Whenever I slice my layout, it always turns out gray, meaning the whole layout with the images and everything. I think it's because when I "Save for Web", the only option they give me is: Grayscale. Here's a picture of what I'm talking about: link - I would really appreciate it if anyone can help. This problem is preventing me from creating websites, not only for me, but for my clients as well.
For some reason when I place new text or line work in a file it is fine, but when I save the drawing, close it and re-open it all of the text and line work found in model space goes gray. Yet if I place new text and use the match property command on text placed previously, that is now gray, and use it on new text, the new text recieves the attributes of what the previously placed text has minus the appearance of being gray. In my drawing I am using a shape file and a data connect image through planning and analysis.
I found a script online that turns my images into a square (by extending the canvas size of the short side to match the length of the long side) which is awesome, but I would like to do an additional step.now that my images are square I want to set a maximum dimension of 2500x2500 px, i have found scripts to set a resolution to a specific size but what I want to make sure I avoid is upsampling, so I just want any image larger than 2500x2500 px to down sample to 2500x2500 px.
I need to create a header for my blog, which I've done and uploaded it here; testertown.blogspot.com (it's just to design the template before uploading). In the Photoshop window it comes up brilliant white background, brilliant colors.
But when I upload it it's like it has a grey haze over it? I'm using Photoshop 9, and have never had any trouble before, I got rid of the blog template I've been using to see if it's being caused by that but no luck. I've tried uploading the image to photo bucket and then inserting it like that, still the same.
I've tried using a transparent background, upping the contrast and brightness of the whole image, starting with a white background in all of the available options: CMYK, Lab, RGB.
I've created a blog header before and it's come out white, with no problems or altering. I have downloaded fonts which I'm using as the header, but the whole image is grey, not just the font area.
I have many images that I need to change the color mode to gray scale - is there a way to do this fast, other than opening each image and changing its mode to gray scale?
I would also love to be able to change the image sizes all at once - any way to do that?
I do not get the same results with grayscale images reproduced as halftones. While they are not true grayscale prints, the inkjet prints of grayscale images that I print from Photoshop always look good.
However when I see the final publication 20-30% of the halftone images will look dull. Is there some way to better visualize with Photoshop what a grayscale image will look like when printed in halftone?
I have 33 images and each image has a white background. To make an animated .gif file I open the 33 images in GIMP 2.8.2 as individual layers and export as a .gif file. For some reason though, when it creates the .gif file, the background turns blue?
Upgraded to LR4. When selecting the 2nd monitor (Gateway) all photo images show as dim dull dark greyed out. If I move LR window from primary (NEC) to the Gateway all menu items and selections normal. All images are dull dim grey including the histogram. Selecting 2nd monitor feature places Loupe on primary display (NEC) works just fine.
If I reset Windows 7 and designate primary monitor as Gateway the problem remains unchanged.
If I place main LR window on Gateway and then select preview of 2nd monitor (CTRL-click) the pop up window renders correctly on the Gateway.
Turned off all icc profiles for monitors no improvement.
Windows 7PRo 64-bit 8GB RAM quad processor all drivers up to date. NVidia card up to date.
Other non LR windows programs and images opened on the second monitor look just fine. The Gateway will render correctly the 2nd monitor pop up preview image; so the monitor will properly display.
If I have some time I will go back to LR3 and double check that everything works fine.
CS5.5 or CC – I have experienced several times that flat grayscale imaged - corrected and nice in PhotoShop turns up much too dark when placed in InDesign.
I make sure no effect or colors are applied to the frame or picture, but still no effect.
If I force transparency on the actual spread (by placing two white items on top of each other, the topmost multiplied on the master page) then it looks correct at once.
It makes no difference if it is a flat grayscale jpg or a psd, even a psd with a white background turns out this way.
Example: CTRL+click on grey channel theoreticly (by my theory) make selection from white depending on its value. So cuting out must leave transparent greyscale image. But it don't (okey, it do, but changes black value):
The same selection inverted and filled with 100%K gives correct result: Is my "theory" about CTRL+click selection wrong? Becouse for my point of view, both ways should give same result.
I'm using Windows 7x64 and have recently installed Lightroom 4.3. Initially worked well but after installing Photoshop CS6 I can no longer see images. The metadata and histograms are there but no images. What I see is a set of gray frames, one for each image in the imported group. Each frame is numbered sequentially, and the total gray frames is the same as the number of images in the imported file.
