Back in Photoshop CS3 (I skipped from CS3 to CS6, so no idea if you could do this in any other versions) if you CTRL clicked on a vector path between two anchor points, you could change the 'guidelines' extending from the anchor point either side of the line, and it would keep the lines at the same angle. However in CS6, when you do this it changes the angle of both of the lines. Is there a way to do it as it was done in CS3 ?
I just upgraded to a new computer setup and installed Photoshop CC and well..... I can't figure out how to manipulate paths like in CS6. Â On the left is a what path manipulation with anchor points looks like in CS6 on my old slow iMac, and on the right is the new CC with direction selection on, but instead I can't manipulate paths. How can I get it to work like CS6? Also, I know about the isolating layers thing, but that still doesn't let me manipulate certain anchor points. Â why Command + . isn't allowed in CC as a hotkey?
I've created a rectangle and a shape with the bezier tool. I've tried to make the stroke thicker but can't. I've tried selecting the path/mask several ways and chosen different tools in the toolbox but no matter what I do, the Stroke option in the menu is greyed out.
is there a way to do this?
either edit the stroke afterwards - or even specify the width before drawing a path?
I create a layer and draw a path, and stroke it. But when I change the path, the stroke seems to be rasterized or so, because it remains with its old shape, and does not follow the path. I have never had this problem before, so I assume I must have changed involuntarily any setting - which rasterizes the stroke. Which setting of the path is it?
I am trying to convert a psd logo for vector format. I have multiple layers and can't seem to save each layers selection to the Work Path, it overwrites the previous layers path with the new one.
Am I missing something, is there another way to make my logo vector friendly and ready for illustrator?
When you use the Photoshop CS6 new function stroke on the path of a vector shape, how can you convert the result in a vector shape ? Merging multiple vector shapes doesn't work. The strokes outlines are not vectorized in the new vector shape. Â It's possible to convert in pixel and keep the stroke drawing, but no way to convert in vector. Illustrator has a similar function in order to vectorize the stroke.
I created the path, but for some reason it's 'reversed' or 'inverted' from what I want - is there any way to change it so the spinach is cropped properly?
Using: WIN7, Adobe CS5, PS, AI  When I need to move a project from Photoshop to Illustrator, I need an automated way to prep shape and vector mask items for export--preferably preserving the structure and layout that already exists as layer names and order, character and paragraph settings, and of course global registration. My scripting is limited to recording actions, so I need to find an existing script or get coached on this. Any recommendations?  I have googled and waded through numerous forum posts trying to research this on my own, so I know about the ability to export my path collection, but that's usually inapplicable in reality. It only deals with vectors from the Paths palette. In Photoshop, I use the Paths pallet to store master and WIP paths, but all the working paths are either shapes or vector masks--or active type layers. Often enough that it's become an issue, I'll need to move the whole project to Illustrator. Obviously, the process has issues; I'm not expecting the rastor layers or Photoshop styles to carry over, but I see no reason why I can't capture text, shape and vector mask elements.  They all have a vector component, but simply opening a PSD in Illustrator flattens (badly) the layers. I select the "Convert Layers as Objects" but have yet to see it extract editable text. I'm not sure if it even attempts to do anything with vector shapes or masks. I've got a process for moving a project one element at a time, using registration marks--but this requires turning text into shapes most of the time, especially if I am trying to preserve kerning and leading crucial to the layout. Maybe I just have not found the right info, and there is a way to transfer editable text without losing character and paragraph settings.  For now, I'd be happy to stop wasting time doing a ton of conversions and renaming by hand, just so I can preserve the work I've already invested.  One suggestion, posted under a multiple path export question, was to use scripting... but no one explored or explained how to go about it. I'm not asking for the impossible, however. I simply working out my own solution: if there is no application method for transferring the elements, try to script a method to prep those elements for export. Before I even attempt to reinvent someone's wheel, I am putting the question out there:  I kept at it and managed to open my current project PSD in AI with text and shape/mask vectors successfully--not as cleanly as I'd hoped but the relative positioning of things was acceptable. I am still interested in hearing people's suggestions on better ways to transfer work from one tool to the other, though. I know this is going to come up for me again and again.
Trying to mask type with a vector pattern (place a vector pattern in a type clipping path), but nothing seems to be working. Never had issue before. Tried path in front, pattern in front, converting type path to compound path, converting vector to compound path. A couple of times it looked like it worked, but the pattern was invisible within the path. Illustrator CS6, on a Mac.
I have cutout an object (Duck) from a photo in Photoshop and now i want to use it for a wall decal. So now i need a vector file with path around contours of the object (Duck), but how can i do that exactly because the shape is very complex?
Is there any way to make vector text bear the characteristic of "closed path data"? Perhaps prior to, or after, applying the text in PSP? I am trying to import files from Corel PaintShop Photo Pro into MotionStudio 3D.
