Lightroom :: Search Multiple Folders And Subfolders For Keywords?
Mar 18, 2013Will lightroom search multiple folders and subfolders for keywords?
View 1 RepliesWill lightroom search multiple folders and subfolders for keywords?
View 1 RepliesIs it possible to search meta data in multiple folders at once versus one folder at a time?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn previous PSE-versions there was a small ticker next to each keyword to multiselect persons into a search.
This is gone, and I see no such functionality in "Peeople". It would be nice to have "People" among the keywords as well to in this way quick-search people and other keywords.
How to setup all directories, folders and subfolders of files, on the left (in order by name). This is easily done in Photoshop Elements. How is it done in Lightroom 4.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do you do a keyword search over multiple folders. Bridge CS6 can only search one folder at a time.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI use a file structure in lightroom with subfolders within folders to organize photos; some of these top level folders contain many thousands of pictures; I have found that any top level folder with greater than 3000 photos will no open, and therefore all photos within that top level folder are not searchable. When I try opening such a large folder, the phrase "no photos in selected folder" is displayed. This has never been happened in LR3, but is happening in LR4. Folders less than abour 2500 photos can be opened and searched easily.
View 2 Replies View Related1) In LR4, Search for images using Keywords (click on arrow next to Keyword).
2) Select image, export to PS6, save as Tif.
3) Tif retains all Keywords when it appears in LR
4) Despite that, image does not show up in the same 'Search for images using Keywords'.
I shoot football/soccer. I want to tag like this ... Wimborne, Smith, Night, Attacking.
So, can I search using say, Smith and attacking to give me the player and in an attacking situation?
Lightroom has a collection containing all images without keywords.
As soon as I apply a keyword to images they instantly disappear from the collection. This is alright when I only want to apply a single keyword, but how do I stop it happening when I want to apply multiple keywords to the same image(s)?
Lightroom 4.1 trial, Windows 7
In LR5 is there any way to merge multiple subfolders? For example, in my 2012 folder, I have lots of subfolders that were created when I imported my photos and organized them by date.
But now that 2012 is over I don't need that granularity anymore and I want to consolited multiple folders into one folder.
I tried selecting a group of folders and right clicking but I haven't found any option for merging folder.
It seems when I do a search query for an image, the search only searches in the folder that I have selected.
BUT...if I have another folder selected that the image is not in, then the search states there is no image that matches. AND...even if I have the parent folder selected, the search query again replies that there is no image.
Note: this occurs when I have "Show photos in subfolders" selected AND unselected so I don't think this will fix it.
I'd like to be able to truly search my ENTIRE library from just the top parent folder for an image.
My catalog folders are organized by YYYY-MM_TRIPNAME and contain subfolders by YYYY-MM-DD_LOCATIONNAME. Often I want to find a specific image that I took on a trip. I do remember the trip name and often the location name but not the date. How in LR can I search for a folder (or folders) whose name contains the trip or location name? I haven't tagged the image files (I should have but never did). Is there a solution without having to leave LR and go to the OS?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to assign keywords to folders instead of just to individual/groups of images? And if not, is there a work around?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have numerous subfolders that contain "Thumbs.db folders or are empty;" can I safely delete them?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am splitting my LR4 catalog (which contains over 150,000 images) into yearly catalogs for performance reasons. The big issue is how will I ever find anything if I don't know what year an image was made? Is there a catalog of catalogs? Or some way to index everything?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have seen similar questions here on the forum but either they are not what I'm looking for, or older versions of LR.What I need is to import from one folder / memory card and mark some of the photos with different shoot names or headline. This name should then be used as a final folder name.
My current structure:
- 06_Cyprus
- 07_Vacation in Denmark
- 07_Trip to Oslo
I have 20.000 photos in this structure already imported by Bibble and before that Downloader Pro. I would like to do everything in one program, not have to use Downloader Pro every time I need to structure my photos.
The only way I have seen to do this in Lightroom 4 is to do multiple imports and that gets annoying! This is the biggest factor for me if I will continue with Bibble / Corel Aftershot or go for Lightroom.
