Premiere Pro :: Export Media - Video Quality Is Poor?
Apr 8, 2014
Using a Macbook Pro, 2.6 GHz i7 8MB RAM
1) Importing 1920 x 1440 GoPro footage, .mp4, 29.97 fps : What sequence settings do I need for this media? I can't find any presets that match it. So I just pick a 1440 x 1080 sequence. What should I be doing?
2) Exporting Media quality is very poor and pixelated. I am just importing a video into a sequence and exporting about 10 seconds at a time with different export settings: H.264/Match Source, Quicktime, H.264-Blu ray with different presets. And I'm checking "USe max render quality". Every time it renders very pixelated.
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Dec 8, 2013
I have the following equipment:
Canon HDV XH-A1S
When capturing HDV clip with Premier Pro CC and playing it in the timeline, the video plays very choppy (bounces) and vertical lines flicker (drapes, edges if doors, etc...). It also seems like it is playing too fast (?). I play the exact same captured clip in Windows Media Player, and it look great.
My Canon was set at HDV 60i
clip properties:
Type: MPEG Movie
File Size: 1.1 GB
Image Size: 1440 x 1080
Frame Rate: 29.97
Source Audio Format: 48000 Hz - compressed - Stereo
Project Audio Format: 48000 Hz - 32 bit floating point - Stereo
Total Duration: 00;06;04;06
Pixel Aspect Ratio: 1.3333
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May 20, 2013
I've recently updated to cs6 and was looking forward to the video editing aspect. Very familiar with iMovie, and don't like the somewhat limited adjustments. Unfortunately, when I rendered my first video in CS6, the quality was horrible.
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Sep 25, 2012
Brand new to VideoStudio or any other video editing software.
I used VideoStudio X5's screen capture feature to create a couple of training videos for our church. When viewed on their own, the videos look excellent - the screen captures are sharp and clear. But when I use those same captures in a video project - with an opening title and a couple of transitions - the capture videos are grainy, the text of the Web pages included in them almost unreadable.
As I said, I am new to this stuff, so the explanation for what I'm experiencing is possibly quite simple. Nonetheless, why the capture videos look great when I view them on their own, but become blurry when they are part of a project?
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Oct 26, 2013
I've created a slide show using layers and have created a video group. This turns the layers into clips in the timeline. I've added a cross-fade transition between each clip in the timeline.
Everything plays back nicely in PS. When I export to mp4 and play it back in Quicktime, no matter what the magnification, the transitions look horrible. Even if I freeze frame on one it's horribly pixelated. I've tried different export options with the same results. Something appears to be happening during rendering the transitions, as if PS doesn't know how to create them. I export to:
Adobe Media Encoder
High Quality
1920 x 1080 (same as my file)
Frame Rate 30 fps
Field Order: Preset (Progressive)
Range = All Frames
My stats are:
iMac 27"
800 gigs free space
12 gigs ram 8 free
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Nov 8, 2012
I am trying to produce a DVD for private use only from a recording of a free-to-air TV one-off program. The program was recorded by my PVR set-top box that we use to convert the digital (HD, I *think*!) signal for our old analog TVs.
After quite a lot of work - due more to my lack of expertise than anyhting else - I have a VideoStudio project that seems to play quite nicely on the PC.
However, when I burn a DVD, the result is very jerky and flickery - to me, it seems as if the frame speed is too slow.
On one attempt, I noticed that the final .VOB file was only about 2GB - 51 minutes of video - and I decided to try increasing the video bitrate (I think that's what it was). The new .VOB file was a little over 4GB, so I expected the quality to be better.
Not so! In fact (without being able to play the two DVDs at the same time) I think it might be even worse at the higher bitrate.
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Aug 27, 2013
When I export the image quality is poor. I tried all settings but it does not get better. E.g. I used JPEG, progressive, highest quality. What is the reason for that?
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Mar 4, 2014
I have looked everywhere for instructions on how to export a premiere pro project and sequence, and associated media, to final cut pro on another computer. Exporting the xml does not include the media files. Therefore when my editor opens up the xml file it fails. I have a feeling I need to use Media Encoder to export the media associated with the project. Yet I cannot find any guides or instructions for how to undertake this. My editor is using FCP 7 on another computer in another place, so I need to export 8 sequences/projects *with their media* to him via the internet (dropbox) so that he can do a final edit on his machine. I would even be happy just to be able to export a working AAF since that option also hasn't worked for us.
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Apr 23, 2014
I am not able to export any kind of media from timeline, which is using png Sequence.
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Dec 21, 2013
I have quite a few merged clips that the director wants me to export so that he can watch them elsewhere than the suite. If I export them individually within Premiere CC I have sound on the exports but if I use the queue function that opens Media Encoder they are mute of this because they are merged clips?
is there a workaround other than doing them one at a time as there is alot of clips.
