows and open Premiere from there, everything seems to be fine - so the issue would seem to be related to my Windows user account ...
I do not want to simply eraze my current user account because it would take me ages to restore all of my preferences, applications and whatnot to their correct configuration - and there's no guarantee that the same thing wouldn't occur again (especially given that I've seem similar reports from other people, so it's not an isolated incident).
I'm running Windows 7 Pro, SP1, incidentally.
Crash details, for what it's worth:
Description: A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows. Problem signature: Problem Event Name: AppHangB1 Application Name: Adobe Premiere Pro.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 5211d7f5 Hang Signature: 23a7 Hang Type: 0 OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 2057 Additional Hang Signature 1: 23a73802a238152cdf9b7274c7d644c6
I've had this problem since switching over to Premiere, and continue to have it since upgrading from CS6 to CC. I can't believe this is actually how Premiere is supposed to work. It's a global thing, not specific to a single project. But I'll use my current project as an example:
I have about 4 hours of media, mostly P2 Avc-Intra, with some R3D as well. Total number of media clips: around 2600.Every time I open the project, it takes a thoroughly horrific amount of time for the media to finish loading (as evidenced by the "Loaded" status message at the bottom of the screen, and the "Media Pending" screen display on still-pending clips). On this particular project, for example, it takes 12 minutes for the media to finish loading. It doesn't take many crashes or reboots per day before the re-loading process eats up a significant chunk of my billable hours.
I've tried having the media cache in the internal drive/Adobe/Common directory, and I've deleted that and set the media cache for the external Thunderbolt media RAID. Same results either way.
System specs: OS 10.7.5 iMac 2.7 GHz Core i5 20 GB RAM P Pro 7.1.0 (though, as I said, it has been like this in CS6 as well)RADEON 6770M
Hardware Mercury acceleration is not an option (grayed out), so that's turned off.Results are the same regardless of whether I have the RED Rocket card connected.
where when I try to export my video, I get a pop up window saying 'some media is offline, it will be rendered using the red media offline graphic'. in Premier pro all my media seems to be online, I have followed several different video tutorials on how to re-link media and the option to re-link media is greyed out for me as there is no media that is unlinked, so why does this message come up when trying to export? Playback in PP is fine, all media appears to be online.
Having viewed the exported video it seems that all the media which has been replaced by the red 'media offline' logo is all the .MTS files filmed on my Camcorder whereas all the GoPro footage is showing up correctly in the exported video.
I just reconnected my harddive and opened this project to render it and now the files are not linking. I may have saved it while it was unlinking, would that prevent me from relinking the files now?
How do I install the template media from premiere cc. I am up-to-date on the cloud...but when I go to the title generator all the template media is missing. How do I retrieve that?
Media file in Premiere CS6 comes out at 7MB, same file and settings in CC comes out at 147 MB. I have tried, deleting saved copies, old rendered files, seems to be consistent across numerous files. IS there a fix for CC or a way to revert back to CS6?
Whenever a user logs on and loads premiere for the first time, they all receive this error. "Media Cache Not Found or is not writable." I believe this is caused because it's trying to locate the media cache inside the profile of another user, the user I based the profile template on. The trouble is I don't know specifically where this setting is stored.
when I export a timeline to Media Encoder queue, the video renders out with no audio.I have not found a repeatable way to replicate this, but when it happens, it really blows up my workflow.
Typically I: Import a ProRes 1080 clip into a fresh timeline, and only trim down the ends. Audio and Video playback great in premiere. I then, without changing anything, export to media encoder queue in h.264 1080p OR 720p (vimeo preset).
The queue runs and bang, video file with no audio.
My extended workflow is as such - once the h.264 file has arrived in the folder (it is a watchfolder), there are presets set to create OTHER Files - wav for CD, mp3 for podcast, DVD for distro, mp4 for podcast. So, as you can see, it snowballs into a trainwreck. I would also automate/schedule the podcast postings, but obviously I can't rely on media encoder/premiere to do it's job.
I even got to point to where I reboot the machine right before each original capture begins, but the error is always in the first render out of premiere.I dropped the capture into a timeline, exported as usual, and got a bad render. Did it again, this time moving the audio down a track. Still a bad render. Rebooted the Mac, tried it all again, and finally got a working render. This is the first time it has happened TWICE in a row, and I'm getting tired of it, as these renders are fairly long.
