Photoshop :: Deactivate CS4 If Old Computer Is Dead?
Jun 21, 2013
I purchased Photoshop CS4 several years ago and never had a problem with it. My computer recently got a virus and now won't even turn on. I bought a new computer and I want to instal Photoshop on it, but I can't deactivate it on my dead computer. What do I do?
My old computer recently broke and I was wondering if there was a way I could deactivate my Photoshop elements that was installed on the old computer? It is Elements 11.
Is it required to deactivate an adobe after effect before formatting a computer? because my adobe after effect is licence version & the windows suddenly cress & i need to format pc.
I don't have my OLD computer (I returned it to the manufacturer HP because of defects, after deleting the entire memory. So I can't deactivate the program installation on that OLD computer and the program won't allow me to install it on the NEW computer (it's written that I have reached the limits of 2 installations. I had only installed it on my OlD computer (twice, because of computer defect and resetting).
I am trying to use the program, and the last time I used it, must have been on my old computer. It is telling me to deactivate the other copy but I no longer have the computer.Â
If somebody already has this posted, or there is a link somewhere, plz direct me, but a few months ago somebody posted a picture of a woman who he had manipped to make her look dead, i was wondering where exactly i would start to do something of that nature.
How to Move Photoshop 5 LE from dead XP to Win7? I moved the program files from the dead XP computer to a new Win7 notebook, but it will not run because there is not enough memory RAM. What does this mean?
I just installed Photoshop CS and except for my tool pallet, all my shortcuts are dead. My actions work but only by actually clicking the action button, not by the asigned keys.
How is it possible to turn text layer based slices into a html text with the same type settings I've already set up in artwork (as an example - to export/save file for dreamweavever)? First scenario: I slice an artwork with object/layer based slicing and, using slice options panel, mark text layer based slices as "no image" ( at this point section "table" is unavaliable and "Text displayed in cell" is displayed blank (do I really have to enter manually, using html?)).But "saving for web" results with white fields in places where text should appear.Second scenario: I slice an artwork at Illustrator using object based slicing and, in slice option panel, mark text based slices as html text (some text setting appears in "Text displayd in cell" field). But after saving for web the artwork is ruined: Tables have changed their positions and dimensions, braking images apart and text (font, size, colour) is not the same as in artwork. I don't have a clue how to resolve this situation. I work with Adobe CS3 suite and CS4 Illustrator. Result is the same in all aplications, so I don't think it's because of some sort of bug.This is a first time I work with complex web site design slicing...
I have already turned the sky blue with some clouds but now I would like to make the dead grass green. The image is ultimately going to be turned into a painting using photoshop but I want the image exactly the way I want it before I convert it.
I have this brand new PC, got it last week, i7 core, SSD drive, 16gb ram.When I open my PSD doc with my design (approx 43mb psd file) then the photoshop application spikes in memory usage, to 3.5gb (from 120mb), and moving groups and layers around is DEAD SLOW, horrible lag.  I had CS3 on my previous PC, which was Core2 Duo with 4gb ram, and the speeds there were similar on the same psd document.I've also tried CS5.1 on a similar PC hardware specs as my new PC, and moving groups and layers around is much faster.Is it just CS6? Why is this so slow?
i recovered .nef raw image files from a dead external drive. i now can not open them in any program. the message i get in CS6 is 'could not complete your request because the file-format module cannot parse the file.'  originally the extension was .NEF now it is .nef- i dont know if that makes a difference, but i hope the file is somewhat corrupted but still fixable.  usually the .NEF file has a .xmp sidecar file with it. these ended up separated from the original .NEF when the files were corrupted, and i cant match them up.
I have CS5 installed on a desktop computer that crashed and I can't get it working to deactivate CS5. I am going to purchase a new desktop and would like to install CS5 on the new computer, but it was already installed on two computers (desktop and laptop) so no activations are left. I have the Disk and serial number.
I frequently use the command 'open as layers in Photoshop'. Suddenly, the only thing that happens after clicking on this demand, is that PS opens (I work with CS5 and LR4). But no images. I can work around with cmd-E for each file, but that is quite a hassle.
I'd like to put a circle dead center around an object. How would I do this?Â
Also (related), I'd like to at times use Corel Draw more like a CAD program and specify the radius when I round corners on a rectangle or give dimensions when I create a new shape (line, rectangle, circle etc). Is this possible?Â
And in CAD, many times I'll use the divide and break feature to align centers some objects created along a straight line. Is this possible in Corel Draw?
I hit render early in the am to ship out a project for delivery. And in classic Johnny Fegan fashion my mac pro crashes, and won't boot. So my next step is to start the mac in Target Disk mode, via firewire(probably the second worst thing that has happened to me, firewire) and started to backup everything. Due to the fast turn around on the Project, I never had a chance to archive the project. Â My current working config(on the mac pro that died) was an internal raid0, and a pci express ssd. The raid is where I keep my local Autodesk Media Storage folder, and the ssd is my system drive(/usr/discreet). I just completed a back up of both folders to my secondary mac pro, with a license of smoke installed, and am trying to open my project on it. I set the backup copy of my old Autodesk Media Storage folder up to be used under the Smoke setup utility, and when I access it in smoke the only option I get is to create a new project. Â Is there a way to get this project back online?
I dont use rev cloud much so I dont miss it -Â Till I want to use it!!
I remeber there was a hoop on the last release to get it to work. Why is there a hoop? Could we just have the tool there ready to use with out the hoop(s)? Is the revcloud dead in Invetor 2012?
I have the following drawing in illustrator:Â Â Right in the middle of the drawing there is a gray area that denotes a transparent part I believe or where there is no path. I'm wondering, how can I change this into a path so I can fill it in with color? (don't want to use Live Paint, creates too many paths).
I want to uninstall / reinstall Photoshop cs6. When trying to deactivate it, it asks me to connect to the internet. But I am connected and the other help menus of Photoshop (update search, customer service...) connect to the internet without any problem.
Only desactivation fails to connect. Norton Firewall is defined with adobe Photoshop and adobe appl manager authorized.
How can I deactivate Photoshop if the PC is gone? We had a Pc with big problems, on it was Photoshop cs5. Before I have the chance to try it, someone took the pc and destroy it totally to prevent someone to take anything from it specially data. What can I do now, we need this Photoshop on another machine.
will i be able to still open cs2, in order to see my preferences and other settings, to help me set up the cs2 on my new computer? or will it totally not open?
all I run two desktop machines both running (until today) Windows XP. I have now bought a new Vista based machine so I deactivated the CS4 version on one old machine and successfully installed CS4 on my new one. After installation, CS4 told me that I was still running 2 versions of CS4 and I had 30 days to deactivate one of them. Bit odd I thought so back to the old machine and I started up CS4 again and right enough, it was still 'active'. I deactivated it again thinking I must have been mistaken and this time, double checked that it said 'successfully deactivated' however when I restarted, it was active again. As an experiment, I tried this with the second machine and it did the same thing (stays active even after saying it was deactivated).
I've been using Autocad 2007 for the past 5 months without these issues, then I had to create a new account on my computer at work and now EVERY time I create a hatch it turns into this dead mass. Yes, I've tried creating an associative hatch, and no, I can't edit them either.