For simple files, the 3d widget appears when I convert an object to a Postcard and responds to my use of it. For some of my complex multi-layer files, the widget shows up but does not respond to my mouse clicks. I can manipulate the object using the 3d navigation tools, but the widget is useless.I'm having problems with a 170 MB file with no other apps running other than Photoshop.
I'm on a Mac 2.66 GHz PowerBook with 8GB of RAM running OSX 10.8.5.
Today, I've been mostly trying to get the Cloud Gallery 2 widget to work as advertised. According to the instructions, once the photos I want to use are in place I can -
'Set text shown when mousing over the image using the caption field on the image tab of the Utilities > Web Properties dialog. Do this for all images.'
I've done this, but all I can get to appear is the main title of the widget itself. At no point can I get individual captions to appear describing the graphic.
I am running Photoshop CS6. There is a "widget" that follows my cursor around when using certain tools . This was not present when I was using CS5. It's a little black box with coordinates inside of it that follows my cursor around.
My 3D axis widget was showing fine( solid, clear, and visible in front of the mesh I was working on), but now It has started to switch between normal and Blurry/Fuzzy( as if it is sitting behind the mesh and the whole scene). It is very difficult to see sometimes and even more s to access it.Sys info:
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0.1 (13.0.1 20120808.r.519 2012/08/08:21:00:00) x64 Operating System: Windows NT Version: 6.2 System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:5, Stepping:5 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HyperThreading Physical processor count: 2 [code]....
Some way to get Illustrator to never use any Widget other than HSV? Everytime I pick something it either goes to RGB or the Black to White slider when I'm creating a gradient. I then have to choose the 2 pixel wide triangle and navigate to HSV. This drives me insane. Who uses RGB other than to enter a color someone else gave you as an RGB value to type in manually (because you can't use the color picker because you've got 8 different color management problems that shift color around everytime you copy and paste)?
WHat does a WIdget can do that a Phone App can't and opposite? And if I create a widget or a phone App with Adobe Edge..How can I make it available on the net for people to download and install it on their phone. FOr instance : can I put it on my website with a link to download it? or does it need to be in a store of Apps or Widgets?
For some reason I am not able to link my accordion widget to other pages within my web site. The pre-existing link to works fine. When I remove it and put in my own link (and follow protocols within the linking function in the web properties box) it simple won't work.
I often need to create icons at small sizes 6-12 (pts) so that it's easy to copy and paste into InDesign. On small corner areas, the widget disappears. When I scale the vector drawing up, they appear. I can work on them larger and just scale them back down in but was wondering if there was a setting or something to get them to show at the smaller sizes.
3) Problem:* FILE>OPEN selection from the dropdown menu in the upper left Task Bar of the Graphical User Interface will not work.
- Problem Description:* Selecting FILE>OPEN presents an error box with the message "Could not complete your request because of a program error."
4) TroubleShooting:
- Fully reinstalled photoshop. - Fully updated photoshop. - Updated the computers version of Java (Java 7 Update 45). - Adjusted the security settings for the operating system.
5) Misc Information
- I just purchased this Photoshop and registered with it a week ago.
As a digital art teacher I need to check the files my students submit for authenticity. I noticed that since the last 2 CS Suite upgrades the "File info" functionality is no longer available (File>File Info). When I open a student file and I select this option, a blank window appears. I cannot click out of it so I have to do a "Force Quit" and restart the application. I work with Photoshop and Illustrator. I need to be able to see who created the file and when the file was created. How do I restore functionality? Is there a plug-in I need now? I work on a Mac in CS Suites 5.1
I'm using CS2 for Win. I've got an important file that will not accept layer styles. The layers appear to be "styled" on the layer stack, but nothing previews or shows up on the actual layer. I've created new layers; they don't take styles either. Other files in the system - including new ones - work okay; it's just this one that has the problem.
It could be contaminated; I accidentally saved it as a PDF with layers, and then back to a TIF. It's an 8-bit file; I've tried saving it as a PSD.
I want save a psd file and send it to someone via the internet. If I do this, will they receive it as just a psd image or will it be a psd image WITH all the work I've done, showing in the 'Layers' box. (All the blending options, etc. so that the receipient can tweek it)? I need them to be able to see it.
I am editing a photo (jpg format) in Photoshop CS3. I insert links to a slice within the photo. If the file is saved as a pdf the links will work. But whenever I save the file as a jpg or gif or any other type of picture format the links no longer work.
I am trying to make a picture that I can insert into an email so that they can click on a certain part of the picture (not the whole picture) and they will be redirected to a webpage. Is there another way I should go about doing this?
Question: When I have a photo open in Eleements 11, and make any change Elemets wants me to "Save As"as opposed to just Save the photo, what this does is creats another photo of the same thing, This occurs when the photo is both JPEG and PSD. Sometimes I just want to save my work and come back to it later not create yet another file. what I need to do in order to just make the changes I want save the work and keep it on the one file.