I am importing about 20,000 pictures from Flickr. they are all creative commons, and the end result will be the use of approximately 4000 of these in an online sign language dictionary. I use Bulkr to import them and this process imports the tags as well as other information such as the photographers name and url. Many of these photos arrive with hundreds of tags, so that the total number of tags might be 20000 or more. I need to assign my own tags and delete all the tags that the photo arrived with. I use the lightroom batch delete to do this (the little minus sign at the top of the keyword list). i select a keyword, hold down the shift key and scroll down. the problem is that i cannot just scroll down to the bottom of the list. There appear to be unpredictable keywords that cause the shift-select process not to work. if i scroll back up and then carefully scroll part of the way back down, then there will be a point at which shift-select stops working and above that it works. The end result of this is that it takes numerous shift-select-scroll down-select to delete everything so that what should take maybe 2 minutes takes 20 minutes or more.
The problem may be related to foreign language keywords especially chinese characters, but even what looks like a perfectly ordinary keyword can stop it. Two recent examples: travelers cheque and Київ. In all cases, the words can be deleted when i click directly on them. you just cant shift-select THROUGH them.A separate annoyance that i will just grumble about is that i was forced to put these pictures in a separate catalog because there is always the risk that i could manage to delete my own keywords while batch-deleting everyone elses, and there is no simple way that i know of to undo this. with the separate catalog at least i wont delete all the keywords for my own pictures.
I have several Catalogs, and, of course, the keyword lists are different for each, as they're embedded in each separate Catalog.
I have different versions of the same images in multiple Catalogs (suits my workflow), and would like to sync keywords for these images across Catalogs.
I tried Export Keywords from Catalog 1 and then Import Keywords into Catalog 2, but that results in a lot of duplication of keywords, as the hierarchical structures differ. Obviously, this method is not syncing but simply adding all the keywords from Catalog 1 as if they didn't exist in Catalog 2.
I thought to delete the entire keyword list from Cat 2 but this will remove them from the images as well - leaving me to redo the whole thing; not what I'm after!
I can't believe I can't get this working.
Say I have 15 images with the same 10 keywords in every file. One of the keywords is "banana" and I want to remove it from all 15 files. I select all the 15 files. When I do that one becomes "active" (it gets lighter gray highlight than the 14 other images). I then go to the Keywording panel and manually remove "banana" from the list.
When I look through files to see the change all but the one that was active STILL has the "banana" keyword applied. I have also tried selecting the 15 files and made the file without the banana keyword active and run "Sync Metadata" and removed "banana" from the "Keywords" field in the dialog box. Same thing happens. No change to the files that aren't active.
I have set up smart collections to automatically receive images with certain keywords, eg. nature, architecture, creative...
So, any image with the keyword nature automatically gets inclued in the smart collection NATURE, and so on.
The problem occurs when the image has more than one of those specific keywords. For eg, nautre and architecture.
In this case, I would like the image to be included in BOTH the NATURE and ARCHITECTURE smart collections, but only one of the smart collections is updated.
In LR5, when two images are selected in Library view, the results in the Keyword Tags panel are incomplete. In my instance, two images were selected. They have some common keywords and those are properly displayed. However, the keywords assigned to only one image appeared with an asterisk in previous versions of LR, a behavior I would like to see continue.
In my instance, one keyword for, we'll say, Image A only, appears but with no asterisk, it should display an asterisk. And, one keyword unique to Image B does not appear at all when both images have been selected, it too should appear with an asterisk.
I'm on a Mac running 10.8.4 and LR CC.
I'm currently trying to catelogue shots but I can't seem to assign keywords to multiple images when not in grid view -We're shooting fine linen so need a large preview to see the style in the shot - the largest thumb isn't big enough in many instances.
View 22 Replies View RelatedI've created a publish service (jf zenfolio) under which using the the jf plugin publish I created varios folders, under which I've dropped different photos to publish.
Now... is there anyway I can tell the publish service to publish / republish everything in one click (instead of having to click on each folder to see if there's anything outstanding?
