Photoshop :: How Do I Copy A Selection

Aug 27, 2005

how do I make a duplicate of the selection outline? Say, for example, I used the magic wand to select a circular shape, and then I wanted another selection of the exact same shape somewhere else in my canvas. How would I copy the first one? I know how to copy the contents of the selection (select move tool, position over selection, hold down ALT, and click and drag), and I know how to move the selection area itself (select the marquee tool, make sure it's on "New selection", position over selection, click and drag), and I know how to save and load a selection (but as soon as I load it, all current selections dissappear), but how do I duplicate the selection area (not the selection contents)?

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Photoshop :: How To Copy A Selection In Channel Mode

Dec 23, 2012

I have photoshop cs6, and I was just wondering how to save a selection in channel mode.
So for example (below), If i wanted to only copy the part of this picture that has white and the plant in the picture how would i do this? I've tried colour range but it didn't work so I am very stuck.

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Photoshop :: Keep Selection Area After Create New Layer Via Copy?

Sep 21, 2008

How can I keep my selection area on the background image or layer after doing a create new layer via copy?

I am trying to make a selection and an inverse of the selection and put each on a seperate layer to do adjustments seperatly without having to go back and reselect the desired area. It seems to disappear after the new layer is created.

Is there a better way to accomplish this, what am I missing?

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Photoshop Elements :: Copy Selection Of Photos To New Folder

Oct 14, 2012

I am looking to copy to a named folder  a selection of photos that I intend to incorporate in to a ProShow Gold slide show so that ProShow  will always know where they are. When I select copy I don't see an option to copy to a specific location.

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Photoshop Elements :: Copy And Transfer Selection From One Photo To Another

Oct 20, 2013

I am new at this.  How do I copy and transfer a selection from one photo to another?

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Photoshop :: Finding A Plugin That Can Copy Coordinates Of A Selection To The Clipboard?

Jul 20, 2012

Is there a plugin in existance, that I can make a selection in Photoshop and then copy the coordinates of that selection to the clipboard?
I am a texture artist and frequently lay a number of graphics out in one file, before typing out the coordinates for each element. Currently this is slow manual task, but could be made so much faster if I didn't have to type everything out.

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Photoshop :: Keep Adjustments Made In Lightroom As A Selection To Copy And Paste To New File?

Jun 25, 2012

I transfer my adjustments from lightroom to photoshop for additional editing. The adjustments show in the new Photoshop file. However, when I make a selection from that file and copy and paste it into a different Ps file, it does not show the adjustments.  I even tryed saving the adjusted photoshop file as a jpeg and then opening it up and reselecting what I want.....Copy and paste it.....and the adjustments still don't appear on the different Ps file/photo.  How can I keep the adjustments made in lightroom as a selection to copy and paste to a new file?

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GIMP :: Copy / Paste And Move A Selection?

Mar 28, 2011

I'm a longtime Photoshop user in the process of switching to Gimp. I've successfully used Gimp for very simple things like brightness/contrast, color adjustment, and sharpening of single-layer images. What I'm trying to do now involves creating a copy of the background and placing it next to the background image, and I can't figure out how to make it work.

Here's what I'm doing:

1. Resize the canvas to twice the width of the original image, leaving the original image at left. This creates a "blank" area to the right which displays as a checkerboard pattern.

2. The area of the original image is already selected (i.e., it already has a frame around it), so I copy and paste it. This creates a floating selection, duly noted in the list of layers.

3. But when I try to move the floating selection to position it to the right of the original image, in the blank area, it appears to disappear behind the checkerboard pattern.

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Premiere Pro :: Copy Selection (in / Out) From Multicam Sequence To Another?

Dec 27, 2013

What's the best way to copy a selection, via in/out, from a multicam sequence into another sequence?  After setting the in/out and then copying the selection, when I paste into another sequence, the entire sequence comes in.

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GIMP :: 2.8 - Can't Copy And Paste / Selection Doesn't Go To Clipboard

Jun 11, 2012

I just got Gimp 2.8 for Mac. I can open a picture, do a blur and export. The copy paste is giving me problems. It worked once. I make a selection with the rectangle and do a control c. I also tried the menu. The selection doesn't go to the clipboard. After 6 tries, the same original copy was the only one in there.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Copy Selection Set From P1 To P2?

Feb 13, 2012

I need to copy a selection set from p1 to do this I wrote the following

(defun c:test () (setq sel (ssget)) (setq p1 (getpoint "
Origine: ")) (setq p2 (gettpoint p1 "
Destination: ")) (command "_.copy" sel "" p1 p2))
works, but this way I can not see objects dynamically attached to the mouse cursor.

To visualize this effect, I noticed that I can use:

 (command "_.copy" sel "" pause pause)
but in this way I can not save the variables p1 and p2: I need for these, subsequently in the rest of thefunctions lisp.

