Photoshop :: Unable To Move Contents Of Just One Layer In Folder
Jun 19, 2012
Recently upgraded from CS2 --> CS5 in windows.  This issue started with that upgrade. Been using PS for years.In my large PSD files I use folders to logically-group layers. With CS5, when I put layers into a folder, it automatically groups the layers (not links, groups). When trying to move the contents on ONE LAYER in a folder (using the mouse).... it moves ALL the layers in the folder. Â
If I use the keyboard ARROW keys, I can move the contents of one layer in a folder independently of the other layers in the folder.I have not explicitly asked PS to group or link ANYTHING in my file. The default seems to be to GROUP layers in a folder. It did not used to be this way.Â
If I UNGROUP the layers in the folder, it deletes the folder and the layers are now all at the root level. I lose my organization.The only way to get around this is either:Â
(1)Â leave the folder grouped and use the keyboard arrow keys to move the contents on one layer (way too cumber some), orÂ
(2) MOVE the layer out of the folder, move the contents of it, then move the layer back into the folder.
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Feb 24, 2014
I was in the process of moving a folder inside or LR. I might have clicked and moved it twice since it was very slow. LR wasn't able to complete the move and gave me an error message. After I clicked "OK" on the error message, I wasn't able to find my folder/images from the old or new location. I did a spotlight search on my mac, but I wasn't able to find them anywhere. Where has my folder/images gone? I tried to locate them without any success.
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Jun 20, 2012
FIRST: I cannot move photos from one folder to another, drag and drop does not function at all, and there is no 'move' command with a right-cllick on a photo. I can move folder locations, drag and drop on the folder view works, but I want to move individual photos. I am sure I could do it with previous versions.
SECOND: If I click on HELP, I simply get a box up from Adobe AIR saying: This installation of this application is damaged. Try re-installing or contacting the publisher for assistance. I am loathe to re-install as last time I did that, I had a grand hassle over number of activations, even though I am only running on my one and only machine.
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Dec 5, 2013
Very recently I have lost the ability to move files from one folder to another in Lightroom 4.4. I was highlighting the files I wanted to move and then I would drag them to the folder I wanted to move the files to. Now if I highlight numerous files when I try to drag the files Lightroom will just highlight the file my cursor is hovering over. It then won't let me drag the file to the folder I desire.
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Mar 30, 2008
After creating a duplicate layer of a stroke, I then click the thumbnail of an existing layer (where I want to move the copied layer to) while holding the control key, I see the image with marching ants border, and attempt the move the copied layer. I get the following message ' the request could not be completed because the sourse and the destination documents are the same.
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Jul 8, 2005
I try to move text in a layer with the move tool. I highlight the text layer, select the move tool, and move the tool to the text. As soon as I click on the layer with my mouse, the highlight moves to an image layer below the text layer. I can move the text using the arrow keys, but that takes forever.
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Dec 4, 2008
I am creating a montage. I am wondering how to add all files in a specific folder to new layers without resizing them. I am aware of the automateII function but it resizes the images.
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Sep 1, 2012
Yesterday I download Gimp 2.8 and after eyedropper bug I found out that can´t move text layer during editing it. I don´t think to move layer tool.
I can´t move the layer during editing. I can move only with the borders of the text range. When I want move with active text layer, I must do it through the "move layer tool".
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Feb 5, 2013
Can the items in the Contents Folder (e.g. Frames, pictures, etc.) be opened directly into Photoshop CS6 without first being opened in CorelDRAW X6. I have both programs, and it would be great if I had access to those objects whenever I'm using Photoshop.
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Apr 17, 2013
I'm trying to create an ilogic rule that will look within the folders of an assembly and take the contents of each of those folders and demote them to separate sub-assemblies.
ie. Assembly1 contains NewFolder 1. Â NewFolder 1 contains Part1:1 and Part2:1. Â Upon executing the ilogic rule, I would like Assembly1 to contain NewFolder 1 and within NewFolder 1, Assembly1-01. Â Assembly1-01 contains Part1:1 and Part2:1. Â I would like this ilogic rule to look within each successive folder within Assembly1 and demote them according to their position in the browser such that NewFolder 1 - at the top of the browser list - contains Assembly-01, NewFolder 2 contains Assembly-02, etc.
