Premiere Pro :: Film 2k Editing Project Settings?
Jan 5, 2014
i am starting a film project to edit, what is the exact 2k project sequence settings & project settings,like frame rate,2k resolution size,progressive or ?the project pipeline is - premiere to speedgrade to Lab print(Negative or UFO or Qube)
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Feb 12, 2014
I have a friend who is just completing a film for a public screening...(about 400 people, mostly volunteers involved in production.)He will be using a regular projector hooked up to a PC to play the video.The source footage is 1080p HD shot on a HVX200. Edited on Premiere Pro CS5.
What format should he use to export so he gets great quality but it can also play without the computer stuttering and dying etc? We've debated between H.264 (mpeg 4 file format) or DVD Blu Ray.MPEG 2 (or some Quicktime format?)
Do we choose h.264 and bump up the bitrate to maximum? Stick with the preset recommendation? There also is h.'264 bluray'..have no idea what difference that makes.
We're not experts on codecs and resolutions etc.Premiere Pro presents this plethora of options.
We want to choose....File ...Export....a format and preset (and maybe adjust a setting or two) and get the best result.
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Apr 7, 2014
I have to generate a script log for my feature film, essentially every spoken word with associated time code. I was wondering if I could use Premiere to do this? Could I import a Quicktime of my film, pair it with the shooting script and use the Speech Anyalysis to generate a text file with timecodes?
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Mar 14, 2014
I opened up my project and all the footage has seemed to change to look like a "film negative". Colors are reversed, etc... Clips on the timeline and clips in the project folder. How can I correct this..
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May 12, 2009
What's the best way to get its photos into my computer for PS editing?
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Jan 13, 2014
I want to take a sequence that I had in an old project and put it into a current project, but I dont want it to be one rendered file... i still want too see the fades and make changes to it...
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Dec 19, 2013
I started a project and watch a lot of files in the source monitor to set IN and OUT points. When the file playes f.e. more than a minute the sound gets muted while the film is still running. First I thought it wood be a matter of my external HD from where I loaded the files. Now that I take the same or any other files from my internal sata 3 harddrive the behaviour is still the same.
When i scroll the mouse wheel to move some frames back and forth the sound is back when i hit the space bar. It's the same if i just hit the space bar once to pause and then hit it again to resume.
The effect shows after different amount of times, sometimes after 45 sec. and sometimes after 2 minutes +
I am running Pr Pro CS6 (latest update installed some days ago) on a windows 7 ultimate x64, 16 GB of ram, Nvidia GTX 670, i7 3770, HD is a WD caviar black
The movie clips come from a Panasonic Lumix FZ 150 in FullHD resolution as h.264 MP4 files.
I am quite sure that some months ago this behaviour was not present. I did not change anything on Premiere CS6 but running the updates.
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Mar 24, 2014
Currently I’m riding my Premiere Pro CC skateboard on “L” plates and already I’ve hit a tree and landed on my backside. I filmed a video of my daughter with my DSLR camera and shot my take vertically. No doubt this is a clear sign to all of you reading this that I am a beginner, I mean a trainee-wheels-nappies-spoon-fed beginner. When importing my vertical file it lies horizontal in this CC editor. Surely this must be some button to push to rotate my take back to vertical. Meanwhile I’ll fix myself up with some band-aides and thumb through the ABC book to the part about horizontal out-put devices.
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Jan 2, 2014
i´m having a problem opening a premiere pro cs6 project from another computer. My partner can open the project in her computer, but when she sends me the project by mail and i try to open it in my computer i I get t the mesasage " Cannot load project". I´ve tried importing the project into another project but it doesn´t work.
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May 9, 2013
I'm trying to find a way of adding "film burn" or "light leak" effects (which give a faded, colour distorted, 70s look) to clips while editing in VSProX4. I'm working with SD avi clips, in a 4.3 aspect ratio (made with Mpeg Streamclip). find something like a "grunge" effects plug-in, compatible with VS ProX4, that is not too expensive.
My OS is windows vista, 32 bit with a 98G hard drive and 4G of ram (on Toshiba Satellite Intel duo laptop).
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Apr 15, 2014
I have tried exporting in various ways, it will burn to a dvd, but one way wouldn't play sound, another only play on my MAC, another played through media player but not on a dvd player. I looked it up and it says something about Encore. Is that something I have already? If so, how do I access it?
