i cant seem to make my font readable on the program. everytime i try to right, the font size seems to be stuck on an extreamly small size. even if i change the size to 18 or 47, its miniscule, and i can't seem to find a way to fix it.
how can I set compatability in photoshop elements? Fonts are to small to read. I have tried all settings in properties no luck. OS Win7 64 Asus 1080i HD moniter.
I try to read PDN file in my C# 4.0 program (coded with Visual Studio 2010 Express).
I have added references to : - PaintDotNet.Base - PaintDotNet.Core - PaintDotNet.Data
For the beginning I try something simple : string uri = @"..\forest.pdn"; string nom = ""; FileStream fs = new FileStream(uri, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Document doc = document.FromStream(fs); for (int i = 0; i < doc.Layers.Count; i++) { Layer current = (Layer)doc.Layers[i]; if (nom != "") nom += ", "; nom += current.Name; } lblLayers.Content = nom;
But, when the program try to open a stream with "Document doc = document.FromStream(fs);" I have the following error :
Unable to load DLL 'Native.x86\PaintDotNet.Native.x86.dll': The referenced assembly is not installed on your system.
The Dll exists in my computer. I have tried to do what is indicated here, but without success.
I am unable to read teh NEF files from my Nikon D600 in Elements 9, I have tried installing patches to get this working. Â I then tried installing a trial of Elements 11 but still no joy.
After extensive editing I saved the result as an avi file. When I tried to open the newly created file I got the message:
File format mismatch. [1081.1.3]
I have many other video playback programs and, with the exception of Real Player, they all can play back this avi file I had just created with VS Pro X4. The Program GSpot finds no problems with the file.
Emails to Corel remain unanswered and telephone support held me waiting for hours, only to disconnect when it was their quitting time.
I recently upgraded from a mac mini to a macbook pro retina using migration assistant and time machine backup. All went well, and since all my photos were on an external drive, no problems there. However, when I try to import new photos, I see the images, but then get a list of the .CR2 files and an error message of "unable to read files." This is a Sandisk Extreme 16 GB SD card, and it still successfully works on the old mac. Following a similar issue in the forum, I checked permissions, and those appear to all be correct. I'm running LR 4.4.
I just downloaded the trial version of Photoshop CC to try the new stuff (I was still on CS before).I deleted CS by dragging the "Adobe Photoshop CS" Folder to the trash and then I installed PSCC.But when I open the program, it says (French translation, may not be English accurate) : "Unable to launch Photoshop CC because of a program error". Â I looked up on forums that said to delete preferences or else, disk repair, uninstalling-reinstalling, but still, I get the same message again and again.Did I forget to delete a file to uninstall PSCS ?
I was not able to load the program due to a limited space on my C drive, the program would not allow mew to change to anoither drive event thought it says select another drive, now it states that the program is in the process of loading even though I've rebooted twice.
I can not log in program Photoshop Element 10, yellow bar comes up and freezes my machine up and have to shut down to get out of the program . I need to log in to use the art contents in arts.Â
I have come to find that there is a small segment in my project that says unable to read string and I have deleted the files in that area to see what was causing this error and it does not seem to be video or music in this area.
Because I move the playback marker to the opposite sides of this area and it seems to work fine but once I delete the files in this area and playback it does the same thing to the files that where on the other side of the files once there as the move in. Is there anything that can be done to fix this because I need this video t convert so that I may send it to my professor by January 1 or I will fail the course.Â
I have a couple of SAT files exported by my colleague. He is only familiar with and only works in AutoCAD 2008.
All I'm trying to do is convert them to IGES for our customer, but I can't even open them. I get the message "Unable to Read SAT File" in Inventor. I tried Fusion as well, it just crashes out after working for a few seconds. When I try to open the original dwg in AutoCAD 2013 I get a message that the file is corrupted and to run recovery on it. I tried doing so, but then the dwg comes in with no model geometry.
How to open these files or any other workflow? We're going to have serious issues down the road if we can't move data between AutoCAD and Inventor.
I have upgraded from CS5.5 to 6. I work on web design and am currently completing an image map of a series of rectangles with text in them which will involve slicing and placing on the web page. To me, the text appears to be very blurry and not clear, despite the settings I use - font smoothing, different font types, etc. I have also tried an example of making the image triple size, doing the fonts and then reducing to required size, but as a small blur filter is applied, it comes out quite illegible. I'm thinking I may need to try this in Illustrator, but I have never used the product and am not sure how to go about doing what I did in Photoshop. I've actually had to reduce the font size to less than 6px to get it to fit in the image map I am undertaking, which I am sure is not working (2.5 and 3px, it's ridiculous). I'm not sure if it's something I am doing wrong or if there is something different in version 6. Image size is 685x880px, 72dpi (but have tried it on 300), RGB. I am saving them as png's, but the blurriness is there while in PSD format. I have attached examples for you to peruse - unfortunately, I have to work with the colours provided. Â The fonts I have used are arial, calibri, verdana and tahoma. I've attached a copy of the word document I am redrawing from - it's gorgeously crisp and clear in that, shouldn't I be able to get the same effect in a graphics program?
Since applying the latest Microsoft updates to XP/SP3 last week I can now no longer add Open Type 1 or Type 1 fonts to Fonts in Windows, and therefore can't add more fonts for use in Photoshop CS3. I tried a new hard drive, reloaded with XP/SP3 plus updates and the exact same thing occurs. Any of those types of fonts I try to add come up as corrupt/can't load, when in fact they are not corrupt and the exact same font files load with no problem in another XP/SP3 machine that hasn't had the updates applied, and they also load without a hitch in a Vista machine. Anyone else, who has all the updates installed noticing this? Anyone have a solution? I know that this isn't exactly 100% related to Photoshop only, but it does affect the program.
I've installed some new fonts into my windows vista. The fonts were successfully installed and a check in Office reflected the new fonts. when i opened CS4, these fonts were not found in the list of characters.
Once open Photoshop and clink on Edit, this message shows up, and if choose "Check online for solution..." no new action happen, the program shut down, restating does not work. Before there were no troubles with program.
I am trying to cache some exr files and for some reason Smoke can´t read the files:
Using the media hub I am able to view the exr file and can work with them as long as I don´t cache them. As soon as I cache them they are black and I get the message "unable to read media"
Is this some known bug? Backburner works perfectly (after tweaking some things with Mikes great tutorial), I can cache other files but not these exrs.
I have scanned something in OS X Mavericks (10.9.0) using my Canon PIXMA MP280 and am attempting to add it to my main Lightroom catalog (LR 5.2) but am having issues. I have tried the following formats with the noted results: Â .TIFF - Lightroom throws error "The file appears to be unsupported or damaged. (1)" .JPG - Lightroom does not show the file in the import dialog, thus does not even attempt to import it. .PNG - Imports ok.
The .TIFF and .JPG formats seem compeltely intact as they open without any issues in OS X Preview and Pixelmator.
I am a Canon shooter and a seasoned Lightroom user. About a month ago my Mac stopped allowing me to import images from my CF card into Lightroom. I have worked with Mac and Adobe to no avail. At this point I know that my Mac can see the card and will me allow me to download images into iPhoto. It will generate thumbnails in Lightroom, but will tell me that it's unable to read the images when I try a complete import. If I switch users on my Mac to a dummy user, I am able to import the same images off my CF card. I didn't changed any settings, at least not intentionally.Â