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Mar 10, 2014
How do I get media encoder to export a H264 with a .mov extenstion rather than a .mp4 extension?
Mac OS 10.8.5
Media Encoder 7.2.0
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Jan 21, 2014
I edited an online video dictionary (about 7,500 five second clips) and have them all in sequences in Premiere pro CC waiting to be exported. I hae been battling for two weeks now day in and day out to try and export... I am limited to batch exporting this project and have never had problems with adobe softwares in five years ( a great track record). I have tried many ways of importing or exporting the sequences to Media Encoder CC, and have experienced crashes every single export attempt. As soon as I add more than 5-10 clips the program crashes when I start the que. I badly need to deliver this product, any patch that will keep ME from crashing when you add more than a couple clips?
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Apr 3, 2014
When I use export media in Pr CS6 and use custom settings (H.264) and click Queue when it arrives in Media Encoder none of the custom settings are there, instead it always defaults to .F4V.
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May 18, 2012
Whenever I attempt to render video or export a photoshop file as a video I get the following error:
dynamiclinkmediaserver has encountered an error
[/Volumes/BuildDisk/builds/DynamicLinkMediaServer1/main/shared/adobe/M ediaCore/ASL/Foundation/Make/Mac/../../Src/DirectoryRegistry.cpp-283]
Continue Button.
Hitting continue does nothing and the application just hangs on the video export progress bar.I've attempted to export several types of PSD files to video, some old, some new (made in CS6) and I always get this error. I have reset Photoshops preferences. I have uninstalled the entire CS6 suite and reinstalled it.
On a whim I decided to reinstall PS CS5 and try to export from there. Worked like a charm. Was able to export video from my PSDs like before.I am currently running:
Creative Suite CS6 Master Collection
My hardware is:
Model Name: iMac
Processor Name: Intel Core i5
Processor Speed: 2.8 GHz
Memory: 8 GB
Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3
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Dec 10, 2013
I just finnished editing a music video.
It has over 8 video tracks and now I want to export it to a EDL format but It looks like everything needs to go on 1 video track.
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Feb 9, 2014
I'm trying to export a video as MP4, 1280x720 but when I attempt to adjust the frame height/width to this, I get a message that says "Frame dimension not supported: Please check that both width/height values are within limits." Aspect ratio is 16:9 and frame rate is is 60. When I export it as AVI, I don't get this same problem, but the file is HUGE so I'm trying to export as MP4. Also the filepath for MP4 comes up as .gp.
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Feb 13, 2014
where when I try to export my video, I get a pop up window saying 'some media is offline, it will be rendered using the red media offline graphic'. in Premier pro all my media seems to be online, I have followed several different video tutorials on how to re-link media and the option to re-link media is greyed out for me as there is no media that is unlinked, so why does this message come up when trying to export? Playback in PP is fine, all media appears to be online.
Having viewed the exported video it seems that all the media which has been replaced by the red 'media offline' logo is all the .MTS files filmed on my Camcorder whereas all the GoPro footage is showing up correctly in the exported video.
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Jan 5, 2014
I am newer to using Adobe CS 6, but I am having a problem I have never had before. When I play the video I edited in adobe timeline everything is perfect. But when I export the video, the video and audio export in different files. The video has no audio, and the audio has no video.
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Aug 1, 2012
I created a video in Video Studio Pro 5. I published to a MPEG4 file to play back and check my results. The file opened with Quicktime and the video looked fine. So I went ahead and burned the video to a DVD using the Share feature, where it created a VOB file. When the VOB file opens in Windows Media Player, it loses resolution. The worst parts of the fuzzy video are the MPEG4 files that I imported into video studio. They are 1080 HD files so I thought they should look ok and, in fact, they look fine in Quicktime. But I also imported JPG's and they look fuzzy as well. How can I burn to a DVD without losing resolution?
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Mar 23, 2011
Using Corel VideoStudio Pro X3 and either Corel DVD Moviefactory 7SE or Corel DVDFactory Pro 2010, the playback quality of the burned disks is poor. While the completed project has excellent quality both direct from the hard drive AND when using Windows Explorer and just copying directly to the DVD, anytime I attempt to create a simple menu structure, it seems that the entire video is re-rendered causing a significant loss in video quality from the original. I have tried all settings in both packages even just including the created 660MB mpeg4 (rather than the project itself) in Pro 2010 and the result is a 220MB file. Again, when I just use Windows Explorer and copy directly the DVD, the original video is preserved including the 660MB file size and the quality is the same as the project.
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Jun 15, 2013
I am using the pro x4. My photos are of poor quality on my completed DVD. this has not always been the case. my photos are high resolution taken with a Nikon d5000. there was a recent update and I am not sure if it required some setting changes.
