I am proficient in Illustrator, but this has been one of a few enigmas. Every once and a while in a file, I have noticed that after deleting a color that is definitely not in use(ie there are no strokes, fills, stray paths etc) using these colors. I have made sure of it. I will delete the color from the swatches and as a final pass I like to add used colors and sure enough that color will come back. I tried making sure it's not checked global, didn't work, some I don't even think are global colors, and in fact they are generally CMYK. I often notice that Black and C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:100 don't like to delete from the swatches among some other colors when you delete unused swatches. I thought perhaps they were in guides or something but it's truly unexplainable, and generally with a fresh file if all colors are deleted it'll still leave black white and gray.
Or ways to troubleshoot better other than creating a debug file and deleting lines of code as recommended in the older forums?
Im in the process of converting a logo to spot colors. When I open the swatches panel and choose any one of the pantone books, the panel opens to what you see below. This same thing happens with all color books except for the basic illustrator books.
my problem is the color gray. the swatches that fade from white to black have a red tint to them. I tryed the color setting, to see if i can take the red tint out but it doesn't work.
my color setting is set to north america General purpose which is the defult i believe.
The color picker doesn't have gray in this setting. I do get gray when i change the setting' but no change in the grays in the swatches.
Is there a way of organizing the colours in a swatch to something other than the default.
You can delete, or add, but you can't drag them to new positions to arrange.
I'm creating some swatches of my own, but the order of the colours is not to my liking. Just can't figure out if they can be organised by Hue, Brightness etc, or moved around individually.
I've got about 250 swatches in the swatches palette that i have sampled from different images, the problem is that they aren't organised in anyway, Is there anyway that i can organise them by hue, saturation or brightness, without having to do it manually from the preset manager.
is it possible to re-order the swatches you save off? i've been saving odd swatches for ages, and as a result they're all over the place when you look at them in F6. it's not vital, but i'd kinda like to rearrange them so they're all grouped a little more sensibly : short of making a sample of each on a blank doc, deleteing them all then sampling/saving them all again in order, is it possible to edit the swatches?
I've got about 250 swatches in the swatched palette that i have sampled from different images, the problem is that they aren't organised in anyway, Is there anyway that i can organise them by hue, saturation or brightness, without having to do it manually from the preset manager.
I'm trying to share the Skintones swatch from Illustrator to Photoshop. I selected it, saved it for exchange to the desktop and hit the Load Swatches button on the swatches palette in Photoshop. I get the little spinning Vista thing but that's it. Photoshop looks for .aco and, of course, the swatches are saved as .ase. Changing the file format to include .ase doesn't seem to do anything and the swatches don't show up in the list of libraries.
Is it possible that the skintones swatch is one of the many that CS2 won't share?
I did the search and found a few posts that explained a few methods for this but the results were not exactly what I was looking for. Is it or isn't it possible to create a blank swatches table - add "only" the colors you want and be able to load that palette again as needed?
I saw a few posts that say to use the images>mode>index color route - then save as a color table. But... when you load from the swatches dialog it adds the colors from the table to the existing swatches... What I would like is have separate swatches palettes containing only the colors I saved - this would be for project work.
Where is the default color swatches file located for Photoshop CS6? I'm tired of constantly deleting dozens of useless swatches; I want Photoshop to start with a blank Swatches palette every time.
Does anyone know if there is a way to import a text file, or another type of file, into color swatches to make a custom pallet?
We have to type in over 8,000 swatches, and I was hoping there might be an easier way to do it, rather than making a new color and then making a new swatch.
I know Bruce Beard has the hair and skin tone color swatches, but I could have sworn I've seen palettes for eyes and lips, too. Anyone know of any off-hand?
I have a video rocker chair that I need to be able to change its color or its pattern depending on the fabric material I have for the chair. So I have a picture of the Chair and I have pictures of the different patterns (sports teams, hunting scenes, ect.) I would like to overlay the different patterns onto the picture of the chair while maintaining the shadows and wrinkles of the original picture of the chair. I have PhotoShop 10
For some reason, when I try to change colors anywhere (it could be the color of text, or the main foreground color) a dialog with swatches appears instead of the eyedropper tool I'm used to using in this scenario. I can't click on anything else in the screen except the options in this annoying swatches dialog.
It looks like this :
As this dialog won't tell me what the hexadecimal color values are (even when I click "Define Custom Colors"). As of right now, the project I was working on is stalled until I figure out how to make this thing go away and let me use the eyedropper tool to change the color of something.
This problem is new. I had my CS4 running since it came out and it never did this before.
When I'm painting, I create my custom color swatches it's easy to just click on the color I need and go. But, when choosing brushes, it's much more complicated.
I use several brushes, the mixer brush and the smudge tool back and forth when painting. Is there a way I can pull the various brushes, and tools into a panel like the color swatches so it's all right there and all I have to do it click and go?
When I press on the text button in cs5, windows says there's a problem and then photoshop closes. I've also noticed that any text editing options in the swatches have completely disappeared too!
when i open adobe photoshop CS3 and flash CS3 a box appears saying " licensing for this product has expired..i have tried all the solutions and are at to "reinstalling" i don't have the disc or the code.all i am worried about is getting a copy of my swatches/palettes and brushes. Is there any way of saving the swatches and/or brushes? or if i were to install the CS5 version of photoshop would it automatically convert my settings, (swatches and brushes) to the newer version?
I have been using Adobe since CS3, now using CS5. Why is there still no way to have the color swatches FILL the panel.
I rarely use more than, say, 8 to 12 colors in a document. Why can't I set the Adobe products (I mostly use Ps, Id, and Il) so that the swatches panel has no blank space. I would like to have the colors will fill the entire space with LARGER tiles/icons. I find it very frustrating to have to click on a micro-sized square to pick a color. Or, try to discern small changes in the shade between 2 colors by squinting at such a small sample (again micro-sized square).
I just started using PS (CS6) and I added 10 new custom swatches that I want to save in a new swatch library. However, I still have the PS default library of swatches listed (that contains scores of colors). Can I select multiple swatches at once to save them for the swatch library? Or do I need to delete ALL the default swatches first manually, then save the remaining colors in the new swatch library? If so, it makes it a daunting task...
I can only load some of the swatches for the color books into the swatches pallet. Most importantly I cannot load the pantone swatches. I just get a blank pallet.