Premiere Pro :: PC Crashing (Blue Screen) When Attempting To Export Movie
Jan 27, 2014
My PC will crash when attempting to export in Premiere Pro, I will get the blue screen.
I ran a memory diagnostic test to see if it was the ram, it did not come back as having faulty ram.
Somtimes the pc will just freeze too.
Seems like this only happens with adobe.
I somtimes could export a file after attempting 2-3 times but now it crashes almost every time.
I have tried many different export formats but it seems to not be limited to just one format, it happens with all formats.
I have tried to find a solution but I still have not.
Here are my PC specs:
OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
Other OS Description Not Available
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Name
System Manufacturer To Be Filled By O.E.M.
System Model To Be Filled By O.E.M.
System Type x64-based PC
Processor AMD A6-3670 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics, 3000 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
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Mar 11, 2014
We thinking about buying Adobe Premiere Pro for production of movies shown as LED banners on sport arenas. We need to make a customised projects and sequenses where 20 small movies are shown on the screen at the same time. Full screen has a solution on 2560 x 1120 px. Each small movie has a solution on 1280 x 112 px. The 20 movies filles up the total screen. Is this posible and an eacy thing to do in Adobe Premiere Pro?
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Dec 19, 2013
Whenever it gets to 4:40 it just says unknown error compiling movie. I have it exporting to .wmv at 720p 29.97 fps.
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Feb 11, 2014
So I got a new mac and since I have not been able to export anything. I've reinstalled everything, updated it and fenagled with all the settings but nothing seems to stop it. I am using the latest verton of Mavericks and it only happens when I hit export to media.I also checked adobe media encoder and that gets the same error message and cause.
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Jan 24, 2014
I'm having a major issue exporting a sequence out of premier pro CS5 that contains high res jpeg images. The system freezes up during the export. I've been successful exporting the sequence to H.264 (vimeo HD preset) after removing the jpeg. So, I am fairly confident it I've isolated the issue. However, I've gone over the recommended jpeg file sizes for premier pro and am well within the guidelines. The images I'm using are saved at a resolution of 300dpi with a size of about 5600 (w) x 3700 (h) pixels for an average of about 61 megapixels per image. The sequence plays just fine within premier pro. There is only a problem when I go to export.
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Sep 3, 2013
in fact didn't know I had the time to be either.Creative Cloud is a great idea, pity it has been used to release under cooked software. The upgrade to CC has cost my department hours and hours of chargeable/billable time.URL....
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Sep 20, 2012
I received PSE 8 in a bundle with a Bamboo tablet. I loaded it up and have been editing pictures just fine. Yesterday I downloaded and installed some actions from MCP's site and messed with a few of them. Today I downloaded and installed the MCP Facebook actions. I was able to mess around with it a bit along with some other action until after a few minutes I reveived a message from Adobe telling me that it has detected that a program closed unexpectedly and asked if I wanted to send an error report, which I have. I gave it a rest for a while but it is still crashing. I can get into the Organizer but when I attempt to go into any of the edit areas, it will load up and after a few seconds I get the message. I am using Windows 7
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Jan 26, 2014
I'm talking about the movie icon/preview picture you see in explorer when you're looking at the movie.
I want to select what it shows, kinda like how you can select a thumbnail on youtube when you upload a video.
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Mar 1, 2013
Illustrator CS6 (64-bit) gives the following error when I attempt to export to a .bmp file: "Could not write the file because the plug-in made an invalid request of the Photoshop adapter".
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Feb 10, 2009
I have used "Share My Screen" meeting feature a few times on my machine.
a client and it gave me the blue screen of death crash and forced a restart. After it did this 3 times I gave up.
Windows XP Home 2002 SP3
PhotoshopCS4 Extended
CS4 Production Premium
RADEON X300 SE 128MB Hypermemory
Intel Pentium (R) CPU 3.00 GHz 2.99 Ghz
2.50 GB RAM
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Mar 9, 2014
I finished my movie and cannot seem to find a way to get this burned successfully to a DVD. Encore did not download with my month purchase of premiere pro cc and when I open the creative cloud there is not additional options to download encore. I have tried exporting the media to a MPEG-2 DVD file however, windows media player cannot seem to open that file and I have not been able to successfully burn it to a disc. I just want to burn my movie to a DVD to play on the television
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Feb 6, 2014
Basically I made an animation sequence on Autodesk Maya and rendered the sequence as 2000 jpeg images each representing 1 frame, put it in one folder and on Adobe Premiere imported and dragged the folder into the timeline to make a moving image so in other words my video is made up of hundreds of jpg images.
