Paint Shop Pro :: X4 / Support RAW Files Of Canon 5D Mark3
Mar 25, 2012
know if X4 will or does support the RAW files of the Canon 5d Mark3? It's a new camera, and DPP (Canon's own software) is having difficulty processing RAW (Image Softness) from the mk3.
X4 SP2 is supposed to add RAW support for the Canon S100 and Panasonic FZ150 cameras (I own both.) However, after installing SP2 neither of these RAW file formats can be edited. I tried dumping the Temp folder, but no joy. I tried calling Tech. Support and all I get is "Tech Support is not Available at this time." In the middle of the work day?! The About popup says I'm running Ver. I'm not sure the update has taken.
have PSP X4. RAW files from my new G15 have colors totally scrambled so I suspect yet another rev of Canon's CR2 format. See CR2 & JPG thumbnails, attached.
Satisfied with X4 and rather not upgrade now. Have installed Canon's "Digital Photo Professional" which correctly reads the CR2s. Rather work in PSP; Canon's app can save RAW as
Exif-TIFF 8bit TIFF 16bit and both in combo with Exif-JPEG
will TIFF 16 bit preserve the RAW data and then I could edit in PSP? Other alternatives?
Has native scanner support for 64-bit Windows been added to X4, or is it still necessary to purchase a 3rd-party driver (VueScan)? I ask because my copy of X3 is sitting on the shelf unused due to lack of scanner support, however Photoshop Elements 8 is working with the Canon scanner with no issues. It is time to upgrade one of these products and lack of scanner support is a deal breaker for me.
I just finished making sure all 4 published patches were applied to my copy of Corel PaintShop Photo Pro X3. The Nikon D40X is in the supported camera list. When I try to open a NEF file I took today I get the following error: "An error has occurred while trying to read from the file." What am I missing?
I purchased the upgrade to PaintShop Pro X6 Ultimate which includes FaceFilter3 Standard.
When I try to install FaceFilter3 Standard I get the following message after which the installation terminates:
FaceFilter v3.02 Standard does not support Virtual Machine installation. Setup program will now terminate.
I am installing on a Windows 8 Professional Platform with Hyper-V Enabled, but I am not installing on a guest machine. The installation is on the host.
I shoot with the Canon 40D. The Raw processor in PSPX4 is showing an anomaly when converting my 40D files raw files. When I initially load raw images, and when the image is displayed, it is shown at one setting. Then in 3 seconds, its updated again showing a 1 stop darker, desaturated and less sharper image. Each time I click on another image on the bottom column, same thing. The new image is displayed, then 3 seconds later the same thing happens. There is a noticable difference when I view the same photo in Canon DPP. The PSPX4 Raw File just looks terrible. This does not happen when I edit a JPEG that has already been converted.
How do I stop PSP4X Raw from doing the second update?
When in Edit mode and I click Straighten tool or Clone, say, the there is no windows dialogue box to say select horizontal or vertical correction or even the tick to apply. Where has it disappeared to? How do I restore it?
I am running into an issue trying to complete processing of some images. I have converted a Canon CR2 raw file to TIFF, then opened into PSP X4. Now I wish to save as a JPG file. I've flattened & converted to 8-bit RGB. When I go to save it pops up an error stating: "An error has occurred while trying to write to the file". I can save the TIFFs, I can save to PNG, PSP, BMP, and presumably everything else. All except JPG--which is of course what is required. I can create an image from scratch and save to JPG. I've tried simply copying the image and pasting to a new image, then saving with the same error. Same with opening the PSP image back up & trying to save as JPG. I am updated to the latest patch just released.
I'm using Paint Pro X5 and I have a Canon MX700 printer. The colors from my PaintShop pics are awful when I print them. They don't look anything like the picture in PaintShop. Is there a way or a software program I can use to calibrate the colors between PaintShop and my printer so what I print looks like what's on my PaintShop screen?
Is there an easy way (program) to prevent duplicate file names when transferring pics via card readers from multiple Canon EOS devices which all have the same filename format "IMG-xxxx". Specifying downloads to a dated folder name exacerbates the problem when combining the pics into a common folder at a later time. We have been manually renaming but this is becoming burdensome. Was wondering if PSP X4 has a front end downloading program that could handle this.
Paint Shop Pro X2 ver. 12.01 Canon CanoScan LiDE 700F with latest drivers ver. Windows 7 64 bit
I have one administrator account and two users accounts (user A and user B) with the same priviledges
The Problem:I can use my scanner smoothly if I log in as either administrator and user A, conversely when I log in as user B PSP tells me "no scanner found".If I log in as user B and run PSP as administrator the scanner is recognized and works properly.When the scanner works, inside PSP - File - Import - Twain origin I see the following window
TWAIN OK Twain_ok.JPG (17.61 KiB) Viewed 570 times
I just bought a Canon Pixma ip4920 printer, and I use Paint Shop Pro X4 - the problem i'm having is that what I see on scrren and what I get when printing a picture are totally different. My computer is a Dell Inspiron laptop. How to calibrating the colors to match?
I have LR 4 and now I have bought a Canon 70D. Lightroom said it was unable to interpret the RAW files and directed me to get an update. I have updated to 4.4 and still have the same problem. How can I get my RAW files into Lightroom 4?
Does LR 3.6 support the new Canon 5D Mark III camera? LR4 should. I don't care if the camera metadata is in LR or not. I just want to process the Mark III images in LR3.6. Can't upgrade to LR 4 because it is only 64 bit.
The Coreldraw Graphics Suite X5 is my first foray into this product since version 3 (way back when). PhotoPaint supports CR2 files.
Except that in my case it doesn't do so consistently. Files from my Canon 5D MkII occasionally open fine (just this evening, I started getting a problem withe these as well), but 7D files consistently crash the program and I have to exit.
I have SP3 installed.
This machine is a 6-month old 64-bit HP desktop (AMD multi-core processor) with 8 GB of RAM. Photoshop, Lightroom, Painter 12, and PSP X4 work without incident and open all supported files smoothly.
Just got my new Canon SX50HS camera. Looks like PSE 11 raw does'nt support it. How long does it normaly take after a camera is available to the public for Adobe to include it in its list? Where do I have to ask Adobe about that situation ?
I downloaded and installed LR 4.3 update to my Mac running OS X 10.8.2. I have no problem importing the RAWs from my Canon 6D by plugging in the SD card into the SD card slot in my MacBook Pro.However it appears that when I try to start tethered capture in LR, my camera keeps saying that it's "BUSY" and won't work at all.I was just wondering does this mean that tethered capture for Canon 6D is not supported in LR 4.3?
I have CDGSX4. I've been trying to edit some of my Canon Raw (CR2) files. However I get this purplish haze covering my images I think it has to do with the Raw File driver. I've noticed this with PSPX4 and also the trial version of CDGSX6.
When, oh when, will I be able to access lens profiles for Canon 5D mark 3 in CS6. there is an update due soon (and not interested in making my own for a mainstream camera!!)
I understand you cant tag Raw Files . But tags have been put on some raw files on one particular date, the tags are incorrect tags but when i try and remve tags it says the software doesnt support it.
When I installed PaintShop Pro X5, I listed the associated files (all of them). Now, when I go to the associated files, I cannot change the list (one or the total list). I check the boxes, but nothing changes. so I can change these associated files.