I am trying to figure out a way to put 4 or 6 images on my screen and be able to move them around to compare them.
Am using Photoshop CS4 on PC and XP Home. I open 4 or 6 files and float all in windows. I then zoom out and make 1 image smaller, so it is smaller than the window. Then match zoom and location to get the zoom ratios the same. Now I have 4 or 6 images that are in windows that are larger than the image.
Is there any way I can make the windows smaller to be the same as the image other than do each one individually by dragging on the corner? Is there a shortcut to do this? Any way to adjust all the windows at once?
I have just upgraded from CS5 to CC (photoshop) and have lost the zoom resizes window facility, how to restore it?
I have checked the general preference 'zoom resizes window' but it makes not a scrap of difference - whether I use the zoom tool (cmdZ) or via the space bar+cmd / alt route or by using cmd+ or cmd-
I am upgrading from cs2 to cs4 and I noticed the Layer window is 65px wider in cs4. I norrowed the change to the "Blending Modes' dropdown box. See screen shot. http://www.inspiredvisuals.com/test/tabwidth.jpg
Is there anyway to to resize the window further or change the blending modes drop down box to a smaller width like it was in cs2?
I know this sounds picky but every pixel available to workspace is important. I might be willing to pay if someone can help me out with this.
Is there a way to set preferences so that when you maximize a window, it will stay in the workspace and not truly maximize and remove all the tools and layers windows? I've seen this questioned asked and I have not found an answer both in forums and in my trying to fix it. Sorry to pose it again, but its getting rather annoying - working on a big editing job and have to manually dock a window each time I need to copy and paste layers from one project to another.I appreciate your help if anyone knows how to do this or if its possible to do.
I recently migrated my data and software from a 27" iMac to a new 13" MacBook Air. I found that my CS6 window is sized beyond the boundaries of the 13" screen. I was able to drag the window sideways far enough to pull the right side within the 13" destop, but the bottom of the window is still below the bottom of my desktop and I cannot grab it or grab the corner to pull it up.  I imagine that resetting CS6 to original defaults would fix the problem, but I have lots of saved actions and other settings that I do not want to loose.
I decided to go ahead with the upgrade at $29 and then immediately installed the SP1. Well now I have an issue that I didn't have before. When I use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out the window does not resize anymore along with the image itself (not using tabbed mode), there are settings in preference just for this type of action so the window should resize with the image while zooming if the settings are checked properly. I did a reset and reinstall without any results. Of course the reinstall includes the updated version now so I can't be sure if the SP1 is the cause or not.
The only thing different since my free trial period is I updated Windows 8 - 8.1 and installed the SP1. Any issue with or without W8.1 or after installing SP1?
resizing objects by changing the width and height values in the Transform window, while keeping the proportions of the object? When I try this in CS6, the proportions of the object gets totally botched. Â This is what I do:
1. Draw a straight line that is rotated some 30-40°. 2. Select the line and click in the W: or H: fields in the Transform window. 3. Make sure that the "Constrain Width and Height Proportions" button is selected. 4. Press and hold the up arrow key on the keyboard. 5. Watch how the line is rotated as it is scaled.  I notice that while I'm pressing the up or down keys, the number in the selected width or height field is incremented nicely (21 mm, 22 mm, 23 mm, 24 mm, etc.), but when I release the key, it is adjusted to a seemingly random number (for example 24 mm -> 24.168 mm). If I switch between pressing up and down for some time, the adjustment can be even more random (24 mm -> 58,944 mm).  I recently upgraded from CS3 where this type of scaling worked flawlessly. I'm using a MacBook Pro with OS X 10.7.5.
Every time I load any project (even one I saved and closed 5 minutes ago) After Effects resizes the window. I would like to disable this 'feature' how do I do that?
I have just installed my newly purchased PSC5 extended software. When I try to use the ACR it will load and I can use it but when I try to open, save or cancel my image I cannot. This is because the ACR window is too 'long' for my Sony desktop window and the buttons I am trying to access are in the 'shadow' of the desktop window. When I try to resize the ACR window to access the buttons it will let me adjust it on the vertical window edges but not on the horizontal window edges. I have to reboot the laptop to do anything at all.
