I recently upgraded my Capture One software to v.4 (which included the installation of microsoft .net framework. Now Photoshop crashes when I open a jpeg file or create a new.
I did notice that when it opens the Initializing Type Tool progress bar doesn't show up and I just noticed on the blue start up window something called "Building TWAIN" - I had read in a previous thread about a TWAIN plug in attaching itself to photoshop.
I was trying to open an image that had already been processed by me in CS6 on this laptop.
When i select the image that i want to open CS6 launches but then i recieve an error message saying that CS6 is unable to open the image. Frustatlingly this does not happen with every image.
One person has said to reinstall the software but i downloaded it from the Adobe site and don't wnt to end up paying twice.
System info Processor Intel(R)Core(TM)i3-2350M @2.30Hz 2.30GHz Installed memory Ram 8.00 (7.89 usable) System type 64 bit
Plug ins Alien Skin - Exposure 4 Anthropics -Portrait Proffesional
1) From LR export to PS 2) Do all essential editings. 3) Save. File become 'xyz.tiff' now. (I want to keep this as master copy) 4) Crop to 4r, Save a Jpeg copy as 'xyz 4r.jpg' 5) PS save it as a copy, but do not automatically open the Jpeg copy. The tiff remains opened. I have to manullay Open, browse to it, and open the Jpeg. The 'Open Recent' list also do not list 'xyz 4r.jpg'. 6) Do 4r sharpening for the 'xyz 4r.jpg', save it.
Basically the files I want to keep and worked on is like this: NEF -> xyz.tiff -> xyz 4r.jpg -> xyz sml.jpg(maybe)
Now, it there a way in step (5) to have PS save the JPEG copy, and automatically open it? I don't care if the Tiff copy remains opened or not, I am done with it.
I'm using a Mac. My windows friend sent me a jpeg of a piece of art we're working on. It looked fine in the web browser. It looked fine in Preview when I opened it, and it looked fine in Photoshop. But when I save it from photoshop after adding just a small thing to the image, the whole thing comes out a bit brighter. I have no idea what's doing it. I've tried Save For Web and Save As and it comes out the same each time. I have played with color settings in the past slightly, but it was my understanding that only affected how photoshop displays the image and I wouldn't expect it to change an image I imported then exported again.
I'm having a major issue exporting a sequence out of premier pro CS5 that contains high res jpeg images. The system freezes up during the export. I've been successful exporting the sequence to H.264 (vimeo HD preset) after removing the jpeg. So, I am fairly confident it I've isolated the issue. However, I've gone over the recommended jpeg file sizes for premier pro and am well within the guidelines. The images I'm using are saved at a resolution of 300dpi with a size of about 5600 (w) x 3700 (h) pixels for an average of about 61 megapixels per image. The sequence plays just fine within premier pro. There is only a problem when I go to export.
I've recently got a new computer, and after installing corel on it, I've found that I am unable to open files with corel, as soon as i press the open button corel crashes, but i am able to open the files when i goto the actual file in my documents and click open in there, and i am unable to save files any way whatsoever (due to crashing isues again) i am also unable to export my artwork to a jpeg, also an immediate crash.
Photoshop seems to be opening fine, but when I try to open a file, it crashes instantly. I've tried re-installing it, but the same exact thing happens. Does anyone have any advice?
Recently my photoshop CS5 has been playing up and often when I try to save files it will freeze at the point of clicking ok and crash. Today also it crashed when I tried to open a photoshop file.This is incredibly frustrating as I'm a graphic designer and trying to complete some urgent work but I'm getting nowhere because nothing I'm doing is saving and I have to keep starting over. It's literally crashed about 40 times the past day and I'm wasting so many hours that I just don't have.
My version as mentioned is CS5 and I updated it yesterday with no avail.
My laptop is a Mac info if needed: Model Name:MacBook Pro Model Identifier:MacBookPro7,1 Processor Name:Intel Core 2 Duo Processor Speed:2.4 GHz Number Of Processors:1 Total Number Of Cores:2 L2 Cache:3 MB Memory:4 GB Bus Speed:1.07 GHz Boot ROM Version:MBP71.0039.B0B SMC Version (system):1.62f6 Serial Number (system):WQ0422P1ATM Hardware UUID:92320237-011A-5454-96B7-28704CE335C0 Sudden Motion Sensor: State:Enabled
I don't think I've done anything for this to start happening it just came out of nowhere..I usually only do the same few things with the program and also havn't altered files or even the computer.
I purchased CS5.5 extended about 3 weeks ago and all was working fine. Just yesterday Photoshop started crashing whenever I try to open files. I've deleted preferences several times, validated my fonts, restarted my Mac, etc. all to no avail. Photoshop has become useless to me and it's part of how I make my living. InDesign seems to work OK but I haven't tried Illustrator yet.
Here is last night's crash report (half the time it crashes with no report).
I received PSE 8 in a bundle with a Bamboo tablet. I loaded it up and have been editing pictures just fine. Yesterday I downloaded and installed some actions from MCP's site and messed with a few of them. Today I downloaded and installed the MCP Facebook actions. I was able to mess around with it a bit along with some other action until after a few minutes I reveived a message from Adobe telling me that it has detected that a program closed unexpectedly and asked if I wanted to send an error report, which I have. I gave it a rest for a while but it is still crashing. I can get into the Organizer but when I attempt to go into any of the edit areas, it will load up and after a few seconds I get the message. I am using Windows 7
When I try opening Pr CC I get error code 16. The message asks me to unistall Pr CC then reinstall it, so that's what I did, but I keep getting that error code when I try opening Pr CC and it keeps crashing before it can even open the program. Error code 16 means?