I am able to bring in vector objects created, but is there a way to make it so that vector text works also, by making vector text "closed"?
How would one generate a shape (e.g. a roto'd shape that is tracked) and enable its use as a path for a text write-on?
The text node only has one input and if I set text to write on a path then there is only a straight line to manipulate from scratch - with no options to load or save or connect as far as I can see...
Here I have a vector image. The pink stroke is a cut path that the software I use at work recognises and cuts. (Used for vinyl decals/stickers etc). All the lines highlighted in pink is useless to me, as it would cut out each individual line. Â All I need is the outer edge of the entire graphic. Â Note my crudely drawn red lines that border the image, that is exactly what I need. As you can see, the paths run through the image. BUT...When I try to erase the paths using add anchor point then cut path at selected anchor points so I can remove that particular segment, the colour essentially "leaks" as it isn't a closed area anymore. Rasterizing the image destroys the quality and I would like to be able to perform this task without loss of quality.
I want to make a vector shape from a path. Is there a way to bypass having to define a new custom shape? I just want to quickly add the vector shape to a new layer, but I don't need it defined as it'll just be used once.
I have 750 gif scanned images of maps. The problem is that I need to turn a border of 75 pixels right round each image either black or white. The image has to stay the same the same size, just the first 75 pixels all around have to be either black or white.
So how do I:
A make the border black or white?
B automate it so I don't have to do them all by hand?
I want to become really good at it, but don't know where to start! Everytime i try something, i try to blend different parts together via cut and paste. I try to smooth it in to make it look like the original photo, and no matter what strategy i use (Smudge tool, pencil tool and manually put in the colors, etc.) the area turns out rough or too blurry?
How do you get the text to conform to the oval on the bottom of the text but remain straight across the top - see attached image for example of what I'm going on about.
I had a go with the warp text but couldn't get it. Is this effect done by creating one letter at a time and adjusting the height?
I want to create a series of photomanipulated images that I would title "Be Extraordinary." Basically, I want every picture to be a picture of me doing some sort of extraordinary thing, leaning more towards sci-fi stuff. I already have an idea for one of me wielding a lightsaber, but after that, I've run out of ideas for anything I know how to do in Photoshop. I had an idea for me creating some sort of energy shield, but I simply don't know how to really create that effect in Photoshop.
Although many of these look like they are made in Maya or 3DS they are in fact real people. This is a 2 part question, first is where does one find larger format high res backgrounds like those in the links below and most importantly how can I make my subjects look like they are on a poster. If anyone knows how this is done that would be great! I am at a loss! What programs were likely used?
ok a while ago i saw a cool tut and made this but i tried to remake it today and couldnt quite get it so does anyone know either how this was done or where i could find that tut for it again? oh ya, i remember i used like 3 lens flares and wave but i can't remember the exact steps,
i've got a photo with a unique human skin and texture, i think this is a manipulation of a photo by photoshop. i can't understand, what is the most significant differences between this photo and the original photo.( sorry, i don't have the original image..i'm just imaging a general digital photo ).and i think this is not similar to Dragan style, because the skin looks wraped and painted..
resolution and printing. I know some of these questions are not specifically adobe Photoshop related,I understand the theory of dpi vs ppi and resolution vs print. However, I am not sure how to print compositions with mulitple images such as a photo maniupulation. Â So here are my questions: Â 1) If I make a document set for 300 ppi and all my other layers and photos be 300 ppi? What if my photo is at 600 ppi (which it wouldn't be but for instance.) Â 2) I want to maintain print quality, but need to resize a photo to fit on the composition. For instance I want to keep my photo at 300 ppi but need to shrink it to fit on the smaller background composition I can resample or not. Â Â Â Â - Not resampling does not allow me to digitally view the size, but maintains original photo quality. It also adds ppi which makes a huge file size to work on. Â Â Â Â - Resampling allows me to keep the same dpi but hinders the quality. Â If I am combining two images together that need to be high resolution for print and then need to be resized what is the best option? How can I view them digitally? Here is an example: Â I have a document set at 300 ppi and the calculated pixels needed for whatever print size document I will use. The 'background' will say be white.I then want to add a photo at 300 ppi but it needs to shrink to fit on the 'background.'How can I shrink that photo and still maintain a quality print AND see it on screen?Â
I am making myself a logo in photoshop. I have made all the letters that will be used, but they are all seperate entities as most of you who have used vectors know. I would like to interconnect the letters, as well as an angel I have made to go above the letters. My question is, how can I join two seperate vector images into one vector image. For example, joining a letter E with a letter D. I wonder if theres a way to do this without having to delete part of each image and then re-draw, which is a pain. Sorry if this isn't really clear, but its hard to explain.
When I save my photoshop file as an .eps, I can have all the text from the Photoshop file remain vector, but a Vector Smart Object does not remain vector. Is there a way to have it remain vector?