Using the "Develop" mode I still see only a gray box, though the histogram is live, and as I move the cursor across the gray box it shows R, G, and B characteristics as if the photograph is visible.
I designed a layout in PS and sliced the menu/btns as well. My btns are in the left side and in the right is the txt box. Whats my problem is when I add txt (a long txt msg) to the txt box the menu/btns in the left they strech downwards and lots of gap is made between the btns. So i am trying to make that menu remain in that same position and i can add the txt to the right.
For my homepage I created and sliced an image for web but when I upload the generated html file and images there are a couple gaps that should not be there. figure this our? You'll notice a larger than normal gap on the images on my homepage:[URL}...
How do I change the default toolbar background from dark gray to light gray in illustrator CS6? In the older versions, the toolbar backgrounds were light gray. It easier to read on light gray backgrounds. THe same question applies to Photoshop CS6. InDesign CS6 has light gray backgrounds.
I have a .PSD file that has slices set up in the file.
I'd like to save a version of the file that is unsliced- it seems to me there is probably a very simple way to do this (aside from temporarily deleting the slices),
I created a webiste from PSD sliced template. The template had User Name and Password section. After exporting for web I can not seem to figure out how to insert a form into the html page generated from PSD temaplte with slices. When I try to insert a form the sliced images on my page get out of place. Is there a way to insert forms into html pages generated from Photoshop sliced templates?
My company is switching from ctb files to stb files. With the ctb file, we make concrete hatch with two layers. A top layer with the concrete hatch pattern and a background layer with a solid hatch patern. The ctb file concrete plots the concete hatch black and the solid background hatch light gray. I am using civil 3d 2013 and the hatch allows a seperate background color mask. I am trying to make all my concrete layers (Top of Curb, Curb Flowline, etc.) a certain color scheme, i.e. shades of green. I would like my on screen concrete hatch patern to be a green color with a gray background, but plot the concrete hatch black with a gray background. I can not figure out how to do this without making two layers. Is there a way to use one layer and utilize the background color mask to show on screen green and gray, but plot black and gray?
Why does a black through white gradient created in an RGB document have a B channel that differs from the R and G channels?
In 8-bit mode, only some of the "grays" have a mismatching B value and there seems to be more of them when the gradient is created by Gradient Tool than when it is a Gradient Fill layer. The difference seems to be 1 in the cases that I've seen.
In 16-bit mode, I see the B differ from R and G by 7 at black, gradually reducing to 0 at white.
Before someone says, "Why make a fuss about small discrepancies?", I'm asking why there is any difference at all.
I'm working on a simple website for my brother's company where the designers gave me several PSD documents to slice up and arrange into HTML, PHP or whatever I choose.
He'd like to do a drop-down style menu that "kicks out" horizontally to the right (please see attachments).
how to deal with this while keeping the look of the original look and feel? As I was slicing up the PSD, I thought about making a slice that is the size of the fully-extended menu (second attachment) and make it into its own table that defaults to the "background" image or conditionally (JavaScript on-click?) displays the images in a three-row table with the images hyperlinked as expected.
I'm sort of an old-school web developer who still tries to do most of my work in HTML, ASP and JavaScript (although I'm very interested in getting into some PHP).
I have an image file that was created in Photoshop. It was sliced into buttons and parts of buttons. I am trying to reassemble all the parts in Photoshop elements. I drag and drop the parts onto the canvas. I turned on the grid. I noticed that each part I drop onto the canvas creates a new tab and what looks like a new layer. I don't want this. I would like to import all the parts of the button images and reassemble them on one canvas. I have imported the images into the organizer but it seems like I can only drag and drop the image parts one at a time onto the canvas.
I used to save all my slices in CS5 and it would give me the option to save for web and devices, then when I was in there it would let me choose the option at the bottom Other... then I could go in and save it as a html and images and then it would automatically make div's for me when I brought it in to dreamweaver. Where did this option go in CS6? I lost all my work transferring it back into cs5 to try it there like I used to.
These options are not here in CS6 and I cant find it.
I was wondering if you could generate a 3D poly line from a surface which I have sliced. I am trying to establish retaining wall heights in a cutting on an embankment. I have generated the slope using 2 3D polylines offset and edgesurfed between them. I then put my proposed footpath at the desired location. When I needed to slice the mesh I had to convert it to a surface. It worked but I now do not have any nodes that I can connect vertical lines to in order for me to design wall heights etc.
Is there a way to generate a 3D poly from the sliced edge of a surface.