Doing a conform with footage coming from about 12 different external drives.Many of the folders on the drives are AVCHD/BDMV/STREAM crap that I will never use (They've all been converted to ProRes files on the drives). Smoke takes FOREVER to scan these folders.
It's generally our practice to not alter production drives - but I'd be willing to rename folders if I could trick Smoke into ignoring them during the relink/ search.Could I rename them with a period (or maybe # ?) at the head? (I'm not terribly Linux savvy, so just wondering if there are tricks I'm not aware of that might also work on Mac.)
With LR 3.6 I could filter folders or collections with other collections, using "Ctrl + [collection]".
In LR 4 (Windows) this does not work.
I bought a ReadyNAS and a few harddrives to go with it, and decided to move all my 35594 pictures to it.As Lightroom has some silly features like not being able to move multiple folders unless they have a root folder, I moved most of these files via Explorer and then had to sync them one by one for hand (which is annoying, as there's one folder for every day – however, that's another question). For the rest of the 20 000 photos, I decided to move them with Lightroom.
0 missing files from the files I moved with Explorer and resynced.
3049 missing files from the files I moved with Lightroom.
The files simply don't exist anymore, on neither of the disks. I've searched every single drive for them completely by file name, date, everything. They're gone.This has nothing to do with disk failure, or user error. Only the files I moved with Lightroom are affected.
Considering there's both client work and personal pictures among these, it's crucial that I get them back.
There's another thread about this problem here, except that I didn't have the luck of just 80 files.
I have a couple of thousand old cliparts in .wmf format that I have to convert to .ai. What I need to do is simply open the .wmf, store it as .ai in exactly the same location.
Actions didn´t work because the files are in mutliple folders and subfolders. "Actions" keeped saving all the ai-files in the same folder. Which is kinda weird since this doesn´t happen when using the same action in PS.
Sure, there are some quality issues with converting wmf to ai - but for what we´re plannning the quality is sufficient.
CarlosCantos script at [URL]..... looked like the thing to do. Loaded it in apple script, patched the lines to open .wmf and saved it in the Illustrator script folder, but all I got was a bunch of error messages.
I'm using Lightroom 5.2RC. Not sure if this started happening with the 5.2RC version or if it's been an issue for a while.
While in Library mode, when I choose a library search filter preset, say all 5 stars, and then toggle the filter off and on again, the search criteria randomizes to something wildly different than what I was just searching for, for example, adding text and metadata to the search queries when I only had star attributes selected a few seconds before.
I've experimented with turning the filter lock icon on and off and that seems to have no effect. Switching between folders in my catalog and toggling search off and on, results in the same random search criteria being generated.
For example, let's say I have a file on a hard drive labeled 2012. Inside that file there are three folders with photos and they are labeled Phoenix, Seattle, Portland. Is there a way to Import these folders at one time and keep the names, or will they all come into Lightroom only as 2012?
View 9 Replies View RelatedLightroom 4.2 – the situation is this, I have a number of pictures of group shots with many people. I tag each person in each photo. I show my photos to these people and they would like a print of photos with them in it. I am an amature photographer currently located in India where most people have no cameras, so I normally oblige if someone wants my of them pictures printed. On one such occasion I took a week long trip with some friends.After showing them the pictures I tagged “Print for Raju”, “Print for Priya”, “Print for Varun”. The problem arises now when I try to search keywords in the “contains all” section, “print for varun” doesn’t do an exact search. Rather if Raju wanted a picture of Varun printed, that picture would have the tag “Varun” and “print for Raju” and which would make the photo included in my search “print for varun” even if varun doesn’t want the picture.
Is there a way to search EXACTLY what I type? If my picture has 15 tags, “contains all” will search all those tags and if it can piece together the three words I am searching for out of all of the tags, it will reveal results inconsistent with my desires.I realize now that I could use collections instead of tags for compiling pictures to print for people.
How can I move many nested keywords back into the main listing of keywords? I was up late a few nights ago and never noticed that about 80 new keywords were being placed as (nested?) under another keyword. How can I get them back from under that keyword and into the main keywrod list?
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