Photoshop Elements :: Photomail Stops Working At Stationary And Layout Wizard Screen?
Mar 17, 2013
For some reason PSE9 photomail will stop working at the Stationary and layout wizard screen. This seems to have happen just recenctly after a download of PowerDirector.
As soon as I try to make a photo collage in elements 11 the progrem terminates.I use a PB PC with i7 processor and win 7. Enough memory and running the program from an solid state drive (SSD)
In Organizer I clicked on Share, Photomail. Dragged a few photos to the share box. Then I click next and am taking to the next screen where am supposed to choose a stationary but instead I receive a error message: A problem has caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.
Ok just took the leap to Windows 8 and when reviewing the Reliabity Report in Windows PSE11 is showing up as stopped working, and it is causing some performance issues. it is because I dont have Quick Time installed. Installed Quick Time still have the problem.
When I start the layoutwizard and proceed to the insert title block the only choice I have is none. I have several title blocks created and cannot remember where to tell Cad to look. I just setup a new PC and installed AutoCad 2011.
So everything is fine until I use the select tool, and then free transform a part of the image. Then my brush and eraser stop working until I save and restart the program.
I had this installed on another computer prior to it being stolen, got a new laptop and installed on it. I am running windows 7. When at the welcome screen i click on Edit and the little bar changes and acts like it is going to start but then does nothing, it just takes me back to the welcome screen. I did find one thread on here and tried those recommendations by holding down the ctrl, alt, and shift while clicking edit and then choosing yes but that didn't work.
Sometime during the last few days my scroll wheel has stopped working in the Edit screen. I have always been able to make the photo larger and smaller with this wheel but this has stopped now. Also the sliders on the side and bottom of the editing screen have disappeared.. My scroll wheel is working OK in Organizer and other programmes so it does not appear to be the mouse.
Has there been an update in the last week or so? I am using Elements 10, Version 17215.
I ran into a problem with the structural member wizard today. I was making up a bunch of glulams and everything was doing just fine, then all of a sudden the wizard stopped accepting new values for the member depth. No matter what you try to enter, it is rejected and a value of 1'-0" is placed in the field. It will accept new values for both width and lamination depth however. I tried to make a member of another material (steel) just in case it was just the glulams. No luck, they behave the same way, you can't set the beam depth. I also tried restarting ACA, working in a completely new (and clean) file, as well as restarting my computer, it didn't work.
I really don't want to have to go through the repair/reinstall circus if I don't have to.
My keyboard often stops working while using PS6. Not all keys, just a random few. Things like pressing T for the type tool will stop working, the arrow keys will stop working. It's driving me nuts and seriously interrupting my workflow.
Restart PSRestart MacDo something else for a bit and jump back into PS praying it might now be ok.The problem exists using the laptop keyboard alone, and while using a bluetooth(apple) keyboard.
After opening and using photoshop cs6 for a few minutes I get a box popping up saying Adobe Photoshop CS6 has stopped working. "A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available." So far never received any notifications about a solution. I notice that it closes soon after I try a CTRL T to select an image.
CS4 OpenGL stops working after a few minutes of painting. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the amount I paint. If I save the file, then reopen I can paint for another few minutes before the opengl stops working. Is this a standard problem with CS4? Is there a solution?
When I have made 5 HDR RAW pictures and want to combine them within CS6, the program Photoshop stops working. Why is this happening? What am I doing wrong? I juist follow the instructions of the book.
I'm recently having a problem in photoshop cs5.After a while in photoshop, MOST keyboard shortcuts stops working. the keyboard works just fine, but the shortcuts are'nt. All I need to do to fix it is to restart photoshop and it works fine again (until the problem occurs again).But recently, this problem occurs ever 2 mins. I've just started a design I wanted to finish with quickly, and I actually restarted photoshop at least 20 times.
btw, the only other applications running while photoshop is are windows media player, NOD 32 , windows photo viewer, and some other folders, thats it.
For the last three versions of Photoshop the shortcut keys [ ] for brush size stops working. Why is this not fixed? The other shortcut that shows brush size in red.
Everytime I select the liquify command PS stops working, I've tried with different resolution pictures, with the 32 and 64 bit versions. If I use CS5 I have no problems.
