This is an issue I have encountered in CS6 & CC since I've been using a slightly different workflow on a few projects.
I create a smart object, say a coposite of a landscape with a road in it. I add a Radial Blur (zoom) to and move the origina point, file looks great and is adjustable as a smart filter.
Problem occures, if I use Radial Blur (zoom) on another image and change the settings and vanishing point. - When I return back to the image with the blur as a smart filter, the zoom origin point has reverted back to be centred.
On the subject of Radial Blur (zoom) a feature I would like is to be able to set the origin point of the zoom to be outside the canvas area.
when i try to radial blur this circle inside the object this is what i get. what am i missing? the blur center is set correctly. im using photoshop cs6
I dont have it in my custom shapes and was wondering if i would be able to download it from some where.... anybody know where? need the radial blur like in this background.
how to perform a radial blur to "spin" the propeller. I'm familiar with the basics of radial blur, but I'm not able to create a realistic effect with this type of picture or one that's facing forward at an awkward angle. Am I better off deleting the actual propeller and creating my own, or is there some technique that I'm missing that would make a more realistic blur. I've created a clipping path and done a standard radial blur, but it just doesn't look right. I couldn't attach the image for some reason, so here's a linked image.
here are my two pictures i have photoshopped, its actually of my car parked. But i added motion blur to the background and then a radial blur to the wheels, however, the radial blur is flat and see how my wheels are at an angle, is there any way of getting the radial blur to be at an angle so that it matches my wheels. I think the first wheel looks good in both shots but the back wheel does not. Thats because of the angle.....
Just recently so many car cover magazines have wonderful covers on them. I have searched for how they achived this look. But i have come up with very little. There are 2 old threads about how to get the wheels and background look like the car is moving, but in fact the car is stationary. The hardest part is how to radial blur the wheels but have the brake caliper frozen still. I have taken a picture from Easton Chang! He was the orginal one that posted about this. That was in 2003. You can find his work everywhere now.
I know one thing is that you have to make a selection of the wheels and transform them so they are flat. But still don't know how to get th caliper and rotor look like they are frozen. Just look at Easton's work.
I first saw this problem in CS2 (Windows XP, Intel P4). The radial spin blur filter introduces pixel noise at about the 8-bit level, which is horribly bad if you're expecting a smooth result out to 16 bits. It can be seen by taking a 16-bit image, applying a radial spin blur (10 degrees is fine), and then bumping the contrast way up (say using levels 125 to 130 in an area that's around 128). Zoom in to see the pixels. The image should be completely smooth but instead you'll see random dots all over. This problem was reproduced by somebody at Adobe during the CS3 beta with a promise that it would fixed for the release, but it wasn't fixed. My question: can somebody try this in CS4 and tell me if the problem has/hasn't been fixed? How about with a 32-bit image? I don't want to be suckered in to buying CS4 like I was for CS3.
I need to use the radial blur on numerous layers with the same preset for zoom location. Once photoshop is closed, I have to relocate the zoom center. I've tried making a action to store the setting, a smart filter, and even using scriptlistener, but nothing will hole the zoom location. I doubt there is anything I can do, but Adobe should fix this bug or flaw.
Ok i know how to do motion blurring and radial blurring just fine, but i was curious how pictures like these two are done? Dont worry i had permission from the authors to post these
Wondering how the motion on the ground was done
Wondering how the different angles of mation blur are done all over the picture... Also how the radial blur was done on the wheels since it isnt a perfect circle.
I would like to use coordinates to place the center of a radial blur. Is this possible? If not, then is there any other way to accurately place the center, other than guessing by dragging the thing around in the white box?
I'm using CS5 to edit DSLR photos, I want to do a big radial zoom blur on the stormy clouds in the background without touching the building in front of it. I tried a mask and a cut'n'paste but the blur brings in unwanted stuff at the edges. What's the best way to do this cleanly?
I'm looking for a plugin to replace the smart blur standard one you get with photoshop, I want to create glamorous, airbrushed type photos, but finding the right plugin is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
1. Is there a way for masking each smart filter separately on a single smart object other than nesting one smart object into the another? 2. Is there a way for removing the previously created smart object?
I mean ... let's say I have a smart object containing four layers. Can I remove smart object from these layers?
I have subscribed to CC and smart filter support for blur and liquify are not working. I have first deactivated and reactivated PS CS6 extended and then tried uninstalling and reinstalling from my CC account. Neither method worked.
As far as I know, gaussian blur is a spatial convolution filter and smart sharpen is a deconvolution filter.So I think that they should be opposite of each other when smart sharpen is at the gaussian blur mode.But we can not remove gaussian blur (applied to a JPEG) with the smart sharpen adjusted for the same radius.
