Photoshop :: What Best Adobe Program To Burn DVD
Nov 4, 2013what best adobe program to burn dvd
View 1 Replieswhat best adobe program to burn dvd
View 1 RepliesI would like to know if the "Creating Disk" step in the new VS x4 includes a better burn program than Factory Pro 2010 or Movie Factory 7SE. In Corel website, I didn't find anything about this issue among the features list.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo, I opened a big .psd document and I worked on it for a while. I restarted my pc, and the Photoshop CS6 crashed, then after restarting the PC Adobe Photoshop CS6 was trying to open the autosave from last time, and then it showed me this error: Could not apply the saved panel configuration,resetting to default.
And after that, this error: Could not apply the saved panel configuration, resetting to default.Then, Photoshop CS6 crashed.
Why does my Adobe Photoshop program 2.0 refuse to load up and gives an error message personalization information incomplete. I've reloaded it filled out everything . It's older than E mail registration requires either Fax Phone or mail . How can I circumvent that portion of Reg. ?.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm having problems opening photoshop CS3 after a clean install. I have deactivated my CS3 product on my old computer, that run on windows XP. With my DVD installed on my new computer that runs on windows 7. After the installation, I tried to open photoshop to activate. When the program stats to open and freezes almost instantly. I have to open the task manager to close the program that appears not responding.
My new computer is a Workstation, S5000XVN Intel motherboard, 24 Gb of Ram, NVidea Quadro 2000.
I have got a number of photoshop files which i cannot use because i dont have Photoshop. So i downloaded the trail version of Photoshop (MacOSX) to convert them to something that i can use with other programs. What file format can i export them to?
I need a format that keeps all the information about the layers and all the other stuff - So i guess this is called workable file. What format does exist in Photoshop so that i can export it for later use with any other (means NON-Adobe) programm? URL....
How do I stop the Adobe Product Improvement Program prompt from coming up every time I open Photoshop CS5 on my Mac, even after I have responded that I do not want to participate? This is becoming very annoying and I have looked on line for a method to turn this off without luck.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI can´t change the standard program in Adobe Bridge CC on my Mac to Photoshop CC. How can i change this!?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhenever I go to open up Adobe Photoshop (64bit or otherwise) it will load up for a second then crash the next. It doesn't give me error reason why only says it has stopped working and it can't detect a problem so it closes. I have tried to uninstall and reinstall the program but the Adobe Application Manager is also acting weird. When it is opened it freezes and soon crashes saying there is a "Download Error".
View 2 Replies View Relatedcould somebosdy please explain the diff. between linear dodge/color dodge and the linear burn/color burn settings of the brush tool?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI cannot share photos from my Elements 8.0 Organizer via email. The program does not recognize that I have an email program loaded. The computer is a new HP desktop with Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 operating system. My Elements 8 does everything I need except for the photo sharing so I don't really want to purchase a new version.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI had Photoshop CS6 installed and working on my Mac using Adobe Creative Cloud. However now a dialog appears that says "Help Improve Adobe's Product". Regardless if I approve this dialog or not Adobe Photoshop starts up with every menu option grayed and I can do nothing. I have to force quit the application. At this point it is 100% unusable.
I've googled it and seen others with a similar issue but no solutions found. I have OSX 10.8.3.
Others with similar issues. URL....No real solution other than don't use Mac Keeper (which I do not) URL....
Product: CS4 64 bit: Adobe Output Module-Adobe updater downloads 2 updates 75.9mb (Camera Raw 5.3). After download and permission to continue under user account control, I receive popup menu advising me that Installation Incomplete, close Adobe Bridge - 3 choices, which always fail. My Adobe CS4 and Bridge are not open. I tried this several times with the same result.I downloaded the zip file, saved, unzip, and still get the same notice - close Bridge.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIt looks like the same 2.3mb file that the update program is trying to download. Once the update is started it just keeps trying to download that file until I cancel the update.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I'm gonna write my program stops and appears a box that says Run time error and close my program. What is that, what I coul do?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI can preview a slideshow on Adobe Bridge, wondering how to burn that slideshow to a CD?
View 2 Replies View RelatedJust downloaded PS CS6 and want to burn a CD for backup. Would like to print CD Label with appropriate artwork.
View 6 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know of any good tutorials on the web for the dodge and burn tools? I have just about mastered all of the tools except these two. I don't know what my problem is here. If you know of any books or articles that are available, please let me know of those also.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat does the burn tool do? What is the best way to make it work?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI created a small slide show and was trying to burn it on DVD disc to be able to watch it via Blue Ray player. I have Photoshop Elements 6. I don't seem to be able to burn it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat is the burn tool in CS2/CS3.....
what does it do for an image?
is there any way to get the sand to lighten in the fg and gradually get dark in the background? Like, is there a way with gradient map or some other adjustment layer?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIf i burn a background color such as Bule, its naturally going to black.
But i want to do it yello or whte.
What exactly does the burn tool do?
What is the best way to make it work?
(I'm using cs2)
Can I Burn & Dodge nondestructively?
View 23 Replies View RelatedWhat does the burn tool do?
What is the best way to make it work?
Can't burn a cd from elements 9. The problem seems to be that it will not display my devices for selection,
View 6 Replies View RelatedI cannot burn a vcd using photoshop 10, I have made slide show saved it as a wmv file.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was reading one of techniques for removing blue haze from pictures.The initial two steps were as follows:
1. Click on your color burn layer 2. Select all and copy the color burn layer only to the clipboard
I have never used "color burn layer". So what "color burn layer" is and how to create it. how to creaste color burn layer.I have photoshop CS5 (with Windows 7).
I am running photoshop CS3 on a Mac OSX. I shoot Nikon and recently bought a D700. I have liked the bridge/photoshop combo but since the addition of my D700 it runs slower than... and it crashes endlessly. Yesterday it just stopped reading my RAW files from my 700 all together. (still reads my D80 files)
I tried reinstalling photoshop, updating, clearing my cache, trashing my plist, separating and deleting files but it is still running terrible and not reading all my files.
To add injury to insult Adobe won't talk to me without charging me 40 bucks because there is a newer version of photoshop out. I can't imagine paying $700.00 for a program and then not having tech support on it! Someone needs to knock Adobe off their corner of the market, that's just not right.
I'm using Photoshop CS2 and I'm learning how to use it. I'm taking a photography class and my instructor was telling us about the Burn and Dodge tools and showed us some techniques. I can't seem to get the burn and or dodge tool to work.
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