Premiere Pro :: Converting Movie To A DVD Without Encore?
Mar 9, 2014
I finished my movie and cannot seem to find a way to get this burned successfully to a DVD. Encore did not download with my month purchase of premiere pro cc and when I open the creative cloud there is not additional options to download encore. I have tried exporting the media to a MPEG-2 DVD file however, windows media player cannot seem to open that file and I have not been able to successfully burn it to a disc. I just want to burn my movie to a DVD to play on the television
I have just discovered from this DVInfo thread, that Premiere Pro CC no longer comes with Encore, or any DVD/Blu-ray authoring software. So if you used Premiere Pro CS6 and still need to provide clients or whoever with DVD or Blu-ray disk, hang on to your CS6 apps.
It is a huge (my word for today) benefit being able to right click an object and having the option to open it in Photoshop like a Smart Object. Make your edits, Ctrl (Cmd) s and it updates in Encore. But so long as you still have Premiere Pro and Photoshop CS6 installed, you still have that function.
I am afraid I don't know a whole lot about Photoshop and video because I’ve always used Premiere Pro.
I have noticed that since upgrading to CC I have had lots of time wasting work around to create a Blu Ray and DVD using Encore. In the past I used to create awesome quality Blu Rays and DVD from the same Encore Project dynamically linked to PrPro. But with CC the workaround is time consuming and I don't think the Blu Ray and DVD will be going away as predicted by Adobe. As a result of this I just can't wait to terminate my CC subscription at the end of my contract this year so I can revert to CS6.
Until a short while ago I had both Premiere Pro and also Encore which I used frequently to make DVDs and Blue Ray disks. My computer collapsed and I have built myself a new one. I've logged on to Creative Cloud and downloaded Premiere Pro but Encore does not appear in the Creative Cloud list. I found some instructions which said to click on "More Information" underneath Premiere Pro, but in Creative Cloud apps the only wording under Creative Cloud is "Tutorials". I have hunted everywhere but just can't see anywhere where I can download Encore to my machine.
My title shows fine in the Premiere timeline, fine in a burned H264, fine in Encore when I scrub, fine in Encore when I play the preview BUT when I burn a dvd and play the burned dvd in dvd players the title is cut off (all four sides are cropped off).
BUT when I play the dvd with Windows Media Player on the computer, the title is fine on the computer monitor.
My flat screen has four aspects: Normal, Zoom, Wide and Cinema. I am using Normal. The other three settings crop it much more harshly.
Re: Adobe Master Suite CS6 and specifically PPro CS6. I am trying to find any information on using my chapter or encore markers in a sequence to create multiple videos using the markers and doing this in Media Encoder. It is a music video I want to split into 22 separate videos based on the start point for each song. It is such a natural thing to want to do this that I would at least have expected to see a comment to the contrary if it is not capable of being done in the manner I am suggesting. I would expect to be able to do a dynamic link to the sequence and be able to split the file in a fashion similar to Encore which imports the sequence as a series of chapter points I then use to create my DVD.
We thinking about buying Adobe Premiere Pro for production of movies shown as LED banners on sport arenas. We need to make a customised projects and sequenses where 20 small movies are shown on the screen at the same time. Full screen has a solution on 2560 x 1120 px. Each small movie has a solution on 1280 x 112 px. The 20 movies filles up the total screen. Is this posible and an eacy thing to do in Adobe Premiere Pro?
Basically I made an animation sequence on Autodesk Maya and rendered the sequence as 2000 jpeg images each representing 1 frame, put it in one folder and on Adobe Premiere imported and dragged the folder into the timeline to make a moving image so in other words my video is made up of hundreds of jpg images.
Now on the editor it all looks HD and fine but when I export it via file > export > media, in order to match the sequence to the screen I must click on 'match sequence settings' which will snap the whole movie into the window rather than have it widescreen and once I do this I can't modify anything else such as codec, etc (codec is automatically set as MPEG -Frame and the output automatically is mpeg), is this normal? Why is it mpeg ajnd not avi...
So once I export the video with these settings (image uploaded) the quality is ok but not as good as what I see in the Premeire editor, why? What can I do to improve the quality?
On the other hand if I don't click on match to sequence settings and personally customise the paramaters such as avi, I use max settings for many things but after exporting my picture quality actually goes worse compared tomatch to sequence settings? (which has less parameters)
Why is this happening, all my jpeg images are high quality 720p and I should just be able to export it as normal...
I am trying to make a cut-scene to get into Unity so the codec is important as well.
How can I make my video best quality as possible being mpeg or avi? What settings do I need to play with?
I made my timelapse movie in quicktime then imported it into my premiere pro cc sequence and there are black borders all around it whilst the other clips are fine and in the format i want the movie to be shown in.
My PC will crash when attempting to export in Premiere Pro, I will get the blue screen.
I ran a memory diagnostic test to see if it was the ram, it did not come back as having faulty ram.
Somtimes the pc will just freeze too.
Seems like this only happens with adobe.
I somtimes could export a file after attempting 2-3 times but now it crashes almost every time.