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AutoCAD VB :: Copy And Paste Created Selection Set To Point X Distance Away?

Aug 13, 2012

I was wable to write some code that makes some already drawn objects on autocad into a selection set.  What I need to do next is copy the selected objects and move them over like a distance of 50 to the right. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Copy Nested Objects - Selection Methods?

May 3, 2012

I want to copy a lot of referenced entities.  Is there any way to select more than one item at a time using Copy Nested Objects?

Windows 7 x 64
Nvidia GeForce GTS 450
8 GB Ram
Intel Core i5-2310 @ 2.90 GHz
v. F.107.0.0 AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 SP1

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Paint.NET :: Add New Menu Item Allows To Copy Selection From ALL Visible Layers

Dec 16, 2011

Add a new menu item "Edit->Copy Flattened" which allows one to copy the selection from ALL the visible layers, instead of just the currently selected layer.

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Paint.NET :: Make A Sector Or Triangle Selection And Copy It From Pictures?

Mar 11, 2011

I need to make a “sector” or “triangle” selection and copy it from pictures. Is there any way to do it in I can not find such an option.

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GIMP :: Drag Or Copy Rectangular Selection Onto Multiple Open Images?

May 27, 2011

I have a task that I repeat all the time, where I have about 20 digital photos that are all taken of something the same size, at the same magnification, but not centered identically. I then need similarly centered, identical size and shape cropped images for all of the images. In Photoshop, a friend with the exact same task solves this by opening all of the images, making a rectangular selection of the appropriate size and shape by eye on the first image, and then dragging this rectangular selection from this first image into each other open images and hand-positioning in each image as he drags it in, so that all of the selections for cropping the images are the same shape and size, and can be individually positioned, rapidly. This exact solution is perfect for this task, and although it works great in Photoshop, selections can't be dragged intact from image to image in the same way in gimp 2.6.11 on ubuntu 11.04/gnome 2.32.1/linux 2.6.38-8 generic , so I am looking for a way to accomplish something similar.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Copy Selection With Base Point And Paste It In Another Drawing?

May 23, 2012

Having a problem copy selection with base point and trying to past it in another drawing...

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Copy Variable Contents Into Attribute Tag In Selection Set Of Blocks

Aug 25, 2011

I have to obtain a selection set of blocks (by window selection and/or single-picks if the user desires) and then an attribute value which I have previously assigned to a variable called TAGVAL to the attribute tag name called PART in that selection set of blocks.

I found a cool routine called RepAtt, but it isn't quite set up to do what I need...
(defun RepAtt (Tag / SourceBlk ValueToCopy SelSet) (vl-load-com) (if (setq SourceBlk (car (entsel "
Select Source Block:"))) (progn (mapcar '(lambda (p) (if (equal (vla-get-tagstring p) Tag) (setq ValueToCopy (vla-get-textstring p)) ) ) (vlax-invoke (vlax-ename->vla-object SourceBlk) 'GetAttributes ) ) (ssget ":L" '((0 . "INSERT") (66 . 1))) (vlax-for DesBlock (setq SelSet (vla-get-activeselectionset (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)) ) ) (foreach att (vlax-invoke DesBlock 'GetAttributes) (if (equal (vla-get-tagstring att) Tag) (vla-put-textstring att ValueToCopy) ) ) ) (vla-delete SelSet) ) ) ) (RepAtt "WIDGET");<-- Tag Name

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Photoshop :: Copy One Image And Paste It Into Selection (masked) Of Another Image

Sep 4, 2013

I want to copy one image and paste it into a selection (masked) of another image. I have the option to paste into which works but would like to be able to paste in Place as I believe this makes it a smart object and references the original file.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Copy Block Attribute Data To A Selection / Group Of Blocks

Apr 15, 2011

I found a lisp to get block attribute data to a other block. See attachment. I can only apply it to one block. I like to apply it to selected blocks or blocks in a group. Is this possible?

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Photoshop Elements :: Copy A Selection From One Photo Into A Different Photo

Mar 10, 2014

In Elements is it possible to copy a selection from one photo into a different photo, i.e copy and paste

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Copy Shortcut C Doesn't Copy Multiple But Typing In COPY Does

Aug 23, 2013

I have a keyboard shortcut for Copy (see directly below). This command doesn't copy multiple. But if I type "Copy" at the comment prompt (AutoCAD 2013) the copy multiple is the default. Copymode is already set to "0".

(setvar "SNAPMODE" 1)(COMMAND "_COPY")

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Illustrator :: Magic Wand Selection Shape From One Layer Drop To Sub-layer And Copy Selected Shape

Aug 29, 2013

In PS i can Magic wand selection shape from one layer, drop to sub layer and copy that selected shape from that sub layer. How do I do this in illistrator, and moreover, from multiple layer at the same time.
For instance, in PS = Import an image of gold - select a text phrse with wand - drop to gold - copy paste = gold text.