Ever since I updated to Mavericks on my Mac, Premiere Pro keeps freezing on me when I try to view file in folders through the Media Browser. I'm sure it's a Mavericks issue, but I can't reinstall all of my apps, nor do I have the time. Apple doesn't seem to respond to my questions (they get lost in there 1 million questions a day) discussion page.
I've got a project which has had all it's files relocated to a different location. The first time I opened the project I sucesfully relinked everything and it ran smoothly. Now if I open the project or any previous version of it, premiere tells me that all the files are 'PROCESSING...' and show the question mark logo beside them in the media browser. (when I open the project Premiere doesn't notify me that the files are offline)
When I try to relink the files through the media browser panel they all say 'PROCESSING...', as soon as I click OK after locating the file the Apple spinning wheel of death appears and the program becomes non respondant and needs to be force quit.
I've tried opening previous versions of the project, importing the project into a new blank project and restarting the computer...nothing works!
I'm running a 13" MBP quad core i5 with most recent version of Mountain Lion (haven't updated to Mavricks as I think i'd have more problems if I did!) and the most recent version of Premiere CC.
I'm working on a feature length project and i'm having a really annoying issue. My project is on an external 3TB drive. My media cache is also set to that same external hard drive. My scratch disks are also set to that same drive. I checked and rechecked it - it's all set as it should be.
Yet somehow, while editing, especially while rendering parts of the sequence, the space on my C drive (boot drive) fills up within minutes!
I tried to look through C drive to see if there's some hidden place Premiere saves some files too but i can't seem to find anything unusual.
I have looked everywhere for instructions on how to export a premiere pro project and sequence, and associated media, to final cut pro on another computer. Exporting the xml does not include the media files. Therefore when my editor opens up the xml file it fails. I have a feeling I need to use Media Encoder to export the media associated with the project. Yet I cannot find any guides or instructions for how to undertake this. My editor is using FCP 7 on another computer in another place, so I need to export 8 sequences/projects *with their media* to him via the internet (dropbox) so that he can do a final edit on his machine. I would even be happy just to be able to export a working AAF since that option also hasn't worked for us.
1) Importing 1920 x 1440 GoPro footage, .mp4, 29.97 fps : What sequence settings do I need for this media? I can't find any presets that match it. So I just pick a 1440 x 1080 sequence. What should I be doing?
2) Exporting Media quality is very poor and pixelated. I am just importing a video into a sequence and exporting about 10 seconds at a time with different export settings: H.264/Match Source, Quicktime, H.264-Blu ray with different presets. And I'm checking "USe max render quality". Every time it renders very pixelated.
For the longest time if I ever tried to export or render a video longer than 5 minutes, my Premiere Pro or Media Encoder crashes. I don't know why but it is EXTREMELY irritating when attempting to make lengthened gaming videos. I have tried 15 different methods all online, to no avail. It always crashes around the 40% mark in Adobe Premiere and it isn't a corrupt project.
Technical Specifications:
OS NameMicrosoft Windows 7 Home PremiumVersion6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601Other OS DescriptionNot AvailableOS ManufacturerMicrosoft CorporationSystem NameFRITZ-PCSystem ManufacturerMSISystem ModelMS-7821System Typex64-based PCProcessorIntel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 3400 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)BIOS Version/DateAmerican Megatrends Inc. V1.1, 5/3/2013SMBIOS Version2.7Windows DirectoryC:WindowsSystem DirectoryC:Windowssystem32Boot DeviceDeviceHarddiskVolume1LocaleUnited StatesHardware Abstraction LayerVersion = "6.1.7601.17514"User NameFritz-PCFritzTime ZoneEastern Standard TimeInstalled Physical Memory (RAM)8.00 GBTotal Physical Memory7.95 GBAvailable Physical Memory5.97 GBTotal Virtual Memory15.9 GBAvailable Virtual Memory12.4 GBPage File Space7.95 GBPage FileC:pagefile.sys
I have quite a few merged clips that the director wants me to export so that he can watch them elsewhere than the suite. If I export them individually within Premiere CC I have sound on the exports but if I use the queue function that opens Media Encoder they are mute of audio.....is this because they are merged clips?
is there a workaround other than doing them one at a time as there is alot of clips.
