Photoshop :: Undo And Redo Button
Mar 15, 2013just a thought why isnt there an undo and redo button on the main interface.
View 5 Repliesjust a thought why isnt there an undo and redo button on the main interface.
View 5 Repliesim a noob at photoshop, i just started a few days ago. (use it to texture for 3d stuff) and im getting a few problems with it.
the main problem is that none of the command keys are working (stuff like Ctrl + Z for back and Ctrl + Y for redo) also some other commands are not working. Does anyone know whats going on?
We can receive notifies by using ' "AI Command Notifier: Before/After " + menu identifier text'.
I intend to programming rejecting "Undo/Redo". I want to know how to describe for rejecting Undo/Redo commands.
Using ligntroom 4 from the cloud setup, is there any kind of setting I can use to defeat the big blotto sign that pops up just under center screen in "Develope" mode when you Ctrl-z (undo)/Ctrl-y(redo)?
When you have the image in single image view and so quite large, when in full screen, that UNDO thing pops up right in the most likely place you are carefully watching to see the changes. And it is absolutely huge, at least for something that is apparently meant to be a gentle reminder for the event where you didn't do it on purpose.
Maybe a small picky thing but I can think of no reason that sign needs to be so "In your face", why not down in a corner and in font many times smaller.
At any rate, what can I do to get rid of it or move it to a less obnoxious location?
I've installed 3ds Max Design 2013.
I don't like small undo/redo window in quick access toolbar. So I always use 'max2009' style toolbar in UI customization.
but in 2013version, there are all dropdown icons are broken
So I changed to Default UI and changed again just color to 2009 style color.
but I cannot roll back this undo/redo step window to 2009 style.
I tried add 'undo scene operation' but it doesn't shows step windows.
I noticed in paint the other day there wasn't a reset all etc button or an undo redo button, now Im in the action node and don't see it either.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to restore the classic undo/redo buttons (with r-click functionality) without the need to load the 2009 UI preset? I have Max 2013 already set up with a fairly complex custom UI so I don't want to have to recreate that after loading the 2009 style preset just to get my undo/redo buttons back. The ones in the Customize menu don't support the multiple undo/redo via right-click.
And while I'm on the there any way to simply get rid of the irritating Quick Access Toolbar? I find it telling that whoever designed it put a save button next to the undo. Shows they never worked in production
I am running Inventor 2012 sp2.
Even with a simple IPT that only has a handfull of features, at times it takes a long time (3-5 minutes, sometimes longer) for Inventor to execute a undo or redo command.
Undo file size setting in Application options is set at 1MB (which is teh same setting I used in previous versions).
I'm only finding 2 choices: 1. Edit>Undo (for a single undo action)2. Ctrl+Z (for multiple undo actions) I'm not a fan of searching the keyboard for short cuts if I can justclick on the screen. (Ctrl+Z=pain in the *** for me) Is there a button available?A 'back' or 'undo' button? I bet CS4 has one . . . should have waited for CS4 . . .
View 10 Replies View RelatedI can't find the undo button in Action, where did you put it?!
View 4 Replies View RelatedI think it'd be so cool to be able to replay your entire undo history of a picture, so you can see and show others how you proceeded on a picture you made. That way, it's never necessary to capture screen video for like 10 hours and stuff..
So first you'd need to add an option to save the undo history (so that you always keep the history from when you started). Then you'd need an option to playback the undo history.
Is there a way to undo without zoom as part of the undo?
Civil 3D 2013
Windows 7 64-bit
Inteel 2.40 GHz 8 GB RAM
Dell T7600
I have a problem understanding how undo marks are added to the undo stack.In the code below a fan of lines are draw in a random location.If you run MTest a few times, the AutoCAD Undo command will remove the fans one at a time.
If you run MMulti to draw 10 fans, the AutoCAD Undo command will remove all the fans in a single step.I want to be able to remove the fans one at a time.I thought that a StartTransaction / Commit pair would act as markers for the undo stack, but this isn't working.
Tested on AutoCAD 2010Â VS 2008Â
<CommandMethod("MMult")> _
 Sub testmult()
       Dim i As Integer
       For i = 1 To 10
           Call testdraw()
 End Sub
I'm on a roll, folks...have been browsing this forum madly since I stumbled across how to included images in my message, so I can't show you the image, but I was wondering if anyone would know how to get an image into one colour.
It sounds simple (and I'm sure the solution is), but I've got an image that's maroon and grey and has LOTS and LOTS of cross hatching etc, so changing it to black with the wand is a nightmare and, the crops are so close that you can barely differentiate lines.
I've changed it to greyscale, but that turns the maroon lines and squiggles terribly, terribly light, like a low-res print out. Is there any where to do, essentially, a search and replace on a colour? Simply turn all the maroon, no matter how squiggly it is, to black or should I clear a week and do it manually?
Photoshop CS6 13.0.1
I generally use layers in Photoshop for cloning and healing. Unfortunately, every so often, I jump into PS and forget to create the layers before I race off and start cleaning up. I may go 50 steps of cloning or healing before I remember I'm on the background layer instead of the clone/heal layer........ Which causes me to utter profanities under my breath.
is there any way for me to do a bunch of cloning, then realize I forgot my layers, CREATE the layers, then grab the previous history steps, undo them from the background layer and redo them on my clone/heal layer?