As a new user I really prefer the single window mode but have a real problem in that every time I open a filter the window/box that open opens up underneath the single window and I cant see it without minimising the main gimp window. I've played with the preferences windows management options and seem to have all the file options curves etc on top now (these were opening under the single window at one point) but nothing I do seems to want to make the filter boxes open where I can see them - It's making GIMP quite unpleasant to use.
I modified a Window Family file by adding a Window inset parameter. When I inserted the window into a wall, otherwise the window worked fine, but when I changed the window's Window Inset value, the frame depth changed instead of the frame's location. The frame was originally made by Sweep tool, but now when I made it by Extrusion tool, the window works fine. Anyway, for future purposes, I would like to know how to be able to use the Window Inset parameter with a frame made by Sweep tool. How do I lock the depth of the frame sweep?  The file is attached.
In the program window, it looks like its been pushed way in on the full image in the source window. No matter what I do, I can't get it to appear the same as in the source window...
I am doing an animated theme for my girlfriend`s new handset. I have imported a small clip using imageready. The problem I now have is that I only want to use a certain (smaller) part of the picture. I can do this using the select option in every single frame, but isn`t there a way to select the part directly in the gif so that the selection is made in every frame??
how do I make the small black resizing squares appear for example if I create a text element, how do I resize it using the 4 corner black boxes, I can't see them... Or if I copy and paste something into a new image, how do I get the rezizing boxes to appear?
Lets say i want to resize something to 5x7 how do i do it ? i usally go to image resize but the problem i get is that i get like 5.679 or something when i change one the other one changes any ideas?
I designed a form in photoshop for somebody. I chose A4 size for the canvas from the preset sizes, but the problem is that I need to send it to the other person to print (I don't have a printer and they don't have photoshop).
I thought I'd save it as an image and send it to them to print out, but the image is huge (image->image size shows the document size as 21*29.7 cm but the pixel dimensions as 2480*3508 px).
My only choices (in the dropdown box), for changing the image size requires me to use either pixels or percent. I'm a bit confused as to why A4 size isn't A4 when you convert it to an image. Please could someone give me some pointers as to how I can change my PSD to an image that is A4 size,
how do I resize an image in a layer by dragging it with the mouse? Can I get it to resize while retaining its original shape? I wanna fit some things together visually and I don't wanna screw around with numbers.
I have drawn a few rectangles but want to make them all exaclty the same size and in certain positions. how do you view/change the height, width, x and y positions? In fireworks, the properties pane at the bottom shows the exact measurements and is easy to change. How is this done in photoshop 7.
Sometimes, when I have two or more drawings open in the same instance of AutoCAD, another tab opens up on the Windows Taskbar. Here's the scenerio; I have two drawings open. On the task bar, Autocad's icon shows two drawings open. Somewhere while drawing, AutoCAD will start bogging down, especially when switching drawings. On the Window's Taskbar, it will now show three drawings open. Two of which will be the same drawing.  There will only be two drawings open. The drawing which is currently on top for editing will be the one that shows up twice. If I change to the other drawing, it takes a really long time to swap. Sometimes, it will sit there for a minute and then swap back to the other first drawing on it's own. I try going back to the second drawing again, and the same thing happens again. The only way to stop this from happening is to completely shut down AutoCAD and restart it. I think it has something to do with the ribbon. And I also notice it more often after doing a CopyBase, but not always.
Using Photoshop CS6, is there any way to make the up and down motion of control+option+pen ALSO control brush size? I keep making erroneous minute up/down changes to hardness or opacity while resizing left and right.
I am trying to resize a mask in Photshop CS6 and everytime I try to scale it the mask disappears and I cant see what Im doing. Is there a setting that I need to change so that I can see it?screenshots of what is happening when I try & resize. Â I have the mask visible in the first screenshot. And the 2nd screenshot shows how it disappears when I try to resize.
For years I was using an older version of PS. I am new to CS6 Photoshop. I cannot figure out how to resize a text box. When I chose the box with the text tool, the borders of the box do not show up. To see the border I must hold down the option + command keys. I cannot change the size of the box without scaling the type. Â Also, when I click the box with the move tool, I cannot see the border of the text box. I cannot even copy the text box.