Photoshop :: What Is Going On With Zoom / View Function With 13.0.3
Jan 1, 2013
I just installed 13.0.3 upgrade for 64 bit and now when I resize an image to, say 800 x 600 pixels, the resulting image is very small. To get the image to display in the window at the same size (100%) as before the upgrade I have to zoom to 200 - 300%, and get the associated pixelation. Nothing else on the computer has changed (i.e., display preferences) to my knowledge. I am using a rMBP running OS X 10.8.2. what 100% zoom looks like now, which is about 1/3 the size an image like this used to be prior to the upgrade.
I use the zoom function on a photo, how do I save the zoomed version? In other words, I want to be able to save without requiring the user to click and zoom.
Since a few days I have a trial version of new CS6 and there I miss the possibility to zoom in / out with scroll function of mouse, where is it hidden ?
I'm using CS6 on windows 7-64bit with a keyboard and a mouse. I have a problem with the default functionality of the "Alt" key in windows 7. For those of you that are familiar with the default functionality of the alt key in windows 7, please skip to the next paragraph. For those of you not familiar, pressing the alt key in most programs in windows will highlight the toolbar so that you can use the keyboard to make selections within your "File", "Edit", "View", etc. toolbars if your mouse goes dead.
My problem is that I use the Alt + Mouse Scroll for zoom all the time. I rely on that feature probably more than I should. Yes, I could use cntrl + or cntrl - for zoom but that means I have to take my right hand off my mouse and I use photoshop 8+ hours a day some days. Time is of the essence to complete projects by the deadline.
I've tried disabling the default alt function in windows 7 (didn't work because you can't without third pary openware). I've tried duplicating the shortcut in the Edit - Keyboard Shortcuts menu (didn't work because it doesn't recognize the mouse scroll).
Is there a way to zoom in towards a collection of photos or video using the GIF function of Photoshop without a frame by frame tactic? Like I have a video of a boat sailing and I want to zoom into a section of the boat during the playback? Are frame by frame images the only way to do this?
How to get back to the old way to zoom in CorelDRAW? In version X5 the zoom function doesn't work as i did in earlier versions. I want the view to center to where I have the cursor when I zoom in or out.
I do not know why this function does not come by default in CoreDraw: "Center mouse when zooming with mouse wheel" From my point of view is much more accurate. The default option in recent versions is a mess when zooming with wheel.Is there a reason?There are some other features that you think have no reason to be?
I have observed an unexpected behavior of mouse wheel zooming in CS3:
using the mouse wheel: when i zoom in (very closely) to some location near the image edges/corners and then zoom out /once/ (i.e. one mouse wheel "click"), the image zooms out and simultaneously the viewed region jumps a little towards the image center. this is kind of annoying since one has to move the image to see the desired location after zooming out a little.
I am doing some detail work in a camera viewport, is there a way to zoom into the view? Not move the camera, just make an area larger so I can better animate objects.
I've taken a shot of a building. I'm setting up a scene that has a realistic camera lens distance and focal length taken from measurements at the architectural location. I'm creating a mesh to go over that image and it has to line up with the photo perfectly.
There are small details on the building that I need to extrude but even in full frame view on my 30" monitor I can't get close enough. If I change to a perspective or front view to work zoomed in the mesh is off when I go back to my camera view as the perspective distortion, small as it is, is different than a front or perspective view.
Is there a away to zoom in on a section of a camera view so that I can keep working on my mesh using the camera's perspective and view distortion?
3ds Max Design (3D Studio thru Max 2014), ASUS P9X79 Motherboard, Intel i7-3960x, Hydro H80 CPU Chiller, 32GB DDR3 Ram, Quadro 4000 Display Adapter
I have just switched from Pc to Mac with AC. Not sure if its the platform change, or the later version, but I am having problems doing things I used to have no problems doing!
I have duplicated a layout, but when I click on the inside of it it wont make it active and allow me to zoom the view.
If I create a new layout, I can click inside and zoom, however, in this instance, its quick for me to duplicate and re-zoom, if only I could I have tried the MV > L > off command, but that is wanting me to select an object, and not unlock the whole layout. Same thing if I hit the lock or freeze button on the right hand tool panel.
Any way this can happen in a reasonable time frame, say in a release or 2,since view creation takes so long?Or did you development guys sneak that into R9?
Just recently I got a chance to try out Autocad 2012. I modeled up an assembly. I then wblocked my individual details into separate files for detailing. I used the new drawing view tool to create my isometric views. The issue I am having is the outer most edges of my views is not being shown all the time. If I zoom in the edges appear, but when you zoom out to view the entire drawing, the edges are no longer visible. It is like the border around the view that the drawing view tool creates is not offset far enough. How to use the new drawing view tool?
I have become very attached to having the mouse scroll wheel 'auto center the view at the cursor point' when I scroll in and out...I am not too happy with the new 'hold the wheel down and move the screen position' feature on x6. Can the old wheel configuration/centering be activated in x6?
when i started using 2011. I have 2 viewports active; plan and isometric view. But when I try to navigate in the isometric view, the crosshair behaves in a way I don't understand. What happens is that when I zoom in the crosshair disappears over or under what I'm zooming in on.
