Paint Shop Pro :: Disappearing Support Options / Straighten Tool
Feb 18, 2012
When in Edit mode and I click Straighten tool or Clone, say, the there is no windows dialogue box to say select horizontal or vertical correction or even the tick to apply. Where has it disappeared to? How do I restore it?
The Tool Options Palette which normally resides in one of the bars along the top of the screen in the Edit Mode becomes detached. Basically undocked and positions itself somewhere else.I can drag and move it around but I cannot reattach it. It appears like a separate tool bar or palette in that it has its own status or title line across the top with the X to close at the right edge.
It responds normally as to all of the tools on it which correspond to the specific tool selected. The palette floats on top of the screen so finding a place to put it where it will not intrude on the image or other pallets or tool bars is a challenge. When the palette becomes detached like this, the line where it had resided above the work area no longer exists.
I don't recall conducting any particular task or operation which caused this to happen. I just noticed that it was no longer in its place and was now floating in a spot on the right side of the screen.
I cannot seem to find the clone tool options in the EDIT TAB. I have used PSP from version 7 through version X2. Normally when you click on the clone tool a series of options appear in the upper left hand corner near the pull down menus. One of the options is the ability to adjsut the size of the clone tool. These tool adjustment options are missing in version X4. Interestingly, the tool options are available in the Adjust tab.
if I use the Straighten tool (first the ruler to mark out a horizon line, then click the Straighten Layer button), Photoshop used to straighten the picture, and then automatically crop it so that none of the extra canvas shows.
When I do that now, it just straightens it, and leaves me to manually crop the picture.
In a seemingly random way, files occasionally just show up corrupted (thumbnail is white with an X in the center) and no longer open. Image info still shows up but the image is corrupted or lost. I do not have the Preserve feature (or whatever it's called) active, as it didn't seem to have an option to select where the preserved files are stored, and I don't want hundreds of MBs of image files to be stored by default on my small SSD C: drive, where my operating system is installed. There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to why these files disappear. I can not professionally trust a program that exhibits this behavior. Must I now store duplicate file sets, to be drawn from should X4 decide to corrupt my working files at random?
Has native scanner support for 64-bit Windows been added to X4, or is it still necessary to purchase a 3rd-party driver (VueScan)? I ask because my copy of X3 is sitting on the shelf unused due to lack of scanner support, however Photoshop Elements 8 is working with the Canon scanner with no issues. It is time to upgrade one of these products and lack of scanner support is a deal breaker for me.
know if X4 will or does support the RAW files of the Canon 5d Mark3? It's a new camera, and DPP (Canon's own software) is having difficulty processing RAW (Image Softness) from the mk3.
I just finished making sure all 4 published patches were applied to my copy of Corel PaintShop Photo Pro X3. The Nikon D40X is in the supported camera list. When I try to open a NEF file I took today I get the following error: "An error has occurred while trying to read from the file." What am I missing?
I purchased the upgrade to PaintShop Pro X6 Ultimate which includes FaceFilter3 Standard.
When I try to install FaceFilter3 Standard I get the following message after which the installation terminates:
FaceFilter v3.02 Standard does not support Virtual Machine installation. Setup program will now terminate.
I am installing on a Windows 8 Professional Platform with Hyper-V Enabled, but I am not installing on a guest machine. The installation is on the host.
I don't know if it is obvious but I couldn't see this shortcut in the Paintshop X4 User Guide. So, I am sharing:
By pressing "shift + a" will make "manage/adjust/edit" tabs disappear. To show the tabs, it is just necessary to press "shift + a" again. It will give more workspace. This feature just works when you are in "edit" tab. In the other tabs none happens.
X4 SP2 is supposed to add RAW support for the Canon S100 and Panasonic FZ150 cameras (I own both.) However, after installing SP2 neither of these RAW file formats can be edited. I tried dumping the Temp folder, but no joy. I tried calling Tech. Support and all I get is "Tech Support is not Available at this time." In the middle of the work day?! The About popup says I'm running Ver. I'm not sure the update has taken.