While editing a large video file (one hour), the audio playback worked for a while, but then simply stopped working. Can still see video and edit it, but without hearing the words / background, editing will not be correct. Is there a bug in the software or some way of reseting the file? I have noticed a similar issue with videos in LR4.
I just recently installed CS4 on my new computer running Windows 7. Everything I read says that there is no compatibilty issue but when I try to open a file (any file) the program stops working and just closes down... no explanation
I have a 64 bit quadcore with 8 gigs of ram. Ran the program on a 32 bit system using Vista previously with no issues
I have the Creative Suite cs5.1 student version (had it for about a year now), and now recently I have started to encounter a strange bug with Photoshop.
Sometimes when I have been working in PS for a while and then open another file, the photoshop starts acting weird, resulting in the file looking like this: [URL] .....
And if I try to paint anything, it will look pixelated like in this file: [URL] .... and if I use ctrl+z after painting the paint just looks like this: [URL]...... the 2 last named effects will also apply for any images opened before this occurrence, and it happens for any file type.
I have checked my video card drivers, and they are up to date, so that's not a problem (My graphics card is ATI Radeon 5700 series). I've also run a throughout virus scan with Norton without it finding anything.
Okay, so basically I selected some 40 images in .bmp to load into Photoshop, but it stops working and closes. I don't have any other versions installed and I already tried installing it again, with no avail. Is there anything I can do to fix this? Should I also try installing Bridge again?
When I double-click a file it will open the file in CS6 version 13.0.1, but then after a while double-clicking will no longer open jpeg or raw files. I can open the same files by going to File > Open in the Menu Bar.
When I am simply opening downloaded files from my camera, I can open 200-300 by double-clicking with no problems. However, at times when I am working on an image, it is not long before I can't open a file by double-clicking. It will open a blank Photoshop window, but without any Toolbar or Menu Bars.
This happens on a regular basis. Sometimes, also, Photoshop is slow to Quit, for no apparent reason.
Suddenly when a raw image has been porcessed by the Develop Module the (ctrl-E) 'open in Photoshop' command does not work for that image. It works for images that have not been 'developed'. I have deleted LR preferences several times.
As I'm working in 2011 all of a sudden when I want to deselect all I hit the ESC key and objects are still selected. I can right click and select deselect all and that works. If I shutdown AutoCAD and restart the ESC key works again.
it would be cool to use some ghosted pics, multi-exposure pics, and motion pics. and as the class "photoshop expert" (you guys probably eat noobs like me for breakfast) i was asked to come up with some samples for the class.
i can do th ghosted and multi-exposures pics, but i'm having a hard time with the motion pics. i tried liquify and motion blur and smuge or any possible thing i thought would work.
what i want with the motion is this senario(sp?).
you have a hallway with one person in it(lets keep it simple for now). i want a motion streak that spans most of the hallway.
i will eventually want a full hallway with one or two people with motion streaks.
I have already more than 100 projects running under VS X4 it is problematic to jump to other software, also because of spending 2 years studying Corel VS.I have found now (2 years to late) the top very stable professional software with Edius 6.06.
What happens.... In new installed VS X4 if i put a videofile on the timeline and go to SHARE >MAKING VIDEOFILE MENU....the computer breaks down, and gives the error: " VS X4 does not work anymore..... " and stops working, realy breaking down....
Have tryed it lots of times, it looks like at installing the program, the link to the output formats is not there and VS X4 does not now how to handle.....Yes I am going over to the professional software edius 6, but with a usermanual with 1000 pages i need studying at least one year on that....
I am trying to complete my first project in X3 with a new computer. I have done many projects on an older computer with VS 10. I X3 stops working during the rendering process everytime I try to make a video file. I'm making a 4:3 mpeg 2 file (DVD). I have tried several different ways and the most I can get done is 24%. i have tried to cut out a clip..I get a dump file each time that it tells me to send to Corel.
My HP had win 7 pro issues and then blew its motherboard so i replaced it. I reloaded Video Studio Pro X3 which worked fine until I tried to save the edited video as a mpeg-4 HD (to be converted into an AVI later). It starts saving and then shut downs informing me to contact Corel and give them the data dump to figure out what the problem is. of course, i can not contact Corel who directed me to this forum. I did download and install the critical update but the same error occurs.