Now on the editor it all looks HD and fine but when I export it via file > export > media, in order to match the sequence to the screen I must click on 'match sequence settings' which will snap the whole movie into the window rather than have it widescreen and once I do this I can't modify anything else such as codec, etc (codec is automatically set as MPEG -Frame and the output automatically is mpeg), is this normal? Why is it mpeg ajnd not avi...
So once I export the video with these settings (image uploaded) the quality is ok but not as good as what I see in the Premeire editor, why? What can I do to improve the quality?
On the other hand if I don't click on match to sequence settings and personally customise the paramaters such as avi, I use max settings for many things but after exporting my picture quality actually goes worse compared tomatch to sequence settings? (which has less parameters)
Why is this happening, all my jpeg images are high quality 720p and I should just be able to export it as normal...
I am trying to make a cut-scene to get into Unity so the codec is important as well.
How can I make my video best quality as possible being mpeg or avi? What settings do I need to play with?
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Apr 19, 2014
I made my timelapse movie in quicktime then imported it into my premiere pro cc sequence and there are black borders all around it whilst the other clips are fine and in the format i want the movie to be shown in.
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Jan 12, 2012
I tried to burn a movie to my tv screen in VS Pro X4. i used 4:3 aspect ratio but when i took the DVD to view on my tv, i saw 4 black borders around the movie on my tv screen, the borders were on top, bottom and both the right and left side. I tried both 16:9 and 4:3 in VS x4 and both had the same results 4 black borders.
when i burned the same movie in VS 10 plus with 4:3 the movie fits the size of my tv screen.
why is it that VS pro X4 ultimate cant burn the movie to fit the size of my tv screen as it did in VS 10 Plus? what setting am I missing in setting in VS X4
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Oct 17, 2013
Since upgrading to LR 5.2, I can no longer upload photos to Facebook. I get this message: "An error occurred while attempting to load this plug-in’s portion of the Export dialog. attempt to index upvalue '?' (a nil value)"
How do I get LR 5.2 to work again with my Facebook account?
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Aug 10, 2011
I use CorelDRAW for flight training material graphics. I've started on a video project, using Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD.
The project will be rendered as 720x486. how to setup my page and export graphics I make for this DVD for best quality? I have been exporting as PNG, which I think is best type, at 600dpi. But, I think I made my page too small and maybe some quality is being lost in the render? The graphics look blurry on the video now.
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Oct 31, 2013
is it possible to export to a movie just a particular part of the sequence (say frame 100 to 500) similar as you can do in After Effects exporting just a work area?
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Dec 17, 2010
I have converted my finished movie project into .flv format to be exported to a directory on my hard drive. I am not having any success with getting it done. How to move this movie file to my computer hard drive?
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May 19, 2012
I have made 4 templates from the make movie templates manager:
1280x720 8000kbps WMV
1920x1080 8000kbps WMV
1280x720 8000kbps MPEG-4
1920x1080 8000kbps MPEG-4
And have everything in those templates configured just the way I need them to produce a consistent result that meets my needs.
My question is, how do I export or backup those 4 custom created templates so I can re-load them if I either reinstall the X4 that I have or use them in the new license of X5 that I have ordered for my other machine?
I modified some properties of the underlying templates that were used as the basis for some of those above, but don't know all the details as it was rather a confusing process. But I believe it was one of the ULEAD entries that I tweaked in order to get the proper options available to me in the template.
Bottom line is, I have it all setup and just want to be able to load those setups into X4 or X5 when I complete and install.
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Jan 26, 2012
I have a 10 frames movie. Can I export each frames into a .png (in a batch)?
CorelDraw X5 v. Hot Fix 4 - Windows 7-64
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Feb 15, 2012
I am exporting a 2 hr movie as Apple Pro Res (LT). Last week this happened within 5 hrs but today the export is very slow. It renders about 20 frames and then stops, 20 more frames and then stop. This is very strange.
Smoke 2013 Ext1
17" Mac Book Pro
OS X 10.8.5
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Jul 11, 2012
I cannot Export QuickTime any Codec ( h264 / 444 / 442 / mp4 / PNG / Jpeg )in Smoke for Mac 2012 SAP1 - Export Media.
I can export it before but not today.I get "Error Get Frame 0" - What Does is mean ? and What is the cause ?
I try to reinstall backburner(2012.1) and mio (2012.1) not work.So i can export in sequence format like DPX / Jpeg that useless.
Just Download Utility with same version of your Smoke and Reinstall : Wiretap Gateway/Wiretap Central/MIO and BackBurner.
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Nov 21, 2013
I have an issue where in Photoshop, opening a menu and clicking on something like, File > New or any other option, will leave a blue shadow on my screen, of that menu item. It persists over every program until I restart the computer, even if Photoshop has been closed. This has only happened in the last week.
Is this an issue with Photoshop, or is it my computer?
