Premiere Pro :: Media Encoder Doesn't Recognize Custom Export Settings From CS6
Apr 3, 2014
When I use export media in Pr CS6 and use custom settings (H.264) and click Queue when it arrives in Media Encoder none of the custom settings are there, instead it always defaults to .F4V.
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Dec 21, 2013
I have quite a few merged clips that the director wants me to export so that he can watch them elsewhere than the suite. If I export them individually within Premiere CC I have sound on the exports but if I use the queue function that opens Media Encoder they are mute of this because they are merged clips?
is there a workaround other than doing them one at a time as there is alot of clips.
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Jan 21, 2014
I edited an online video dictionary (about 7,500 five second clips) and have them all in sequences in Premiere pro CC waiting to be exported. I hae been battling for two weeks now day in and day out to try and export... I am limited to batch exporting this project and have never had problems with adobe softwares in five years ( a great track record). I have tried many ways of importing or exporting the sequences to Media Encoder CC, and have experienced crashes every single export attempt. As soon as I add more than 5-10 clips the program crashes when I start the que. I badly need to deliver this product, any patch that will keep ME from crashing when you add more than a couple clips?
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Jan 22, 2014
when I export a timeline to Media Encoder queue, the video renders out with no audio.I have not found a repeatable way to replicate this, but when it happens, it really blows up my workflow.
Typically I: Import a ProRes 1080 clip into a fresh timeline, and only trim down the ends. Audio and Video playback great in premiere. I then, without changing anything, export to media encoder queue in h.264 1080p OR 720p (vimeo preset).
The queue runs and bang, video file with no audio.
My extended workflow is as such - once the h.264 file has arrived in the folder (it is a watchfolder), there are presets set to create OTHER Files - wav for CD, mp3 for podcast, DVD for distro, mp4 for podcast. So, as you can see, it snowballs into a trainwreck. I would also automate/schedule the podcast postings, but obviously I can't rely on media encoder/premiere to do it's job.
I even got to point to where I reboot the machine right before each original capture begins, but the error is always in the first render out of premiere.I dropped the capture into a timeline, exported as usual, and got a bad render. Did it again, this time moving the audio down a track. Still a bad render. Rebooted the Mac, tried it all again, and finally got a working render. This is the first time it has happened TWICE in a row, and I'm getting tired of it, as these renders are fairly long.
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Feb 16, 2014
For the longest time if I ever tried to export or render a video longer than 5 minutes, my Premiere Pro or Media Encoder crashes. I don't know why but it is EXTREMELY irritating when attempting to make lengthened gaming videos. I have tried 15 different methods all online, to no avail. It always crashes around the 40% mark in Adobe Premiere and it isn't a corrupt project.
Technical Specifications:
OS NameMicrosoft Windows 7 Home PremiumVersion6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601Other OS DescriptionNot AvailableOS ManufacturerMicrosoft CorporationSystem NameFRITZ-PCSystem ManufacturerMSISystem ModelMS-7821System Typex64-based PCProcessorIntel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 3400 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)BIOS Version/DateAmerican Megatrends Inc. V1.1, 5/3/2013SMBIOS Version2.7Windows DirectoryC:WindowsSystem DirectoryC:Windowssystem32Boot DeviceDeviceHarddiskVolume1LocaleUnited StatesHardware Abstraction LayerVersion = "6.1.7601.17514"User NameFritz-PCFritzTime ZoneEastern Standard TimeInstalled Physical Memory (RAM)8.00 GBTotal Physical Memory7.95 GBAvailable Physical Memory5.97 GBTotal Virtual Memory15.9 GBAvailable Virtual Memory12.4 GBPage File Space7.95 GBPage FileC:pagefile.sys
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Jan 23, 2014
My current workflow is to use 3ds max to render image sequences of animation, then to use Media Encoder to convert them to mov files using the Quicktime Animation codec. The problem is that using these clips in Premiere prevents me from scrubbing the sequence timeline fluidly, even tho all of the files are being accessed from a Thunderbolt drive on a Macbook Pro. Even opening them in the Quicktime player causes sluggish playback. The images rendered are 1280x720. Because of the animation being frame based, I need the derived video to not drop frames like some codecs do, so the Quicktime Animation codec prevents that and it preserves the alpha channel in the images. So my question is, what can I do to improve this so that scrubbing the timeline becomes fluid?
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Aug 11, 2013
I haven't been able to export (render) a small animation to Quicktime in Photoshop CC. I still have Photoshop CS5 installed and it is not a problem there. The only option I have in CC is to export to "Photoshop Image Sequence". Adobe Media Encoder is grayed out.
If it means anything, I'm using Windows 7 in a 32 bit environment, not 64.