New installation on a new computer. First was crashing when I adjusted som Applicatin Options. Ran Service Pack 1. That seemed to work. But now I cannot even open up one *.ipt file without it crashing.
We have a machine that keeps crashing while trying to open a drawing in 2012 LT or even in 2012 Full autocad.. ive uninstalled and reinstalled and still keeps crashing.
"Could not complete your request because an unknown or invalid...... JPEG marker type is found."
Just trying to open a simple JPEG image so I can edit it for use on a client's website I'm building for him, but I get this problem:
This is the image I'm trying to open and edit: I have had a look through a couple of threads on this problem but the notion of the file not reflecting what it actually is (e.g. a file labelled a .jpg but is actually a .psd etc) doesn't appear to apply here.
Can't find how to open a jpeg file in Photoshop ACR. I can do this on a Windows machine, but not on a Mac. Does the click/cmd r switch work from Bridge?
I try to open jpeg pictures in photoshop cs3, i get an error: "Could not complete your request because an unknown or invalid JPEG marker type is found."
It has just recently begun doing this, like maybe three days ago. Has anyone ever seen this error, or know how to solve it?
my system specs... AMD Turion tl-60 @ 2.0 GHz, 4gb Ram in vista 32 SP1, nvidia ge-force 7600, main hdd 200 GB 7200 RPM drive, 2nd hdd 80 GB 5400 RPM drive
First I had problems with my primary scratch settings in which I changed the volumes..but since I bought a new PC I was making some graphics in Photoshop 7.0 and one day it no longer let me open .jpg/.jpeg files no matter how many times I try!
First I had problems with my primary scratch settings in which I changed the volumes..but since I bought a new PC I was making some graphics in Photoshop 7.0 and one day it no longer let me open .jpg/.jpeg files no matter how many times I try! PLEASE HELP!!
I'm hoping someone else knows why this is..I've re-installed many times and it doesn't solve the problem at all. I can open BMP files for some reason yet not .jpgs.
I'm trying to open JPEGs into PS from Bridge. No images will open in PS UNLESS they can open in ACR first. I have my PS preferences set to not prefer ACR for jpegs. Bridge preferences are to open jpegs in ACR. Up til today, that's worked perfectly - I can use ACR from Bridge, or right-click and go directly to PS without opening ACR. Now, if I right-click and select PS, nothing happens (PS is open, but no picture loads). If I double-click, the image opens in ACR, and if I then select "open image", PS comes up, but no image... It's like PS will ONLY open an image through ACR. I have already reset preferences on both Bridge and PS, and cleared the Bridge caches, with no change in performance.
I recovered a lot of accidentally-deleted JPEG's (and some TIF's) using the Ontrack EasyRecovery program. Now, in Windows Explorer, the file type is correctly identified and the file size also seems to be correct. When I try to open the file with WIndows and Fax View, I get a "No preview available" message. In CS2, it gives a "Could not complete your request because an unknown or invalid JPEG marker is found".
I'm using one of the new Mac Book pro Retinas. Every time I open the Type>Font menu the program crashes. Sometimes I can scroll down a little ways but sometimes it crashes immediately.
I am trying to continue an assignment that I started at school today, but the Photoshop CS6 (64 bit) that I have on my laptop will not let me open any files. Not, JPEG, TIFF, PSD, PNG, nary a one of the photo types can be opened. It doesn't give me any signs of trouble or error messages. It just wont let me open a file or make a new file. I just sits there in all its power staring me down. why must Photoshop all of a sudden despise me so?
For some reason I am unable to open any pictures (JPEG, PNG Etc) with Photoshop, it lets me choose a photo and when I click on it it just acts like nothing happened.
I was scanning a roll of drawings on a large format scanner, and I ended up with JPGs that are larger than 30k pixels wide. (I understand this is a limitation PS has)
The issue is, I spent hours scanning all these rules, and now I have a few JPEGs files that are very large (45k x 10k pixels), that I cannot open at all).The JPGs open fine in the windows viewer, so I know they are not corrupt.
If I can find someway to open them, I can then resize them slightly to fit within the limit, or save them as (PSB - Large Format).One of the ideas I had was to find some other software that I can use to open and re-save, or to split the JPGs in 2 or 3 pieces, and then piece them back together in Photoshop.
I have PSE12 set up as my default program for all JPEG files that I open. When a JPEG is double clicked, the program opens but the file does not. I have done the following:
Gone to Control Panel/Programs and set up PSE12 as the default program for all JPEG filesRight clicked JPEG files, selected open with and selected "C:Program Files (x86)AdobePhotoshop Elements 12" as my go to program for all JPEGSUsed a program to clear all PSE11 references out of my registry
An associate is trying to open a 60,000 x 60,000 tiff file using PS CS5.1-Extended on a windows 7 platform with 6G RAM.
He gets the error message "Photoshop can only decode JPEG encoded images up to 32767 pixels wide of tall."
I suggested that he might have a jpeg whose extension got changed to tiff. He says no, it's a tiff, and besides how would one generate a jpeg that size.
I am trying to create a simple action/droplet that will open a bunch of PDF files and make them a certain resolution on the open and then save as jpegs to a particular file. The problem is, when I create the action, the first step, when I open the PDF file, whatever name was in the name box, is it??? Every new PDF opens with that same name and overrides the next one.
Is there a way to tell Photoshop to pick the current name of the file opening and not use the one that was the original file that the action was created from?