When I open my project the media associated with the project shows that it is loading in the lower left hand corner of the program. It gets to about 123 files left to load and then it stops. I then have to attempt to locate all the rest of files with the Link Media tool this works for a few files and then it stops responding. What is the problem and how do I keep my project linked to its media assets?
AE dynamic linked assets AVCHD video shot on C100 I have cleared the media cache
Media is stored on a 8TB Raid 10 NAS connected with a Gigabit router. The NAS is on my desk connected directly to my computer through the router.
Having a strange issue with a 6TB OWC Mercury Elite Pro Dual. I can't get the drive to work in Media Browser in Mavericks OS-X. It shows up in Finder and if I click on "Local Drives" in Media Browser it is there but I cannot access it. I've tried connecting it via Thunderbolt and USB3 and no luck either way. Oddly enough, it works fine via USB3 on my PC. I've tried it on a MacBook Pro and a 2013 MacPro and it's a bust on both. I'm running the latest versions of Mavericks and Premiere Pro CC. What might be tripping up Media Browser or if there's a way I should reformat the drive. Currently it is Raid 0, Mac OS Extended (Journaled)).
how to properly link my footage on my timeline to color corrected files from film convert. I know how to do it to each individual clip at a time, but when I select a whole folder, it always relinks the media to it's original destination and not the new destination with the color corrected files. What's the correct way to link multiple clips to new source files?
I have a sequence that has some video that I wanted to edit in After Effects. I right-clicked on the video in the sequence and selected "Replace with After Effects composition" and did my editing. It shows up in the sequence as Linked Comp 5 but Premiere will not or cannot load the media. Why is this and how can I fix it? I have already closed the program and rebooted to no effect.
My external drive(s) aren't showing up in Premiere Pro... and yes, they were working just fine yesterday. The internal drives both show up, but the external drive(s) aren't accessible.
At first I thought that perhaps it was the drive (a new USB 3.0 that worked yesterday)... I tried changing the cable, changing the drive, even changing from a USB 3.0 drive to a FW 800 drive. All show up on my desktop, as well as in other applications (including After Effects, and "other" editing platforms) etc... but none are showing up in Premiere Pro.
FWIW, I tried in both Premiere Pro CC as well as Premiere Pro CS6. I have tried rebooting the computer, creating new projects, holding down the option key while starting Premiere, using Digital Rebellion's CS Repair... all to no avail. Any thoughts?
My system is a MacBook Pro (late 2011), 2.4 GHz Intel Core i7 with 16 GB Ram, running Mac OS X 10.8.5
What to do when trying to import a jpeg photo through the media brower and PPCS6 crashes? It all started when the program crashed while I was editing. I installed an upgrade to CS6 and rebooted. After that I could not import photos into the project.
I edited an online video dictionary (about 7,500 five second clips) and have them all in sequences in Premiere pro CC waiting to be exported. I hae been battling for two weeks now day in and day out to try and export... I am limited to batch exporting this project and have never had problems with adobe softwares in five years ( a great track record). I have tried many ways of importing or exporting the sequences to Media Encoder CC, and have experienced crashes every single export attempt. As soon as I add more than 5-10 clips the program crashes when I start the que. I badly need to deliver this product, any patch that will keep ME from crashing when you add more than a couple clips?
My assistant and I are working on 2 different computers tied to a server. We need to be able to pass sequences back and forth. Unfortunately, Premiere seems to be adding the associated media files with each sequence import. Our project has fast become a mess of duplicate media. Also, I noticed this "new feature" listed on the Adobe site: An option has been added to not consolidate duplicates on import.Will this fix this problem?
When I use export media in Pr CS6 and use custom settings (H.264) and click Queue when it arrives in Media Encoder none of the custom settings are there, instead it always defaults to .F4V.
My current workflow is to use 3ds max to render image sequences of animation, then to use Media Encoder to convert them to mov files using the Quicktime Animation codec. The problem is that using these clips in Premiere prevents me from scrubbing the sequence timeline fluidly, even tho all of the files are being accessed from a Thunderbolt drive on a Macbook Pro. Even opening them in the Quicktime player causes sluggish playback. The images rendered are 1280x720. Because of the animation being frame based, I need the derived video to not drop frames like some codecs do, so the Quicktime Animation codec prevents that and it preserves the alpha channel in the images. So my question is, what can I do to improve this so that scrubbing the timeline becomes fluid?