I currently copy a master assembly with browser folders that contain parts and sub-assemblies to a secondary assembly where I manually demote the contents of the folders to sub-assemblies. Â When I create a drawing for our machine assembly department, the demoted sub-assemblies to isolate only those parts - nuts, bolts and the pieces they fit to - so it is easier for the assembly department when putting a machine together.
Is it possible, using ilogic, to demote folder contents to sub-assemblies with an assembly document?
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Jul 27, 2009
If I have a layer that is smaller than the canvas, and I want a selection that matches the contents of the layer, how do I do that? Looked at the keyboard shortcuts and faq but didn't see it. orry, I'm a programmer trying to find his way in photoshop.
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Jun 24, 2013
I can do it, but I was wondering if there is a better way.
Large PS file (CS6 and CC) half a dozen texture layers using low res images. Several have blend modes, transparency and even masks. I now have the same images in high res. I want to replace just the image, but not lose my blend/transparency, or masks.
Do I bring in the high res layer, copy the mask over etc? Then delete the original?
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Dec 1, 2006
I try to select and move a layer using the Move Tool, another layer is immediately selected and moved instead.
Also, if I have layers inside a folder and try to move one of those layers, the entire folder is selected and all layers within that folder move.
I have not grouped any layers together.
I'm using Mac OS 10.4.8 with PS 9.0.1
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Jan 14, 2013
I am using the trial version of CS5 (probably going to upgrade at the end of the trial), and I've only found one thing about it that I don't like more than CS3. This is VERY VERY annoying, and I'm not sure if it's a glitch, or just a preference that needs to be reset:
When using the move tool, I will move something and it will just snap back to where it originally was. When it snaps back, it might move a few pixels over in the direction I was dragging, but it is definitely not moving to where I want it to go. The only way to get things to move the way I want to is by Free Transform...but it's annoying, when you're trying to design a layout, to have to free transform every element you want to move, first.
I'm guessing that this is a glitch because sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn''s pretty random. I've tried turning Snap on and off, and nothing changes.
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Sep 11, 2012
I think I might be doing this wrong, I am trying to get contents of a specific textFrame within first group on layer called "page numbers"
It seems to work, but is a bit sketchy, the documentation indicates textFrame is all the text frames in a document, and that textFrameItem should be the specific one within collections of groups etc, maybe I am misunderstanding. this is what I am using:
var existingPageNumbers = app.activeDocument.layers.getByName('page numbers').groupItems[0].textFrames[0].contents;
is this correct approach...?
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Nov 10, 2012
I can do one or another, but both at the same time? It is annoying because a mask selection turns into layer selection when you select a second layer/folder.
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Feb 10, 2009
Every time you duplicate a folder or a layer, it adds the word "Copy" at the end. Is there a way to get rid of this?
I've been looking for a solution to this for the past 2 years. I spend 8 hours a day in Photoshop creating Comps. I'm crazy about having my layers clean, therefore I use a lot of folders, etc.
I probably waste an hour a day removing the $%)?#* Copy word at the end of layers/folders. This is driving me CRAZY while losing a lot of precious time.
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Jul 13, 2013
How to move photo to a folder
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Nov 2, 2012
How are photos moved from one folder to another? Second question: How can a folder be renamed?
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Apr 14, 2009
I could have sworn that in previous versions of Photoshop, before version CS4, that if there was a link icon between the layer thumbnail and the layer mask on that same layer, if you move one or the other, they both move. In CS4, how do you move the layer pixels and the layer mask at the same time so that they stay lined up?
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Aug 24, 2012
After several moves of pictures to a new disc (via File, Move within Photoshop Elements Organiser 9) the folder view no longer shows the correct photos. The photos are in the correct locations and the properties also show the correct location. If I select a directory in folder view however, several photos are shown that are not in that directory.
