I dont have it in my custom shapes and was wondering if i would be able to download it from some where.... anybody know where? need the radial blur like in this background.
how to perform a radial blur to "spin" the propeller. I'm familiar with the basics of radial blur, but I'm not able to create a realistic effect with this type of picture or one that's facing forward at an awkward angle. Am I better off deleting the actual propeller and creating my own, or is there some technique that I'm missing that would make a more realistic blur. I've created a clipping path and done a standard radial blur, but it just doesn't look right. I couldn't attach the image for some reason, so here's a linked image.
here are my two pictures i have photoshopped, its actually of my car parked. But i added motion blur to the background and then a radial blur to the wheels, however, the radial blur is flat and see how my wheels are at an angle, is there any way of getting the radial blur to be at an angle so that it matches my wheels. I think the first wheel looks good in both shots but the back wheel does not. Thats because of the angle.....
Just recently so many car cover magazines have wonderful covers on them. I have searched for how they achived this look. But i have come up with very little. There are 2 old threads about how to get the wheels and background look like the car is moving, but in fact the car is stationary. The hardest part is how to radial blur the wheels but have the brake caliper frozen still. I have taken a picture from Easton Chang! He was the orginal one that posted about this. That was in 2003. You can find his work everywhere now.
I know one thing is that you have to make a selection of the wheels and transform them so they are flat. But still don't know how to get th caliper and rotor look like they are frozen. Just look at Easton's work.
I first saw this problem in CS2 (Windows XP, Intel P4). The radial spin blur filter introduces pixel noise at about the 8-bit level, which is horribly bad if you're expecting a smooth result out to 16 bits. It can be seen by taking a 16-bit image, applying a radial spin blur (10 degrees is fine), and then bumping the contrast way up (say using levels 125 to 130 in an area that's around 128). Zoom in to see the pixels. The image should be completely smooth but instead you'll see random dots all over. This problem was reproduced by somebody at Adobe during the CS3 beta with a promise that it would fixed for the release, but it wasn't fixed. My question: can somebody try this in CS4 and tell me if the problem has/hasn't been fixed? How about with a 32-bit image? I don't want to be suckered in to buying CS4 like I was for CS3.
This is an issue I have encountered in CS6 & CC since I've been using a slightly different workflow on a few projects.
I create a smart object, say a coposite of a landscape with a road in it. I add a Radial Blur (zoom) to and move the origina point, file looks great and is adjustable as a smart filter.
Problem occures, if I use Radial Blur (zoom) on another image and change the settings and vanishing point. - When I return back to the image with the blur as a smart filter, the zoom origin point has reverted back to be centred.
On the subject of Radial Blur (zoom) a feature I would like is to be able to set the origin point of the zoom to be outside the canvas area.
when i try to radial blur this circle inside the object this is what i get. what am i missing? the blur center is set correctly. im using photoshop cs6
I need to use the radial blur on numerous layers with the same preset for zoom location. Once photoshop is closed, I have to relocate the zoom center. I've tried making a action to store the setting, a smart filter, and even using scriptlistener, but nothing will hole the zoom location. I doubt there is anything I can do, but Adobe should fix this bug or flaw.
Ok i know how to do motion blurring and radial blurring just fine, but i was curious how pictures like these two are done? Dont worry i had permission from the authors to post these
Wondering how the motion on the ground was done
Wondering how the different angles of mation blur are done all over the picture... Also how the radial blur was done on the wheels since it isnt a perfect circle.
I would like to use coordinates to place the center of a radial blur. Is this possible? If not, then is there any other way to accurately place the center, other than guessing by dragging the thing around in the white box?
I'm using CS5 to edit DSLR photos, I want to do a big radial zoom blur on the stormy clouds in the background without touching the building in front of it. I tried a mask and a cut'n'paste but the blur brings in unwanted stuff at the edges. What's the best way to do this cleanly?
I'm rendering at 1920x1080HD 25fps. Used the expression found on numerous threads including this one to generate whole number pixel shifts per frame.
t = time;fr = t/thisComp.frameDuration;x = value [0];s = 4; //Speed in pixels per frame [x, fr*s]
I generated the text and images in InDesign and exported as a PDF. Imported PDF into AE. Have tried a few whole number values for s including 4 and still getting judder.
Generated to H264 and Apple Pro Res codecs doesn't seem to make much difference to judder.Here is my AE project with PDF. Here is output as H264 (40MB).
Also included a Quartz Composer file .where I created the same whole number pixel movement as AE but rendering it out in Quartz Crystal I get different judder but no better. Quartz Composer previews in real time and Quartz Crystal renders same project that took some 16min+ in AE in about 30 seconds. But no smoother output — even when applying AA and Motion Blur at render time.
Any video encoder where I can down-sample say a 75 fps render to 25 fps with frame blending? Does Apple's Compressor do frame blending? What about some other app that I can get this out smoothly from. I have FCP installed but have never done a title in it either.