When I click the resize option the box opens with no writing. This has only started in the last few days, was working perfectly a week ago. Windows 7 64 bit. All other funtions are working as far as I can tell
i have x3 (and x4) and have been using the 'pastel' art media effect to create some artwork .. however when i have gone back to do another one there is now only the options:
Black Pencil Brush Strokes Charcoal Coloured Chalk Colored Pencil Pencil
why the other art media effects all disappeared (pastel, palette knife etc) and how i can get them back?
In PSP X2, the menu options went suddenly missing.
I can see the Menu Bar (File, View, Effects, etc.). However, when I click on, say, File, I can see the drop-down options, but none of the options expand into their sub-menus. All I see is a grey box where the options should be.
I just now was able to reinstall PSP X2 after many months of problems due to the usual "illegally modified" message. It's very frustrating to say the least.
in PSP X3 I got several options when I selected the crop function. I saw and could change the count of pixels in X and Y direction and so on. All this options have gone in PSP X4. Or is there a setting I have to change?
It seems I can either save work at a lower quality jpeg, or export to get higher quality and lose the EXIF. I never want to use the lower quality, never, but I cannot seem to find anything in the Preferences to avoid having to manually set the quality. Is there a way to save at a higher quality than currently provided by PSP X4 by default?
I'm using PSP X4, have an image open in edit but I'm not able to add any layer(s). None of the layer type options will remain highlighted for me to choose when I go to new mask layer or new adjustment layer.
When I click on the makeup tools in version X6 – 64-bit it brings up 5 separate tools. I can find no options for the suntan or thinner tool although its states clearly in the user manual and other functions that there should be size and strength options. I have checked this forum and there are some posts that say there is no strength option for the suntan tool, however this is not what the user manual states. Is the user manual and the help function incorrect and if not, how do I bring up these options?
You can easily fix crooked photos, zoom and crop with the fill tool.
The first step is to make sure you have the rulers enabled (window>bars>rulers) then click and drag a horizontal guideline from the ruler.
Select your photo and select the fill tool, you will see that your photo is actually a vector shape with a bitmap fill. Click and drag the outer fill handles to enlarge (zoom) the bitmap within the shape and rotate as needed to straighten the image. Move the cursor over the line of the fil handles until it changes to a hand then click and drag the photo around to adjust it's position within the shape.
When I click on the straighten tool and then click on a horizontal line on my photo, as I attempt to draw the line across the photo it freezes after a fraction of an inch and rotates the photo before I've drawn the line along the horizontal feature I'm using and it's always wrong. I had this problem with my downloaded trial version of Elements 11 and it appears on the version I purchased in the store today.
I have a large number of RAW photos from a Canon 7D which are destined for use in a Premiere Pro CS6 project.
I want to crop each of them to the preset 16x9 1920 x 1080.
What I would like to happen is that when I open the photo in the develop module and press the R button to open the Crop and Straighten tool, that the Aspect 16X9 crop overlay is selected be default, rather then the "original".
This would save me a lot of mouse clicks...
Or perhaps it's possible to assign a keyboard shortcut to that particular aspect so I can press R and then something else?
I'm having an infuriating problem with the crop tool. I click on the side bar to crop an image, set the ratio, then left click and hold on the image to either move the selection or expand/contract it and PSP crops the image before I can do anything.
I have the latest updates for PSPx5 running on Windows 8 64 bit. Every time I draw a line with the pen tool with "Create as Vector" unchecked, the program crashes.
I am trying to get to grips with the pen tool and I have a problem I cant get past. I create on object using the pen tool and then use the pick tool as I want to do a specific rotation buy a certain number of degrees. But I need to move the rotation point. I click on Ctrl and then the rotation point and move it to another location. Now if I want to rotate by hand or 15 degree increment then no problem.
But if I wish to rotate by say 20 degrees then I can only use the Image Free rotate but for some reason it rotates object by the center of the object and just ignores its new rotation point. I just cant see why?
In CS6 I have an image that was scanned in and is crooked. I use the Crop tool to drag the crop marks around the portion of the image I want to keep and I press the Check mark to do the crop.
It crops the image though it does not straighten it out. In previous versions of Photoshop it use to crop and straighten the image by cropping it. How do you now use the Crop tool to straighten an image?