1. what is the best selection tool? i use the polygon one, but i think there are betters. by the way, is the computer suppose to make a lot of noise while i use it? it seems like it takes a lot of power from it. =/
2. i saw a video on youtube where a person's eyes were turned red (demon type of stuff). what tool would i need for that?
3. what can a person do to a liquify tool (the expanding one) to make it seem more realistic instead of "thick"?
4. if i'm editing a person's face, how would i make it "smooth" and "light"?
I have this little mini project I want to do, It's a picture of my friend and I with Navi (Zelda) in our hands, bascially the effect I want to cast is Navi's blue light reflecting off our faces,
I'm using Organizer 11. First time evething was ok, persons/faces were detected correctly, then after a few month Organizer doesn't detected new faces and said every time that all faces were detected already also when I imported new fotos from my camera...
(I use the german version, so I can not tell you the exact error message in english, hope you unserstand what I mean.)
As I found no solution, I created a new catalog and imported all photos including their tags newly to this empty catalog. But allready tagged persons are not persons anymore - their tags are now in the "imported keyword tags" (German: "Importierte Stichwort-Tags") and not in the "person/face tags".
How can I tell the organizer that the imported Tags are persons/faces to having no douplicates in the person-tags and normal keyword-tags?
Here some Background Information about my system:
PSE 11, Windows 8, 64 Bit 8GB, Intel i7. 3 catalogs with each 8000-10000 photos.
When you try to select a human face (and maybe body) from a complicated background then seperate it. You'd end up with this face having small parts coming off its edges (ends). You might try to use the eraser to some extent. Still the face or body will not look smooth. How to smooth it?
I want to make a person in a picture look 3d. By 3d, I dont mean the anaglyph 3d. I mean that the person looks like someone from a game or animated movie. I know that it should be done by adding the right shadows but dont know where to start.
I'm making a stylized picture composed wholly of curved lines. I free-handed the curves with my pointer tablet, and then I've been going in with the paintbrush thickening the lines and smoothing edges and whatnot (my tablet makes exceedingly wiggly lines for some reason)... It takes FOREVER going in and trying to make a perfectly smooth line using a 3px brush... (The original image is 3000 x 3450. Great learning experience, but my eyes feel like they're about to fall out of my skull after tracing, re-tracing, and re-re-tracing a 30-pixel area for an hour, lol.) I'm convinced that with the amazing images that come out of Photoshop, they must have a tool that makes creating curves a simple, easy process.
My work is generally calligraphy, it is all drawn by hand but would like the option to smooth it out on Photoshop if possible? I have attached a copy of the artwork,
I am very much a Noob at photoshop, this is officially the 2nd time I have used it. I have a small image, I want to rotate it 30 degrees counterclockwise. I also mant to put a small black border (10 pixels) around the outside of it. You can see the one I tried up in the banner on my developing site.
I would like to take a photo of my face and make it appear in the same way as on the picture below, but I don't know Photoshop well enough to even know where to start. (None of the filters get close to what I want to achieve). Can I do this in PS?
I'm building a flash site and i'm trying to make that nice smooth and rounded outline (just a simple dark grey line with rounded edges) to put in the background
I cannot seem to do this! I feel very stupid, as i'm not actually bad with photoshop. I've made a 750x450 photoshop file and just cant get it to look nice.
Does someone have a simple method for this? How can i do it to the very maximum size that will fit on the 750 450 doc?
the perfect example is of the main flash part of the macroedia site here here
I'm somwhat of a PS newbie, but I know my way around. I want to put my face on a tree trunk and make it look like its part of the tree coming out. Is this possible or is there a plug-in to do this sort of thing?
I know there are many ways to create light beams or God beams.There are several tutorials and net has many brushes.I just want to make a simple tapered brush in Photoshop CS6 so that If I click at a source like window then shift click at another place I get a 'tapered' beam, smaller at origin and flaring to larger size, like a flashlight beam
it should be easy with shape dynamics and all, but I am not able to figure this out.