It's hard to describe, but it seems that it have a different origo then the view represents. When I zoom out so much that the crosshairs are visible and I try to move them upwards, they stop in the middle of the screen and then the marker becomes visible in the ribbon part of the screen.
I have tried detaching all xref's, purged and audit, checked the elevation (0). This only happens in some drawings, not all, and I can't think of a common denominator in the drawings it happens.
After setting up a scene with a JBL lighting environment, I changed from orthogonal to perspective view for rendering.
Funnily I was not able to zoom in with perspective view activated. Zooming slows down and finally comes completely to halt. Switching back to orthogonal the camera jumps right into the object. Changing back I see everithing from a distance.
Is this normal or is this an error. I can´t remember if this happened before.
I use Xara sometimes to resize images/photos. Quite often I use the clip view function to crop the image to the precise size I need.
I just recently found that when I export my clipped views, always as pngs, they have a very small 1 to 2 pixel edge around them. I can keep clipping but it continues to stay there. I exported with alpha and without to see if it made a difference but it doesn't.
I am now having to use my raster program to resize but had liked using Xara for it. The raster program works fine and I suppose every program has its uses so I just won't use Xara for photo clipping and exporting anymore. I just think that there shouldn't be an issue since Xara seems to want to handle photos more.
The attached images show extreme closeup of a blue image on a black background (the black background is used for checking this very problem).
I've been tethering to Capture One with a Phase Back then having Lightroom Autoimport the files which works well. The biggest problem I have is that when I want to check focus as I go along and I zoom in on the files in loupe view Lightroom is really slow at rendering up the image. It seems to get slower as the catalogue fills up until it just wont do it. Then if I quit Lightroom and restart its better for a while then slows down again.
Both applications are running on the same Macbook Pro with The latest OSX.
However looking through the files in Capture One they zoom up in size with hardly any delay. I understand that Lightroom has to render a larger preview which is taking the time but surely Capture One has to do this too but doesn't seem to need to take anywhere near as much time to do it. In the case of Capture One it seems to be able to zoom into files that it hasn't previously loaded so there must not be a pre existing preview there.
I used to be able to double click on an image in Loupe view in Library mode and I would zoom into that image. I think that stopped when I got to LR5, I'm in 5.3 now. Now when I double click in Loupe view, I'm back out to grid view. Drop down menu suggests I just need to hit return, same thing happens. This happens at all zoom levels fit, fill, 1:1, etc. I'm running OSX 10.9.2. Sounds like a setting issue, but I've looked.
I am having a small but annoying problem with the viewcube in AutoCAD 2014. In all the previous versions that had the viewcube, when I unchecked the "Zoom to Extents after view change" box, the view would pivot about the center of the screen. Now it seems to pivot about an arbitrary point an I have to zoom_e anyway.
I have used Autocad since 1991, and my current job required me to use Microstation. One feature I liked from Microstation is the ability to select and open an external DGN reference, and then match the view of the parent DGN, called the "EXCHANGE" command. In AutoCAD, you can also select and open an xref, but the DWG opens to the previous saved view, and not to the desired view that matches the layout.
My thought was to experiment with lisp or script and export the "Viewctr", "Viewtwist" and "Viewsize" variables to a text file, then importing the text file and using the "Viewtwist" as my "SNAPANG" value, then "Viewctr" as my "ZOOM, CENTER" value, and finally the "Viewsize" as the "Enter magnification or height:" value.
But, alas, I have no time, and not quite the knowledge to duplicate MicroStation's open-xref-and-zoom-to-view feature. I hesitate using the REFEDIT, which works fine for regular AutoCAD, but not so much for Civil 3D and the objects it creates (labels and other items with data shortcuts).
I have used Autocad since 1991, and my current job required me to use Microstation. One feature I liked from Microstaiton is the ability to select and open an external DGN reference, and then match the view of the parent DGN. In AutoCAD, you can also select and open an xref, but the DWG opens to the previous saved view, and not to the desired view that matches the layout.
My thought was to experienting with lisp or scipt and export the "Viewctr", "Viewtwist" and "Viewsize" variables to a text file, then importing the text file and using the "Viewtwist" as my "SNAPANG" value, then "Viewctr" as my "ZOOM, CENTER" value, and finally the "Viewsize" as the "Enter magnification or height:" value.
But, alas, have no time, and not quite the knowledge to duplicate MicroStation's open-xref-and-zoom-to-view feature.
I use Photoshop CS2 to create Designs for webpages. These designs have pixel-exact elements, e.g. a 1-pixel-line from top to bottom.
Now when I zoom in (>100, then I have sort of anti-alias, so that the 1-pixel-line isn't only one blue anymore, but it has different blue tones. I guess for photo manipulations etc. this anti-aliasing zoom is great, but for webdesign it sucks because I don't know if only the zoom make the line "corrupt" or if it really is corrupt.
I'm trying to build a command to replace AutoCAD's "DI" command, to give distance and delta x, y, and z values in decimal and imperial, and keep the angles in XY plane and out of XY plane.