Where is the default color swatches file located for Photoshop CS6? I'm tired of constantly deleting dozens of useless swatches; I want Photoshop to start with a blank Swatches palette every time.
I have a video rocker chair that I need to be able to change its color or its pattern depending on the fabric material I have for the chair. So I have a picture of the Chair and I have pictures of the different patterns (sports teams, hunting scenes, ect.) I would like to overlay the different patterns onto the picture of the chair while maintaining the shadows and wrinkles of the original picture of the chair. I have PhotoShop 10
Okay so I've just realised that my documents are CMYK and have changed the settings to RGB (File > Document color mode > RGB and from the colour fly out menu) although I notice that when I hover my mouse over the colors in the swatches panel that it shows me the CMYK values.
I am proficient in Illustrator, but this has been one of a few enigmas. Every once and a while in a file, I have noticed that after deleting a color that is definitely not in use(ie there are no strokes, fills, stray paths etc) using these colors. I have made sure of it. I will delete the color from the swatches and as a final pass I like to add used colors and sure enough that color will come back. I tried making sure it's not checked global, didn't work, some I don't even think are global colors, and in fact they are generally CMYK. I often notice that Black and C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:100 don't like to delete from the swatches among some other colors when you delete unused swatches. I thought perhaps they were in guides or something but it's truly unexplainable, and generally with a fresh file if all colors are deleted it'll still leave black white and gray.
Or ways to troubleshoot better other than creating a debug file and deleting lines of code as recommended in the older forums?
I use the Live Paint option and the Live Paint bucket often. It is really convenient to change the swatch I am using by using the left-right arrow keys to change my swatch chosen in the Swatch Palette. But in CS6, if I am doing so, and the next swatch chosen is a percentage tint of another color (for example, I have a swatch Blue, and a swatch Blue 85%, which is the Blue Swatch tinited to 85% in the color palette and then made into a saved swatch), the "select" box around the swatch disappears, and I can no longer change the swatch choice without re-clicking on it.
I can change easily between swatches that are not percentages of the original, with no problem. CS5 and all earlier versions that had this feature had no problem whatsoever.
Im in the process of converting a logo to spot colors. When I open the swatches panel and choose any one of the pantone books, the panel opens to what you see below. This same thing happens with all color books except for the basic illustrator books.
I know a while back, Photoshop was offering to save my files as JPEGs as default. But now it defaults to saving as a PSD file, and I am having some difficulty figuring out how to make it save as a JPG file instead.
OS: CS 5.1 Production Premium, Mac Adobe Photoshop 5.1
I need to change my default for bridge. When I double click a picture it doesnt drop it in photoshop instead to a paint program in my computer. How do I change the default?
I was wondering how can we change the default setting of PS.
If you go to "Blending Options" in PS and click on "Outer Glow/Inner Glow/Drop Shadow/....etc" You will see that these options have already some colors as default, means Drop shadow has black color as default and inner glow and outer glow has yellow as default.
I wanted to change these default colors to something else. Like I want to change the YELLOW color of outer and inner glow to WHITE color. Is it possible?
When I double click on a photo in Bridge CC to open it in Photoshop CC for processing, I get an error message. "Windows cannot find 'C:program filesadobeadobePhotoshop CS4 (64 bit)Photoshop.exe." Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again."
I then tried File>Open in and discovered that "Photoshop" is the default instead of Adobe Photoshop CC as the default. I can't find anything in Edit>Preferences that enables me to correct the problem.
CS4 was uninstalled years ago when I upgraded to CS5. CS5 has also been uninstalled.
I need to open a PDF file that has multiple pages. On "FileOpen" it comes up with Import PDF. There are 21 pages. I know how to highlight all the pages so they all load at once. Do to the volume of work this is impractical. Control+A will not work for this.
1. Is there a way to have "Open" select all, no matter on the number, pages into Photoshop 13.122. On "Save As" it defaults to ".psd". I want it to default to ".jpg". I'm doing several hundred plus.3. Also do not want it to ask me if “OK”, just do the save.
All I want to do is bring in the "PDF's" and brake the multiple files to a singe page ".jpg" or "PNG" file and rename the file just before the save.
