Photoshop :: Rollover From PS7 Dead In CS?
Jul 16, 2004My rollovers in PS7/Imageready work fine.
When i open the PSD in CS, the slices are still in tact, but the rollovers don't work when i preview the website.
My rollovers in PS7/Imageready work fine.
When i open the PSD in CS, the slices are still in tact, but the rollovers don't work when i preview the website.
If somebody already has this posted, or there is a link somewhere, plz direct me, but a few months ago somebody posted a picture of a woman who he had manipped to make her look dead, i was wondering where exactly i would start to do something of that nature.
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow to Move Photoshop 5 LE from dead XP to Win7? I moved the program files from the dead XP computer to a new Win7 notebook, but it will not run because there is not enough memory RAM. What does this mean?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI purchased Photoshop CS4 several years ago and never had a problem with it. My computer recently got a virus and now won't even turn on. I bought a new computer and I want to instal Photoshop on it, but I can't deactivate it on my dead computer. What do I do?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just installed Photoshop CS and except for my tool pallet, all my shortcuts are dead. My actions work but only by actually clicking the action button, not by the asigned keys.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow is it possible to turn text layer based slices into a html text with the same type settings I've already set up in artwork (as an example - to export/save file for dreamweavever)? First scenario: I slice an artwork with object/layer based slicing and, using slice options panel, mark text layer based slices as "no image" ( at this point section "table" is unavaliable and "Text displayed in cell" is displayed blank (do I really have to enter manually, using html?)).But "saving for web" results with white fields in places where text should appear.Second scenario: I slice an artwork at Illustrator using object based slicing and, in slice option panel, mark text based slices as html text (some text setting appears in "Text displayd in cell" field). But after saving for web the artwork is ruined: Tables have changed their positions and dimensions, braking images apart and text (font, size, colour) is not the same as in artwork. I don't have a clue how to resolve this situation. I work with Adobe CS3 suite and CS4 Illustrator. Result is the same in all aplications, so I don't think it's because of some sort of bug.This is a first time I work with complex web site design slicing...
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have already turned the sky blue with some clouds but now I would like to make the dead grass green. The image is ultimately going to be turned into a painting using photoshop but I want the image exactly the way I want it before I convert it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have this brand new PC, got it last week, i7 core, SSD drive, 16gb ram.When I open my PSD doc with my design (approx 43mb psd file) then the photoshop application spikes in memory usage, to 3.5gb (from 120mb), and moving groups and layers around is DEAD SLOW, horrible lag.
I had CS3 on my previous PC, which was Core2 Duo with 4gb ram, and the speeds there were similar on the same psd document.I've also tried CS5.1 on a similar PC hardware specs as my new PC, and moving groups and layers around is much faster.Is it just CS6? Why is this so slow?
If i want to create a rollover so that when the user roll his cursor over a prortion of the normal state he see the complete over state and nothing else,I have no problems in PS7
Roll the cursor over the word love and the transition takes place perfectly.
There is no way I can do this in Photshop CS
Is this possible with the new versions of Photoshop?
i recovered .nef raw image files from a dead external drive. i now can not open them in any program. the message i get in CS6 is 'could not complete your request because the file-format module cannot parse the file.'Â
originally the extension was .NEF now it is .nef- i dont know if that makes a difference, but i hope the file is somewhat corrupted but still fixable.
usually the .NEF file has a .xmp sidecar file with it. these ended up separated from the original .NEF when the files were corrupted, and i cant match them up.
I have created a round icon. I want the button to look like it has been pressed in on mouseover. Ideally with a shadow like ring appearing around the whole button. But i cannot seem to put a shadow all around the image only at different angles?
View 3 Replies View Relatedi have an animation playing when i rollover an image and i would like that rollover image to play backwards when the user moves off the image.
is there any way in fireworks or image ready to do this without increasing the file size.
i have on my site 4 circles with 4 images in each circle which all over lap each other and i want to set it up so that when you roll over one of the smaller circles the image loads into the largest circle. i have tried slicing these in image ready and putting roll overs on to the sliced graphics,
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just installed Photoshop CS3, was disappointed to see ImageReady gone.
I updated an old rollover file with new wording and went to save the slices as I had always done in the past - with ImageReady, it would automatically save the file as a standard name (file.gif) and the rollover type (file-over.gif)
I can't figure out how to do this in CS3 without ImageReady. I bought the design premium version so I don't have Fireworks.
how to do this process in PS CS3?
I have made a menu with rollover buttons in ImageReady..
(Mouse over text = a little logo changes)
Every thing works fine when i Preview in Browser..
I can save it as : HTML & Image, Just Image or Just HTML.
My problem is adding it to my homepage.
How should i save it and how do i add it ?
I made a web page in Imageready
Halfway down the page I have three butons on the left
Click button one and the picture in the middle of the screen shows picture 1
Click button two and the picture in the middle of the screen shows picture 2
Click button three and the picture in the middle of the screen shows picture 3
The problem I'm having is that whenever you click on one of these buttons
the screen goes goes to the top.