I have tried many different export formats but it seems to not be limited to just one format, it happens with all formats.
I have tried to find a solution but I still have not.
Here are my PC specs:
OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601 Other OS Description Not Available OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation System Name System Manufacturer To Be Filled By O.E.M. System Model To Be Filled By O.E.M. System Type x64-based PC Processor AMD A6-3670 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics, 3000 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
We have some FLV files we're looking to edit at work, and then export as MOV for upload to YouTube. I'm currently receiving signifcant quality loss in this process. I've tried a variety of work flows and export/compression settings, and can't match the original quality of the FLV file I'm currently receiving for editing.
How to reduce/remove the quality loss I am currently receiving?
I've recently been brought on to a production (hour long doc) that's pretty much already been edited to time (picture locked), however at the time of the editing they didn't have a broadcaster. Now they do have one on board that's requesting delivery in 60i.
All the footage was shot at 29.97p with a 5D Mrk 3. The show was started in Premiere CS 6 but they upgraged to Premiere CC. I know that it's now possible in Premiere to change the sequence settings of a pre-existing sequence. I was just wondering what would be the simplest way to convert the footage / timeline to 60i from 29.97p footage sititng in a 29.97p sequence. Do I have to re-transcode all of the footage in the edit? or can I just change the sequence settings and have premire treat the 29.97p footage as 60i? I assume this wouldn't change the running time of the edit since I'm just splitting the progressive frames into fields.
Running a MacBook Pro (osx 10.8.5) Premiere v7.2.1
I am planning to use a 50fps timeline, but my camera does not support 50fps, so the next best thing I can do is 25fps. My understanding is that if I shoot with a 90 degree shutter at 25fps, then that is like shooting every second frame of native 180 degree shutter 50fps. I hope that is correct The question is, how do I get Premiere to interpolate the additional frames so I have a nice smooth 50fps finish? Do I need a plugin? I don't want the blending modes that just overlay adjacent frames. I'm looking for a solution that creates brand new frames with moving objects where they would have been, had the footage been shot at 180 degree 50fps in the first place.
I modified a library menu from Encore in CS4 but my button layers are off kilter so that the selected and activate layers just look like jumbled text. I made my buttons from text of the material they link too, so the layer two and three text looks offset and murky. I'd like to have the actual text change color for the select and activate layer. I envision a color scheme from the US flag. Normal state is red, selected blue and activate white. One thought I had was that perhaps the text needs to be changed to a smart object and then it can be set up. But the color palette in Encore is confusing to me.
I'm creating a DVD Menu in Photoshop CS% for use in Encore authoring a DVD. My question is about workflow...
I've tried creating the elements of my menu in Photoshops "Film?Video" Preset which creates a document 720x480 / 72ppi (This is the NTSC Widescreen selection in the Preset)
The document size is too small to work with... it has to be enlarged to 160% or more... and become terribly pixelated.
Would a better workflow be to creat my menu in a larger Photoshop document with better resolution... and then free-transform it to a new document created at the Fim/Video Preset?
Also... in the Film/Video Preset there is a "Pixel Aspect Ratio Correction" setting that is a preview of the document in Widescreen mode. If I free-transfrom a larger Photoshop document to this Preset should the PAR Correction be turned ON of OFF when I place it?
I have a menu that I modified, unfortunately, and now Encore CS5 says that I have overlapping buttons. I'm assuming that the red boxes that Encore places around objects designates those thatare problems. However I can't see any that are overlapping.
I have a psd dynamically linked to an Encore menu. When I go into PS my cursor has changed into what looks like a hand over a book or maybe a paint bucket.It wasn't there yesterday even though the doc was linked then as well...
I'm about 3 months and many hours of tutorials into Premiere ProCC, Audition CC, and Encore CS6. Apparently the nifty dynamic links from PPro and Audition CS6 no longer work with encore, as encore was not upgraded to CC. So,
I want to sample color from an original Photoshop image, and create an Encore menu color set, so that my menu buttons, etc. are colored to match the main photo image in the menu. Is there an eyedropper kind of tool in Encore that would let me sample the color from the image, and then apply that to color swatches in the Encore button layers?
How can I view a preview how all the video transition looks between 2 clips in Premiere Pro CS5 before I choose the one I want to use.
I always use Adobe Bridge CS5 when I need to see a fosmag on the effects in After Effects CS5, but can not get it to work and then I can also see the Video Transitions in Adobe Premiere CS5
Syncing in plural eyes is good with our pro res files, but when I try and sync with some mp3 files from a zoom h1 recorder it goes black at the bottom of the timeline and responds really buggy.
ive seen the new AVP movie in theaters....i like the "AVP" text that they made for the movie....could i make this text inside photoshop...ive learned a lot about photoshop but ive got a lot to learn yet could someone giv me a quick tutorial...heh heh.....about making special effects for text....cuz thers no font that is like that (AVP) is ther?
I would like to save my movies as WMV files at a size of 640x480 . I found a template in the movie templates manager that has the size , however try as I might I cannot get to save the file at around 500mb's . it keeps saving the file at around 120 mbs how to adjust the save file size