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Photoshop :: Why Vector Selection Tool (white Arrow) Change Layer Selection To Another

Sep 1, 2013

I have been continually annoyed, when creating a vector mask-heavy document, with trying to select vector mask points by dragging a rectangle only to find that it instead selects a layer higher up which has a larger vector mask.
The only workaround is to manually select the points of my mask or to drag a rectangle from outside the canvas, meaning I have to zoom out or scroll to the edge - sometimes annoying if I am zoomed in quite far.
I know that the move tool can be set to automatically select a layer, depending on what part of the image is clicked, but why is there not an option to turn this off for vector editing?

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Photoshop :: Selection / Patch - Select Blue With Quick Selection Tool?

Dec 10, 2012

If you look closely in the attached picture, there is a spot of light blue on the player's helmet, that looks like a mistake (think it should look like the grass behind it)...though it actually may be part of his helmet.
Regardless, I'd like to take it out. My idea was to select the blue with the quick selection tool, then bring that selection out to the grass, select the grass with that size/shape of selection, copy/paste and then bring the grass selection into the blue part so it looks like grass in what was the blue part.
The problem is I don't seem to be able to move the selection without taking the blue with it (so it's not an empty selection and therefore can't select a piece of the grass.)

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Photoshop :: Selection On Sliders And Curves Altered When Click Off Them After Initial Selection

Sep 13, 2012

I have Photoshop CS5 on a Mac OS 10.7.4 My problem is that when I am using curves or a slider, my selection does not stay in the same place. For example, I chose the number 8 on a slider, after I release my selection it will either go one number after or before my selected number. I have had this problem since I got my computer, December 2011, but it has only recently started to frustrated me because of having to use Photoshop a little more than I usually do.

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Photoshop :: Complex Selection - Best Selection Method To Drop Out A Background

Oct 24, 2011

how to "drop out" the background from this photo (I have loads to do which are very similar). Thus far I have tried channel selections and the calculations tool + all the normal quick selection tools and I just cant get it to work without spending hours adjusting things. The end effect I need to achieve is a perfect white background without loosing any of the detail if possible. On a side note I have also tried taking the photo on blue, green, black and white backgrounds but due to the number of colours present in the products its just not working for me.

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Photoshop :: Make A Selection Out Of A Text And Expand The Selection?

Sep 1, 2006

Using photoshop, how do you make a selection out of a text and expand the selection?

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Photoshop :: Quickmask Selection Is Turning Selection Opaque

Jul 6, 2009

I am trying to cut a person out of a picture with a deatiled background so I am using the quickmask selection and paint brush. I'm done selecting the person and have gone back into normal editing mode. I then inversed the selection created within quickmask to select everything but the person in the background. When I click delete, the background vanishes and the person become opaque.

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Photoshop :: Feathering A Selection Outwards After Making A Selection

Dec 26, 2003

If I have mad a selection with say an ellipse marque, of say 100px and now I want to fether that same selection outwards, ie to start the feather 10 px outward of the 100px selection so that the 100th px has a 100% transparency and the 110th px has a transparency of zero,thus making the new selection 110px, how could I go about doing it. With the current feathering of the selection, it feathers only in the marquee already selected, not outward, and you cannot place negative feathering px. I know that there is most likely some sort of a ration where you would expand the selection by a certain amount of px, and then apply a ratio of feathering to it to enalble it to feather outside of the 100px marquee.

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Photoshop :: Apply Same (color) Changes From Copy To Original Image Or Another Copy

Aug 26, 2013

For this example let's take in account that I have 2 identical in every aspect copies (meaning size and content at this point) of the very same image.

1st remains unedited,

2nd is edited only as far as concerning the image > adjustments menu through changing mostly channel mixer, selective color, saturation etc values and had an object attached to it atop of the original depiction before being edited as a whole.

What I want to do is to edit the 1st image, compare in some certain ways the colors of it I guess with the ones of the 2nd, match for instance where color hex value X (and horizontal/vertical X,Y coords - is it needed in order to be more precise and avoid mistakes?) (I guess again) from the 1st image is edited into color (or even additional settings atop of that?) hex value Z, do that automatically for all the combinations and immediately apply the same changes I applied from 2nd pic when unedited (and looked exactly like 1st pic) to the very same 2nd pic in start, TO the 1st pic in the present case. Also in order to do this "color matching" before applied or not I need to set out-seperate the area where I have added an additional object in the 2nd picture and fill it possibly with the original content from the 1st(can it be done in one move) in order for the process to be complete?

That means I turned the 2nd image into a combination of blue-green-red colour (and other) from orange-yellow-cyan (just an example) I want to do the very same to my 1st pic which is orange-yellow-cyan etc.

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