I tried to repair the catalog, but that didn't change the problem.
I am very much missing a facility in the Organiser to move directories, a complete directory tree or just the disk letter of my catalog.
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Nov 4, 2013
I have 2 hard disks in my computer. The c drive is getting crowded and I want to move my photo folder to the other disc (D:). How do I "tell" Organizer to point to the d drive instead of the C drive.
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Nov 9, 2012
I have a large image collection, in excess of 40,000. I'm running on a PC with Windows 7 and all updates installed. I just purchased PSE 11 to replace PSE 10. After installing PSE 11 I converted my catalog. That seemed to go OK. At that point I discovered that my C: drive was almost full so I decided to move my image collection from its C: drive location to an external hard drive that had sufficient capacity. In order to ensure the integrity of the catalog I decided that I should use the PSE 11 Organizer to move the files. This would allow the Organizer to update the location information for the files as it moved them, although it was clear that this would take many hours to complete. So, using Organizer I did a "drag and drop" of my image collection's root file from the C: location to the external drive which happened to be the J: drive. Organizer appeared to be running properly so I left it to continue overnight. The next morning I discovered that only about 2/3 of the files had been moved. There was a very cryptic message that said the opertion could not be completed because of "possibly unsupported files types, files with read only attributes.." etc. I did not write down the actual message and it did not tell me where in the transfer the failure occurred. After doing some detective work I discovered that many folders and files had been copied to the J: drive that were not appearing in the Organizer catalog and consequently were not being displayed. Some folders had only a portion of their files copied. Fortunately, the files were still visible and cataloged on the C: drive. I did look at my files on the C: drive and there were some that for what ever reason had read only attributes.
The selected file, files, or folders should be copied to the specified destination. At that point they should be added to the catalog, then the files should be deleted from their original location and the catalog updated accordingly. If an original file is read only then it can't be deleted but the attempt to delete it should be reported as an inability to delete with no consequences imposed on the files that have been placed in their new location. The "problem" should not be promoted to the status of a serious or fatal error that causes only partial completion of the overall operation.
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Mar 24, 2014
How do i move a complete folder into my Mobile albums?
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Jan 29, 2013
As it does in Windows file hierarchy. also how can i create a new file/folder to put other files/folders into.
Example....move file named "red roses" into newly created file named "Flowers". There doesnt deem to be a drag n drop ability.
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Jul 29, 2011
i installed it shows up in my python i click it, it shows my brushes i choose the brushes BUT it does not load at all and i even try moved all of my brushes to another it because of the preferences?
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Jan 3, 2013
I have a folder in Lightroom 3.6 that I edited after I had already moved to LR 4. All of my actual image files are on an external hard drive. The folder of edits in question is not in my LR 4 catalog. What is the best way to move that folder with all the edits and virtual copies from 3.6 to 4 and then link the edits to the images on the external drive?
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Jun 22, 2013
I'm using Lightroom 5 and moving photos to a sub folder. Here's where I'm running into a problem:
My photos are in a folder named "to file"Inside "to file" I create a folder named "2013-05"I select some photos from "to file" and click and drag them into "2013-05"They appear in "2013-05" as expectedThe problem is, they still appear in the parent folder "to file"Â My question is, once I move photos to a sub folder how can I prevent them from appearing in the parent folder?
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Nov 4, 2013
Currently moving from pc to mac for my LR. Why do I have to move my Backup folder and how do I do this because I do not want to move all of my photos I have on my old computer?
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Aug 3, 2012
I created multiple folders under "My Lightroom Pictures." I created two separate folders titled "Herons and Egrets" (one folder misspelled "Heerons") and would like to move the single photo in one folder to the other. How do I do it?
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Mar 27, 2013
I would like to ask you some more questions.
1.When I am in the Library Mode, and on the left side, how do I move pictures from one folder to another, and how do I rename a folder?
2. How do I rename a picture?
I am watching the Adobe T.V.she doesn't pause so I can ask a question. LOL LR is harder to learn than I thought it would be but I'll get there!
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