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Dec 30, 2013
I've made a project in Premiere Pro CS6 with greenscreen footage from a canon XF100 (MXF file).
When I open the project in Premiere Pro CC I can scrub throught the timeline everything is oke.
But playing or rendering the timeline, gives me only the bottom half of the greescreen footage. I see that in Premiere CC the clip with the footage becomes gray after putting an effect on it. When I do this process from the start in CC it works fine. But there are 52 timelines in the project made in CS6.
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Feb 12, 2014
I tried to export my project. I don't know where it was exported to. I did not see where I could choose the destination. I ultimately want to save it on my google drive.
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Apr 13, 2014
Is there a limit to the number of sequences I can have in a PPCC project?
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Jan 18, 2014
I am on the final stages of finishing my first ever HD project, having made the jump Premiere Pro 2.0 to Premiere CS5. Mid-way thru I found it necessary to upgrade to Creative Cloud, so that is where I am working now. The HD world is so vastly different from the old SD flow that every single step of this project has been a huge learning curve for me. I am basically an 'oldie' but for all practical purposes I am a total 'newbie' at this. That said, I am now finding myself ready to export my project to DVD in a SD form with Stereo sound.
I am working with footage shot on the Red Epic. At my current stage I am working withh ProRes 444 renders from which I have created a full nested 74 minute timeline. Frame rate is 23.976 and the source is1920x1080 with 1.0 square pixels.
So now my movie is done, and it looks and sounds like I want it to. The question now, in a nutshell, is what file type and settings should I use to export my movie so that I can retain aspect ratio? Should I output a movie first or take the project into another program like encore first and make my disc from there?
Also, I have my first screening coming up (primarily for cast and crew and industry insiders) in a couple of weeks, so I need to create a 1080 HD File with my 5.1 surround track that I project from a laptop. The screening venue has the capability to do that via a simple HDMI cable hookup, but does the laptop I use need to have any special capabilities to do the job? And what is the best file type to use for that?
I have always been more of an artist than a tech head, but I am pretty much doing the whole post on this movie alone, with the exception of the Dissolve renders and the sound design, which I had done for me (I have a great finished 5.1 design in .wav format, as well as a stereo version).
I should also mention that I currently have Encore CS5. Can I work with this on a Premiere CC project?
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Jan 20, 2014
Premiere was running fine for most of the weekend, then began to crash every time I tried to open the project. Other projects open briefly, followed by a crash within 5 minutes.
Most recent error:
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BEX64
Application Name: Adobe Premiere Pro.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 52aed7f3
Fault Module Name: StackHash_1dc2
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Feb 10, 2013
The project weight is almost 2 GB.Is taking hours open my project file. I have to send a edit by tomorrow but right now I don't know if I will be able to open my project to start editing.
I have read in your forums this is a common bug but nobody say how can be solved, I already lost all day waiting and I can't be waiting all night to start the editing at early morning, this is totally insane. I'm editing in a Macbook Pro Retina with 16 GB of RAM.
I edited a lot in this computer with this software version ( CS6 ) and never got this problem.
In this project are sequences with Magic Bullet effects and Warp Stabilizer but this can't be an excuse, must be a solution for this because I already lost 8 hours looking to my screen.
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Dec 26, 2013
I'm running Adobe Premiere Pro CC on a 2011 Macbook Pro, and I was working on a project. When I went to render the whole sequence, Premiere froze and auto quit. When I went to open the project again, I got the error:
"This Project contained a sequence that could not be opened. No sequence preview preset file or codec could be associated with this sequence type."
Every version of the project's auto-save files gave the same error. I tried all of the suggested tips like deactivation and clean uninstall, but nothing's changed.
Will taking the project to another computer work?
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Mar 13, 2014
Just finished editing a project and want to send it to someone without all the excess. I understand you go to the Project menu and select Project Manager. Only problem is I don't have a Project menu.
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Apr 14, 2014
There is no Project Panel when I capture clips to Premiere Pro CC. There is only a Media Browser so how do I create a Project Panel if there is not one already?
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Feb 20, 2014
I just downloaded premiere elements 12, and tried to open new project, but nothing happened.. What i need to do? But i can open organizer without any problem!