I'm running photoshop cs3. I created two different smart objects. Within each of those smart objects, I want to include another smart object. However, when I update the embedded smart object, only the partent SO is updated, the other SO seems to have a different child. here is the setup visually: canvas -> SO1 -> SO3canvas -> SO2 -> SO3 so when I update SO3 from within SO1, only SO1 is updated - SO2 stays the same.
Ps CS6 OSX 10.6.8  Problem: Transform applied to Smart Object fails to transform an attached Smart Filters Mask.  I mean a Transform, including Free Transform, as found in the Edit menu. A simple move by the Move Tool is OK.  A workaround until this bug is squashed is to encapsulate the Smart Object + Smart Filters + Filter Mask inside another Smart Object and transform that.However, that will not be a satisfactory solution in some cases. If a filter has size parameter(s), e.g. Gaussian Blur radius, a scaling or warping/distorting transform applied after the filter will obviously differ from the filter applied after the transform.  In any case, the workaround is inconvenient to subsequent editing and experimenting with filters and masks.
I render 3d object from raster and smart object (extrusion) Each time i do the edge where the extrusion meets the front inflation material is slightly distorted. Should be a smooth line.
Is there a way by which i can create an elliptical shaped radial fill into any object in coreldraw x6? Currently coreldraw has similar fill tools like in adobe illustrator. Both support linear and radial fills, but adobe illustrator has a way by which the circular radial fill can be squeezed, and be given more of an elliptical radial fill shape.Cann we have some way by which we can squeeze the radial gradient fill into more of an elliptical shape in coreldraw? That fucntion greatly supports more natural looking radial fills into objects. Can it be possibly done without using mesh tools? i am attaching an adobe illustrator screenshot to point out what i am asking for.
Create a shape with the Rounded Rectangle > I apply a Gradient & Bevel  New Layer > Fill with White > Ctrl + Alt + G (clipping mask) > change Layer Blend to Multiply > Opactity to 35% > Filter > Noise > Add Noise New Layer > Ctrl + Alt + G > Ctrl + Click on the Rounded Rectangle Shape to create a Selection  From there I am suppose to add a Stroke by right clicking on the object but that doesn't work. The only menu that pops up is a list of my layers. So, rather I select the Rounded Rectangle layer and then click Effects and select Stroke and then set the values for the stroke. Next I am suppose to add a blur.  Blur > Gaussian Blur but the Stroke ends up filling the entire object. No, I didn't set the Blur to like 1,000 it's only set to 5.9 . I tried this on an other computer and the same thing happens. I called Adobe but they were unable to assist even get as far as the Stroke.
i noticed importing an image file from adobe illustrator into photoshop through copy and paste. but i dont have illustrator on my pc. is there a way to turn a layer or an image into a smart object without using the bridge feature they have now in CS2?
in cs2, i use smart object lot to replace image i mean i have to make collection of gallery of let's say mp3 albums so i have to put albums covers in my designs but exactly as i wanted in size {no matter whatever size/resolution the source (album cover) are} so smart objects always be the easiest way cos i firstly draw rectangulers in my custum size, and i covert each rectangulers to smart objects and replace every smart objects to place those albums covers. it's easiest way and since cs3 is launched, when i try to replace image of smart objects my replaced image(album cover) wont be as equal as my custum rectanguler size. this is my prob. when i place the images either they are placed bigger size than the size of smart object or smaller than smart object . can is there any process to make as shame size as smart object while placing images to smart object??? in cs2 it's possible but cs3 cs4 can't do such smart object or i'm a missing any new technique to do that? ya we can resize each placed covers to our custom size but it takes hell long time . i need shortcut way. wel in cs2 i been doin things like this using smart object which takes only 2 min to put images in my custom sized rectangular
- The effect is only needed at some point of the video, it must appear, and then disappear, not being on screen the whole time. Â - The object is moving, and changing shape, the blur must adapt to it. Â - I've been trying to use the "Track Motion" option with Position & Rotation, then the "Analyze Forward" button, but the thing makes a mess all over, it's not following the object at all, then if You try to adjust it manually, it's only done in 1 frame, in the other frames the thing is off the object, then the "Tracking" stays on screen.
I am trying to open a RAW photo in Photoshop CS5 as a Smart Object. I have the photo selected in Bridge. When I go to execute File>Place in Bridge CS5 the menu entry indicates there should be a menu displayed. However, clicking on Place does not bring up a menu.  In Photoshop there is open a blank file to receive the photo.Why do I not receive a menu?
I'm having aliasing issue with my smart objects in CS6 I never had before. I've searched all over PS and these forums to try and figure out how to get rid of the jaggies, with no luck. Below is a screenshot example of a SO with the aliasing (I'm trying to reconstruct a dresser top).