I am working on a layout for a page.
I made another layout successfully using their technique and am now trying a new one, but the rollovers are not saving correctly.
I have numerous slices in my file. When I go to save, I am saving optimized as and then choose HTML. It is only creating the roll over for the first rollover and then ignoring the rest even though all are defined.
If I have a simple button that I created in photoshop, and I make an exact copy of that button except with the opacity taken down a few notches, then I take those two images and turn them into gifs - is this the best way to make a rollover image that looks like it is fading in and out?
When I save as gifs, what happens is the color is either completely opaque or completely invisible...
I don't want to use jpg or bmp because then the background of my image is no longer invisible, it is white.
i can get the image to roll over and do what i want, but when i scroll over it with my mouse instead of remaining the same size it shrinks like 100 fold..
the image i'm using is two poker cards edited to look like a button. i want to roll over and be able to click and go to a destination... i've converted the photoshop file to jpg.. is that correct?
I tried my hand at making a couple of rollovers tests. I followed instructions from a loaned book as well as PS's help section and to cut a longish story short they worked using the explorer button within imageready but when i saved them and added them to my site (made with frontpage) and clicked preview as soon as i hovered the mouse over a script error message came up. Anyone know why this may be happening?
I'm not sure if i've done something wrong in adobe or if frontpage is the problem - though i have used javascripts before successfully in frontpage. The link below shows the attempt i was trying to get to rollover.
I just want a simple, paragraph tutorial. I'll figure the rest out for myself. I understand the rollover pallete but not the slicing that's involved (not even sure if there is any involved) or the [button next to slice in imageready - forget what its called]. Is it best to make all of the icons as seperate shapes in photoshop?
View 3 Replies View RelatedOperating System: Windows Vista Basic
Ram: 1G
Photoshop Version: 7.0
PC: HP 530 Laptop
Basically, I have created a website using photoshop and imageready. However, when I open the web pages in internet explorer or firefox, the rollovers work on the firist page however when i open the rollover link to another page every single rollover stops working. Its not because rollovers are not present on all the other of the web pages because they are. It does not matter which webpage I open first, but whichever one i do, the rollovers work for the first page only.
I created the rollovers by slicing the images and creating individual rollover states for each one.
I also made the rollover states visible on the specified layer, only when the rollovers are scrolled over. I have tried nearly everything and I do not know what to do.
I made my buttons with rollover and I'm trying to put some text on them but everytime I do, the text is always under the button.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi was wondering if you guys have a tutorial on how to do rollovers without having to use java script..i'm in a community website where javascripting is not allowed but i wnat my button to change when people scroll over them ...
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to figure out how to do the following:
Mouseover a slice -> Change visibility of some layers
When I 'save optimized' ImageReady is saving ALL the slices in the image, not the ones that require updating. So basically if I have N mouseovers, I have N versions of each slice, even though they are identical (with different filenames)
I only want certain slices to be updated during these mouseovers. How can I do this?
'making the highlights'
it says "Control+click on the Menu Text layer in the palette to select its pixels, then click on the New Layer"
problem is I think they're using an older version of photoshop and mentioning shortcut keys. I can't control+click the menu text layer, i want to know how I can 'select the pixels'
I made some rollover image links for my navigation frame of my website. The rollovers work fine. Only issue is when I select the link and quickly move my mouse out of the frame... the rollover stays in the roll over state... Its kind of annoying... how can i remedy this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to create some nice graphics for a company website in CS3. I want to make buttons for links that have special effects when you roll over them with the mouse, click on them, etc. (I'm using Dreamweaver CS3 to put the site together). I have looked for tutorials on how to put the special link buttons together, but they all use ImageReady, which I don't have in Photoshop CS3. Any suggestions for where to go to find a good tutorial, or better still, anybody know how to make these buttons work?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI downloaded a website layout done in Photoshop and was hoping to modify it to fit my own info. At the top it uses a menu bar with blue text. When the site is opened in its html view all text is blue. When a link is clicked that word turns orange. This is not a rollover effect because Imageready does not have a slice with an effect for it. When I try to edit this text something is changed with the properties of it. In the layers window the T to indicate a text box is grey. After I replace the text with my own the T box is it's usual white and the effect no longer works. If you don't understand this explanation Please email me and I will send you a photo of what I am talking about. This is not a rollover effect. how to do it and I don't know why my changing the text to my own deletes the effect.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI frequently use the command 'open as layers in Photoshop'. Suddenly, the only thing that happens after clicking on this demand, is that PS opens (I work with CS5 and LR4). But no images. I can work around with cmd-E for each file, but that is quite a hassle.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI created a rollover avatar 50X50 in Image Ready basically by accident but now I think I can do it. How do I save it and send it to a friend? I can preview it in Explorer and I get all this HTML also. What do I do with it!
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