Is there any reason history in Photoshop can't be made persistent like it is in Lightroom? It would sometimes be useful to end a session, go back into PS later on the .psd file and be able to have the previous history.
i would like to have multiple REDO like i have almost infinite UNDO.
Almost Infinite UNDO and 1 REDO.
I have 4 gb of memory and a i7 processor, i think this computer can handle at least 20 redos...
Is there a way to boost the redo number?
I have a .psd file that was created by someone else for my friends web page. The psd file is the background, logo, and navigational bar for her home page. Each button is a "slice" I think because there are lines around each button on the left side navigational bar (not a true navigational bar just created by buttons) and around the head and body etc. (The lines are blue if that tells you anything - each section is numbered with a little tiny icon that looks a little like the back of an envelope.)
My question - we wanted to change the word on one of the buttons - I did that saved the psd file - no problem. Then I cropped out the button that we had changed. When I saved it to the web (as a jpg) the button looks like a button (a box around it - not a line a raised area that looks like a button.) The other buttons do NOT look like a button (even though the layers are named buttons.)
How can I change it so it looks flat (not button like) like all of the rest of the items on the navigational bar.
I am growing increasinly frustrated. I just installed AutoCAD LT 2013 on my laptop. I managed to get everything customized the way I want, except the button icons on my (classic) toolbar are much too small. If I go into the menu and select 'use large icons', they are too huge. My screen resolution DOES NOT need to be changed or adjusted. I went to the help menu to see what I can do, and found that I can go into CUI and adjust the size of the button icons that way, via the button image editor, however there is no 'button image editor' dialog box when I select any given toolbar command.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAs default the Wacom pen top button acts as the right button. Is there a way to assign the right button to the bottom button?
Smoke 2013 Ext1
17" Mac Book Pro
OS X 10.8.5
I've made the switch from Photoshop v7 to Photoshop CS2 (yay), but theres this one very annoying little nuisance! In v7, i could try some things out and experiment with things, and if i was unsatisfied with the results, i would just pres Ctrl+Z a couple dozen times, and voila! Back to where I would experiment some more. However, in CS2, i can't find out how to set so that i can UNDO more than once. It just toggles between UNDO and REDO. Its just a minor annoyance, but it really bugs me. Is there a way to undo more than once (or a whole lot ) by pressing Ctrl+Z or another keyboard shortcut, or am i stuck to using the history window?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have some images I'm tyring to see if they have been photoshopped , and if its possible to 'undo' the photoshopping to restore the original image?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have photoshop CS, I can't undo more then one action!! Is there a way to Undo more then one step? All it's doing for me now is Undo, Redo, Undo, Redo... im usd to bein gable to just hit undo undo undo and say for example undo three lines I had drawn... How do I have multple undos?
View 9 Replies View RelatedIn CS that I've just installed (yes, new to PS the ctrl-z only undo's 1 step backwards, what can I do to enable it to undo multiple times? Coming from PSP, you could undo for hundreds of steps....
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhenever i make a mistake i press Ctrl+Z but it only go's back one step. I cant find the setting to change it so i can go back about 10 or 20 steps. Is there such a setting?
Also, can anybody give me advice about making a (Simple) mouth. I can only make straight line. I tried to curve them with the smudge tool but it looked awful.
Undo method, under the Edit menu. The Undo turns into Redo, and you have to use the Step Backward command if more than one undo is required. Even Ctrl Z is both an Undo and Redo if pressed consecutively. Image Ready doesn't work like this, nor do most other apps, including other Adobe programs. Just seems a strange approach, particularly as it appears only Photoshop uses this method (Although maybe it's changed since PS 7?).
View 3 Replies View RelatedThey used to have this option that makes it so pressing undo twice does not does not undo your last undo. I think it also sets redo to ctrl+y. For the life of me, I can't find this option anymore. Does anyone know where they moved it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI can't seem to find the restore adobe defaults magic button. Right now I right click on all of my tools, and it doesn't give me any options besides what is already there in the tools pallet. For instance I am stuck with the gradient tool, and the paint bucket doesn't show up. I'll read some more, but I'm not sure what the heck I did, or it's a glitch.....
View 6 Replies View Relatedway of undo-ing an action other then having to go to Edit/Undo?
Also when I mouse over the toolbox it is not showing me the tool tip for anything anywhere?
i used to have PS CS3 Extended.. but ever since i upgraded to PS CS4, when i'm working on a file and try to undo, the screen doesn't seem to refresh, meaning that after undoing (even though the history panel reflects the undo) whats supposed to be undone still appears on the screen, but it goes away as soon as you move the cursor on the file and click with the mouse.
in short, when undoing anything you need to click on the image to update or refresh the file.
i have tried enabling and disabling the GPU setting and did all sort of other things to work it.
i have ps CS4 as part of the master collection CS4 but only installed PS & bridge plus the shared components.
how do I undo rulers and grids. I have tried to uncheck everything and even got out of photoshop and came back in and still every singel image has a grid on it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI batch processed a set of edited photos from color to b&w. I intended to save the b&w conversions into a new folder, but must have done something wrong because now the original color photos (which i had just spent 4+ hours editing) are gone and only the b&w files remain.
Is there a way to recover the color photos? i hadn't backed up the harddrive yet, and i still have the original unedited files, but i am hoping there's a way to "undo" the batch process so i don't have to edit all the files again.