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Mar 4, 2014
I have looked everywhere for instructions on how to export a premiere pro project and sequence, and associated media, to final cut pro on another computer. Exporting the xml does not include the media files. Therefore when my editor opens up the xml file it fails. I have a feeling I need to use Media Encoder to export the media associated with the project. Yet I cannot find any guides or instructions for how to undertake this. My editor is using FCP 7 on another computer in another place, so I need to export 8 sequences/projects *with their media* to him via the internet (dropbox) so that he can do a final edit on his machine. I would even be happy just to be able to export a working AAF since that option also hasn't worked for us.
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Apr 8, 2014
Using a Macbook Pro, 2.6 GHz i7 8MB RAM
1) Importing 1920 x 1440 GoPro footage, .mp4, 29.97 fps : What sequence settings do I need for this media? I can't find any presets that match it. So I just pick a 1440 x 1080 sequence. What should I be doing?
2) Exporting Media quality is very poor and pixelated. I am just importing a video into a sequence and exporting about 10 seconds at a time with different export settings: H.264/Match Source, Quicktime, H.264-Blu ray with different presets. And I'm checking "USe max render quality". Every time it renders very pixelated.
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Apr 23, 2014
I am not able to export any kind of media from timeline, which is using png Sequence.
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Mar 10, 2014
How do I get media encoder to export a H264 with a .mov extenstion rather than a .mp4 extension?
Mac OS 10.8.5
Media Encoder 7.2.0
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Nov 30, 2013
This weekend I went to render the fist vidoe and gotr an error message. "Could not complete the Render Video command because of a problem with Adobe Media Encoder".
I amusing the default settings in the render menu. Adobe media encoder - Quicktime - animation hight quality - document size 1920 x1080 - document frame rate 29.97 - field order progressive - aspect document 1.0 - all frames.
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Oct 11, 2012
I recently installed Creative Suite CS6 Design & Web Premium. I had previously installed the CS5 version and had not un-installed it. Everything except Acrobat appeared to install correctly. When I opened Photoshop CS6 (64-bit) I noticed that it used the CS5 version Bridge.
I went into Bridge and unchecked the open at start box, closed Bridge and Photoshop and re-opened Photoshop CS6 (64-bit). When I tried to lunch Bridge from Photoshop the following message appeared in the Desktop> panel : Waiting for Bridge CS6..." Bridge CS6 did not appear despite waiting for several minutes.
I then pressed the Start button and went into the Programs listing. Under the Adobe CS6 group I found all of the applications (other than Acrobat) but Bridge CS6 (64-bit), Bridge CS6, and Media Encoder each had generic icons rather than the expected relevant Adobe icons. I tried to load each of the three by clicking on the icon. In each instance the following message appeared:
The version of this file is not compatible with the version of Windows you are running. Check your computer's system information to see whether you need an x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of the program and then contact the software publisher.
My system is a Gateway FX6802. I am running Windows 7 Home Premium version 6.1.7601, Service Pack 1, Build 7601.The system has 9 GB of memory. I ran CS5 on the system and did not experience any difficulty with Bridge.
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Jun 21, 2013
I'v graded a video clip with a camera raw smart filter applied to it. I try to render it out in AME and it only renders 1 frame for the length of the video.
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Nov 26, 2013
when I attempt to render an animation in Photoshop CC I am finding the Adobe Media Encoder option greyed out. The only available option is to render a Photoshop Image Sequence. In CS5 I was able to use the Media Encoder to render Quicktime movies directly from Photoshop. Why would this have changed? I'm on Photoshop CC 14.1.2, running on a Mac, OSX 10.9.
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Oct 4, 2013
I have a Windows 8 64-bit system. Why Corel VideoStudio X6 has Windows Media Encoder 9 Series included in the installation package. It is not even supported on Windows 7 and 8. [URL]
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Jan 19, 2013
How do I get a video render into the Adobe media encoder queue instead of doing individually?
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Feb 21, 2014
I just finished editing a 67 minute documentary, and I'm preparing to send it to the replication company. The problem I'm running into is that the project looks very clear and clean in premiere pro, however as soon as I export and burn it to a disc via encore, the finished video is noticibly pixelated/grainy, and a lower quality.
The footage was shot in HD. I've tried exporting MPEG-DVD and MPEG so far. The MPEG-DVD setting was worse than MPEG, but that wasn't great.
Is there anything I can try to get this footage to look better? (It's due at the replication company on Tuesday.)
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Dec 8, 2013
I've recently come across from FCP to Premiere Pro CS6. I've also acquired a Canon XF100 camera (the output being MXF files) and have been shooting some HD test footage which is 1920x1080. However, the project I will be shooting needs to be exported as a PAL SD .MOV file, as it is to be used for broadcast by a non-HD community station.
