Photoshop :: Layer Not Working When Cloning Multiple Folders?
Feb 12, 2013
I have a leayer with a bit map inside a photosop folder in my layers. When I clone it the layer information just disapears. When I ctrl+alt to duplicate it sometimes the layers are active but there is no artwork at all Layer is visible /eye is on/ when click thumbnail to select objenct in the layer a "No pixels alert pops up".
The only way to be able to get the artwork is use a previous version.No I did not delete the layer, neither any one touch the
I'm using photoshop Extended 5.1 (64 bit) on a pc.The original file v.01 was done in a mac photoshop cs3, edited and saved as a in the office pc (now v.06), I name my files sequentially to be able to back track, (so a filename looks something like this client_project_B01_v03_06.psd )
I am running Civil3D 2011 on Windows 64 machine and am wondering how I go about setting up multiple working folders when using data shortcuts. Â I have two different projects I am working on, for which I set up surface data shortcuts, but the 2nd one I set up over-wrote the 1st folder and so now that surface is not properly shortcutted into that project. how to set this up, for I am new to the whole shortcutting game?
Civil 3D 2013 SP2 | Win 7 64-bit SP1 Intel Core i5-2500 @ 3.30GHz, 8GB Ram | ATI Radeon HD 5450
I am trying to use the cloning feature but it does not seem to be working. It was working fine when I last used it. I don't know if I am not doing sth right. I am new to Photoshop and I am thinking it might be sth simple that I do not know.
Cloning from layer to layer continues to be a problem in PP X6. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it does not work. Yes. I know what is happening but I don't like it. I can get around it but I still don't like it. How about in X7, the clone tool include a source and target dialog for the clone tool
I can select individual layers either in the Layer Palette or on the canvas with no problem. It's when I use the selection tool with Shift, Cntrl, or Alt that I cant get more than one layer selected. I want to group and lock layers together so I can scale down the group to a maller image size.
For some reason my cloning start poition has stopped working. Normally you select clone tool / press alt/ right click at position where you want to copy from /right click again at new position you want to copy to / I am now getting: "could not use clone stamp as area has not been defined". I thought it might be fault on keyboard, but is the same with new keyboard and I have reinstalled CS4.
I have seen similar questions here on the forum but either they are not what I'm looking for, or older versions of LR.What I need is to import from one folder / memory card and mark some of the photos with different shoot names or headline. This name should then be used as a final folder name. Â My current structure:
2012   - 06_Cyprus   - 07_Vacation in Denmark   - 07_Trip to Oslo  I have 20.000 photos in this structure already imported by Bibble and before that Downloader Pro. I would like to do everything in one program, not have to use Downloader Pro every time I need to structure my photos.  The only way I have seen to do this in Lightroom 4 is to do multiple imports and that gets annoying! This is the biggest factor for me if I will continue with Bibble / Corel Aftershot or go for Lightroom.
How can I move multiple folders at one time in the folder list rather than having to move each folder one at a time? I am trying to move all my folders from 2013 into a 2013 folder in PSE 11.
I have several duplicates of photos that I somehow created. I need to delete lots of duplicates. I see how to do it one folder at a time. However I have hundereds ! There must be a way to select more than one folder at a time for deletion. How or if it can (or cannot) be done ?
How do I remove multiple folders from Elements Organizer 12, without deleteing the folders? Â I imported all my pictures into Organizer. As it turns out, that included dozens of subfolders containing near-duplicate images, which now all show up in Organizer. That is because I previously used Google Picasa, which backs up the unprocessed original images into a subfolder called .picasaoriginals. I want to remove all these .picasaoriginals folders, but the only wny I can find to do it is to right-click each one individually, click Delete Folder, then confirm in the dialog box. I can't find any way to multi-select the folders. Â Also, I have two of these folders that appear shaded in the folder list, where the option to delete is greyed-out. The contents report as not found, and my guess is that the folders have been deleted from the disk. How do I get rid of these from the folder list in Organizer?
I am trying to copy photos from one folder to another, leaving them in the original folder and have them show in the organizer in the new folder.