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Oct 17, 2013
I'm using the 30 day trial of VisualStudio x6 to create a DVD from multiple different video sources (MOV, MP4, MPG, WMV etc) that are all recorded in HD or near HD qulity. The total size of all these videos on my HDD is upwards of 7Gb. My problem is, when I burn the DVD it compresses down to just over 950Mb and the quality is noticably degraded.
I realize there will be some quality loss going from source to DVD but is there anything I can change in the settings to achieve the highest quality DVD output? It seems like from 7Gb to 950Mb, its not even trying to maintain any quality. Not even half the single layer DVD disc gets filled. I also have DL DVD's to burn to. Basically, I want the highest quality DVD from these HD sources regardless of final output size.
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Feb 5, 2005
animations after being saved in Imageready result in poorer qulity than usual even though it's set to 256 colors. The settings in my optomize pallet are gif, lossy:0, custom, colors:256, diffusion, dither:100%. Usually the default settings are jpeg high but I can't save as a gif with those settings where I'm sure I could before today.
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Jul 14, 2004
correction of poor quality?
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Jul 6, 2010
I'm working on a project where I need to export hundreds of custom images for use on a website. Each image needs to have a watermark on it. So I created the watermark in Illustrator, then placed it into a 900 pixel x 900 pixel file and saved for web as a PNG-24 with transparency.
When I export images form LR3 using the above graphic as a watermark the image quality is great, but the watermark has rough edges and is pixelated at any setting under 2500 pixels. I need to output down as small as 150, 225 and 250 pixels. I can do this in photoshop and the watermark looks great. Yet from LR the quality is noticably bad. See the attached file.
how to improve the quality of the watermark?
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Mar 18, 2013
I've just recently starting using After Effects and it's very impressive.I purchased a project file from, it's a few seconeds long and is basically a logo reveal.I opened up the placeholder where the logo is meant to sit, and I imported a vector version of our logo and added the text.
The problem is, everything within the placeholder seems to be of very poor quality before and after the video is rendered. URL....
Is there something I am doing wrong here? The "values and achievement" text is of high quality with no blurring or pixelation, the same goes for the blue surrounding effects, but anything within "logo" (as it is called on the timeline), is very poor as you can see from the video.
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Mar 10, 2014
Maybe I'm doing this totally wrong, but why can't I output just the man and a transparent background? The key is clean in Premiere. The output file (shown) is 32 bit, so there is an alpha channel, but when played in VLC player you see the noisy background instead of black or transparent. I want to send a client a cleanly keyed video for for further editing.
Quicktime DNxHD export codec from AME
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Mar 10, 2014
Is there a way to split a really long video into 10 minute chunks during export? I know I can do this post export with other software, but I would've thought it could be doable straight in Premiere Pro (using CC).
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Jan 10, 2012
I've rendered my project to MPEG4 and the audio has a light popping intermittently through it. I thought it might be caused by having multiple video overlays but only one track had audio enabled. I've now split out the audio and put it into it's own track but I'm still getting the poor quality sound.
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Mar 1, 2012
I am getting very poor rendering quality for HD files. If the clip is “untouched” by VS it will render fine. However any changes to the clip either by adding transition, modifying brightness, color, adding title overlay etc. causes significant lost of quality and creates very flickery output with jerky movements.
Original clip
Same clip but rendered by VS X4
Here are the steps to do the test:
1.Download files from provided links:
a)Original clip : [URL]
b)Project file : [URL]
c)Project screen shot: [URL]
2.Create folder in your C dirve called “Test” and place downloaded files in it.
3.Open provided project file in VS X4. This should have the original clip placed on the time line twice. The first one is not modified clip and the second one has modified brightness just to force the rendering)
4.Render it to the file using MPG Optimizer. (i.e. Share -> File -> MPG Optimizer -> Accept -> Save) This should produce AVCHD 1920 x1080 60i file. See the project screen shot “Test.jpg” as a reference.
5.Play both source and rendered files in Windows Media player or TV and compare the smoothness of movements. R
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Dec 22, 2010
My still camera facilitates the taking of multiple panoramic shots than can be later stitched into one large file - a narrow, long image (about 5 Mb in my case). I can access this photo as with any other photo. However, if I zoom into it with the intent of panning from left to right so the full height of the image fills the screen, the quality goes way down. It is not the photo file itself because I can bring that up in the Windows photo gallery and it zooms up wonderfully. Also, if I zoom any regular photo to the same extent (about 400x) that image remains pretty good and does not have the same drop off in quality. I looked at all of the options I could find, but saw nothing I could do to improve the quality.
How to pan manually from one photo to another, instead of using the panoramic pic? I tried this using the overlay track but of course the overlay photo covers up the main track.
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