Photoshop Elements :: 11 Organizer Stops Working When Photo-mail Is Used
Dec 1, 2012
In Organizer I clicked on Share, Photomail. Dragged a few photos to the share box. Then I click next and am taking to the next screen where am supposed to choose a stationary but instead I receive a error message: A problem has caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.
I select the photo, click next and program instantly crashes. Â Further email attachments does not work. Brings up an email window which i've not seen before and says no email account assigned. Yahoo is my default client.
As soon as I try to make a photo collage in elements 11 the progrem terminates.I use a PB PC with i7 processor and win 7. Enough memory and running the program from an solid state drive (SSD)
I recently received an email created with Photoshop Elements 'Photo Mail' featureThe presentation of the photos was very attractive. I have CS4 which does not include Photo Mail. how Photo Mail can be duplicated in CS4?
Since upgrading to a new PC , PSE 9 will not send Photo Mail using Windows 7 and Outlook 2013 (the designated email client). Everything worked perfectly before using PSE9, Windows XP, and Outlook Express on my old PC.
I have Win 8 64-Bit (upgraded from Win 7 64-bit), Outlook 2013 (preview installed over Ourlook 2010) and PSE 10.  When I try use the Share > Photo Mail I get an error message: "There is no email program associated to perform requsted action. Please install an email program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control panel."  After I hit ok on the windows looking message box, I get a message in PSE: "Elements Organiser could not Finish creating your email Message. Please make sure that Microsoft Outlook is selected as the default email program in the Windows Internet Control Panel, and that all dialog boxes in Outlook are closed. If this is the first time you are using Microsoft Outlook, please run the Outlook applicaiton and complete its set-up process before sending mail through Elements Organizer. Alternatively, you can use the Adobe Email Service via the Elements Organiser Preferences Dialog.  I have Elements preferences pointing to Outlook. When I switch the sharing preference to Windows mail, I get: "Elements Organiser could not Finish creating your email Message. Alternatively, you can use the Adobe Email Service via the Elements Organiser Preferences Dialog."  I have checked the default programs, and Outlook 2013 has all associated file type and protocols pointed to it. (an dre-booted PC after resetting defaults)So either:
 - I am mising a fix relating to upgrading Win 7 64-bit with PSE10 to Win 8 64-bit or  - PSE is looking for a particular protocol in the program defaults like MAILTO (but not this one as this is pointed to outlook) that is missing.
Every time I create a Photo Email in PSE 11 the email appears in my email client with this text added to it: "Here are the files that I want to share with you". I do not what this text and I have to select it and delete it for every email I create. Is there any way to change and/or eliminate this text permanently within the PSE files?  I found the text in the following file, but eliminating it from that file did not stop it from displaying. How can I get rid of this unwanted message?  C:Program Files (x86)AdobeElements 11 OrganizerAssetslocaleen_USemailsignaturesstandard_subject.txt
Just purchased Elements 11 - excellent product at the price and am having a great deal of fun using it.  One frustrating flaw within the Photo E-mail service....  I've been using the Adobe e-mail service and it sends e-mail just fine having set up the account as required.  Each new e-mail appears with the text "Here are the files I want to share with you."  Now I'd like to replace that with some different text. I can delete it and replace it on the first editing page, and it stays there after I click 'Next' to the following 'Customise Layout' section.  Clicking on 'Next' after this page, we have the final e-mail page, and the text has reverted back to 'Here are the files I want to share with you' again......  I can delete it again, but cannot type in any further text anywhere on that screen.  Shame, because the programme generally is superb. Have transformed a number of pics already, and it would be nice to use the e-mail prog that's built in as I'd like to use it, adding text as required. Otherwise, why have all the font and layout choices available if not??
After install the Orgainzer works but the Photo Editor doesn't. When I click the Photo Editor in the splash screen it tells me my trial period is up. I'm using Windows Vista Home Basic 32 bit
For some reason PSE9 photomail will stop working at the Stationary and layout wizard screen. This seems to have happen just recenctly after a download of PowerDirector.
Ok just took the leap to Windows 8 and when reviewing the Reliabity Report in Windows PSE11 is showing up as stopped working, and it is causing some performance issues. it is because I dont have Quick Time installed. Installed Quick Time still have the problem.
I have installed PSE 11 and PRE 11 on my PC, running windows 8 64 bit. The programs were already running fine for several days but suddenly the organizer wont work. As soon as i start the program it starts up and disappears some seconds later. I only can see it in task manager as a process running in the background! When I start the editor first and afterwards the organizer (out from the editor) then the organizer stays and I'm able to work with. De- and Re-installation already done, several times.
Is there a way to get the organizer that comes with Adobe Premiere Elements 11 (Mac) with Photoshop Elements 11 Editor (Mac)?  I previously downloaded Elements 11 Editor from Mac iTunes Store, this version does not come with Organizer. I then found I had a copy of organizer with Premiere Elements 11. After install I can use both products fine, but cannot use edior to edit my photos from the Organizer. The message "the feature you selected requires adobe photoshop elements" appears.
I am running Windows Vista. I have just installed Elements 10. Everytime I start the programme It goes into organiser and ten seconds or so later I get a message saying " Elements 10 Organizer has stopped working" A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.Â
I have a terabite and a half hard drive with not very much used up. I have b een reading about Adobe 9 and the answer seems to be lack of space. That just can't be true in my case. I have 1.45 TB free of 1.80 TB. Operating system Windows 7. HP desk top computer.  It takes forever when workiing tagging photos, writing comments at bottom of picture etc. I am continually haviing to "wait for program to respond"  ???
I recently upgraded from Photoshop Elements 10 to 11. Everything works great while I am using it but if I do not do anthing in Elements for 4-5 minutes I get the 'Elements 11 Organizer has stopped working' error message, the only option I have is to push the 'Close Program' button.Â
Have just upgraded from Elements 9 to Elements 10 and used the File -> Rename function to rename 3000 files with a new Base name beginning 'Base' the process reported it had completed and did not provide any additional messages - but checking the result not all files were renamed and a large number were left behind with the original Base name.
After wiping my hard drive, re-installing all the programs & files, Elements Organizer does not have any of the catalogs or data I have input on thousands of pictures. There must be a file with all the data to reconnect the photos to the data in Elements9.
path for importing photos which have been sent by email from varying sources such as Iphones, Ipads, etc. These photos are easily opened from the email in the Elements 11 Editor mode. However, I have tried a dozen ways to get them moved from Editor to Organizer. Also, I am having difficulty creating a folder for these types of photos. Those that I load from my camera create their own folders which I can rename. The paths I have had to utilize are ridiculously complex.Â