Photoshop :: Ragged Shadows In 3D Images / Meshes Created From Greyscale?
Nov 26, 2012
I am having a problem creating smooth 3D images.I have been taking a 16-bit greyscale image with a various domes and other shapes with systematic gradations of greyness 'impressed' onto it. From this, I use the "create 3D mesh from greyscale" to create a surface whose depth is based on the values in the 16-bit greyscale image: this greyscale image becomes the "Background Depth" layer in the 3D image. I then add a Background layer (that exactly matches the greyscale image) to the 3D image, which will determine how the 3D shape will be coloured.
I then force ray tracing using the "Quality: " "Ray Trace Draft" or "Ray Trace Final" and the result is a 3D surface with some shadows. Okay so far, BUT the surface is a bit pitted, a bit ragged, not smooth, the shadows have jagged bit in - it's just not very good, in fact, it's unusably poor. Even if I apply some filtering to the greyscale image to smooth out any nasty discontinuities there may be in it, the final 3D surface is still pitted, with jagged shadows etc.
If I look at a wireframe version of a 3D image, it is clear that the resolution of the starting image is better than that of the wireframe image: there are several points in the original image to each point on the wireframe image (that is to say, each vertex in the triangles that make up the wire frame image is several points away from each other vertex).
When I look at the sample images in tutorials etc they look incredibly smooth and appealing. Why cannot I produce the same quality of image? Are there some settings in the Edit->Preferences->3D panel that I need to reset? Some way of increasing the number of triangles in the wireframe model?
I have posted a sample of the grayscale image, and a sample of the 3D image that this greyscale image produces when converted into a mesh. (I've saved them as JPG files, which forces the 16-bit greyscale into 8-bit mode. But the original conversion to a mesh was performed using a 16-bit greyscale image).
I am using windows 7 on an HP Pavilion Laptop, using OpenGL to draw the graphics.
I am working with 16bit (Tiff) greyscale Heightmaps, images that displace geometry to create terrains.When I want to adjust the images I do it in one of several applications that return the Heightmaps with an altogether different range of levels (value of blacks and whites). However I have no way of matching the levels of the updated image to the original except to eyeball it using Levels. This is time consuming and hard to get right.
I tried changing the images to RGB and color matching them, which is kind of what I want to do, but it leaves me with stepping (similar to an 8bit image) because the range it is trying to match is so subtle I think. how to better use Levels to perfectly match (greyscale) images?
I was hoping you all could help me with a problem I am having. I am doing a layout for my wife, and I want to use the torn or ragged edge effect, but don’t really know how to create it. If anyone knows how, or better, can point me to a tutorial online that show you how to do it, it would be deeply appreciated.
In X6 text shows up on the screen with ragged edges unless selected. This does not allow an appropriate visual assessment of a full page.
I don't recall if this happened in X5, but I am pretty sure it didn't happen in X3.Is there any mechanism of turning this "feature" off. It is completely unwanted in my view.
My ultimate aim for this small drawing is to convert it to an .STL file. For this the shape needs to be a solid or watertight mesh. I've attached the drawing in CAD - it's very basic! I just want to create a solid shape, using the surface, with a flat base up to the lines drawn on. Or even just a surrounding mesh so that the shape can be exported as a .STL. I just can't figure out how to do it!
i have saves different versions of images and designs ( jpegs mainly) with the 30 day trial version of photoshop but they cant be downloaded or emailed ?
What I want to do is put the image on a flash drive and take it somewhere to have it printed in photo quality (my printer won't do it). But like I said the image will only open using and I'm guessing that if I put it on a flash drive as it is now, it will still ask for to open where ever I take it.So how do I change it to a jpeg or something else where it will open on it's own and be able to be printed somewhere without
The PSP X4 trial I was using expired yesterday. Today when I try opening .pspimage files in X3 that I originally created in X4, I get an error message that says they are not valid Paint Shop Pro image files.
the bugginess of Photoshop 64 bit CS6 Extended 3d (v13.0 x32 -- no updates since launch??) on a Windows 7 x64 workstation. It constantly crashes, renames my layers, and scenes will suddenly go into the netherworld requiring a PS restart. Â However, after spending hours assembling a scene with just 3 simple postcard meshes, I can no longer affect the meshes' coordinates or sizes either by dragging or typing in numbers in to the properties panel -- after attempting a move, it shows the busy cursor for a second or two and then puts the mesh back where it started. To add insult, it adds an undo state to move the mesh back! I tried restarting PS to no avail.
I hesitate to re-assemble the scene with a new file if this is a common occurrence.
I have a number of meshes that I have applied to a single layer. I want to run these within an action but I don't want to have the pain of loading all of these meshes many times. Is it possible to merge them all into 1 mesh so I can just run the liquify command once?
I am converting a photoshop doc to greyscale and saving it as an eps. when I place that eps into illustrator and try to print separation the eps is coming out in 4 color instead of just black. if I save that same file as a tiff and place it in illustrator it prints in just black. if someone else in my office opens the eps in photoshop and saves it again then it will print in only black. is there a setting somewhere in photoshop that i am missing that will fix this and allow me to save the greyscale eps correctly.
I have several greyscale masks that I've downloaded. The only way I know to get the greyscale mask into a photoshop document is a method I found on
1. Open mask, select all, copy
2. Activate Photoshop document, Q for quick mask mode, paste from step 1, Q to exit quick mask mode, then click the layer mask mode icon in the layers palette.
This works fine, but is there ANY other way to get a save greyscale mask into a Photoshop document?
I convert a color jpg to Greyscale in Photoshop CS2 and it looks great on the monitor. Yet when I print it I get a lot of green tinting. I am using Windows XP service pack 2 and an Epson Photo Stylus 260 printer.
I'm busy making a map during which I've been working with creating a line around the shape of the island and then converting it to a editable mesh. On 55 lines it worked, then on 4 it didn't. Turning them into an editable mesh gave me nothing. I don't believe I did anything different with them, though I might have set 1 point or so differently.
[URL] as you can see in the attachment. I need to scale the boot fits into the feet properly. I have tried to do that by adjusting polygons and vertex but it doesn't make a good result. I am wondering is there any sophisticated method to exactly fit the boot into the feet without any clipping and extra space as seen in the image.
I have two large meshes, an existing site and the new grade. I have tried just attaching them, but there are a lot of gaps where they meet. And in some places the existing shows through the new where they have removed grade. How can I combine these into one seamless mesh?
Every time I convert an image/psd/tif to greyscale inside photoshop or in ACR my levels sliders and curves are inverted such that whites are on the left and blacks are on the right and everything is upside down (raising the curve on the black side lowers the blacks, lowering curve on white side raises the whites etc). This never happened to me before but happens every time now, I'm not sure what button I've hit to make photoshop do this.
So... what I want to do is give every player a yellow-red shirt. What I did with the palyer on the right: I just re-brushed the red and yellow on a new layer above the shirt and set the layer-style on "color" and the opacity around 80%. So far so good...
Then I wanted to do the same for the other players... But I just can't get it right. Ofcourse the problem is that the greyscale-values behind the color-layer are different every time.
I have got a picture of beautiful woman. And? How to make a part of picture in greyscale? For exemple - arm. I selected this part and clicked on greyscale. And? The whole picture is in greyscale. Wh? I tried make a quickmask but the greyscale mode is not active.
Newbie question but couldn't seem to find the answer using the search fxn.
With the pic below, I want to have a greyscale background but have a colourful blue colour for the bunch of grapes. I am able to create the greyscale background by using:
Image > Mode > Greyscale
but I don't know how to add realistic colour to the grapes. The colour I add seem to look cartoon-like.