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May 31, 2009
Windows Vista Home PremiumHP Pavillion m7790yPSE 7.plenty of space on the hard discs and plenty of RAM. PSE 7 worled fine for months until a few days ago. Now, when I launch 7, the initial welcome screen (chose Organizer, Editor etc) appears for half a second, then the conmpture crashes with a blue screen error message saying that a bad driver was detected that caused the computer to shut down. Here are all the things I have tried - none worked. I did a deep scan in Safe Mode with my antivirus - results cleanI ran the Winodws utilities to check for errors in memory and hard drive - results clean.I used the Windows driver updater to update each and every driver - no failures.I reinstalled PSE 7I reinstalled my HP printer softwareI read the Windows event manager messages about this crash and all that it says is that I have a driver problem.
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Feb 22, 2012
I recently built a PC for photo editing, and I am receiving the BSOD at different points when Lightroom is open. The first time it happened was when I was moving about 1000 raw files from one folder to another (did it twice to me doing that). From there, I grabbed the latest video card driver from Nvidia, and I also went into the bios and set my memory back to "Auto" rather than 1600 (which is what it's rated for). Thought maybe it was hardware related. Everything was going fine, I did some editing, and then while it was just sitting there with LR3 open, I got the BSOD again.Â
Here is what I'm running:
CPU - i7 3.4ghz 2600k
Mobo - Asus P8Z68-V LX LGA 1155 Intel Z68
RAM - G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 8GB 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600
System SSD - Corsair Force Series GT CSSD-F120GBGT-BK 2.5" 120GB SATA III
    -I have Windows 7 64-bit, Photoshop CS5.5 and Lightroom 3 installed on this drive and I also have current project photo files stored on this. Once done editing, I export them to a 1TB HDD.
Video - EVGA GeForce GTX 560 (Fermi) 1GB
Here are the details after logging into Windows after the crash:
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â BlueScreen
OS Version:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 6.1.7601.
Locale ID:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 1033
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Dec 21, 2013
When I try opening Pr CC I get error code 16. The message asks me to unistall Pr CC then reinstall it, so that's what I did, but I keep getting that error code when I try opening Pr CC and it keeps crashing before it can even open the program. Error code 16 means?
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Oct 15, 2012
The program opens normally and after 3-5 seconds I get a blue screen crash. Just before the crash, photoshop displays a message about a problem with the display driver and GPU. I am unable to read the entire message before the system crashes. I re-installed the video driver and CS4 but the problem persists.
This is a recent phenomena (two days ago). The program operated normally with the current OS/software/hardware configuration for over a year.Windows 7, SP1 (64-bit)Intel Core2 Q9550 @ 2.83gzh, 8gb RAMNVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti video card (updated driver)
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Apr 25, 2012
I attempted to copy with base point some blocks from one drawing to another and got a blue screen saying physical memory dump, and then my computer restarted. I tried the same thing using the insert as a block, but had the same problem. I am using autocad 2012
I'm running Windows 7, it says with 8gig ram, and video card is a Intel(r)hd graphics family. The computer is less than 2 weeks old.
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Jun 15, 2012
One of my end users reports to me that his computer has been crashing. We soon learn that it crashes every time he starts AutoCad LT 2006.
What I have done so far is completely removed autocad and all associated programs. Reinistalled, installed a newer version (Autocad LT 2007), upgraded to the latest bios and firmware on the machine. Replaced the RAM, and just about everything else under the sun and this machine still crashes every time you start auto cad. I asked the user when the last time was that it worked and he said he was using it about a month ago just fine.
I installed the program on my identical laptop and it works just fine.
I ran the BSOD via Kernel mode through WinDBG and it points to ACPI.SYS. Being that this is a heavy system driver file, need getting this program to actually work short of me reinstalling the entire OS on the machine? The stop error is the 0x00000050 memory error.
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Aug 20, 2008
I capture a lot of brochures from holiday trips etc including outline maps of local areas. I then add rthese to albums, shows etc.
When I scan these, they frequently include a significant blue (sometimes grey) tint most noticeable at the edges or on folds in the items being scanned, presumably representing areas where the contact between the document and the glass is not quite as good as elsewhere.
I've tried weighing down the scanner lid, but I've not noticed any noticeable improvement.I'm now playing with the settings to see if I shoude be tweaking anything to improve this.
In the meantime, I'm left with a number of docs to clean. I've been doing this with the clone tool, but it is very time consuming.
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May 21, 2012
Every now and then, but recently more then I want, I get a blue screen while doing a stress analysis.
I have a pretty simple assembly with just 2 parts in it. One of these parts is built as a multibody part. It can be that the blue screens started to occur after I made a multibody design, however I am not sure about that. I downloaded and installed Inventor R13.
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