I find I can duplicate the photo and then drag and drop it, but each step takes literally a minute to complete (in explorer it is 1 second or less). To move a hundred photos one at a time to different folders would take quite a while. Â so I tried to pull them in from the FILE button get new files and it won't because the photo exists in another folder in the catalog. Â How can you have the organizer show photos in multiple folders, is it possible
Imagine a layer containing 10 squares, each square is isolated (none are touching). I need a quick way to put each of those squares on its own layer. Is there something already built in, or any plugin or action?
I've created a publish service (jf zenfolio) under which using the the jf plugin publish I created varios folders, under which I've dropped different photos to publish. Â Now... is there anyway I can tell the publish service to publish / republish everything in one click (instead of having to click on each folder to see if there's anything outstanding?
I bought a ReadyNAS and a few harddrives to go with it, and decided to move all my 35594 pictures to it.As Lightroom has some silly features like not being able to move multiple folders unless they have a root folder, I moved most of these files via Explorer and then had to sync them one by one for hand (which is annoying, as there's one folder for every day – however, that's another question). For the rest of the 20 000 photos, I decided to move them with Lightroom.
0 missing files from the files I moved with Explorer and resynced.
3049 missing files from the files I moved with Lightroom. Â The files simply don't exist anymore, on neither of the disks. I've searched every single drive for them completely by file name, date, everything. They're gone.This has nothing to do with disk failure, or user error. Only the files I moved with Lightroom are affected. Â Considering there's both client work and personal pictures among these, it's crucial that I get them back. Â There's another thread about this problem here, except that I didn't have the luck of just 80 files.
The thumbnail view is not working for .xar files in Vista Home Premium. I got a new system that totally rocks and Vista is now my default OS, XP is put to bed. It's a 64 bit system, not sure if that makes any difference. I don't think it would.
Oh and it's a quad core system, 9 series nVidia graphics card with 8 gigs of DDR2 RAM and with a 64 bit system I see all 8 gigs. WOOT! Renders that used to take 10 hours are done in under 2. NICE!
Anyway. I really would love to know if this is a known bug in X Pro or if there is a fix or something I need to do to enable a thumbnail preview in the folders?
my co-worker can not setup his drawing's data shortcuts. So, we tried to set the working folder. He has no real options for working folders. There is only one project folder showing for him. how to get all of the project folders to display in the set working folder dialogue so we can select the correct project, then select the correct data shortcuts. He is using C3D 2012 on a windows 7 64 bit machine. His folders have black arrows instead of plus signs. I've attached a picture. The Monterey Projects folder should display several hundred project sub folders and you can see we only have the one folder of 2916.
For example, let's say I have a file on a hard drive labeled 2012. Inside that file there are three folders with photos and they are labeled Phoenix, Seattle, Portland. Is there a way to Import these folders at one time and keep the names, or will they all come into Lightroom only as 2012?
I have been forced to check under the hood in LR due to the fact that I have lost a big chuck of my keywords, and I'm contemplanting if its worth importing a copy of my backup copy. I am debating if I should just go back and re-enter all the missing keywords, or retrieving a backup copy. However, I read somewhere that its wise to change the name of the master catalog before retrieving a backup copy.  However, I found multiple folders of my catalog in my master folder. I'd like to know which one should I delete without causing any major collateral damage.  1- folder 176-2.lrcat                  created 3-26-11           2:51 PM   289 MB 2- folder 176-2-2.lrcat               created 2-12-13         10:32 PM    363 MB 3- folder 176-2-3.lrcat               created 2-24-13           5:24 PM    287 MB 4- folder 176-2 copy.lrca          created 3-26-11           2:31 PM    179 MB  In addition, there are corresponding Previews.lrdata for each folder.
Having trouble with my lisp routine to read from a directory which includes several folders. There is no problem when the files are all mixed in the directory but when dealing with hundreds of files, it makes sense to organize files by types.
Using (ade_aliasadd "BASE" "S:\") and there is no problems when the files are actually there and not in a subfolder called APN_DWG or EAS_DWG. Should I be setting up the environment differently and if so how?
A couple of things that seem to be missing in LR4. In all previous versions of LR, I could select non contiguous folders (or collections or a mix of the two) by holding down the Command key (using a Mac). That doesn't work in LR4. Also, when I create virtual copies (which I also do all the time), the copies lose the name of the original. They are simply name "copy 1."