I have tried many different sequence and export settings to create the SD .MOV file, but in nearly all of them I keep getting blurring lines across the screen. I am now not sure if I should be shooting in SD or HD... I thought that I could shoot in HD for a better image before rendering out a SD final export.(I used to do this in FCP)
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Feb 13, 2014
where when I try to export my video, I get a pop up window saying 'some media is offline, it will be rendered using the red media offline graphic'. in Premier pro all my media seems to be online, I have followed several different video tutorials on how to re-link media and the option to re-link media is greyed out for me as there is no media that is unlinked, so why does this message come up when trying to export? Playback in PP is fine, all media appears to be online.
Having viewed the exported video it seems that all the media which has been replaced by the red 'media offline' logo is all the .MTS files filmed on my Camcorder whereas all the GoPro footage is showing up correctly in the exported video.
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Jan 12, 2014
it is possible to render to mpeg 2 with specific settings for VOD content cable provider in Premiere Pro?
Is there a specific preset for it? Or do you really need an external plugin (like the very expensive QT plugin from PIXELtools?
For a cable provider I need to make SD content.Encoded some MPG 2 TS test files and uploaded them to the test-environment of the Cable provider.
The calbel provider said the files are almost approved, they need a little more tweaking.
But the cable provider only gives me a list of errors in return. Errors they see in in the testing environment before publishing.
1. Rendered MPG's have PCR errors (deviation in clock frequention)
2. to get better quality encoded MPG's, they say to stretch the GOP.
Since I'm not in to GOP's, M frames and I-pictures.They gave me a white paper with the following rules....
1. The first byte of the video elementary stream MUST be the first byte of a sequence_start_code.
2. The video elementary stream MUST contain an integral number of access units.
3. A Sequence Header and a Sequence Extension MUST precede each I-Picture.
4. All B-Pictures in the video bit stream MUST use prediction based on pictures present in the bit stream. Specifically, the first GOP in the video elementary stream MUST NOT begin with a B-Picture predicted from a reference picture that does not exist in the stream. That is, the first GOP MUST be closed.
5. For MPEG2 encoding, the length of each GOP SHOULD be 12 frames.
6. For MPEG2 encoding, the number of consecutive B-Pictures between anchor pictures (I-Picture or P-Picture) MUST be two or less.
how to set the above requested into the Premiere Pro exportsettings from below (my settings, to make an MPG
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Dec 10, 2013
I'm running LT 2014 at Win7 x64 and have a problem with Xerox WF 6604 custom size paper settings.
Simply say when I change custom printer size at the printer's driver settings and confirm all dialogs nothing happend and LT use default settings. No dialog about new or temporary PC3 appear so looks that ACAD doesnt know about change at the printer driver?
This problem isn't continual but, for example, I printed something from the same dwg twice, but when third one change was set the very problem will appear and ACAD doesn't register changes.
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Aug 30, 2013
Is this a bug? I can't save a custom export preset. I set it up, hit save, give it a name then don't see it in the list.
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Apr 20, 2012
Is there a way to have my custom settings load when exporting a .jpg every time, without having to use the dropdown and select mine every single export?
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Mar 3, 2014
Here's the text:
1. Should Media Cache Files and Media Cache Database be in separate folders? Does it matter?
2. Can I open an "in progress' project from P Pro CS4 with CC P Pro and continue editing?
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Apr 22, 2014
I updated my creative cloud two days ago and since then any premiere pro projects I open have had "media pending" and I've let it sit a few times to see if it will load, but it just stays the same for hours on end. I've tried uninstalling, restarting, leaving my computer open, and it just seems stuck. Related: I updated because the exporter wasn't working either.
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Feb 11, 2014
I just reconnected my harddive and opened this project to render it and now the files are not linking. I may have saved it while it was unlinking, would that prevent me from relinking the files now?
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Mar 6, 2014
When I change Pixel Aspect Ratio in PSD file in Photoshop CS6 and load on Adobe Premiere CS6, it's not recognize new Pixel Aspect Ratio.
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Jul 11, 2013
How do I install the template media from premiere cc. I am up-to-date on the cloud...but when I go to the title generator all the template media is missing. How do I retrieve that?
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Dec 6, 2013
Media file in Premiere CS6 comes out at 7MB, same file and settings in CC comes out at 147 MB. I have tried, deleting saved copies, old rendered files, seems to be consistent across numerous files. IS there a fix for CC or a way to revert back to CS6?
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Sep 1, 2013
I have done everything I can find on the web (reloaded files, downloaded new files, you name it) and LR5 still won't let me "use" my AVI files. I can see the snippets,, they appear to be there, but I cannot play them, edit them, scrub them, export them etc. Suggestions other than to dump Lightroom (especially since the Adobe chat service is useless)?
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