it would be cool to use some ghosted pics, multi-exposure pics, and motion pics. and as the class "photoshop expert" (you guys probably eat noobs like me for breakfast) i was asked to come up with some samples for the class.
i can do th ghosted and multi-exposures pics, but i'm having a hard time with the motion pics. i tried liquify and motion blur and smuge or any possible thing i thought would work.
what i want with the motion is this senario(sp?).
you have a hallway with one person in it(lets keep it simple for now). i want a motion streak that spans most of the hallway.
i will eventually want a full hallway with one or two people with motion streaks.
I am very familiar with the editing software I have (Video Studio Pro X3). I was wondering if there was a way to make your title stationary, while the camera is in a panning motion for instance.
For example, I want to pan right to left and have my title sitting on a tree branch the whole time stationary as if it were "in the scene" I searched forever to find an example but came up with nothing.
I do understand if this editing software just isn't capable just want to know if it is possible.
For some reason PSE9 photomail will stop working at the Stationary and layout wizard screen. This seems to have happen just recenctly after a download of PowerDirector.
I've recently created planets in photohop 3d and have rendered it to post on a photoshop forum so the viewer can see it using the old standard green/red glasses, in fact I just figured out how to do that tonight.
My Question to the community is this. In photoshop I can use Timeline to show the planet rotating. My question is,can I somehow export that to a gif or something so it will show the rotation on a website I post to. I tried the export to mpeg but in photoshop it would take over 12 hours on a 3.4g 6 core 12g ram system.
I have used the motion blur filter, but it just does not look photographic. Does anyone know of any other 3rd party filters or techniques to make to the motion blur look more realistic. I know you can mask and erase parts. And, make a copy slightly transparent and offset.
It seems realistic motion blur has more solid highlights from end to end and soft shadows. Also realistic motion blur only goes in one direction.
I thought someone would have a better motion blur filter with more options with highlight and shadow control. and some random waviness as if not going exactly in one direction
I understand the basic concept of the motion blur, but what I'd like to do is create a picture where I have a vehicle that pretty much looks normal in front but from the mid-point back... it's a gradual blur that has enough color to make sure the viewer senses it is the car and not the background. I'd like the car to be separate from the background so I can experiment with backgounds blurred or not. I'm almost thinking you'd stretch the back half of the car with a gradual fade. Hope I'm explaining this correctly .
Another effect I'm not sure about is whether it would look good with staged, blurred layers so that the car is in varying levels of transparency but you see the full outline of the car and its like steps with a disolve to almost nothing on the left and in say 20 sequences... the last car on the right is fully rendered and highlighted.
i use the looooong, manual method of creating streaks following an object, to make it look as though it was thrown through the air. i heard of a plugin to do this simply. i would sing to someone for you if you will tell me how to find this plugin.
I'm not really sure what is going on, but I have cs5 extended and I don't seem to have a motion workspace. I don't really want to completely reinstall, so I came to ask if there is anything I can do first. I've tried resetting the defaults with no results. Is there a place where I could download the workspace presets and install them?
I am interested in controlling motion/blur in the photograph, prior to Lightroom and Photoshop. Many photo subjects (e.g. leaves, cars, waves) are moving. I've been calculating the pixel size in a photo. This is not just the pixel information of the sensor. For example, with a certain lense zoom and focus distance, each pixel will represent a definable zone of the image. Then, there is the zone of the print, which corresponds to the original zone of the image. There are many variables to consider. Motion within and beyond each pixel affects the image.
I am interested in literature, documentation or people that will guide me in the understanding of the control of motion/blur in the taking of the photo. With this, my photos will be far better and, also, easier to edit.
Ok i know how to do motion blurring and radial blurring just fine, but i was curious how pictures like these two are done? Dont worry i had permission from the authors to post these
Wondering how the motion on the ground was done
Wondering how the different angles of mation blur are done all over the picture... Also how the radial blur was done on the wheels since it isnt a perfect circle.
When doing architectural photography, its often desired to have motion blur on the people so as to obscure their faces. Unfortunately it needs to look realistic, and I've just been doing it by hand, but it seems like there should be an automatic way when you have two images like this:
Obviously I am able to do this by hand somewhat decently, but that's not what I'm after. I want a way to do automatic motion blur, and I want the trails to look realistic.
