Photoshop Elements :: Program Shut Down - Unable To Start?
Mar 24, 2013
Once open Photoshop and clink on Edit, this message shows up, and if choose "Check online for solution..." no new action happen, the program shut down, restating does not work. Before there were no troubles with program.
my Photoshop elements 5.0 program is corrupted and caused my computer to shut down. now when I go to my photoshop elements program 5.0, it freezes up and does not allow me to use it. I would like to un-install this program and re-install it but want to be sure I don't lose my picture files. Will I lose my pic files if I do this?
Installed Elements 10 today. When browsing for a destination folder for very first project a "Serious Error" message box is displayed and program forced to shut down. What is this and how do I fix??
Photoshop Elements 11 and Premiere Elememts 11 cannot get started - launcher can be opened, but program doesn't start..I'm working with Windows 7 and I have already installed the newest drivers for the GeForce GTX 550 Ti - but still no start of the program after launching!
same applies to older installed version Photoshop Elements 8 and Photoshop Elements 10 which were working a couple of days ago.
While editing a photo in CS3 the program shut down and will not reopen my psd file. The error message reads "cannot complete your request because of a program error" -- it is a very large file (I have been saving it all along) and I had just "flattened layers" and went to open up a new, blank photo file when it shut down. Is there anyway to get this file to open?
I was not able to load the program due to a limited space on my C drive, the program would not allow mew to change to anoither drive event thought it says select another drive, now it states that the program is in the process of loading even though I've rebooted twice.
I can not log in program Photoshop Element 10, yellow bar comes up and freezes my machine up and have to shut down to get out of the program . I need to log in to use the art contents in arts.
I currently run Windows 7 and have Photoshop Elements 5. When I edit a photo it will not let me save it and comes up with a message "Cannot save due to program error". O have tried restarting the computer, reinstalling PE5, saving in a different location, Save As and NOTHING has worked.
4. chckdsk for error and fix.still error so I've gone through this.
5. I uninstall Autocad 2014 completely, uninstall it manually one by one,deleted left over folder of autodesk or similar software to it, deleted its registry keys.just like the instruction on how to remove autocad completely in autodesk, I just followed it all. [after Reboot]
I've been using PSE 10 for a while on my OX S Mac. Processor 2.4 GHz intel core 2 duo, Memory 2 GB 1067 MHz DDR3, software 10.8.2.
It was not slow before but know it freezes up so much that it becomes nearly inoperable. I checked my memory and I have plenty of space. I shut down all the other applications. I boosted up the amount of RAM PSE can use. I decreased the amount of undo states PSE can keep. But even with all that, it still was slow. So I uninstalled it and reinstalled it, and that didn't fix the problem either.
I have installed several times fresh copies of ps9 and same results the imac intel duo computer WILL NO RESTART unless shut down from back button ,then computer will have to be started manually and thereafter the computer will re start every single time UNTIL I USE ps9 Why ? I have taken the computer to Apple (under apple care) these people don't find anything wrong with the computer,but PS9 software and they are correct, is there any "plist" that needs to be trashed or updates.
Whenever he starts Photoshop up, all of his auto recovery files open. For example - when he goes to open a psd of a web design, he will get about 25 files opening with the title "JobName recovered".
I had a meander around the forums looking for possible fixes and information about the Auto Recovery feature, but so far have not been able to cure this ailment.
I have previously disabled the Auto Recovery feature as well as deleting the auto recovery files, yet this was only had a band-aid to amuptation effect. The auto recovery files have reappeared and are now opening again upon start up.
Is there a way to shut off or move the confirm reject button in elements 11 when adding text? The Icon gets in the way when adding text to the bottom of a photo.
Just upgraded from X3 to X4 & have found that X4 won't start -- I get an immediate Windows error: "Corel VideoPro has stopped working." I tried running as administrator with the same result.
Installation seemed to go fine & reboot went fine . . . the program just won't start (although X3 continues to run as normal).
Let's see . . . Vista Ultimate 32-bit, 4 GB RAM, 2.67 GHz Intel Core2 Quad Q6700, 8-10 TB hard drive space, NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX graphics card.
I cannot share photos from my Elements 8.0 Organizer via email. The program does not recognize that I have an email program loaded. The computer is a new HP desktop with Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 operating system. My Elements 8 does everything I need except for the photo sharing so I don't really want to purchase a new version.
I just downloaded the trial version of Photoshop CC to try the new stuff (I was still on CS before).I deleted CS by dragging the "Adobe Photoshop CS" Folder to the trash and then I installed PSCC.But when I open the program, it says (French translation, may not be English accurate) : "Unable to launch Photoshop CC because of a program error".
I looked up on forums that said to delete preferences or else, disk repair, uninstalling-reinstalling, but still, I get the same message again and again.Did I forget to delete a file to uninstall PSCS ?
i cant seem to make my font readable on the program. everytime i try to right, the font size seems to be stuck on an extreamly small size. even if i change the size to 18 or 47, its miniscule, and i can't seem to find a way to fix it.
I just installed the 3ds Max Design 2013 and it completed successfully. However, when I try to launch it, I get an error box saying 'the application was unable to start correctly(0xc000007b). click ok to close the application.'
I get a pop up box that says "Could not initialize Photoshop because the file is locked. Use the 'Properties' command in the Windows Explorer to unlock the file".... How do I do this...