I was trying to load in some tool presets for my pen tool in Photoshop. Upon doing so I noted that clicking on "Load Tool Presets..." or alternatively any of the quick jump links i.e. art history, pencil brushes, etc... Photoshop would load absolutely nothing.
Upon looking to see where Photoshop was looking for these tool presets I noticed that it was looking here:
"C:Users*********AppDataRoamingAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS6PresetsTools" instead of looking here: E:AdobeAdobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)PresetsTools --- which is where the presets are actually located.
Is there any way to change where Photoshop looks by default? How did it get set to the incorrect location in the first place.
When I click on File, Open in CS2 (it came with the computer) Pictures is always the Library that opens. Can this be changed? I have created a Library called Photography. That is where I download and store my photographs and where I work on them.
I have Windows 7 64 pro installed. Tried the CC on Windows 8 64bit pro and they didn't play well together. Windows 7 seems to work fine. Good enough. So, I have the 64 bit version of PS CC pinned to the taskbar. When I click on it, it opens right up. Then if I go to Lightroom 5 and open a file, it opens right up in Photoshop CC 64 bit. However, if PS is not open and I open a file from lightroom, Photoshop CC 32bit opens. Not what I want.
Ok, so you say go the defaults menu and change the default opening program? Doesn't work. Switches right back to CC 32bit.
Once I installed the beta of Photoshop 6, Lightroom 4 will not allow me to edit in Photoshop 5. Photoshop 6 is the default and I can't figure out how to change that.
I can, of course, uninstall the beta and the default should go back to the other installed version. But there's got to be a preference file or something similar in application support that gives the path of Photoshop to Lightroom.
The default resolution when I open a photo, is set on 72 pixels per inch. This produces a photo with not a lot of detail. I have read somewhere that it is better to work on 300 dpi.
Is this correct?
And if so, how do I change the default setting?
Or do most of you work on the 72 dpi- it is just that the image that you see in preview, does not look the same once finished.
By default Adobe Photoshop creates new layers on top of the current layer. In the Western languages we read from top to bottom and left to right. So when I start creating a web site in Photoshop I start from top to bottom as well. However Photoshop creates the new layer above the current, which is the opposite of what I would like to do. I need Photoshop to create new layers below the current layer. I know by holding CTRL/COMMAND and clicking the NEW LAYER icon, will do what I need. However if I do CTRL+J to jump/duplicate the current layer, or select a layer and ALT+DRAG again to duplicate it, again it puts the new layers in top. Is there a way to reverse the default order Photoshop places layers? If not, I suggest that to Adobe implement an option in the general settings for Photoshop. Flash for example had similar option to read/place layers from top to bottom or bottom to top.
I recently had to delete my preferences file and I had forgotten how much I had customized my Photoshop (CS5).Now, however, I can't remember how I changed some of the default settings, such as the location of brushes, gradients, patterns and shapes, that I keep in a central location. Used to be, that if I wanted to replace the brushes, It would open to this location where I actually store all my brushes, not the default location on the C drive.
I have PSCS4 and trial PSCS6. All my RAW and PSD files open by CS6 by default now. I want PS CS4 open PSD and RAW by default, as it used to, since CS6 is only trial.
I have Mac Pro, OS X 10.7.4. (Lion) I tried to change it this way:
File - Get info- Open with- change to CS4 - change all (use this application to open all documents like this one). It won't allow me, falls back to PS CS6.
I can open files by right clicking and chose PSCS4, (indicated as Adobe Photoshop CS4.app (11.0.2(11.0.2x20100519 [20100519.r.592 2010/05/19: 02:00:00:00 cutoff; r branch])) That arm long name for CS4 appeared after I installed CS6.
Is there any way to do this on Mac? I cannot find anyplace file and program associations.
My question is simply how do I change the default Save As Copy save type that Photoshop inflicts on you whenever you go to save files as .bmp, .png, etc. files?
I produce allot of images by first saving the original scan or photo as a .psd, manipulating the image, then saving as .jpg or .png for display purposes so having to delete the "copy" from my file names during a long work session gets very annoying.
I have already searched through the Preferences, checked registry file associations, studied the Preferences in Adobe Bridge + the only way I can see to fix this at the moment involves using a disassembler.