Once I had completed working on a project in PSE9, I 'saved as' my work.
I then closed the program and went to re-open the file however, the file appears with the extension 'File' and is un-accessible in all of the photo viewing software I have available. The file is however, still a large file - 85MB - which would suggest all of the file information is still in-tact.
I tried opening the file in several different programs, I've tried re-nameing the file, opeing the file properties to change the file type, backing up the file then restarting the computer and program. So far nothing has worked.
The file naming scheme to add a letter or number to a file name does not work correctly.
Using the Save Image function in CR if I select a File Naming scheme of Document Name = Serrial Letter, I get a file that has a letter 'a' added to the end.
Subsequent saves maintain this 'a' and then add an underscore and an incrementing number. If I select a serial letter then the letter should be the only thing added and it should increment with subsequent saves.
What happens now:
Original file: IMG8102.CR2 First Save: IMG8102a.jpg Second Save: IMG8102a_1.jpg Third Save: IMG8102a_2.jpg
What should happen:
Original file: IMG8102.CR2 First Save: IMG8102a.jpg Second Save: IMG8102b.jpg Third Save: IMG8102c.jpg
Why would I get a number when I asked for a letter?
I have 600+ files with names like: "ad------2~s800x800.jpg" but the photoshop batch process mode is having issues with the filename and outputs it as just "-"
My parents have Photoshop Elements 8 and all of the images are stored on a external hard drive. My dad organized the hard drive in very vague categories (things like I:/photos/spring 2004/spring 2004 - 1. We are looking to change the folder structure to one that is easier to navigate (I:/photos/vacations/new york city 2003)We are trying to avoid loosing tags in the organizer.
I tried File -> Move with some of the photos. In one instance, it took the originals and moved them. In another it renamed the photos and copied them to their new destination.Should we go back and delete the originals once they are moved to their new location?
When I bring up the VBAIDE, I can see the few subs that do the work but what I'm wondering is:
Is there or can there be other code within the .dvb file that I'm not seeing in the AutoCAD VBIDE?
In other words, it there the possibility of some other compiled code inside the .dvb that does things in the background that isn't visible in the code window?
I'm using a single file on a server that I need two animators to be ablt to work from. Can I do this with having each animator have to work from a separate file?
I just upgraded from XP to Win7 64-bit. I’m using Corel Photo-Paint 12, but I had the same issue with the trial version of X5 that I downloaded a few days back.
Basically autocomplete works with my other programs but it won't work in Corel. Below is a pic of what it's doing (top) and what it should do (bottom).
Is there a possibility to work in the same time on the same file on two different pc's. Like my co worker would be developing plan for road i would make profile view in that file , and he could see my changes as well as i would see his ? Can i reach this goal using shortcuts ?
When I go to customize and drag "View image file" to a toolbar, although it says "view image file" on the toolbar it is in black, and doesn't work when clicked on. This is the case on at least 2 entirely different systems.
I have AutoCAD Architecture 2010. When I launch the program it opens up without any problems. But, when I go to the menu and select "File" then "Open" to open up my CAD files nothing happens. My screen just hangs and the ribbon turns a faint white color. I can't open any of my CAD files from the program. In order to stop CAD from hanging and doing nothing, I press the ESC key and everything is back to normal. I am wondering why CAD will not let me open any of my files from the menu.
I've just started a new job, and I'm on a PC with CS6. (I'm used to Mac, CS5)
I can't seem to get 'open recent file' to work in any of my CS6 programes It is always greyed out and never remembers what I've last done. Does it have something to do with the files being stored on a passworded server?
We are working in our office on a central model. the model is stored on a local server within the office premises. We are three people working on it. our problem is this when we open the central file on any of our computer "create New local" check box is inactive. but when one of us login as "Administrator" and then open central file in any of the remaining two computer the " Create New Local" is active.why this is happening and is there any way we can work with the file without loging in as Administrator.
I have a work set file which cannot open. A dialog box with 'Circular Chain of References' appears. When I expand the dialog box, the option to delete the errors are grayed out. They are issues to do with a floor plan, including a filled region and detail lines.
I have been working on this file everyday, so it's been saved and opened constantly, yet even the backed up files from over a week ago have the same error message. Even file which are detached from the central.
I am using LR 4.3. I added keywords to my pictures. Some keywords got synonyms. I also checked "export synonyms" in the keyword options. When pressing Strg-S to save meta date into the files (all JPEG) all keywords are stored but without synonyms. When doing a normal export then synonyms are saved directly in the JPEG.
Is there a way to save the synonyms also with Strg-S or do I have to export all pictures and re-import them into LR? To be honest that would be not what I expect from a good software.