Photoshop :: Can I Use More Than Two Color's With The Gradient Tool?
Apr 27, 2004
I'm new but I have fallen in love with photoshop. I only have one issue I cannot seem to clear up... can I use more than two color's with the gradient tool? (fore and backgroud) If so, how?
I have CS5. The bugs and broken features in AICS6, make it unusable in my workflow.
I am specifically concerned about the inability to drag global color swatches from the color panel to Gradient stops in the Gradient Panel. I use this method to update a gradient color because I find it MUCH faster than option-dragging to duplicate a stop color, then deleting the unused stop. Since I do this constantly, I find using CS6 very tedious.
I can't seem to use the adjustment tools in RAW editing of JPEG's. An error message comes up.."Unable to create local adjustments. All the local adjustment controls are set to have no effect on the image". These are tools I have been using regularly and all other tools work. I have shut off my MAC and rebooted but still get this message. How can I reenable these adjustment tools??
I have drawn a closed shape resembling a circle. I want to fill its interior with the Gradient Tool. But it fills the WHOLE layer. How can I make it only fill the needed area?
PS7. I have a very old pic thats overexposed on the bottom and too dark at the top. I tried curves but couldn't get it very good. So i want to try using the gradient tool and set it to darken the lighten as it travels from bottom to top. how to adjust it so that the darkening begins to change to the proper degree?
How do I get gradient tool to work? I selected gradient icon, orange blue orange, angle gradient, Normal Mode. I click, draw a line on a new layer and nothing happens.
Having trouble with the gradient tool in CS6 Using Windows 7. I select the gradient I want to use, but nothing shows up in the preview box. Doesn't matter what gradient I select. Tried applying the gradient anyway, and it does show up, but is very faint and hardly noticeable.
Can I type something while using the gradient tool? Not typing something and then filling it with gradient tool effect but straight typing using the gradient tool (like chrome type). I use Photoshop 7.
I am beginner of photoshop. I would like to ask how to create the effect such a ball with gradient fill. There is a shiny glow on the left of the top. It relate with the water droplet tutorial in this web site?
1. I'm trying to fill a shape on my image with a gradient effect. I can use the paintbucket tool to fill in a regular solid colour, but when I try and use the gradient tool it fills the entire window with a gradient. How can I fill a particular part of the image with a gradient (it's also not really possible to use the marquee tool).
2. My image has some 'broken' shapes that floods out the whole image when I use the paintbucket fill. Is there a setting so that small gaps can be ignored and therefore no bleeding occurs (such as there is in Flash MX)?
For a while now I've been struggling to understand why my Gradient Tool is like this? I don't recall making any changes to it in the past and now it's stuck like this. I've searched high and low online for answers but I've been unsuccessful so far.
I have an old document from an installation that no longer exists.It has a background gradiant created using the gradient tool and I clearly modified that and in all probability saved it as a preset.
However I now need to edit it, how do you edit gradiants created using the tool? Or should I have used a mask and blending to retain editability.
I have a layer and I want it to fade to transparent (using the gradient tool?). Last time I did this, I used masks of some type, but forgot to make notes on what I did... Can someone point me in the right direction?
I'm using the gradient tool and want the foreground & background colours used as the gradient fill. (I've read in many manuals that the foreground & backgound colors are the default colours when using the Gradient tool) When I use it, it automatically uses one of the preset colours and I can't figure out how to use the two colours I've chosen.
When I use the gradient tool it has visible transition lines even though I am using the colour to transparency option. When I say visible I do not mean hard edged transition, but the transition is visible on the screen and when printing.
Is this inevitible or am I missing a trick to getting a barely visible transition edge?
i'm trying to fade out the last few inches of a photograph so it blends more seamlessly into backgrounds it's placed onto.If I use the gradient tool, set to "Foreground to Transparent" I get the proper effect, but instead of fading to transparent it fades to white.. which dosen't work when I move the layer over a coloured background.
I've read and watched many tutorials on this, and they all say to create a layer mask, and then use the gradient tool.. but for some reason anytime I have the layer mask selected the gradient tool won't work at all..
I'm currently using photoshop CS6 and am trying to make a nice logo for my website. I used photoshop through high school so I know little basic things about the program. Anyways, I'm creating a logo from a tut on youtube, it says to hit "ctrl i" which makes the background black. After that I select a darkish grey as my foreground color, then I hit the gradient tool and set it to "radial gradient." Now I drag the mouse across the document and let go but nothing happens. I then tried it with a white background and it worked fine, but I want the background to be black. I made sure that it was on normal, the opacity is 100% and everything seems correct to what the tutorial was showing me. He uses a different photoshop than me so I don't know if that's what causes it.
I want to take a photograph and have it go from transparent to solid opacity. I believe the gradient tool can do that (maybe) but I don't want any color, just have the transparent blend to solid.
I'm trying to blend a couple of images together using the gradient tool.
I moved one image to the other using the move tool, I then added Layer Mask (in the layers palette), i then got my gradient tool and selected black,white.....I used the gradient tool on the left side of the image and it blended beautifully.
So, now that the left side is blended nicely, I attempt to blend the right side. The right side blends very nice.....but my left side went back to where it was originally.
On screen this show when doing a simple layer mask fade with the gradient tool. (notice the hard transition in the black) The if I flatten it it looks fine, like this.
I don't understand why all of a sudden it is doing this, same with brushes. Just seems to happen in the layer mask which is really deceiving.
The depth of field tool is not working in my copy of Elements 12. Trying to use "Simple" mode after having sucess using this on a friends computor. I can add blur but the gradient tool has no effect??
I try to got an color gradient from the outer side to the inner side of this geometry the problem : The bandwidth of the gradient should be more or less the same in all areas of the green geometry(means the whole spectrum of the colors). And the gradient has to go perpendicular from the outer to the inner side.
I got an annoying problem with a weird color gradient that appears where it shouldn't. My context is, that I'm producing underwater photomosaics. I use Photomerge for merging, which works great for the often uniform seabed sediment images.
The example is 65 images, btw. After placing the images manually within Photomerge, all looks great and ready for a perfect result after rendering (see above). However, when doing so, the final merge from within Photomerge (by clicking the OK button) creates perfect smooth blending, but a weird color gradient crossing the whole mosaic.
this might originate in the fact, that the individual images also are not perfect, due to the uneven lighting situation underwater. In case all images are a bit reddish at the top and yellowish at the bottom, the final gradient over the full mosaic shows that as well. So to me it looks as if Photoshop just tries to be too smart and thinks, reapplying that pattern to the whole would be a great thing to do, which it isn't of course.
I discussed this "bug" with Adobe staff and they recommended, to create the merge with the "Blend Images Together" option in the "Load" dialog unchecked. This creates a mult-layer document after rendering, with the images being placed properly but not blended.
From here on, Adobe staff recommended, I shall use the "Auto Blend Layers" function (File menu), but the result is identical as image 2. Ok, then, they recommended, to uncheck "Seemless Tones and Colors" in the "Auto Blend Layers" dialog. Indeed, this gets rid of the gradient, ...
... but shows very hard edges of the images, which get very prominent after optimizing levels:
Was that understandable? How this could be handled in a way, that my resulting mosaic looks as perfect with respect to the original colors as in the initial merge window before rendering it (image 1)? Maybe it's a specific Color Setting (Edit menu)?
I draw a rectangle and colored it with green then i wanted to give some effects by double clicking on the layer. Then opened a window named layer style. When i tick the box "gradient overlay", appears a gradient effect bu color of the image changes from green to gray. How may i prevent this change to gray. I want my stay rectangle green.