Im trying to motion-blur the background on an automotive photo I shot and didnt slow the shutterspeed down enough. So, using the quick selection tool, I selected the car, zooming it in to make sure I got every pixel, then Cntrl-C, then Cntrl-V to save as a layer. Then, I reselected the background layer and applied motion-blur which got me the effect I want.
The problem is now the edges of the car have a ghost outline which will decrease if I lessen the blur to under 12 pixels. Which defeats the purpose.
I was having three 3D layers moving ontop of a background. Everything was working fine, although very slow on 8GB macbook pro late 2011. Everything was fine while testing it in the "motion window". Then i started rendering it and the output video file is missing two of the three layers? What is wrong? Additionally, if I now go back to the "motion window", i have the same problem: While playing the file, two layers are missing.
I've made an animation in photoshop CS 5.1 with three layers that I want to export to Apple's application Motion in order to work on each layer individually. I can easily make a quicktime file, but I can't work on each layer this way. When I import the photoshop file I get the prompt "All Layers," which I choose, but there is no movement when I hit play on the timeline. Only one frame is displayed when there are a number of different frames, and animations.
I'm using an IMac with 8 gigs of ram and 3 external hard drives with a terabyte internal drive.
trying to get a smooth motion blur kind of effect that I saw in an ad once. I want to try it on some of my own stuff, but Im not doing it right. The concept is there but I want the lines of motion crispier.
For cropping part of an image, the cursor virtually snaps to positions according to what the programmer sees in the image. Maybe not always, but that is the way it seems to me in many cases. Even when it does not do so, I find it impossible to move the cursor in very tiny increments by using my mouse. If I were to greatly enlarge the image on the screen to get finer control, then only part of the image would fit on the screen. I want a technique for controlling the selection with as much fine precision as is available when resizing, for example. We can specify hundredths of a millimeter when resizing; very finely precise indeed.
Is there a technique that I can use to have very fine and precise control of a crop, preferably by specifying a movement left-right-up-down using decimal fractions of a unit of distance? The same question applies to using the selection tool.
i an having trouble accessing this function. I have CS6 (windows) and i can't access the 'speed/duration sliders' to slow down my clip to look like its in slow motion. I know this can be done
What is the best choice to use when applying the sharping tool. I was told unsharp mask - but what does this do? also is there anyway to reduce motion blur in a jpg pic?
I am embarrassed to ask such a basic question--but the majority of my media are still pictures for a bridal slide show, and I was wondering how to manually render "pan and zoom" like effects for each photo as the dimensions differ and I want to crop out the extra "black space" from my vertical pictures.
Most of these pics were scanned in at 600 dpi (they are old as the hills), but I also have a crop of jpgs they sent at 92 dpi...
I wish I were more savvy--I JUST purchased Corel Video--having used Roxio products for the past 5 years (wanting to take it up a notch).
I just began using Version X4 of Corel VideoStudio Pro.
I just used it for the first time after upgrading from X3. I rendered a short video and when I tried playing it back the slide moves across the "time bar" BUT there is no motion on the screen. The same when I tried to play it w/Windows Media player.
I started coverting MPEG 4 video to DivX which always worked in X3. No I get no motion at all and no sound. Do I have a bad download?
I have the DSLR 7D and it has these wonderful 720/50p module which could offer some amazing slo-mo, if you use it. Is this possible to do with my program, or do I need a better program like Vegas from Sony?
Motion Paths won't display. I'm using the latest updates for AE CS5 and nVidia. Motion Paths have never been visible in AE CS5 all the way back to nVidia driver version 178.x, in fact.
Within a DVD menu I created a motion menu. However I don't want to have the first clip as introductory video for the motion menu. I unmarked the checkbox named "use first clip as introductory video and added, in the first page of the Share - DVD, the clip that must be played in the motion menu (moved the clip most left).
In the menu itself its now fine when nothing is selected, though when selecting the total video to play, the selected video file of the motion menu starts to play where the first video file (clip) must be played. I know that in the main menu I can select the first clip to play as well but that's exactly what I want to avoid..
I removed all chapters since I don't like to have a sub-menu. Just one overall main menu to play the total video, and in the DVD menu in the motion menu only, I want to see (and not select) the chosen clip.