Premiere Pro :: Closed Captions / How To Format Their Appearance
Dec 12, 2013
I'm making a documentary with subtitled footage. A translator has used closed captions within Premiere to create the subtitles for me.
Now I need some way of formatting them. I have the full Adobe CC suite (including After Effects and Premiere) but haven't been able to find a way to convert or export Premiere Closed Captions into a way that allows me to format them (ie change font, size etc).
I have added closed captions to my Premiere Pro project took bloody ages and all looks and runs great within the project. Simple white captions over the video.
Although, when I render the video out with the closed captions embedded within the video, cirtain captions seem to have slightly "dodgy" formatting when played back in quick time player.
Some sections of the captions have a black background on and some do not. As I previously mentioned the captions are all fine within the project. It just seems to happen on the render file
Running Premiere CC 7.2.2 on a Mac Mini 10.9.2. I noticed that exporting ProRes422 media does not include embedded closed captions when exporting via AME CC. It does however work when exporting directly from Premiere. The AME file has no captions at all, while Premiere's export does. So while this is not a show stopper, it greatly slows down production since Premiere is tied up until the export is complete. I have checked AME's preset which is identical as in Premiere and can only think that processing the closed captions is not included when the media is sent to the queue.
If no one from Adobe can shed light, I will file a bug report as it most certainly looks like it is.
I'm using PSE 10 with Windows 7, and I'd like to change the formatting of the captions on the photos I've got in slide shows, and those I'd like to print, i.e., change fonts, size, centered, etc. I've checked various manuals, online sources, and haven't found info on this.
I recently upgraded to a trial of 7.2.1 (I'm a *long* time CS user) and am having an issue with closed captioning that's got me pulling my hair out. Upon importing a .scc file and inspecting it in the captions tab, I have all the captions I'm expecting at the proper timecodes (for example if I look up the start of a line in the program window the start timecode matches the "In" timecode listed in the Captions tab).
However upon playing the timeline and turning on Closed Caption display - the captions are not displaying (nor disappearing) at the in/out timecodes listed in the caption tab. They're showing up (roughly) seven seconds later at the beginning of the program, and over 11 seconds late by the end of the program.
I guess it's possible it's just a player issue and the issue will correct itself on output, but that's not really comforting. I could do what I need on this job by renewing my license for some other software, but Premiere would be a more versitile use of my limited software upgrade budget - but only if it can actually do the job properly.
I am using Premiere CS6 (Windows 7) to create a movie with closed captioning. I use the MovieCaptioner software (http:[url]...) to create the mcc captions dada file. In Premiere I attach the mcc file to a timeline sequence and enable closed captioning display. I can see the movie with captions in the program window. In closed captioning settings I have cc area and service both set to 1. I am having difficulty finding the correct set of parameters that will make Premiere export a movie which includes and displays the captions.
I caption my football photos with each player's two digit jersey number, ie. 01-99. I then upload them to SmugMug with the intent of allowing viewers to use the "search" function to view photos of only their player. Unfortunately, the SmugMug search engine ignores any caption that has 2 or less characters. I would like to append all my football captions in Lightroom 3 with an additional identifier to lengthen the caption so it will become searchable, for example append the "01" to "Titans01". I don't care if identifier is at beginning or end. I just want to be able to append an entire album at one time, not just one at a time.
I am thinking of buying a new Sony camera (finally moving from mini-dv tape!). The HXR-NX3 records video using the AVCHD 2.0 format. Will I be able to import directly into CS 6 without doing any conversions? And will that give me HD video suitable for recording to blu-ray?
I make *.MTS videos in the format of 1280x720. When I output the video (PR Pro CS6) using Encore CS6 to produce a DVD it outputs in the format 720x576. Is there a way I could maintain the 1280x720 format?
Im recording 1080p 30fps with my Canon t3i and it lags during the video preview. Is it possible to render the file to a different format to increase its speeds? I heard this was possible, I just transfered over from Sony Vegas, and in Vegas I didnt have much lag under 1/4 preview.
I am a recent convert to Adobe NLE systems coming from FCP 7. My question is: What is the highest quality codec that I can use successfully with AME and Premiere Pro CC?