Since my Dell only has 60Hz at full native res (2560x1440) I set it to 1080p and selected 50Hz to see if that effected anything but it makes absolutely no difference to playback smoothness.
I have some random curves (already created) and I want to blur them just from one side to have the same blur distance and effect one the whole curve.
To more precisely describe what I need, I need to create gradient with direction of normal for every "point". The best example I have found so far are borders in Civilization IV game. Here are two examples:
As you can see, there is a solid curve, which gradually blends (i.e. alpha channel is lowered) till the gradient disappears. I have the solid curve and the question is, what would be the simplest way how to do this (the number of curves is around 100) gradient.
I just got PSE CS6 and the blur too will NOT work ....blur filters work, but not BLUR in the tools panel I have tried: unintstall/reinstall, updating, using it no a picture straight after opening it, duplicate layers, selecting an area and then blurring....flattening an image, every single different setting in the the blur tools menu bar NOTHING works. And everything I find about blur is the new blur filters....
i have outlined this pic and used the Gaussian blur , but how would i soften the edges of the blur so it doesnt look so "sharp"? I want it to kinda blend in so to say here is the pic.
Here's a before and after shot. I recently upgraded from CS3 and the spot healing brush always worked great. Now when I use it, whether or not I use content aware fill, it leaves a blurred residue of what I was trying to remove. As an aside, the Content Aware Fill leaves a similar residue, enough to make it effectively unusable.
I have included a sample photo of the spot healing brush problem. Left side is before and right side is after. I just wanted to get rid of the electrical wall socket. You can see that it's not working. I am running windows 8 in a 64-bit environtment and running the 64-bit version of Photoshop CS5.5
Adobe Photoshop Version: 12.1 (12.1x20110328 [20110328.r.145 2011/03/28:10:30:00 cutoff; r branch]) x64 Operating System: Windows NT Version: 6.2 System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:10, Stepping:9 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2
There used to be a circle onscreen that you could turn to change the amount of blur. And there were lines and or oval areas that could be made bigger or smaller to influence the area of blur. And while there are still pins that can still be placed to further control the blur, they don't really work. I also have the same problem with the new lighting effects as well.
I have created an 18 layered object on Corel Draw X4 using vectors and I would like to make it blur and streak from the back, to create the illusion that it's actually in high motion.
I have tried looking for the answer to my question on this site and elsewhere and only find the answer if it were a bitmap, yet I don't necessarily want to transfer it into bitmap as I would like to keep the smooth edges.
I have a 70x70 image that i need to shrink down to 40x40 in the preview when i shrink it down the image looks bloody perfect, however when i select OK it just blurs everything up. why cant gimp just keep the quality it has in the preview? its like it deliberately wants to ruin my day. I reduced the image in Cubic and in Sinc but neither was good enough.
I'm writing down some names & seeing how they'd look like when I use a different font but just now, I've realized that the text slightly blurs when it's rotated.
Original text: [URL]
Rotated: [URL]
I know this isn't much of a big deal but I'm just wondering if there is a way to prevent the blurring or anything like that. I tried 'sharpening' the selection but as far as I'm concerned, it didn't change anything.
I have a PDF that I know is 300 dpi. When you view the PDF, even at high magnification, the text on it is sharp (i.e., there is no pixelation).
I need to crop the PDF. So I opened it in Photoshop and, for reasons I cannot understand, SOME (not all) of the text on the page becomes somewhat pixelated after I open it in Photoshop.
Once I save the new doc as a PDF, that same text it is much less crisp than the original.
I haven't changed the DPI or the color settings of the PDF in Photoshop.
I am using both Paint Shop Pro X3 & Video Studio X3. I'm putting together a slideshow and when I use Pan & Zoom to zoom on a particular subject (as a bee on a flower) after so much zoom the picture blurs. I have a very good camera and the photo remains sharp in Paint Shop Pro in extreme zoom. Is there a way to sharpen the image while zooming in Video Studio?
For some reason, when I try to create a transparent object with a low opacity material, the object underneath it seems blurred out as if the texture res of the inside object is very low. once I hide the transparent object it returns to normal.
Unfortunately it also looks like that when saving an image.
I tried playing around with the material and with the preferences of Mudbox but couldn't find a solution.
If I have a fat tube (or a rectangle really) on its own layer, how to I make it have a pointy end (like a tentacle). Ctrl-T does it okay, except it always changes the length and makes it fuzzy.
Now I'm somewhat happy with that, however, how do I make it less fuzzy? Make it look less anti-alialized?
I am working on a project where I have a photo of a white object with three parts. I have defined each of the parts on seperate layers. Now, I have to change the color (of all 3 parts) to about 20 different colors, and save each of the 3 elements, by itself on a transparent background, as each of the 20 colors. So, this one photograph should yield me 60 jpegs. (can jpeg have a transparent BG, or do I need to save as a different web-friendly format?)
I need to repeat the same process for about 6 additional photos/objects... hopefully recreating the EXACT same colors I did on the first photo.