I have Premiere Elements 12 CD
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Apr 22, 2014
how to copy and paste a bin from one project file into another. I don't want to import using the Media Browser because it imports a bunch of reference files that are already in the project file I'm pasting into.
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Nov 30, 2009
I have a Flash project I'm working on that is video with corresponding bulletpoints displayed next to it. While I've gotten it to work with embed cue points in the FLV file so that at certain times in the video the Flash movie goes to certain frames to display the relevant bullet points I haven't gotten it so that it can tell what the appropriate bullet point is if someone scrubs the video past the last cue point trigger. I found a process to do it using actionscript cue points instead of navigation cue points (via this guide: [URL], but it uses an external xml file for the cue points. My problem is that I can't figure out how to get that XML file without having to redo all the cue points manually. Is there someway to make Premiere Pro (CS3) export an xml file of the markers placed in my timeline instead of embedding them into the FLV file? Alternatively if there is a way I could extract them from the FLV file, that would be acceptible too.
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Jan 13, 2014
I am working on a feature length film which has 48 sequences with subclips and rough cuts created in Prelude. Now I want to start bringing this footage into Premiere for editing, but I am wondering is there benefits or drawbacks to creating a Premiere project for each sequence then merging them all together in one master project file after finished working on each sequence?
I'm trying to determine which way would be the easiest to keep things organized and not so overwhelming.
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Mar 16, 2014
Been using Prem Pro CC for a few months and working on a project yesterday, went to open today and the message below came up!
I then tried opening up previous projects and the same again has happened with the below message.
"This project contained a sequence that could not be opened. No sequence preview file or codec could be associated with this sequence type."
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Jan 16, 2014
I did a project with one sequence at 24fps, but I need change framerate of sequence to 25 fps for not have that reedit all, now. Is possible change framerate of sequence and that automatic way the editions be adapted at this framerate?
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Jan 3, 2014
I got this message when trying to load a WIP file: "The project could not be loaded, it may be damaged or contain outdated elements."
I've searched the forums as well as on other sources on how to deal with it. So far I've tried:
1. Check files on AutoSave folder. No luck. All 5 files gave the same message
2. Fix XML with XML wrench. Tried the "Check is Well Formed" & "Check is Valid" and both said ok"
3. Restarted PC. Same thing.
4. Move project and working files to other folders - same.
5. Created a blank project and tried to import sequence - no sequence show up.
6. Import from After Effects and Exported - no luck as well. Came up with a message saying there's no valid sequence.
Some info:
Adobe Premiere Pro 6.0
Windows 7 64bit
Using Plural Eyes plugin
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Mar 4, 2014
I have looked everywhere for instructions on how to export a premiere pro project and sequence, and associated media, to final cut pro on another computer. Exporting the xml does not include the media files. Therefore when my editor opens up the xml file it fails. I have a feeling I need to use Media Encoder to export the media associated with the project. Yet I cannot find any guides or instructions for how to undertake this. My editor is using FCP 7 on another computer in another place, so I need to export 8 sequences/projects *with their media* to him via the internet (dropbox) so that he can do a final edit on his machine. I would even be happy just to be able to export a working AAF since that option also hasn't worked for us.
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May 21, 2011
I have just installed trial of VideoStudio Pro X4 and have owned the X2 version for some time already. Although I can always save a video file in HD format (1920x1180) I think it's best if the 'Project Settings' are already at this resolution. I was always able to set project resolution in version X2 but seems I can't in the new version X4. I think it's because I can only set the 'media type' to DVD in version X4. see attached picture. Is this because I only have trial version or is there less functionality in the new version?
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Jul 31, 2009
A friend wants for me to work on an image for her that will be used later in various forms of print with various sizes. That's all I know really, so I'm not sure what size to use. Should I select a large dimension using inches as a ratio (such as 8" x 10"), or should I use a resolution preset (such as 1024 x 768)?I'll be using 300ppi and I'm using photoshop cs2.
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Feb 6, 2014
Using CS6 Premiere Pro in Windows with the intent of making a DVD of the movie,how do I choose the Preset descriptions in the "New Sequence" screen? I assume I'm going to choose an AVCHD version, but don't have any idea what the differences are.
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