I’m working on a project that is targeted to screen in theaters (festivals) so I want to finish with the best possible quality. My source was film telecined to Apple FCP Uncompressed 10-bit 4:2:2, 1920 x 1080, Millions, Data rate 1060.67 mbits/sec. However, that format is too unwieldy for editing. When using FCP for previous films, I transcoded those uncompressed files to ProRes 422 (HQ) for editing and for theater screenings.
I see that i can use ProRes with Premiere, with a little work. if he/she recommends a better non-quicktime format for editing and projecting?
I am an Adobe Creative Cloud subscriber and am using AME CC (version and Premiere Pro CC (ver 7.2.1). I have installed all suggested updates. I’m running OSX 10.9.1 on my 2011 imac (core i7 with 32 GB of RAM). My graphics card is a AMD Radeon HD 6970M 2048 MB.
I just bought Canon LEGRIA HF G25 and this camera stores videos in mts format. I open mts files in Premiere Pro CC but when I try to play it in the preview as it does not look good.Therefore I am wondering if there is an easy way to convert mts files to MP4 format without quality loss?
I am using Premier Pro CS5.5. I want to know if I can import a .mts file and use Premier to convert it, or save the file as, a .mov, .wmv, .mp4 or other video file format?
I have some fotos that are apparently too small for the 1920 x 1080 format of my film.
What do I need to master about the relationship between three items (canvas size, image size, and document size) so that I can smoothly resize a bunch of images in Photoshop for export into Premiere Pro in that 1920 x 1080 format?
I will be constraining my proportions... if the images are too big, I will do a Ken Burns "zoom out" effect in the film.
We have an iMac workstation here running Premiere that will not open projects or import clips. Here's the sequence of events that led to this:
1. Premiere was locking up on the splash screen whenever it got to "ImporterQuicktime.bundle". I tried trashing preferences and launching with plug-ins disabled and received the same freeze. Based on forum recommendations I removed "ImporterQuicktime.bundle" and "ExporterQuickTimeHost.bundle" from the plug-ins folder inside the package. The software launched fine - but none of the Quicktime files in the project were working. So I then took copies of the above 2 files from the iMac next to this one, with the exact same configuration, and pasted them into the plug-ins folder. Since then - launching the software has generated the below errors.
2. Attempting to open any project gives a long error that starts as: The preset used by one or more sequences in this project requires third-party components that could not be located.
3. Starting a new project and attempting to drag any Quicktime ProRes media into the project gives the error: File Format not supported.
I have trashed the preferences, re-installed the Pro Apps Quicktime Codecs, de-authorized the computer and re-authorized it, and upgraded Adobe Premiere from 7.0 to 7.2. None of which fixed the issue.
I'm thinking about trying a complete re-install of Premiere next.
Here's the details:
Premiere Pro CC 7.2 Mac OS 10.8.5 iMac late 2012 model, 32Gb RAM, 2Gb video card
I have used PEDIT to join multiple polylines, which now appear as polylines. But when I use QSELECT to show all open (non-closed) section, one polyline still shows up as open.
I've attached the file I'm working on. The polyline in question is the green outline on the object on the right.
how I add captions to my photos? I have looked in the support. Read another discussion but option not coming up on my screen. I read that there should be an option in the metadata menu. But nothing comes up. Only camera settings and such.
I have a few queries about Captions.How do I get the captions to print properly underneath the photographs when it is in landscape layout?I can do it if the photograph is in Portrait orintation. If it is in Landscape layout (i.e. rotate to fit is selected) so the photo fills the A4 sheet, the captions do not rotate with the photograph so they are at 90 degrees to the photo & look silly plus it is hard to read sideways if the photo is the right way up.
Also, is it possible to record data in custom fields & get these to print out underneath the photograph?
What I am trying to do is this: I have photographs from the local drama group. I want to record in the caption field the list of names of the people appearing gin the photo. Ideally I want to record the name of the play in a separate field & also print this out under the photo, or do I need to put everything into the caption field? So far I have just been adding keywords - I have one hierarchical list for the names of the plays and another list of the names of the people so each photo is tagged. Next stage is to go back through & add the captions.
When I download images from my camera, the thumbnail captions sre the dates of image capture. How do I get them to be the filenames that the camera assigned?