Photoshop :: Straighten Ruler Tool Putting Image Way Off Canvas
Mar 12, 2012
One of my students was using the Ruler tool to straighten an image. Her image kept flipping way off the canvas to one side, even though we checked to make sure her reference point for rotation was in the middle of the image (it was).
I can't duplicate the mistake or find any other complaints about/reference to it .
When I am trying to straighten an image with the ruler tool, I keep receiving the following error: Â Error 8800: General Photoshop error occurred. This functionality may not be available in this version of Photoshop.
- The command "Set" is not currently available.Line: 254->Â app.activeDocument.activeLayer.isBackgroundLayer = false; Â I don't understand why this isn't working because I have used this feature before.
if I use the Straighten tool (first the ruler to mark out a horizon line, then click the Straighten Layer button), Photoshop used to straighten the picture, and then automatically crop it so that none of the extra canvas shows. Â When I do that now, it just straightens it, and leaves me to manually crop the picture.
In CS6 I have an image that was scanned in and is crooked. I use the Crop tool to drag the crop marks around the portion of the image I want to keep and I press the Check mark to do the crop.
It crops the image though it does not straighten it out. In previous versions of Photoshop it use to crop and straighten the image by cropping it. How do you now use the Crop tool to straighten an image?
When I click on the straighten tool and then click on a horizontal line on my photo, as I attempt to draw the line across the photo it freezes after a fraction of an inch and rotates the photo before I've drawn the line along the horizontal feature I'm using and it's always wrong. I had this problem with my downloaded trial version of Elements 11 and it appears on the version I purchased in the store today.
According to Adobe Photoshop CS3 Classroom in a Book, there's a ruler tool hidden behind the Eyedropper tool. All I see are the Eyedropper tool, the Color sampler tool, and the Count tool.
I use the ruler tool a lot and hate the way it keeps reverting to the eye-dropper tool in the toolbar all the time! Is there a way to stop this from happening? If you use the ruler tool, then some other tools all seems okay until you save the image - at that point the ruler is replaced with the default eye-dropper tool. Therefore if you want to use it again you have to select it again which is a pain. Most tools seem to stay as they are when saving except the ruler. This was the same in CS3 by the way. I was hoping this might have been fixed in CS4. I'm using CS4ext in Vista Business.
I need to show specific ratios on the image, e.g., this distance is to this as that is to that. A measuring tool that works in pixels is pretty cumbersome. IS it possible to re-calibrate the ruler tool to measure in millimeters, centimeters, etc.? Pixels don't really make it for me. It seems like an obvious choice, but I can't figure out how to do it.
The problem with the ruler tool is that when I select another tool the former DOES not stay visible. something I need. Â For example, I make a measurement with the ruler tool, then select the move tool and the mesurement made dissapears from the document
I just got CS5.1 at my job. This must be a preference, but when I adjust the Canvas size, it will constrain the image, rather than cropping the canvas. The Anchor in the Canvas Size menu appears outlined (highlighted?) which indicates that this is something in preferences that I can adjust.
I like the features built into the crop tool since CS6, but I have one major issue which I can’t seem to find any comment or resolution on. Basically, if I rotate an image using the crop tool, I find horizontal and vertical lines tend to be jagged, as if very rough anti-aliasing had been applied.  If I rotate the same image using the ruler tool, vertical and horizontal lines appear smooth and correct. They actually appear straight, not jagged.The result is I have to leave the crop tool, jump into the ruler tool, make my rotation (which is nearly always bringing a vertical or horizontal back to true), then back to the crop tool.   It first appeared in CS6, and now I’m using CC it’s just the same. Is there a fix, am I doing something wrong?
You can easily fix crooked photos, zoom and crop with the fill tool.
The first step is to make sure you have the rulers enabled (window>bars>rulers) then click and drag a horizontal guideline from the ruler.
Select your photo and select the fill tool, you will see that your photo is actually a vector shape with a bitmap fill. Click and drag the outer fill handles to enlarge (zoom) the bitmap within the shape and rotate as needed to straighten the image. Move the cursor over the line of the fil handles until it changes to a hand then click and drag the photo around to adjust it's position within the shape.
I have a large number of RAW photos from a Canon 7D which are destined for use in a Premiere Pro CS6 project.
I want to crop each of them to the preset 16x9 1920 x 1080.
What I would like to happen is that when I open the photo in the develop module and press the R button to open the Crop and Straighten tool, that the Aspect 16X9 crop overlay is selected be default, rather then the "original".
This would save me a lot of mouse clicks...
Or perhaps it's possible to assign a keyboard shortcut to that particular aspect so I can press R and then something else?
I have created a custom measurement tool to measure distances (captured from sattelite imagery, and using the distance key as the guide) and it works great. However, I would like to be able to use the same tool to measure curves/radiuses. Say for instance a mountain road. I know the scale of the photo, and can measure any straight (line) angle, but can I do the same for a curve or radius using the same scale?
When in Edit mode and I click Straighten tool or Clone, say, the there is no windows dialogue box to say select horizontal or vertical correction or even the tick to apply. Where has it disappeared to? How do I restore it?
I frequently use a flatbed scanner to capture images of them. I normally import the scan into Photoshop and tweak it before saving.
I'd like to also be able to easily put a ruler in the scanned image to show the size of the item scanned. A layer that was transparent except for a ruler that ran along the sides and top of the image would be perfect. Can I create such an image and then paste it on top of each scanned image?
Is there an easier way to do what I want to do? Maybe something already in Photoshop, or some kind of plug-in?
Photoshop CS6 (reinstalled fresh today from Creative cloud) Mac OSX 10.8.2 Macbook Pro Fontcase 2.1.1 Â it is putting all punctuation at the start of the sentence. Â Example i want to type
What i get is: (exclamation mark at the start of the sentance) Â So far I have:
Reinstalled photoshop Changed the language prefs from East Asian and Middle Eastern (both give the same result) Trashed all my prefs Checked other apps (all fine) Used different typefaces (all act the same)
I am trying to start a whole new image and I want another image I have in My Pictures to be in my brand new image. The problem is, I do not know how to put that old image in my new one.
I am scanning a large image and I need to color manage the image as a whole. After putting all of these pieces together on a new window, how do make it possible to color manage the entire piece as a whole.... it needs levels and curves. If I do each piece separately, they will all be different.
I'm thinking that if I flatten the image, it will work? I don't know.
I used to use an image editor software (can't remember the name) that had an auto-straighten feature. Basically you could drag a line onto the image, and "draw" it along the correct angle of the image. Then the software would rotate the image just enough to make that line look completely horizontal.
Is there any way to do this in Paint.Net? Maybe with an Add-in? I loved that feature, and I find the layers rotate dialog box to be annoying to use.
I cannot seem to find a very basic tutorial on layering I am not even sure if thats the correct term for it but...anyways this is what I would like to accomplish:
Take an image and paste in onto my own background.
ie. a sheep as the image ...back ground a lake or pond(marsh)....I would like to take him out of his original picture and make it look like he is stading in a river or pond or whatever.